MiniM - Chordiels Magazine

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The Steps The Sunbeams Lead Kindly Light My King and the Pawn One Step after Another Chordiels Photo Gallery

Vol.: 5, Issue: 1, Jan-Mar 2016

Keep Thou my feet One Step enough for me

Welcome Hi All, 2016 is going to be a wonderful New Year for you all. Chordiels Magazine is renamed as ‘MiniM’, Just for reasons, it is a palindrome, a musical note of value two, the two coins of the poor woman depicting sacrifice, the two testaments of the Bible, and what not? let your imagination go. A few of Chordiels Christmas concerts in 2015 got cancelled due to the rains and floods in Chennai. But we were blessed to sing in some churches and fellowships and share the Good News of Christ’s birth and His love. This 2016 has began with our faith on the promises the Lord has in store for us. Whether the next 11 months are going to be good and/or bad, we don't know. But for sure we know that God is in full control. However, we need to be humble enough to ask Him, show me just one step at a time, Lord. This issue of ‘MiniM’ is around ‘One Step’ with articles, stories, poems and pictures. Photos from our concert tours, our new CD and a new music book are all advertised. You will love to read from cover to cover and enjoy. The only request we submit to our audiences and readers is ‘Keep us in your prayers’, so that the Lord will show us one step and lead us through the journey.

Stay Blessed. Chordielly in Christ,

Dr. S. Justus is the Founder-Director of Chordiels Music Group. He is a singer, composer and songwriter who is passionate in the creative art form of music, and in promoting Gospel Harmony Music. He is a full-time Professor working with the School of Computing Science & Engineering, VIT University.

MiniM Chordiels Magazine

In this Issue

Vol. 5, Issue 1, Jan - Mar 2016

8 Editors Dr. S. JUSTUS Dr. V. IMMANUEL

Who my King is and Who I am?


Associate Editor Ms. ADINA ABRAHAM ROLANDS Head Publishing Shri. L. CHARLES SELVARAJ


Published by: Chordiels Music | Handel Music Series Santhosapuram, Chennai 600073, TN, India

Encounter with Jesus Poster-Premji Ebenezer

The Sunbeams Featuring a Family Gospel Band


The Steps Poem by Paul Valery

26 CHORDIELS MAGAZINE Published as e-Magazine in and

From One Step after Another Poem by Jodie Temperley

18 Article Contributors Dr. Justus S Ms. Adina Ms. Virginia U. Jensen The Sunbeams

My King & The Pawn

Chordiels Photo Gallery Photos from Chordiels Concerts


Lead Kindly Light Thoughts on the song by Virginia U. Jensen


CQ Christmas Tour - 2015 Concert Photos of Chordiels


Music Book A collection of 100 songs in 4-part harmony

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © February 2016


Jagathrakshaha Video shoot of Chordiels in a new DVD

Send your articles, stories, testimonies, poems, photographs to Don't forget to send us your feedback about the blessings you’ve received from this issue of MiniM to

Chordiels Quartet singing at the CSI Church at Donavur on 28th Nov 2015. That was one of the series of concerts - St. James Church, Tuticorin, and CSI Church, Sawerpuram. Harbour Harmonies released a video DVD of 15 songs in Tamil and English sung by the Choir, directed by Mr. Stephen Thiagarajan. The DVD was released by Dr. Justus. This series of Carols was hosted by Harbour Harmonies, Tuticorin & Chordiels Music. In Photo: Leeban, Justus, Manley, Vasanth Photo Courtesy: Alexson Joshua

My King & the Pawn By Dr. S. Justus

This semester, every Monday morning I teach a class at 8:00am for MTech Computer Science Engineering students. The subject I teach them is how to model knowledge for representation and reasoning. I was teaching them to model a knowledge based system for a Chess game. The students were on their toes, were trying to represent each piece on the Chess board. We were trying to set the Chess board with the pieces on their default positions. Done. Next, were the moves and the rules for the moves. Some students were experts in the game, and some didn't know the basic rules. So I was trying to explain to them the rules of the moves. The King moves only one step at a time, and the Pawn too, with an exception of its first move. And the Queen moves in all possible directions and so on it went until all the pieces were covered. I was inspiring them to come up with a minimal rule-set that would cover all the 32 pieces on board. One student who was new to the game was unhappy about the King’s move. He said, “How lazy is this King, that he can move only one step at a time? Poor King”. I asked “what do you think about the Pawn?”. Instantly he replied, “if the King couldn’t move, then why should the Pawn?”

My King This student reminded me a truth. How many times have I prayed for things that I needed immediately? How much longings did I have for things I want to use for the Glory to His Name? How many situations have I asked my King to help me move forward as fast I could? But there was a ‘no’ answer. My King was silent. Then the time would come for me to smile and thank Him for His time, for His decision, and He wins and makes me win. My King knows what I don't know, understands what I don't, sees what I cannot, but loves me more than anybody. So I trust in His moves. He sees the complete picture, knows where I should go, and understands all my emotions and reactions. God’s best move is evident right from the Genesis to the Gospels. He created everything in this world one at a time; promises to Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were given one at a time; Moses received instructions to lead the Israelites everyday. He didn’t ask about his future land Canaan. Instead he sought His wisdom then and there to solve all the problems he faced, all one at a time. Down the line, you see Esther, David, and Solomon are all given instructions and directions that could be executed for the day. The Judges and the prophets were given the Word for their current times only, not the complete plan.

Though in the incarnation of Jesus is decided in Genesis chapter 2, it was executed into action after many years of careful planning by the Great King. Jesus knew His Father’s will. He taught us to pray and ask for daily bread, not to worry about tomorrow. Though Jesus’s knew where He was heading, and what His mission was, He knew the King was in control of everything and would allow the plan to be executed step by step. When the time came, Jesus was on the cross, He rose from the dead when the promises and the prophesies were fulfilled. My King is very clear about His moves, though it is just a single step every time.

The Pawn During my teens, I always wanted to leap forward to reach my goal and succeed. Every time I tried to make a jump, I felt I was pulled back to stay back, and only allowed a single move. When I was passionate to join the Christian Medical College, Vellore, to study medicine, and take a big leap in my life, despite my good marks, I couldn’t get in. Then I joined a local college, which opened up many opportunities for me to learn and perform music, and understand the different genres of music. The consequences of the next 14 years were really tough, daring, life-learning lessons from people, situations etc. At the end I realized I am just a Pawn in my King’s army. The young David was a soldier when he fought Goliath. His drive and love for his people helped him stand in the front and fight the giant with a pebble. David is a typical example of a soldier who asks, listens and executes in one step at a time. In all instances he enquired of the Lord, “Lord, what should I do now?” What a brilliant and obedient question for a soldier to ask the King. He won against all his foes with this one question and his obedience to the answer. When he was struck by the powerful encounter with Jesus, Paul asked “What you want me to do now?” Jesus said “Get up and go into Damascus, and there you will be told everything you are to do”. He obeyed. Following this incident look how many Epistles of Paul came out. All of them focusing only on relaying God’s will. We as soldiers of the King, need to be at the King’s will, not our own. Today, I learnt that in God’s army, we are supposed to move only one step at a time. During several tough times I have learnt to ask “Lord, what you want me to d?”. I leave unto His hands, and wait for his will and action. When I have done this, I enjoy the happiness of winning souls, winning over the foes, winning sins, winning favourites, winning the race my King has destined me to run. Though many miles to go, still I ask my King, Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see the distant scene-one step is enough for me.

A New Audio CD from

Chordiels Music 11 memorable songs of Dr. Emil Jebasingh Original Music, Lyrics, Tune, Pitch and Tempo. Used with permission from KAIROS MULTIMEDIA INTERNATIONAL

Sung by: Chordiels - Justus, Manley, Vasanth, Leeban Mr. Solomon Abraham (London, UK) Mr. Billy John (Octet Cantabile) Ms. Beryl Natasha Mrs. Judith Reuben, Ms. Shobi Prarthana

Available at

One Step after Another Just put one foot in front of the other, One step after another, that’s how you should live your life, Keep putting one foot after another. You start with little stumbles in life and gradually leap to life, When you get in a tricky situation just take one step after another, Keep walking; cross that line, don’t look back. Keep going, walk faster, jog, sprint forward and keep taking one step after another. Keep looking forward, don’t worry if you look back and trip, Even if you break your hip, you just take another step. Just one step after another, its all it takes, Just keep going, keep running, be happy, be proud, and keep going. Whatever life throws at you just take another step, Climb, crawl, life will be cruel, just keep up, don’t look down, Walk forward over that tightrope for you are the one in control. Pull yourself on, keep going on. Don’t go back, don’t look back, Save yourself, save your mind; You are the one you that needs to keep going on. One step after another, it all you need to know, One step after another that’s the way you need to go, Keep putting one foot forward, and don’t look back. The things you are meant to remember, Will be waiting for you at the other end, Everything has to mend, Just keep taking one step forward around the bend. by Jodie Temperley

All Music Products Available at


The SUNBEAMS Jey | Aruna | Colet | Annette Sharing the Good News

A member of the Sunbeams is Colet, the young and energetic 2nd bass. He loves to sing bass even at a very young age, and his greatest inspiration is the legendry Southern Gospel bass singer George Younce. Colet is now sharing the stages with great Gospel bands like Gaither Vocal Band and Ernie Haase & Signature Sound. One of his bests is Happy Rhythm with the Vocal Band & EHSS. Jey is a doctor by profession and practices medicine at Scotland. With passion Jey says, “I like my job as a medical practitioner especially helping out people coming to hospital with pain & distress. I cherish the memories of working in mission hospitals with my wife in India particularly the Leprosy Mission Hospitals”. Jey’s perception of ‘One Step’ is that Unless God takes, strengthens us and guides us step by step we can't do what we do amidst all our weaknesses. We from Chordiels Music wish the very best to The Sunbeams for a happy going in proclaiming the Gospel with their music and songs.

Jey, Aruna, Colet, & Annette, "The Sunbeams" inspired by Gospel music share the Good News through music. Ephesians 5:19 - Speak out to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, offering praise with voices ( and instruments) and making melody with all your heart to the Lord. Based in Scotland, the band consists of Dad, Mom, a Brother and a Sister, yes, a family band. Jeykumar & Aruna, who were born and brought up in India, are blessed parents to their kids because they respect the culture of their roots, so kind and loving, Spiritual, and musically well known internationally. Jey, the leader of the band says “We love to sing as a family and take every opportunity to sing & share the Good News”. Jey talks about how he started this group: “Our singing started from our family prayer time. We sing the hymn 'Abide with me ' after prayer every night and when the children grew up we started singing the hymn in harmony. We enjoyed the sound, and showed it to our children's music teacher Alexander Christie. After he heard us we were invited to sing at one of his concerts! Since then we have been invited to sing in churches and in various concerts with other groups as well.” Their great inspiration is from the Gaither Homecoming Videos. They perform a lot of Gaither and Ernie Haase songs. Jey says, “It is by His grace we were able to sing in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland (UK), Nashville, Galvaston (USA), Mexico & India. Unforgettable memories have included - Colet singing with the Gaithers & EHSS - Singing as a family at the Nashville Stamps Baxter School of Music & on the EHSS cruise”. Son of a pious and respected Rev. Gandhi Selwyn, Jeykumar Selwyn, leads the team with prayers and spreads the Gospel as his Dad did in the 80s and 90s in South Tamilnad, India. His family, the band, the music, and the Message are all a blessing to many today because of the fervent prayers of his loving, God-fearing parents, who live in Palayamkottai.

The Steps Your steps, children of my silence, Holily, slowly placed, Towards the bed of my vigilance Proceed dumb and frozen. Nobody pure, divine shade, That they are soft, your steps selected! Gods!‌ all the gifts which I guess Come to me on these naked feet! If, of your advanced lips, Y ou prepare to alleviate it, An inhabitant of my thoughts The food of a kiss, Does not hasten this tender act, To be soft and not to be not? Because I lived to await you, And my heart was only your steps.

by Paul Valery

Chordiels Music Player Collection of 30 songs in Tamil and English from old/new Gospel albums Listen to your favorite songs from your favorite groups Uninterrupted Live streaming of songs

List of Songs

List of Groups

Lesaana Kaariyam Unnathamaanavarin He is watching Anbulla Swamy Rejoice in the Lord Heaven came down Kaakum Karangal

Helen Satya Classic Hymns Octet Cantabile Chordiels Quartet New Covenant Singers Lutheran Men’s Voices

Digital Downloads of three albums: Visit: Get the mp3 of the songs through email.

“Lead Kindly Light” by Virginia U. Jensen

When he was just 10 years old, Joshua Dennis spent five days trapped in the pitch-black darkness of an abandoned mine. When rescuers finally heard his faint cry for help and pulled him out of the horrible darkness, he was disoriented, cold, and exhausted. Much to their surprise, he wasn’t afraid. Josh spent his time sleeping, yelling for help, and praying. “Someone was protecting me,” he explained. “I knew people were going to find me.” Joshua’s simple but profound faith had been nurtured by his parents, who taught him that he had a Heavenly Father who knew where he was at all times. They taught him he had been born with the Light of Christ within him. Truly, Josh had been brought up in light and truth (see D&C 93:40) so that when he found himself huddled on a ledge 2,000 feet deep in a mine, he had drawn upon that light to sustain and comfort him, to give him courage and hope. Josh experienced what Abinadi taught when, speaking of Christ, he said: “He is the light and life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened” (Mosiah 16:9). There are all kinds of darkness in this world: darkness that comes from sin; darkness that comes from discouragement, disappointment, and despair; darkness that comes from loneliness and feelings of inadequacy. Just as the light that burned in Josh Dennis’s heart was stronger than the suffocating darkness that engulfed him, the light of Jesus Christ is stronger than any darkness we face in this life, if we have faith in Him, seek after Him, and obey Him. For as the Prophet Joseph revealed, “If your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you” (D&C 88:67). Christ’s light and the gospel message of light and salvation can be darkened in our own lives only by our disobedience and lack of faith. In like manner the Savior’s light increases in our lives as we keep the commandments and strive continually to be like Him. For “that which is of God is light; and he that receiveth light, and continueth in God, receiveth more light; and that light groweth brighter and brighter” (D&C 50:24). As the light of Jesus Christ and His gospel grows brighter within our countenances and our hearts, it becomes easier for us to discern what is truly valuable from the counterfeits the world offers. Knowledge that Christ loved us enough to willingly bear the weight of our sins removes the need for pride and an unwarranted trust in the arm of flesh. Belief that the Atonement restores to us all we lose to sin and missteps along life’s path creates a hope greater than any temporal pleasure or momentary mortal thrill. Consider the experience of King Lamoni. Though he had unfettered power, great earthly treasures, and servants to wait on him hand and foot, he lived in spiritual darkness. When he was willing to permit Ammon to teach him the gospel, a most remarkable thing occurred: Lamoni “fell unto the earth, as if he were dead” (Alma 18:42). “Ammon knew that king Lamoni was under the power of God; he knew that the dark veil of unbelief was being cast away from his mind, and the light which did light up his mind, … was the light of the glory of God, … yea, this light had infused such joy into his soul” (Alma 19:6). Only the glory of God and the light of life everlasting produce a joy profound enough to overwhelm one completely and to eliminate “the dark veil of unbelief.”Throughout the scriptures, and indeed in the writings of thoughtful Christians through the centuries, we find examples of how Christ’s message of light and salvation can spiritually and physically sustain us. As a young priest traveling in Italy in 1833, Englishman John Henry Newman encountered emotional and physical darkness when illness detained him there for several weeks. He became deeply discouraged, and a nurse who saw his tears asked what troubled him. All he could reply was that he was sure God had work for him to do in England. Aching to return home, he finally found passage on a small boat. Not long after the ship set sail, thick fog descended and obscured the hazardous cliffs surrounding them. Trapped for a week in the damp, gray darkness, the ship unable to travel forward or back, Newman pled for his Savior’s help as he penned the words we now know as the hymn “Lead, Kindly Light.” Lead, kindly Light, amid th’encircling gloom; … The night is dark, and I am far from home; … Keep thou my feet; … one step enough for me.” This hymn echoes a truth our hearts confirm: though trials may extinguish other sources of light, Christ will illuminate our path, “keep our feet,” and show us the way home. Remember little Josh Dennis? He is now Elder Dennis serving a mission far away from the dark mine which held him captive. Now Elder Dennis finds his way along the narrow, unfamiliar paths of Honduras sharing a message of hope, salvation, and light. What he teaches every day is the paradox he experienced as a young boy lost in a mine: that amidst encircling gloom, amidst the darkest possible circumstances, it is possible to feel hope, peace, and comfort—all because of the light which is stronger than all darkness, the light of Jesus Christ. I know from my own experience, just as surely as Josh knows from his, of the reality of that marvelous being of light—our Savior. May we embrace His light and live so that it will illuminate our path and lead us to our heavenly home, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. Source:

“Lead Kindly Light” - a video DVD recorded and filmed live at the Andrews Kirk was published in 2010 by Classic Hymns. It is a collection of timeless hymns sung by 150+voices in harmony. All hymns are so encouraging and inspiring in our everyday lives, and help us seek God’s help, one step each day.

Music Book A collection of 100 Christian Gospel songs - 60 Tamil and 40 English songs in four-part music notations arranged in SATB and TTBB. Tamil and English Convention songs, Hymns, Keerthanais, and some time-tested songs from Dr. Emil Jebasingh, Mr. Samuel Abishekara, Mr. Judson, Mr. Jacob, Mr. Stephen Dharmaraj, and from great song writers and composers of our time. All songs from Chordiels Music’s albums sung in Chordiels Style, and some contemporary arrangements of hymns and keethanais. Contemporary harmony scores from Mr. Victor Thangadurai, Mr. Augustine Paul, Dr. Prabhu Devaraj, Mr. Danie Prakash, and Dr. Justus.

The Music Book is available

Soft-Bound A4 Size Buy the Music Book for your

Choirs, Group, Ensemble, Octet, Quartet etc @

During the Video Shoot for the video DVDJagathrakshaha from Classic Hymns. Buy the DVD at

Handel Music Series “Chordiels Musicâ€?, Santhoshapuram, Chennai 600073 Š All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2015 Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of this magazine in any form is prohibited

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