Chordiels Magazine - Wait for a While

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Vol.: 4, Issue: 2, Apr - Jun 2015




In this Issue

Magazine Vol. 4, Issue 2, Apr - Jun 2015


CMOS Chordiels Music Online Store

Editors Dr. S. JUSTUS Prof. V. IMMANUEL

Head Publishing Shri. L. CHARLES SELVARAJ

Article Contributors Justus S Justin A. Raj V. Immanuel Edward Thompson


Waiting at Your Table We are just puppies at the table


The Beautiful Garden of Prayer Poem from E.A. Schroll


Waiting for Him Justin shares the Word on waiting


We’ll Get Through This A poem from Joanna Fuchs

Our Special Thanks to Friends, Families, Promoters, Distributers, Associates & Volunteers

CHORDIELS MAGAZINE Published as e-Magazine in and


Featured Music Groups Some of the Music Groups in Tamil Gospel Music


ROEH - 2 The new Audio Album from Christina


You Know this? Chordiels Quartet - updates

Published by: Chordiels Music | Handel Music Series Santhosapuram, Chennai 600073, TN, India


Chordiels Quartet A Full Blowup


The Mystery of God’s Time Prof. Immanuel says ‘Wait in Prayer’

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © May 2015


The Reason A Poem

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Welcome Hi All, I have been waiting for several days for this issue of the magazine to come up. Waiting for articles from our regular column contributors, waiting to catch up time for designing the pages and type-setting the contents, and waiting for the right time to make it available to you. Waiting is a very tough process which makes one weary and loose hope. As family, as individual, as team, we have been waiting for good things to happen, waiting for the Lord to do the right thing at the right time. Though we’ve received some good things, many other things are yet to be received, and sometimes, not. Still waiting in prayer. This issue of magazine is titled in-sync with what we are through now. We hope you will be encouraged to “Wait for while� on the Lord for His right time. Enjoy reading, and forget not to write to us what you have been through. Stay blessed.

Dr. Justus S Director - Chordiels Music +91-9789145400


Lutheran Men’s Voice Rich Male vocal harmonies of dedicated singers and musicians who are celebrating their 40th anniversary, have presented Three Wonderful Audio CDs. Unforgettable and timeless songs of LMV should be in your collection

Classic Hymns A bunch of Video DVDs from Classic Hymns will be your treasure you will want to have in your music libraray. Since 2008, Videos of everlasting Hymns sung by 100+voice-Choir in Chennai, raising their beautiful voices in harmony.

New Covenant Singers Four strong male voices have presented some of the old Tamil convention tunes, all in four-part harmony. Simple harmony, mild music and pleasing Chord progressions. You will love to listen to these voices, unendingly.

Octet Cantabile The mixed voice, and the singing sensation of Chennai, the group celebrating its 25th year of togetherness have got some finest presentations of Audio CDs. Well-sung both in English and Tamil, the albums are some of the great collections of memorable songs.

Photo courtesy:

We are taught to obey His will to wait at His table until he has finished the works. Trust God is at work while we are waiting, He is working on our behalf on the works that which cannot be carried out by us.

Waiting at Your Table by Dr. S. Justus Most of the time my days have gone in waiting Waiting for an exam result, waiting to get admission into a college, waiting for things that will never happen in life, and many more waits. Waiting was delightful and good when things turn out in favor, but becomes tough and painful when things don't seem to happen. All of us would have experienced these two extreme situations. But here is another ‘wait’. Last month when we went to sing in St. Luke’s Church, Mandhaveli, I learned a new lesson. The kids in there were doing a play on “the faith of a Canaanite Woman”. The message they conveyed was meaningful and convincing. We are puppies. Sometimes we are donkeys, and now we are puppies. Amazing thought on what we are. Though many preachers claim that we are sons and daughters of God, that play insisted that we are still puppies waiting at the Master’s table. How true is that we are just dogs when we stray out and live in sins, lust, false promises, idolatry, lies, proud, jealous, unkind to our fellow brothers and sisters, disrespect towards other human beings, unfaithful, and the list grows. We are worthless to lift our eyes towards God who made us in His image. We lost His image in us, we became nothing, and lost His glory. Though we are saved from sins by the blood of Jesus, and we claim we are saved; aren’t we still in some little sins, which we unable to get rid of? I dare not to go to my Master’s table. I had already lost the privilege of being His child, so I long for the crumbs that fall from His table. Those crumbs would suffice my thirst, my hunger. I wait until something happens. This period of waiting is so tough, that you sometimes we loose hope, fall faint and sometimes stray away.

The desires of our hearts, our plans, our deadlines, our comforts - everything of ours is thrashed and we have no say on anything that we claim is ‘my thing’. Clearly we are chopped of the ‘my’ or ‘I’ things and God removes these unwanted, undesired characters and sculpt us to restore us where we were, and whom we were - a forgiven and saved child of God. This waiting period is often the testing period testing our faith, perseverance, and obedience to His Word. We are taught to have faith in His promises that would soon be ours. We are taught to be more mature and train our backs to hold more responsibilities. We are taught to obey His will to wait at His table until he has finished the works. Trust God is at work while we are waiting, He is working on our behalf on the works that which cannot be carried out by us. Dear friend, if you are in a waiting state, for some good thing to happen, do not be discouraged. There are millions of people out there, which includes me too, waiting for the Master’s crumbs. Don’t loose heart on the Master, because He is faithful to His promises. In that play, the kid who played Jesus replied with great assurance, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted”. Waiting for the Lord, and His blessings is tough indeed. But the wait is worth. Dear Lord Jesus, we love you. We know that we are just puppies waiting for its Master’s love, reply and blessings. Please look at our state of wait. Let us not be put to wait for a long time, and be tempted to stray away. Help us to wait on You to receive your richest blessings in Your right time. Until then we will be waiting for You. Amen

Articles, stories, testimonies, photographs, news, dishes, biography, C-Talk, and special issues on Seasons - is all you read in Chordiels Magazine. It is a quarterly Magazine aimed at bringing the Music and the Message together to reach hearts and souls, and bring them close to God - the source of happiness, joy, and hope to live. Send in your stories, testimonies and photographs to us, so that we could publish it and make our readers grow in faith.

Chordiels Magazine published online in and in readable interface at Published by Chordiels Music, Handel Music Series, F2, Sharon Garden, St. Luke’s Church Street, Santhoshapuram, Chennai 600073, TN, IND.,


for Him It is important for every Christian to wait for the Lord in every walk of life, know His will and then move forward. It may be choosing the ministry/ profession/education/job/life-partner or buying a house. Jesus walked according to the will of the Father, throughout the tenure He spent on earth. Isaiah 40:31 says - those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary. How can we wait for the Lord? Psalm 1:2-3 say - his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Quiet time plays important role in knowing what the Lord says to each one of us. Spending time to read God's word, meditate, wait to hear what the Lord says is critical for every believer. When we seek God's guidance in every step we take, he is there to help us, because He is our ever present help. Luke 10:42 says - but few things are needed or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. Mary chose to sit at the feet of Jesus and listened to what He said. We have to train ourselves like Mary to lead a victorious life. Following believers can be taken as examples:

a) Hannah waited for the Lord and she was rewarded with Samuel b) Daniel waited at the feet of the Lord and was covered fully by His protection c) David waited and listened to God's voice and found favour in God's eyes d) Paul waited for three days after the Lord had touched him. Later God filled him with His spirit and Paul is standing as a witness before us. Let us wait for Him always and listen to Him and follow what He says to avoid disappointments in life. If we wait for the Lord, He will give us His best. Let us learn to wait at His feet, gain strength, and experience His love and presence. Let us pass His love He has shown for us to others and be lead a witnessing life in church, society and workplace and ensure that we inherit eternal life. May the resurrected Lord guide and strengthen us. Glory to Jesus. Hallelujah.

Justin A. Raj works with Infosys Ltd, Chennai. He is an active member of Vincet D'Paul Society. He is a kind hearted and soft-spoken friend who never hesitates to share the Word. He can be reached at

We'll Get Through This By Joanna Fuchs Lord, our troubles Are so great, We don't know what to do; The price for our Iniquity Is finally coming due. The world is crumbling All about; No safe place can be found. Right is wrong, Wrong is right; The change is quite profound.

Temptations of This dying world We'll rule out and let go; Give our burdens All to you, Shed all worldly woe.

Lord, we need Your guiding light To lead us out of here; We'll focus on Your Word, and prayer, To take away our fear.

That's how we'll Get through this, Lord, Fixed on heaven above, Assured of your protection, help, And everlasting love.

Cherubim Singers




The Cherubim Singers is a male voice group started in the year 1989 with a focus of rendering the gospel through harmony singing with special focus on singing Tamil Harmony. In the year 2000 the team an Tamil audio album called “Nimishangal”, a collection of well-known Tamil Gospel songs in harmony.

The Male-vocal group actively participates in any Gospel singing sessions, and presents wonderful harmony, with Isaac (the leader) accompanying on his Guitar. Isaac sings the lead vocal; Philip and Joseph sing tenor. Fletcher, Edward, Suresh, Sirus Ebby, and Manoj completes the harmony in singing the 1st and 2nd bass.

This male voice group is one of the active groups in Chennai throughout the year, as they take part in all sing sensations in the City, and glorify their Master’s Name.

Quiet Time Melodies




As a family this famous group sings praises to God and share His Word in church services and gospel meetings for church revival / missions. In these programs, they have come across many individuals and families suffering due to sickness, bereavement and other problems. Since the Lord is guiding and strengthening them through such experiences, He enabled them to sing and record some excellent well known songs of comfort to encourage hearts that struggle under such trying circumstances. Since these songs are also useful during early morning or late night quiet time devotions, they are released under the title 'Quiet Time Melodies'.

A S Chellappa: Lead Vocals & Guitars Uma Chellappa: Lead Vocals Deepa Shirley: Harmony & Drums Abisheg Elijah: Harmony & Keyboards Sharon Elijah: Harmony & Violin Anugrah Jonan: Harmony & Guitars

Sharon Music




In the year 1990, the group was incepted with the title “Voice of Sharon”. Bro. Aldrin along with some of his friends formed this orchestra and began to sing in revival meetings, convention meetings, and wedding functions. In 1995, Aldrin got a call from God to preach the good News along with his music. Then on, it was a combination of songs and sermons delivered by the team. Alongside reputed musicians and worship leaders, Sharon Music Ministries performed for the past years. They have organized Mega Musical Events with Jolly Abraham, Hema John, Jikki and many others. They have done fund raising concerts for FMPB, IMS and New Testament Church.

Last year in association with YMCA, Vepery, they conducted Christmas Carols which stands memorable. Occasionally the group performs in their home Church along with the Church congregation and the youth. Bro. Aldrin says with the Psalmist, “I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live”.

Kent Gospel Band




A few friends who shared a similar taste in gospel music sang together whenever they met socially. They decided to take their passion for singing further and thus the Kent Gospel Band was born. The members of the group live in the county of Kent, UK. The group which has now been existence for three years has gone from strength to strength.

Over the years, the group has led the singing in local churches and has also performed in concerts which have helped raise money to support various charities in India and the UK. The sole purpose of the group is to glorify the Name of Jesus and share His love with others. The group consists of Sam who plays the guitar, his wife Prici, Solomon, his wife Daisy and their daughter Adina and their cousin Lina.

While the group tries to be useful to others, singing together has given the members themselves great comfort and pleasure. The members of the group acknowledge God's Grace in their lives and are ever thankful for providing this opportunity to glorify His name through music

Octet Cantabile




The Octet Cantabile, one of the foremost singing sensations hailing from Chennai, is a group of eight mixed voices that had its inception in 1994. With each member of the group having undergone varying levels of musical education individually, the synergy that such training has produced has stood them, in some good stead. The passion for music, and the instinct to sing for the Lord is what they want to do, and they love doing it. The group has traveled to the US, UK, Malaysia, Middle Eastern Countries and performed. Their performances are tailor-made to the audiences, and they love to sing Acapellas. Augustine Paul leads the group and sings tenor along with Emmanuel, Maxyn and Anupa Paul in Soprano, Jayanthi and Pearline in Alto, Kingley and Billy in Bass.

The group has got 7 audio albums and 2 video albums to their credit. Every CD/DVD is unique and rich in its presentation. Octet Cantabile has set the benchmark for mixed voice choirs and groups aspiring to sing in harmony.

Lutheran Men’s Voice




The Lutheran Men’s Voice (LMV) was started in the year 1975, in the month of October, by eight talented and committed youngsters from the Adaikalanather Lutheran Church in Tana Street, Purasawalkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India and has been performing continuously till now, singing the glory of God. The long years of singing, has only added experience and colour to their singing and they are still contributing with the same fervour, commitment, dedication and perseverance. Lots of new talents have been roped into LMV in its long musical journey, with utmost care and screening, taking into account, not only their musical talents but also their commitment, perseverance.

LMV performs throughout the year, and occasionally travel to other states and countries, and sing anywhere without any denominational barriers or limitations. They have got3 cassettes and 4 audio Cds to their credit. LMV celebrates its 40th anniversary during Oct 2015.

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About ROEH - 2, from the Producer Dad: We thank the Lord Almighty for enabling us to release the second volume of ROEH A special word of thanks to all those who helped us with the first album. In Our 2nd album also we have included a few of our original compositions along with some well-known gospel favourites. Each song was chosen in prayer and with the hope that it will touch the souls of those who would listen. It is with hearts filled with gratitude and joy that we as parents “offer up to God” this collection of songs sung by our daughter Christina Beryl. We are so grateful to God for using Christina to minister through her songs in various churches and enabling her to sing in other Gospel albums. So many people have written to tell us how ROEH volume 1 has been a great blessing to them and how the songs have really touched their lives in many different ways. Even non-believers were touched and we are thankful to God for using Christina through her songs. All the songs apart from that of our own are used with permission and we have also purchased copyrights as we always want to respect the musicians and composers of the songs. We trust ROEH Volume 2 will also draw many hearts toward God and fill their home with worship and praise! Psalm 104:33 “I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live”

We want to specially thank all those (Late Bro. AJ Mithra's Family, Pastor. Sam T Mukhathala, Bro. Godson GD, Bro. Titus, Sis.Sheeba Johnson) who have shared their songs in this album. A special word of thanks to Bro.Solomon Augustine for his exceptional music and commitment throughout the project. Thanks to Mr.Augustine Paul & Friends for their amazing backing vocals which has given life to the songs. Our heartfelt thanks to all the Musicians, Technicians for their contribution and support and our sincere thanks to Bro.Dinesh for recording. Thanks to Bro. Sam Prasad for his excellent photography and Bro. Victor Ebenezer for his creative designing. ROEH 1 and ROEH 2 are Market & Distributed By: MELCHI (Melchi Evangelical Service) Website CD's are now available at All Christian Book Stores & Online @ It is our prayer that this Album is a blessing to you. GOD BLESS US!! Edward & Sheela (Dad & Mum)

Christina Beryl Christina Beryl was born on October 23rd 2006. She is a precious gift to us. Right from day one of her life in this world the WORD OF GOD was read to her ignoring the fact that she is too small, as Only the word of God can guard her, protect her and save her soul in the world filled with trails n temptations. She started memorizing the “Word Of God” right from the a very small age of 2. She used to recite long portions from the Bible. Her first performance was when she recited Psalms 23 & Books of the Bible at the age of 2 ½. She sang her first song with 2 stanzas at the age of 3. Its then we realized that she has God given talents and we started encouraging her then she started giving performances in Church & School. She accepted CHRIST as her personnel savior at the age of 4. The WORD OF GOD helped her to grow as a child of God. Every day it's mandatory that she should learn Gods Word. She was in her 1st Std ( 5 ½ yrs ) when she did her First Gospel Album ROEH Volume1 . She has memorized all the 9 songs in this Album ROEH for the GLORY of GOD (5 Tamil Songs / 3 English Songs / 1 Malayalam Song). Today she is 8 yrs old and in her 3rd standard , she has done her 2nd Gospel Album ROEH Volume 2 . In this Album we have 6 Tamil Songs, 3 English and 1 Malayalam song. We are sure that the song will be a blessing for everyone. Our Prayer is that GOD Should use her mightily for his GREATER GLORY.

You Know This?

Leeban Paul joined Chordiels Quartet as Baritone. He is an active singer who learns, sings and takes part in all singing occasions. He also sings with St. Luke’s Church Choir.

Chordiels Vocal Quartet actively participated in a series of singing occasions right from the start of this new year. During this lenten and passion season, the team took part in several singing sessions for a variety of congregation - CSI St. Luke’s Church, Santhoshapuram; St. Luke’s Church, Mandhaveli; Garison Church, Thomas Mount; Calvary Canticles @ CSI Church, Porur; CSI St. Stephen’s English Church, Pallavaram. Wherever we went, we gathered with prayers, fellowship with the audience who become our friends. Everyone who listened to the songs and music were meaningfully blessed. In one occasion, an old man in his early 80s was the first to the church at 7:30am at St. Stephen’s. At the end of the service, he came to us and told “You brought back lots of memories, and the ways I traveled all these years”. He added “today I am glad God has touched me again through your songs. I feel renewed.” We are so glad God touches many these days.


sings lead. Works with Everlasting Kingdom Ministries. Married to Nancy. Blessed with two boys - Meshak & Mahizh . Loves to sing, lead worship, share the Word. Makes sure he has red beef/mutton/chicken in his lunch plate.


sings bass. Works with Verizon Technologies. Married to Sweetlin. Blessed with two boys - Alden & Hayden. Glad to hit the low notes, now comfortably reaches E flat. Enjoys outing with family, eating out and having fun.


sings baritone. Works with CTS, Chennai. Married to Judith. Now working onsite at UK, and enjoying attending vocal, organ, conducting lessons. Likes to meet new people & spent music with friends and laughs out loud when there is real fun.


sings tenor. Works with VIT University. Married to Hepsiba. Blessed with a cute son Handel. Equipping to hit high notes, now reaching high A. Dreams a lot, plans some, but executes a few. Likes to spend weekends with family, and assures works are done.

Music Book 50 Tamil Songs + 30 English Songs in SATB & TTBB Arrangements Will soon be available in printed version at Chordiels Music Online Store

Chordiels Music Player Listen to your favorite songs online at Songs for all seasons - Praise & Worship, Hymns, Keerthanais, Advent Songs, Passion Songs etc.

by Prof. V. Immanuel

Prof. V. Immanuel is teaching English in Loyola College, Chennai. He is a writer, preacher, orator and a good friend. He writes and delivers speeches in conferences of International ministries. He is part of the RZIM ministries, writing columns for their annual fellowship gatherings. He has submitted his PhD thesis on Jewish Literature. Write to

This complex Christian subject called 'Waiting' has to be understood with discernment. Only people of prayer and sanctity can perceive the time of God concerning His operations. Many who waited according to their own leading were either mislead or found something contrary to the will of God. I always wonder the apparently careless words of Jesus at the wedding of Cana, “My time has not come”. But the time of God was imminent. It takes a while for any Christian to understand that neither we nor our prayers can change God. True that God relents but only after the prayers of a broken and sanctified heart. It is not very appropriate to arm-twist God by offering directions to God in our prayers. There was a testimony by an educated young woman recently who said, “I prayed, God said 'No'. Then I prayed fervently and God said 'Yes'”. I believe such a person is misled by another spirit. It is dangerous to pray outside the will of God particularly after God's revelation. Forever, O LORD, your word is settled in heaven. (Ps 119:81) A little victory can give us a feel that God is our almighty servant and that He should perform according to our prayers. Let us consider four reasons by which God makes his people wait.

To make us know what we are upto: Wait seven days until I come to you and show you what to do. ( I sam 10.8) It is interesting to find sometimes God offers a certain time to wait. In most cases God does not appear to strictly human to follow time. We cannot comprehend why many a time God's time does not cohere with prophesies and human expectations. God said to Abraham your descendants shall serve in Egypt for 400 years and it finally dragged to 430 years. The actual test happens during the extended phase to verify our patience and commitment. When Saul found that Samuel tarried, he committed sin. God gave a long rope to Saul to see if he would turn presumptuous. The devil always opens avenues where we can project ourselves or appear to be saviours of a situation. The Lord doesn't create emergencies. The devil creates emergencies. God is not surprised by a situation. He knows the end from the beginning. I always tell myself, 'I am not called to be a saviour, I am only called to follow the savior.' Saul responded to emergency and it ended in fiasco.

To perform His works in us Wherefore it shall come to pass, that when the Lord hath performed his whole work upon mount Zion and on Jerusalem, I will punish the fruit of the stout heart of the king of Assyria, and the glory of his high looks.( Isaiah 10.12) Here is another beautiful reason by which the Lord makes His people wait. The verse indicates that God is at work in our lives and until He completes His work in us, certain evil or humiliation has to continue happening. We usually want the Lord to act immediately and punish the evil people. God too knows they are wicked. But He waits until “Christ is formed”(Gal 4.19) in us. When the Lord completes His whole work upon Zion, then He shall punish Assyria. In other words, God can take revenge only if we get perfect. The issue here is not the punishment for sinners which is God's job. The issue is the completion of God's work on us.

We need not remind God on what he has to do. I wonder, how many things God started in us and are left incomplete. Can he do “all that he pleases”(Ps.115.3). God' s actions are based on our yielding. Oh that My people would listen to Me, That Israel would walk in My ways! 14"I would quickly subdue their enemies (Ps. 81.13, 14).

He has His time "My time has not yet come.” John 2.4 This is an answer that would test the patience of any man. Right during emergency God speaks as though he is careless about it. There was a woman who cried to Jesus for help and Jesus said, It is not right to take the children's bread, and cast it to dogs. (Mat 15.26). There are occasions where He appears to be cool about it. On the road to Emmaus, “Jesus gave them an impression that he takes another way”. But in all these cases, watch carefully, the answer came the next minute. Sometimes we may be close to the answer of God, but God speaks as if there is a long way to go. I recently met a man who said that he has tested Jesus and that Jesus answers late and that his idols answer quick. I was surprised by the answer. True sometimes that God does not answer quick. But the same God performed the miracle immediately. He knows the wedding is in progress. He knows when he has to act. Sometimes we can stay so close to blessing and lose it. Jesus said of a man, “You are not far from the kingdom of God”,(Mat 12.34) meaning, you are not in it. Just cling to God until He performs His full work.

The mystery of God's operations In the fourth generation they will return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure” Gen 15.16 This is a prophecy of God concerning the return of His people from Egypt. The Lord gives a reason for the delay that happens. The Lord waits until sin fills in gradually till it finally fills the basket. He is a just God and measures the sins of man. God's answer to your prayers also depends on how He deals with your enemies. In many ways this delay helped Israelites quickly settle down in the new land, because, they lived in “houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant”(Deut 6.11). Thus if you think that God is so patient with your enemies, the lesson is that the Lord allows the enemy to prepare so much for you. We neither know God's time nor know His reasons. We can only be sure that He is good and that He plans well. He withholds no good thing( ps.84.11). Whenever He denies or delays, he does it with eternal purposes beyond human comprehension. The Bible says the “we see in a mirror” and we “know in part”. Our comprehension over God is very limited. How can the finite understand the infinite? Can the clay say, “what are you making”?( Is. 45.9) Let us wait for a while to see the whole picture. The picture is still not complete. He is still working on us and our lives. Let us wait for him at Gilgal. Let him show us our next step, for the steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD. (Ps. 37.23)

The Reason I would've died that day if not for you. I would've given up on life if not for your kind eyes. I would've used my teeth in fear if not for your gentle hands. I would have left this life believing that all humans don't care Believing there is no such thing as fur that isn't matted, skin that isn't flea bitten, good food and enough of it, beds to sleep on, someone to love me, to show me I deserve love just because I exist. Your kind eyes, your loving smile, your gentle hands Your big heart saved me... You saved me from the terror of the pound, Soothing away the memories of my old life. You have taught me what it means to be loved. I have seen you do the same for other dogs like me. I have heard you ask yourself in times of despair Why you do itWhen there is no more money, no more room, no more homes You open your heart a little bigger, stretch the money a little tighter Make just a little more save one more like me. I tell you with the gratitude and love that shines in my eyes In the best way I know how Reminding you why you go on trying. I am the reason The dogs before me are the reason As are the ones who come after. Our lives would've been wasted, our love never given We would die if not for you. Reason

Handel Music Series “Chordiels Musicâ€? Santhoshapuram, Chennai 600073 Š All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2015 Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of this magazine in any form is prohibited

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