Projects for Peace Process Book

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Puerto Rico


Sri Lanka






OUR PHILOSOPHY The world is a much smaller place than it used to be, and we find ourselves more and more connected to each other. As a result, the wellspring of compassion and generosity within us possesses an expanded potential to touch others. At the same time, the compassion and generosity of others comes closer and closer to within our own reach. As designers, we have the ability to cultivate the best aspects of this interconnectedness. We can create conditions that are conducive to a reinforcing tide of peace and wellbeing between people. Our class of interdisciplinary designers have had the honor of applying our skillsets to enhance the lives of others around the world. What you’ll find in the coming pages is our path of discovery. We’ve learned about people living courageously in the face of difficult challenges, and befriended organizations committed to creating a better world for all. We’ve been humbled by this opportunity. We’ve learned about the strength of the human spirit when confronted with hardship, and we stand eager to help weave peace further into the fabric of the lives of those we hope to learn from.



Scott Boylston

Valerie NuĂąez

Tayla Ederesinghe

Connelly Morris

Professor Design for Sustainability

Service Design, Industrial Design Caracas, Venezuela

Advertising Milwaukee, MI

UX Design Cuba, NY

Emma Walls

Carmen Ponce

Sarika Sajja

Bianca Rivera

Advertising Hilton Head Island, SC

Fashion Marketing Quito, Ecuador

Service Design Charlotte, NC

Service Design San Juan, Puerto Rico

Chris Feliciano

Anna Frederikse

Tiffany Connelly

Julie Kim

UX Design Aguada, Puerto Rico

UX Design Maplewood, NJ

Illustration Dallas, TX

Interior Design Seoul, South Korea


In Memoriam to Kathryn Davis Davis challenged today’s students, whom she referred to as “the real movers and shakers,” to do what previous generations could not—to work effectively toward lasting peace in the world. “There will always be conflict,” she noted. “But I’ll remind you that love, kindness, and support are also part of human nature. My challenge to you is to bring about a mindset of preparing for peace instead of preparing for war.

Opportunity Landscape Projects for Peace is an initiative to design grassroots projects for the summer of 2019, anywhere in the world,which promote peace and address the root causes of conflict among parties. We encourage applicants to use their creativity to design projects and employ innovative techniques for engaging project participants in ways that focus on conflict resolution, reconciliation, building understanding and breaking down barriers which cause conflict, and finding solutions for resolving conflict and maintaining peace.


SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and into the future. At its heart are the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are an urgent call for action by all countries developed and developing - in a global partnership. They recognize that ending poverty and other deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur economic growth – all while tackling climate change and working to preserve our oceans and forests.




3 TEAMS The Davis Projects for Peace organization encourages participating schools to divide large classes into groups of three to four students. Starting Fall Quarter of 2018, the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) selected eleven students to take part in the Projects for Peace grant that will be implemented in Summer of 2019.






TEAM PHILOSOPHY Our team aims to research a problem, understand its root cause, and take it into the perspectives of multiple sources to ideate a solution that is part of our continuous curriculum as designers. We believe there is an inconsistency in awareness, a deep understanding of root causes, and including others to participate in their ability to help themselves. Through the Davis Projects for Peace, we will work towards creating sustainable solutions within our own community in Savannah, Georgia.



INSPIRATION We began our research by analyzing the SDG’s and discussing what social issues our team members were most passionate about. Based on our discussions and experiences, we determined that we would develop our project around SDG 5: Gender Equality.

SDG CASE STUDIES Next, our team analyzed programs within nonprofit organizations and examined what approaches and impacts were important to the team. After collecting and organizing this information, we concluded that our team was interested in creating a local project that had an immediate impact on the community.



Location: Savannah From our initial research, our team expressed a strong desire to work locally within Savannah, Georgia. The presence of SCAD in Savannah has promoted a thriving arts community with the establishment of various art museums, galleries, and artists, providing a strong basis for working in the area. This, coupled with our familiarity with the city and the ease of travel, strengthened our desire to make a meaningful contribution to our community.

Root Causes Although Savannah is known as a quaint, artsy city and popular tourist destination, the issue of domestic violence affects many citizens. In 2017, the Savannah Police Department received 4,117 domestic disturbance calls and reported 883 victims of domestic violence in Savannah.



Root Causes Structural barriers such as poverty, low educational attainment, and lack of access to information make escaping violence more difficult as these barriers limit women’s knowledge of available resources and their abilities to be financially independent. Research also indicates that violence in the home can increase the likelihood of child maltreatment and that 29% of Georgia children witnessed intimate partner violence.

Utilizing the existing arts community and resources in Savannah, we want to transform public perceptions, educate people, and inspire locals to act and be part of the solution to decrease violence against women and children.



RESEARCH Upon determining our scope, we began exploring different possibilities for our concept. Through primary and secondary research, we were able to gain major insights that served as a framework for our design process.




Secondary: NGOs Initially, we researched a multitude of organizations that we could possibly work with for our project. We wanted to partner with groups that had similar visions for helping Savannah and were open to creative solutions. Our group identified NGO’s that utilized art has a tool for social change and examined specific case studies to better inform our project.



Secondary: Artworks for Freedom

OVERVIEW ArtWorks for Freedom uses the power of art to raise awareness about modern-day slavery and human trafficking. They galvanize community-based awareness and public education campaigns that combine exhibits, performances, and lectures to empower individuals and communities to be part of the solution.

OUTPUTS “Bought & Sold: Voices of Human Trafficking,� by Kay Chernush featured in the Great Hall of the transportation epicenter.

OUTCOMES The use of a credible guest speaker during the opening reception, the prime location of the exhibit, and the calls to action that were included throughout the installation.



Primary: Interviews Throughout the quarter, our team interviewed leaders in the Savannah community to gain further understanding of specific issues within Savannah and their root causes. These interviews gave our team a better understanding of the key issues in Savannah and allowed us to understand the various opportunities to begin developing potential concepts.

“Victim backgrounds are so varied, and with respect to domestic violence, it’s a silent issue.”

“Sometimes, you gotta start with raising awareness, and then you have to let people ask themselves, ‘What can I do? How do I do it? Who do I ally myself with?’

Cheryl Branch Krista Harberson Advisor of SCAD’s Women’s

“Many of [these people] have been promised services their entire lives, and have been let down, so they’ve been real reluctant to trust.” Julie Wade Executive Director of Park Place Outreach SAVANNAH


IDEATION After conducting primary and secondary research, our team developed two potential concepts for projects that could be implemented in Savannah. Both of the concepts emphasized the importance of including women who had been affected by domestic violence.



Concept 1 The first concept was introducing technical and vocational skills training into existing shelters and programs to ensure women had the skills to enter the workforce.




• give women access to

• providing a direct gateway

• survivors become

learning opportunities

to job opportunities

• train individuals to enter

• providing technical for

the workforce

future careers • reconnecting with society

employed and financially independent



Concept 2 The second concept was utilizing art to raise awareness about domestic abuse within Savannah.




• educating the public

• providing the public with

• survivor Empowerment

• promoting appropriate resources • eliciting empathy for victims

information and solutions • providing a voice for survivors • improving outreach

• increase awareness of organizations of issues • increased involvement with Savannah NGO’s

“Bought & Sold: Voices of Human Trafficking” on display as part of “Protecting Innocence,” an exhibit co-presented by Luz Art Los Angeles and the International Fine Art Fund.

“Bought & Sold: Voices of Human Trafficking” hosted outside the Chazen Museum of Art.



FINAL CONCEPT Our project will design and execute a holistic art installation experience in Savannah, Georgia focused on domestic violence to raise awareness within our community, promote existing resources for vulnerable populations, and engage survivors in the creation of the exhibit.



Description The conceptualization and creation of the installation will be curated by survivors of domestic abuse to authentically reflect their experiences and voices. The inclusion of survivors in the execution intends to remove the stigmatization that many victims face and empower and amplify the existing talents, skill sets, and voices. Furthermore, we will incorporate programming consisting of hosting an opening reception, running a series of workshops, and inviting guest speakers to enrich the overall experience as well as a way to connect the various organizations within Savannah. Finally, we will digitally document the creation and execution of the exhibit so that it will exist in online spaces after the art installation is taken down and so we can compile a comprehensive guide of how this event can be hosted by other organizations in the future.



NGO Partnership Our group will partner both with Park Place Outreach and SAFE Shelter for the execution of our project.



Park Place Outreach Park Place Outreach, Inc. is a twelve-bed Emergency Shelter that provides separate bedrooms and bathroom for males and females between the ages of 11 - 17. The newly remodeled youth emergency shelter is a safe environment to the most vulnerable youth in our community.

Exterior of the Park Place Outreach house.

Park Place Outreach advertisement displayed on Chatham Area Transit bus signs



Street Outreach Program

• 24 Hour Crisis Line

designed to prevent sexual abuse & exploitation of young people

• Individual, Family, & Group Counseling • After School Tutoring & Drop-In Center • Weekly Life Skill Groups • 3 Meals & 3 Snacks Daily • Runaway Prevention Programs



SAFE Shelter Since 1979, SAFE Shelter has been Savannah’s only shelter dedicated to victims of intimate partner violence and their underage children. Open 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, the Shelter provides safe, confidential services to all victims of domestic violence.

Staged by SAFE Shelter Center for Domestic Violence Services, the Silent Witness exhibit is a mobile installation that is meant to be a powerful reminder of vibrant lives cut short and the secret abuses that could be happening behind the doors of family, neighbors, and friends.



Safe Shelter House

• 24 Hr Domestic Violence Hotline

offers confidential, secure, temporary housing for women and children that are victims of domestic violence and provides shelter for men in need of safe temporary housing at an alternate location

• Follow-Up/After-Care Program • Community Education • Outreach Program/Legal Advocacy

Camp R.O.C.K. camp for children ages 5 - 17 who have been directly affected by domestic violence



Mission Through our research and interviews with community leaders, our team believes there is an opportunity to utilize our respective skills sets as interior designers, user experience designers, and illustrators to use art as a tool to raise awareness and challenge public perceptions about domestic violence existing in our own community. Ultimately, we aim to use installation art to move art into the public space so that those who don’t usually frequent galleries could encounter it, which mirrors our main objective of bringing the usually private issue of domestic violence into the public sphere.

Objectives • empower survivors and engage the local community through the power of art • bring the typically private subject of domestic abuse into the public sphere to encourage discussion and shift public perceptions of the people who are affected in our community • build a foundation for the organization’s future design, development, and execution of innovative solutions for those at risk for domestic abuse • utilize art as a means of social change to transform public perceptions • educate individuals, communities and policymakers, and inspire action to be part of the solution to this growing issue





Outputs Through our partnerships with SAFE Shelter and Park Place Outreach we will: • create an art installation that will feature artwork, photography, and writing that is created by individuals who have been affected by domestic abuse • involve survivors of domestic abuse in the conceptualization and creation to authentically reflect their experiences and voices • collaborate with our partner NGO’s to coordinate programming that promotes existing organizations and resources and serves as a foundation for collaboration between nonprofit organizations that will promote future partnerships • host a reception on the opening night that includes a guest speaker and honors the individuals that contributed to the installation

• organize the installation along the same timeline as Art March in the Starland District • create an advertising campaign that includes social media content and paper flyers to promote the event to locals • digitally document the exhibit so that it will exist in online spaces after the art installation is taken down • digitally document the exhibit to create a guide so it can be hosted by other non-profit organizations in the future • donate all furniture and extra materials used in the creation of the installation to our partner organizations



Outcomes Advocacy/Policy: • number of new advocates recruited • number of audience members willing to take action on behalf of a specific issue • number of new champions or stakeholders recruited • number of demonstration project or pilot sites • total revenue earned to support advocacy efforts


Arts & Culture:

• number of clients reporting increased knowledge after educational programs

• number of times program is reimplemented

• number of individuals enrolled in NGO’s programs

• total number of works developed

• number of participants reporting greater awareness of issues

• average dollar price of tickets for guided tours • total number of admissions

• number of events held to further mission

• total number of works in the collection

• number of attendees present at event






Visualizations Our team created a user journey map to help conceptualize and visualize the experience a visitor would have when they traveled through the installation. When viewers go through the installation, they will experience many emotions and come to understand the survivors’ stories and testimonies about the abuse they experienced within their home, ideally evoking a call to action and an understanding for what the survivors have gone through.




INSTALLATION The art installation is set up like a dimly lit home, meant to create an unsettling aura, yet allow the viewer to interpret the space as a regular house.



Survivor’s stories will be displayed throughout the rooms, on furniture, walls, etc. respective to their medium.



Light is a central theme to the display and will direct guests’ path throughout the installation.



Many stories will be displayed in boxes on walls that require guests to get close in order to read them

The final room will be illuminated with mirrors and lights to evoke a sense of warmth and hope - guests are encouraged to interact with each other and the NGO representatives that will be present. SAVANNAH


Mockups ADVERTISING Using our branding imagery for the event, we will develop a Facebook page that displays all information relating to the installation and workshops for the program.



Implementation This art installation will be implemented in a series of phases.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

P re p a r a t i o n

Tr i a l

E xe c u t i o n

4 weeks

4 weeks

2 weeks

• reserve gallery space through Sulfur Studios for dates in concurrence with Art March • m e e t w i t h S A F E S h e l t e r a n d Pa r k P l a c e Outreach to organize meetings with i n d i v i d u a l s w h o h av e b e e n a f f e c t e d b y domestic abuse • prepare guidelines and prompts for art and writing submissions

• set up a trial version of the installation

• launch the opening reception and installation in concurrence with Art March

• receive feedback from individuals who contributed to the installation as well as our partner organizations

• digitally document the installation for PR and archival purposes

• b e g i n p r i n t i n g o u t a n d d i s p l ay i n g advertising materials

• ongoing workshops with SAFE Shelter and Pa r k P l a c e O u t r e a c h

• p l a n o u t p r o g ra m m i n g a n d o p e n i n g reception details

• closing reception honoring contributors

• meet with survivors of domestic abuse • order materials and furniture that will be included in the installation • dinner for building professional r e l a t i o n s h i p s b e t w e e n N G O’ s a n d s t a ke h o l d e r s



IMPACT Our project is a result of working closely with survivors of domestic violence - to understand their situations, their struggles, and to help them share their stories as a method of coping and spreading awareness of this issue. We want the community in Savannah to recognize domestic violence not as a symptom that one demographic faces, but as a pervasive and non-discriminatory matter that can occur anywhere.

This process of providing survivors of domestic violence with the tools to express their stories can be applied outside of the community in Savannah. We hope for this project to become a program that can be implemented with all nonprofits dedicated to addressing domestic violence. We believe that bringing this hidden subject into the public sphere as an art installation will ignite change, altering the stigma of discussion and mobilizing the community, while providing survivors with the opportunity to lead the dialogue.


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TEAM PHILOSOPHY We aim to empower and serve people through inclusive design, creative problem solving and sustainable solutions. With varied backgrounds, we have a global perspective on opportunities to serve others and are looking to do so through the Davis Projects for Peace. In this project, we will work towards creating lasting impacts on communities through a human-centered approach.



INSPIRATION We began our research by studying the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that each member of our group felt connected to and passionate about. We then explored case studies related to those SDGs and analyzed them based on trends to understand our team’s interests. Most of our case studies targeted SDG #2: Zero Hunger, SDG #5: Gender Equality, and SDG #8: Decent Work and Economic Growth. These are areas that our team wanted to explore in our final concept, and where we felt that our expertise could be used to create a lasting impact into the community that our project would affect.

SDG CASE STUDIES We discovered that our interests focused on more long-term and sustainable solutions, and we gained some insight into different areas we could focus our energy into through our primary research.

Through affinitization, we clustered our case studies and were able to pinpoint similarities between them.



Location: Savannah Our team decided to have our project take place in Puerto Rico. This was because of factors including the opportunity for the island to rebuild post-Hurricane María, its status as a U.S. territory, its proximity to the U.S. mainland, our team’s cultural exposure to the island, and the group’s language skills.

Root Causes Puerto Rico’s current economy is based on industrialization, which has caused an increase in unemployment and the cost of living. This has caused the island and its people to rely heavily on imported goods from the United States, which accounts for about 85% of the island’s consumption. As the heads of households, women typically bare the responsibility of feeding their families, leading them to be directly impacted by the scarcity of food available. Women around the island are dealing with the burden of not only providing for themselves, but for their whole families.



Root Causes: Hurricane Maria Hurricane María hit Puerto Rico in September 2017 as a Category 4 storm that devastated approximately 80% of all the island’s crops. This hurricane caused $94 billion in damage and worsened Puerto Rico’s dependency on the US for major resources like food.

The devastation of this massive hurricane had overwhelming impacts on those that were already bearing the brunt of responsibilities for their families: women. Thousands of peoples’ lives changed overnight, and the new reality of their lives included waiting for hours in line for basic necessities to survive, living in an island turned dark, and having children to feed.

Victims of Hurricane Maria often found themselves in life threatening situations for the first two weeks.



RESEARCH After deciding our location, we delved into indentifying the struggle Puerto Ricans face as they rebuild from a disaster. Through in-depth research, we were able to empathize with their struggles and shape our project according to their needs.



Secondary: NGOs We began researching 40 NGOs from around the world. Through an extensive affinitization process, we narrowed them down to 10 before reaching our final choices based on our interests and selected location.



Secondary: Case Study in Puerto Rico



This organization provides emergency shelter for women in imminent danger of violence, and provides aid to those without basic necessities after Hurricane Maria.

Laundry Solidario provided a way for people to wash their clothes, learn about the shelter’s services, and introduce new members to one another.

INSIGHTS OUTPUTS The program Laundry Solidario created a local laundromat available to all members of the community.

This program focused on finding a sustainable solution to an service that was needed within the community, which is an important factor that we would like to implement in our project.



Primary: Interviews We conducted several local interviews with experts in Savannah and Puerto Rico to gain more insight into the local mindsets of people directly in the areas where we would want to implement our project. These interviews included discussions with the Document Administrator at the Puerto Rico Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, the Program and Development Assistant at the Forsyth Farmers Market, and a Puerto Rican filmmaker filming the aftermath of Hurricane MarĂ­a. These interviews gave us key insights into the needs and opportunity points to begin and develop our concepts.

Our group attended classes at Victory Gardens, a local community garden in Savannah led by agricultural specialist Kerry Shaw.



Primary: Interviews We conducted several local interviews with experts in Savannah and Puerto Rico to gain more insight into the local mindsets of people directly in the areas where we would want to implement our project. These interviews included discussions with the Document Administrator at the Puerto Rico Department of Environmental and Natural Resources, the Program and Development Assistant at the Forsyth Farmers Market, and a Puerto Rican filmmaker filming the aftermath of Hurricane MarĂ­a. These interviews gave us key insights into the needs and opportunity points to begin and develop our concepts.

“People in the rural areas practice sustainability because it’s what they’re used to, but even then not everyone is inclined to it because they’re more inclined to the city life.” Darlien Morales Cinematographer and Producer

“Move the mindset towards making products with your crops and establishing connections.”

“How can we pivot our mission to support the current state of agro-ecological projects in Puerto Rico?”

Yahayra Rosario

Kieran Murray El Departamento de la Comida

Departamento de Recursos Nturales y Ambientales


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IDEATION Our team developed two main initial concepts after we conducted primary and secondary research. These ideas were centered around empowering women in Puerto Rico and giving them a sense of agency and control over their own lives.



Concept 1 The first concept was to create a local platform/ apprenticeship program that connects single mothers.



• encourage an atmosphere of

• exchange skills and education

interconnectivity among women • empower women to learn from one another

• develop a mentorship program • utilize virtual platforms, social media outlets, and/or a physical meeting space



Concept 2 The second concept was to encourage and provide a means for women to utilize natural resources and become educated on agricultural entrepreneurial practices.



• encourage and inspire mothers to

• exchange knowledge of farming

sustain their families • empower women to gain experience through farming practices

and entrepreneurial practices • network through the use of farmers markets • empower women to create products to sell in the farmer’s markets



FINAL CONCEPT NABORIKÉN is a women-run agricultural resource program that will provide communities in and around the San Salvador region of Puerto Rico with seeds, farming equipment, and technical resources. This project will exist as a mobile and virtual toolkit and will be promoted through social media and a consistent brand identity.



NGO Partnership El Departamento de la Comida’s mission is to promote and support local agriculture without pesticides and of the highest quality, making healthy, fresh, local produce and other products available to the community.



BACKGROUND Founded by Tara Rodríguez, El Departamento de la Comida is a non-governmental organization and Puerto Rico’s first and only do-it-yourself local organic produce, storefront, restaurant and café. The organization distributes local organic harvest from family and community farms around the island. The group participates and supports educational programs that promote sustainable agriculture and the health and economy of Puerto Rico. El Departamento de la Comida was greatly impacted by the passing of Hurricane María, which devastated their restaurant and much of their infrastructure. Through our discussions with El Departamento de la Comida, we saw an opportunity space to collaborate with them in their upcoming project. This will focus on providing the people in and around the San Salvador community with tools and seeds to promote urban agriculture. Our team will blend our skills and ideas with El Departamento de la Comida’s current platform to develop our final project.





NABORIKÉN will provide women in Puerto Rico with the agency to become self-reliant by facilitating a women-run agricultural resource library.

• NABORIKÉN focuses on empowering women and the people of Puerto Rico through agriculture. • We will reduce Puerto Rico’s dependence on imported goods. • We will further develop the island’s local economy. • We will facilitate a network of farmers and horticulturists in and around San Salvador.



Outputs • utilize a vehicle to deliver agricultural supplies • develop a visual brand and social media strategy • facilitate a mobile resource toolkit that will deliver seeds and tools to farmers and locals in and around San Salvador • provide a virtual resource toolkit that will enable the community to further develop their agricultural awareness • distribute packages of seeds through the mobile resource library

Outcomes • provide women with a platform to learn and exercise entrepreneurial methodologies through active decision-making • empower Puerto Ricans to become more self-reliant and better prepared to confront any adversities in the future • expose younger generations to the women leading the agricultural movement in PR • reduce the social stigma against farmers by improving the efficiency and exposure of farming practices • provide educational opportunities to farmers and horticulturists through social media and the website • create sponsorship opportunities with local businesses through the website



Branding Our program called NABORIKÉN is a combination of words from the indigenous people of Puerto Rico, the Taínos. ‘Naborias’ were considered the working class within their socioeconomic structure. They were the commoners who performed laborious tasks under the rule of their chiefs, called caciques. Through our program’s focus on empowerment, we use the prefix ‘nabori-’ in a new context, where instead of being perceived as dependent to higher powers, they are now the leaders of a movement. ‘Borikén’ was the original name of Puerto Rico prior to Spanish rule; it means “Land of the Valiant and Noble Lord.” By combining both words, we created an alternative perspective, where those who tend and care for the land are now seen as noble.



Ecosystem Map This model displays the relationship between the resource library and the community following the impact of NABORIKÉN. Our trailer will serve as a bridge that connects people and farmers to the resources and equipment they need to maintain their land and produce.


Farms Community Seeds inventory




Farming equipment and tools





Offering Map This model displays the multiple facets offered by the project’s service. NABORIKEN will provide two majorcomponents: seeds and equipment.







Handling Instructions

Brigade Tools

Farming Machinery PUERTO RICO


Mockups TRAILER We will use a cargo trailer to store tools and seeds in and around San Salvador, where people and farmers have the opportunity to exchange goods and tools. Additionally, this could be a source of revenue for the non-profit as well as raise awareness of farming practices and enahnce the relationships within the community.



This digitally painted rendering illustrates how we would accomodate the interior of the trailer according to the tools farmers and community members need most.



Mockups PACKAGES Seeds in the trailer would be packaged and sold as a source of profit for El Departamento de la Comida, as well as a means to promote local agricultural businesses. Created with recycled paper, each package will contain seeds, and information cards explaining how to correctly plant and cultivate them.





Mockups MARKETING & ADVERTISING: WEBSITE Create a website that displays information about the seeds and tools offered by the program, as well as an explanation of NABORIKÉN and where to find the physical toolkit. This website would provide a revenue stream by encouraging local businesses to sponsor and place advertisements in it. Additionally, this platform would serve as a way for members of the community to buy supplies and tools.





Mockups MARKETING & ADVERTISING: SOCIAL MEDIA Facebook Utilize El Departamento de la Comida’s current Facebook platform to promote NABORIKÉN, integrate it into the community, create groups for events, and give women increased exposure to agricultural female leaders. Instagram Facilitate educational opportunities using El Departamento de la Comida’s Instagram account, promote NABORIKÉN events, and increase awareness of Puerto Rican agricultural programs. This platform would also be used as a means to sell seed packages as an additional revenue source for the nonprofit.





Implementation NABORIKÉN will be implemented in a series of phases.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

P re p a r a t i o n

Tr i a l

E xe c u t i o n

3 weeks

2 weeks

test delivery routes

analyze community reception through i n t e ra c t i v e s u r v e y s

evaluate the distribution numbers of specific materials

analyze data on website visits and engagement

• prepare the vehicle and to collect supplies and materials • finalize the artistic direction of the vehicle, seed packages, and social media c o n t e n t w i t h Ta ra R o d r í g u e z

• i n i t i a t e f u l l y - d e v e l o p e d p r o g ra m l e d b y El Departamento de la Comida and the community • d e v e l o p m e a n s f o r ex p a n d i n g t h e s e r v i c e b a s e d o n t h e s u c c e s s o f t h e p r o g ra m

• map out the distribution routes

• initiate ad campaign through social media channels and print media

m a ke i m p r o v e m e n t s b a s e d o n i n s i g h t s g a t h e r e d (q u a n t i t a t i v e a n d q u a l i t a t i v e)



IMPACT The desperation felt by the women, families, and the people of Puerto Rico following Hurricane María has motivated a change in the community. A change to independence and empowerment instead of dependence on a failing government. During a time where basic needs were stripped from them, the people of Puerto Rico were able to stand in solidarity and support one another. Women are at the forefront of this movement, adapting to devastating circumstances with a determination to use the island’s most available resource: its abundant agriculture.

Our team will serve the community and further empower its people to take control of their own lives during a time where control is stripped away. We have been honored to learn more about the strength, resolve, and resilience of the Puerto Rican community through conversations with our partner NGO and the people we’ve met, which has taught and humbled us beyond what can be placed in these pages.


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TEAM PHILOSOPHY Our team aims to empower girls who are victims of sexual abuse and to create awareness regarding this issue; which is not talked about in Sri Lanka. Using the strengths of our different backgrounds and the support of Davis Projects for Peace, our intent is to create a project partnering with the non-profit organization, Emerge Global to have a long-term positive impact that benefits the girls and their community.



INSPIRATION Through the analysis of examples of different NGOs and previous Projects for Peace proposals, we were able to find trends that defined the team’s goals and interests. Then, we were able to connect those trends with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of 1-Poverty, 4-Quality Education, 5-Gender Equality, and 10-Reduced Inequalities.

SDG CASE STUDIES After an iterative process, we specifically focused our project on Goal 5, Target 5.B, which is to “Enhance the use of enabling technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.�



Location: Sri Lanka After reviewing our cultural backgrounds we chose Sri Lanka because Tayla has close family relationships in the country. We knew that this was an important element to be able to gather primary research and to get true insights about the culture. We dove into the history and culture of Sri Lanka and fell in love with its diverse culture. Heartbroken by its history of war we agreed there was an opportunity for us to try to make a change.

Location: Sri Lanka When “Celong� was a colony of the British empire their main export was rubber, tobacco, and tea; which was introduced by the British colonizers. To find the labor to work the new crops 100,000 Tamil people were relocated from India to Celong causing for a cultural imbalance.



Root Causes: Gender Inequality After thorough primary and secondary research, we identified gender inequality as the root cause of turmoil within Sri Lanka’s political system, perspective on gender roles, and 26-year long war.





Root Causes: Sexual Abuse The girls who have survived sexual abuse and havethe courage to take the perpetrator to court are placed in protective shelters during their court cases. While living in these shelters, they are isolated from their community & don’t have access to formal education within a schooling system. These young women lack education, skills, and capital to be self-sufficient when they transition backinto communities. Without a support network or skills, while facing incredible societal stigma, it is easy for these young women to be exploited.



RESEARCH Through primary and secondary research, we gathered many different insights that helped us determine the best course to take as the focus of our project. We wanted to ensure that our proposal truly addressed the root causes of gender inequality and not just the effects of it.



Secondary: NGOs After looking at 40+ NGO profiles and creating a database, we looked at more case studies to help us narrow down on project purpose. Once we gained deeper insight into the root causes of women inequality in Sri Lanka we conducted additional research of organizations and case studies that focused on that issue. We chose three potential NGO’s that we wanted to partner with based on their mission, objectives, and programs.



Secondary: Case Studies We developed several diagrams to analyze the case studies we researched.



Secondary: Print for Peace (UNICEF)



The four themes for the group workshops are Writing, Arts, Music, and Digital Media. The students in writing workshops learn storytelling through poetry or story writing, students in art workshops use painting or collage. Music workshops and digital-media are designed for students who want to make videos of their stories.

The book highlights their plight and gives hope for the future. A short video film with the same title was also made. Further workshops continued with Save The Children in Colombia, Sierra Leone, and Liberia.

OUTCOMES Refugees were able to share their stories of trauma in a community setting, through art visuals.

INSIGHTS We were inspired by their use of art and digital media, and specifically giving the kids a chance to voice their preferred medium.



Primary: Interviews We interviewed people who have traveled to Sri Lanka and worked with Reach International, to learn from their experiences We gained insight about language barriers, cultural norms and the root causes of sexual abuse in Sri Lanka. After interviewing others, we chose to focus our project in Colombo, the capital of Sri Lanka where many of the children are taught English through primary education. By speaking with the founder of Emerge Global, Alia Whitney-Johnson, we were given key insights on the Emerge Center specifically and more of an in-depth description of the girls we are going to be working with.

“The men who are assaulting girls in Sri Lanka are religious. It is a huge problem that is kept under the carpet because no one sees the wrong in it and new morals need to be put in place.� Tanja Sif Arnadottir Volunteer at REACH International - Sri Lanka



IDEATION Our team developed two main initial concepts after we conducted primary and secondary research. These ideas were centered around empowering women in Puerto Rico and giving them a sense of agency and control over their own lives.



Concept 1 The first concept one was a 4-week long Summer Camp that provided a safe space for kids to be creative and learn skills they could apply in their lives. The Summer Camp will be sustainable for years by fostering leadership within the camp participants, and by training emerging leaders in the group to lead the following year.



Concept 2 The second idea was to create a 5K run that would begin the conversation in the community about women and children who are survivors of abuse and. Additionally, the run will provide an opportunity to set and achieve goals. This project is sustainable because the funds raised will continue the event annually, and supplement other Emerge programs.



FINAL CONCEPT Our project Stand for Her will empower victims of sexual abuse in Sri Lanka through a 4-week workshop that collaborates with Emerge Global’s 3-month reintegration program. Our workshops will enhance the individual’s mental and physical strength as well as introduce them into the community. With the creation of a blog, we will showcase the survivor’s skills, art, and insights to help facilitate empathy and a call to action.



NGO Partnership Emerge Lanka Foundation is a charitable organization that supports Sri Lankan girls, aged 10-18, who have been placed in shelters while they courageously testify in court against abuse or the threat of abuse.




Life Skills



BACKGROUND Emerge partners with these shelters, which are often under-resourced, to transform them into entrepreneurship hubs, where girls develop the tools for self-sufficiency through a comprehensive curriculum emphasizing life skills, leadership, and business acumen. Emerge also provides comprehensive reintegration support as young women transition from shelters into society. Emerge currently works in three homes with up to 100 teenage girls at a time.





Stand for Her addresses the issue of women inequalities in Sri Lanka by focusing on abused girls that are trapped in a cycle of violence. We will create awareness of this issue and enhance Emerge Center’s program for victims by empowering them to set goals, learn life skills, and improve their mental and physical strength.

• create awareness about sexual abuse and women inequalities in Sri Lanka • supplementing the programs of Emerge Global • provide activities that empower girls and give them the tools to set their own goals and succeed through building mental and physical strength • reintroducing the girls back into the community





• workshops that help build mental strength like goal setting, storytelling, life skills

• increased awareness about the cycle of violence

• workshops that enhancing physical strength like physical activity, yoga, and dancing • involve Emerge Global Alumni to create sustainability of the project and share stories on the Blog

• reduced the violence for future generations • survivors’ empowered with high new strong goal-setting skills and higher levels of confidence • reconcile the isolated survivors back into the community



Offering Map: Emerge Center We used activities inspired from Frog Designs Collective Action Toolkit to create workshops that can help the girls better communicate and understand their rights. These workshops empower them to ideate a bill of laws for all girls in Sri Lanka. Additionally, we will lead art workshops and goal setting activities, giving them time to act and reflect in order to help them understand their true self. As a team, we will encourage the girls in Emerge Center for their next big steps in life.



Offering Map: Blog To shed light on a cultural norm that is in desperate need of reform, we will share the voices of the girls who have been affected by sexual abuse. By utilizing different social media outlets, we will post the workshops and activities we do throughout the four weeks.



Mockups CARDS The writing prompts we created will allow the girls to reflect. These will be used to see the progress of their self-discovery and healing over time



Mockups BLOG Coinciding with SDG 5, target 5b, we will enable technology, in particular information and communications technology, to promote the empowerment of women.





Implementation Our project will be implemented over the course of 4-weeks.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

P re p a r a t i o n

Wo r k s h o p

S p re a d i n g Aw a re n e s s

3 months

1 month

3 months

prepare the workshops and activities b y d e f i n i n g t h e exe r c i s e a n d b u y i n g t h e necessary materials

• empower girls through the emotional and p hy s i c a l b e n e f i t s t h a t c o m e f r o m p hy s i c a l activity

• allow the girls to come up with a solution o f h o w t h e y w a n t t o ra i s e a w a r e n e s s o f t h e i s s u e s t h e y h av e f a c e d

lead a preliminary workshop before we l e av e t o p ra c t i c e o u r s k i l l s

• lead workshops that consist of different forms of art

• ra i s e a w a r e n e s s a b o u t t h e p r o b l e m o f s ex u a l a s s a u l t i n S r i L a n k a t h r o u g h t h e blog

enhance Emerge Center’s 3-month curriculum through our planned p hy s i c a l a n d m e n t a l a c t i v i t i e s

• u s e a c t i v i t i e s f r o m Fr o g D e s i g n s C o l l e c t i v e A c t i o n To o l k i t a n d I D E O t o empower the girls to come up with their own solutions; both personal and within the community

• e n a b l e t h e u s e o f t e c h n o l o g y, i n p a r t i c u l a r information and communications t e c h n o l o g y, t o p r o m o t e t h e e m p o w e r m e n t of women • c r e a t e a w ay f o r o u t s i d e r s t o p r o v i d e support of this issue by sponsoring a girl or share their own stories • l e a d e r s w i l l c u ra t e t h e i n f o r m a t i o n o n t h e b l o g a n d c o n t i n u e t o s p e a k u p a b o u t s ex u a l abuse in Sri Lanka





IMPACT In order to spread awareness about the issue of sexual abuse in Sri Lanka, the content the girls generated over the 4-weeks will be curated into a web space that will inspire change. To keep our efforts sustainable, we will seek leadership within Emerge to keep the conversation going and empower them to create the change they want to see in Sri Lanka.

We aim to reduce the cycles of violence for the future generation of girls so they don’t have to experience the same trauma experienced by the girls in Emerge Center. Girls will speak up about their rights amid the adversity of Sri Lanka today.






OUR INSIGHTS It’s been said that peace is a journey of a thousand miles but it must be taken one step at a time. Our collective journey in this class has provided us with stepping stones of our own toward a new design practice. A practice that’s committed to a world where justice is more than just a word, and those without power are not powerless. While our journey is only beginning, we’ve already discovered fellow travelers we’re fortunate to walk with.

And we’ll soon meet more. These are the people who will teach us every step of the way even as we apply our design skills to help guide them along their own path. A common passion for justness, reverence, beauty, and joy will steer us on this journey together. Peace is not a destination, it’s an orientation that leads us in the direction of a shared destiny.



Scott, Thank you for sharing your abundance of passion, awareness and in-depth knowledge of human-centered design with us. As young designers leading the next generation, we carry the weight of the world as it has been left for us; half-puttogether, lopsided, and yearning for more. With each new project we face, fear and uncertainty. You have reminded us of our responsibility to take what is, as it is, and find the freedom surrounding it. Thank you for encouraging us to peel behind false realities, ask the hard questions, and take small leaps of faith into the unknown. You have reminded us to listen to that small voice inside, the voice that knows what matters at the heart of society. We have only just begun to see the great big world that is open and waiting for us to design something for the greater good of humankind. Thank you for your time, guidance and love, Projects for Peace Team Fall 2018



“Use your ears, not your lips.”

“Be mindful of where we’re coming from first, then where others are.”

“Systems always exist, it’s just your awareness of them.”

“Challenge your own biases and refuse to pass them down.”

“Look into the mirror: understand our role in structures of power and oppression.”

“Work with communities, not for them.”

“You can’t control or design systems, but you can dance with them.”

“Design to empower people to do what they want to do.”

“Work across differences: we are all a part of the problem and are all a part of the solution.”

“Your journey into uncertainty will lead you into a field of light and an open space of enlightenment.”

“Learn together and invite others to help.”

“Embrace your complexity: our identities are complex and intersectional.”

“Social change doesn’t just happen, it needs to be pushed.” “The only thing stopping you is yourself.”




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