Chordiels magazine - Gifts

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The No Gift Jesus - God’s Gift The Greatest Gifts Happenings at CM Kaalamellam Sthothiripen I am a Gift New Audio Albums in CMOS Photo Gallery Vol.: 3, Issue: 4, Oct - Dec 2014

The Greatest Gift we have is

Jesus Christ

Welcome Dear Friends, With heart-filled happiness, we greet you all a great season of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Holidays. After a whirling period of works, we joyfully bring good news for you. A brand new Audio Album from Chordiels - 16 non-stop/non-skip tracks of Tamil Gospel Songs titled “Kaalamellam Sthothiripen” - I’ll praise You forever. This CD is now available in all leading Book Stores, and in our online store A series of concerts where we love to meet you, sing for you and bring these CDs to you. And coming up in this issue of Chordiels Magazine for you - articles, happenings in CQ, gallery of photos, poems, and many more interesting reads. Hope you will love to read this Magazine, relax and enjoy your holidays meaningfully. Forget not to write to us as you spread a word about our ministries to your friends and families. May God bless you.

Warmest Christmas wishes and greetings for a happy New Year.


Chordiels Magazine


Head Publishing Shri. L. CHARLES SELVARAJ Article Contributors Dr. S. Justus Shri. N. Jothipandian Ms. Ariane Nisha Rabindran Shri. Justin A. Raj Prof. V. Immanuel Our Special Thanks to Friends, Families, Promoters, Distributers, Associates & Volunteers


Published by: Chordiels Music | Handel Music Series Sembakkam, Chennai 600073, TN, India

A New Audio CD from Chordiels Music titled “Kaalemellam Sthothiripen.


Photo Gallery Concert Photos of Chordiels performing in various places during Oct and November


My Precious Gift Shri. Jothipandian shares this thoughts on Jesus us His gift - Powerful, Matchless & Abiding.


I am Thankful for You A Thanksgiving Poem.


Jesus - God’s Christmas Gift Thoughts from Nisha.


Story of a Carol Gloria in Excelsis Deo.

24 CHORDIELS MAGAZINE Published as e-Magazine in and

The NO Gift Justus writes his experiences in receiving the NO answer for his life’s questions.

Oct - Dec 2014 Editors Dr. S. JUSTUS Prof. V. IMMANUEL

You Know This? Happenings in and around Chordiels Music.

I am a Gift Justinraj shares his thoughts on how do we offer ourselves as living sacrifices - the Gift- to Him

26 Chordiels Music Online Store. One-stop-shop for fourpart harmony music. Look at the collections


Will you be found in Zion? Three points to ponder - Message from Prof. Immanuel


Sunrise A Poem

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © Oct 2014


Christmas Wishes from all of us

In this Issue

Vol. 3, Issue 4,


You Know This? Reuben is Engaged Our baritone, and dear brother, Mr. Reuben Rhuphus is engaged to Ms. Judith Gracia, D/o Rev. Jones on 25-Oct-2014 at Anderson Hall, MCC, Chennai. May God bless these children and guide them as they prepare themselves to get united in Holy Matrimony to be held on 29-Dec-2014. Chordiels sang a few songs in the Betrothal, and Reuben stepped down from his chair and gave a solo piece. Friends and families in the audience applauded his cuteness and singing. The relation between Chordiels Music and Rev. Jones was that, Chordiels recorded a few instrument tracks for their first album in 2008 at Rev. Jones Studios at Palayamkottai. We are so thankful for God’s Great plans in our lives and in Chordiels Music. We all at Chordiels Music wish Reuben and Judith great gifts of blessings from above.

Chordiels - Diary Inception in June 2008 Published Albums: Nine Audio CDs Crossed 50 full-concerts in 2013, and now counting to 100 Adopted a Children’s Home since Jan 2013 and meeting out their needs during June and Dec every year Sponsoring two missionaries since July 2013, giving a monthly offering that would support their ministry Publishing Quarterly issue of Chordiels Magazine since 2011

Cycling with Care Bro. Irudhayaraj, founder & director of Vizhudhugal Ministries, has fondly joined Chordiels Music since 2011, and both Justus and Irudhayaraj are working in projects together in the banner of Chordiels Care. Irudhayaraj was sharing the burden of his missionaries in reaching the villages to preach the Gospel and get to meet people, and placed a request to pray for a sponsorship for buying a bicycle. To share this burden Chordiels Care volunteered to sponsor the required bicycle for the missionaries in Vizhudhugal Ministries. By the grace of God, a new bicycle was purchased and handed over to Bro. Irudhayaraj for his ministries. May God give wisdom and strength to these brothers as they travel and preach the precious Gospel.

Forever for You Any songwriter would never knew that his song is going to be a blessing to so many people. This song “Forever for You� sung by Chordiels in their seventh album was penned & composed by Justus. Such a Swing rhythm that would make you dance and sing along with Chordiels. Last week, one of our friends shared a testimony. “My cousin, living in Bangalore, was ill for some time and was down in spirit. While on bed under medication and taking rest she used to listen to Chordiels CD also, when she got to listen this song Forever for You. The song and lyrics motivated and uplifted her spirit. She used to listen to it again and again that she forgot she was ill. She got better, as the Lord touched her through the songs in that CD. All of her friends, family & relatives are now singing this song. We thank our Lord Jesus for this song.

When you receive a NO answer for your Prayer, Thank Him. Know that you will be blessed with a greater gift

by Dr. S. Justus The greatest gift of all times is the “Love of Jesus” His birth, Life, death, and His resurrection. This is the Gift we have for our life-time and for generations to come. With this gift I claim to live like the one who became the Gift with mercy, compassion, kindness, love. What a precious gift it is? Have you got this Gift in your life? You should be incomparably privileged to have this Gift all through your life. However this is not the focus of this article. Jesus was praying on the night before He was to be betrayed. “Father, if it is Thy will let this cup pass from me: nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou will”. The Father remained silent, and answered Jesus the “NO”. What followed is the salvation for you and me. When there is going to be NO from Him, then there is going to be a greatest gift for you and me. I turn back and see, I have received so many NOs than YESs, and I realize those NOs have brought me some the worth deserving gifts. I also wanted to become a Medical Physician, but received a NO, wanted to become a Football player, but received NO, wanted to build a house of my own in Madurai, obviously the answer was NO, and many instances like this. It was very tough to receive a NO when you are badly in need of that something. Now I understand and experience that those things which I was denied has paved for new blessings. When I received my PhD in computer science, it was a moment of gratitude. When I started to make music and sing for Him rather play on the ground, I wondered how God has shaped my paths. When we had built a house of our own in Chennai, I thank Him for that NO answer. All our tears were turned to joy. Till today there are other desires of my heart for which I have and I am receiving a Big NO. Hoping for greater blessings In that same tone, when I say a NO to a temptation or a sin that attracts and invites me to enjoy life, I know for sure that there is going to be the greatest reward from Jesus to live with Him eternally. Dear friends, when you receive a NO for your prayer, thank Him and await a greater blessing from Him. Have a joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Chordiels LôXùUpXôm vúRôjRÃlúTu A New Audio CD 15 Tamil Gospel Songs & A Message

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My Precious Gift

As told by Shri. N. Jothipandian to his Kids and Grandkids. He is a retired Southern Railway Engineer, now lives with his family, kids and grandkids, teaching and guiding them in the light of the Lord.

My Dear kids, This is the time of the year I love so much, because I receive so many gifts from you little ones, and from many friends. Though you already know I am neither a good giver nor a receiver of gifts, but I love the smiles, the love and warmth of the giver. Peter and John on that Sunday morning at the Temple Mount told the crippled man “We don't have gold or silver to offer you”. Neither do I. I don't have much riches to offer gifts to everyone, but I am sure that I have a greater gift than all the gold, silver, riches, stock shares, lands, property, bank balances a gift above all gifts the Precious Name of Jesus. I would rather share this Gift His Name Jesus with everyone and bless them with His love.

Powerful Gift: Demons and evil spirits trembled at this Name Jesus. They shout “Jesus, thou Son of God, have you come to torture us before time?” and begged Him not to cause pain. Such a powerful gift that the powers of the darkness trembles, and leaves way. Let us have this greatest Name which is the Name above all names during all our days of our life. It is a powerful weapon, a shield, protection and light to our feet.

Matchless Gift: When God says, “This is my begotten Son in whom I am well pleased” (Matthew 3:17) we understand how precious is His Son Jesus. God loved us too, “that He gave His only begotten Son” (John 3:16) to save us from our sins, bondages and chains. Jesus is matchless, and His love is comparable. These are not mere words. When you experience it you stand in awe, holding the most valuable Gift of all times. God gave His own gift for our sake, so that we could inherit the eternal life.

Abiding Gift: “I will be with you always, even to the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20). He is with us, the Emmanuel, always. In all our situations, in our cry, joy, going out and coming in, as we preach the Gospel to the world, He will be with us. He has promised this, and will never fail. He abides in us all our days, and in all things we do for His glory. What an amazing experience we have in Jesus? I am so glad you all will have this precious gift in your life, and become an instrument in sharing this Gift with others.

I’m Thankful for You Thanksgiving is the appointed time for focusing on the good in our lives. In each of our days, we can find small blessings, but too often we overlook them, choosing instead to spend our time paying attention to problems. We give our energy to those who cause us trouble instead of those who bring peace. Starting now, let's be on the lookout for the bits of pleasure in each hour, and appreciate the people who bring love and light to everyone who is blessed to know them. You are one of those people. On Thanksgiving, I'm thankful for you. Happy Thanksgiving!

Jesus God’s Christmas Gift

As Christmas approaches, many of us believers would have already planned mentally on either home decorations such as putting up the Christmas tree and getting gifts for our loved ones or even on Church activities such as carolling in your neighbourhood and Christmas service at Church. All these are just the most common examples of how we celebrate Christmas in this world no matter which country we may be from, hence, it transcends most cultures, denominations and backgrounds. However, how many of us celebrate Christmas as Christians looking unto to God? How many of us realise that the point of celebrating Christmas is to celebrate the greatest gift of God which is eternal life and that through Jesus Christ, we get this gift freely? Firstly, we have to put in perspective on where we are able to receive this free gift of eternal life from. In 1 John 5:11, it mentions, “And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son.� It is here where we have to realise that only through Jesus can we get this gift of eternal life. It is only through the acceptance of Jesus into our life as our personal Saviour, do we get this gracious gift of eternal life. It is through Jesus and his death on the cross that the veil of separation between God and man was torn down. It was only through Jesus. In Hebrews 4:14-16, it illustrates how Jesus Christ, through His death, has removed the barriers between God and man, and now we may approach Him at His throne with confidence and boldness. Secondly, we should understand what eternal life is. In John 3:16, it mentions “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. Once again, it mentions on the receivable gift of eternal life and also mentions the opposite of it which is to perish. What does this really mean to us as Christians? In the Bible the word 'perish' is scattered all over from the Old Testament to the New Testament with the primary meaning is to die, to lose life, to come to an end, or to be destroyed. Hence, to have eternal life is the opposite of having to perish which is to live, to gain life, to not come to an end, or to be kept unharmed. However, we must refrain from thinking carnally but spiritually. To have eternal life in its essence is to die leaving flesh behind and being acknowledged by Jesus to God and His angels as in Revelation 3:5 as opposed to being thrown into the lake of fire as in Revelation 20:10. To have eternal life is to be reunited with our Creator and this is all thanks to Jesus, the one whom God had sent to live on this earth only to die for us. Without Jesus, we would never have had the chance of being with God in heaven as we fell into sin in the days of Adam. Hence, as fellow Christians, we must hold fast to the true reason for the season. The Jesus is, was and must always be the reason we rejoice for His divine birth. We rejoice that He was born for our salvation. We rejoice for the One who came to save us all.

Ariane Nisha Rabindran Nisha is a 21 year old Malaysian student who is currently reading law in KDU University College and intends on practice law after she completes her degree and qualifying exam. She attends the Tamil Methodist Church Port Klang whereby she also is the President for the Methodist Youth Fellowship in her local church, where she helps the youth to seek God and help with solving everyday teen issues.

Story of a Carol Angels we have on heard high Sweetly singing ore the plains And the mountains in reply Echoing their joyous strains

Composer: Edward Shippen Barnes arranged the traditional French Christmas carol 'Les Anges dans nos Campagnes', by an unknown composer, to a tune called 'Gloria' to create the modern version of 'AngelsWe Have Heard on High.' Lyricist:

Gloria in excelsis Deo Gloria in excelsis Deo

Bishop James Chadwick translated the words of 'Les Anges dans nos Campagnes', which were written anonymously, into English for the song that people know today as 'Angels We Have Heard on High.'

Come to Bethlehem and see Christ whose birth the angels sing Come adore on bended knee Christ the Lord the newborn King

Angel Connection:

Gloria in excelsis Deo Gloria in excelsis Deo See him in a manger laid Whom the choirs of angels praise Mary, Joseph, lend your aid While our hearts in love we raise Gloria in excelsis Deo

'Angels We Have Heard on High' tells the story of an event recorded in the Bible afterJesus Christ was born on the first Christmas: an angel appeared in the sky to announce Christ's birth, and shortly thereafter was joined by a huge amount of other angels singing out praises: "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of heavenly host praising God, and saying, 'Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will to men’" (Luke 2:13-14). The phrase "Glory to God in the highest" is taken directly from the Bible and sung in Latin as "Gloria, in excelsis Deo!" in the song's chorus. History: People began to chant the phrase "Gloria in excelsis Deo" in Christmas Eve worship services as early as 130 A.D. Much later, in medieval times, a Latin chorale version may have inspired the traditional French Christmas carol 'Les Anges dans nos Campagnes,' which Edward Shippen Barnes used in the 1800s to arrange the first version of 'Angels We Have Heard on High'. 'Angels We Have Heard on High' was first published in English as part of an 1862 book called Crown of Jesus Music. But the version that has become popular worldwide was published later, in 1916, in the bookCarols Old and Carols New.


I am a


The greatest gift given by God to this world is Jesus Christ. Am I using the precious gift given by God, to the fullest extent and what I can give in return to Him, is the theme of this article. John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Jesus came to this world to give eternal life to entire mankind. Throughout His stay on earth, He lived according to the will of Father. He taught us how to pray; healed many; performed miracles; shed blood, died for us and resurrected. Just like Jesus, am I walking this spiritual journey according to the will of God? Do I lead a witnessing life in my own family/ church/society? Let us contemplate on this thought. As Paul says in Romans 12:1 “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God this is your true and proper worship”, let us offer ourselves as a living sacrifice, continuously renewing the mind with heavenly thoughts. This will help to run the Christian life with perseverance and get the promised crown of life. Giving that crown back the crown to Jesus, would be an ideal gift that we can give back to Jesus. Let us stay away from things that the Lord detests, as mentioned in Proverbs 6: 16-19. There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a person who stirs up conflict in the community. Let us be holy like Joseph who fled from sin; have faith like Abraham; be righteous like Noah; be prayerful like Daniel; Love God's wold like Maria; be good in hospitality like Martha; have good virtues like Elizabeth; be stubborn in godly things like Esther; help the needy and little ones like Jesus. Let us lead a pleasing life before the eyes of God, get the crown of life and give that crown as a gift to Jesus. Be a Gift of Blessing to many in the New Year and forever. Happy Christmas and New Year Friends!

Justin A. Raj works with Infosys Ltd, Chennai. He is an active member of Vincet D'Paul Society. He is a kind hearted and soft-spoken friend who never hesitates to share the Word. He can be reached at

Take home the Music Gifts from Chordiels Music Christmas with Chordiels - from Chordiels Music Christmas Rhapsody - from Octet Cantabile Inba Yesuvey - from Rev. A. Rajendran

Will you be fond in

Zion by Prof. V. Immanuel

There are only a few places in the world that exists both in earth and in heaven. Newyork or Madras exists only on earth. But, mount Zion speaks of a present geographical space and the heaven. “But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem….” Heb 12:22. There are many references in the Bible that point us to enormous nuggets of truth concerning Zion. For our study I have chosen four essentials characters that are to be found in a Christian that would make us eligible to reach Zion. Who has the best seat in Zion Is 14:32- That the LORD has founded Zion, and the poor of his people shall trust in it. This is one of the criterions to enter Zion. I believe we have to revise our attitudes to costly clothes and aimless expenditures. This may sound impractical to many. I do not wish to believe that someone who buys a very expensive car or a bike or spends enough to make his house look like a museum is a Christian. A car is for mere transport and not to make an idol out of it. The Lord Jesus placed maxims that are hard to be achieved by any man. A young man said, even the cap I wear is branded. I recently found a caption from the internet, 'why go to heaven when you can get everything here'. Do you feel you are getting everything here? Zion is for those who trained their lives and appetites to simplicity and poverty. Zion and Perfection Psalm 50. 2- “Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines.” Zion indicates that it is a perfect place made for the perfected saints of God. I have watched people emphasize perfection on a pure earthly plane. But, that's not sufficient, cause, God has to shine through it. We might be good teachers or great researchers or awesome athletes, but does God shine through you and me? I have my own fears for the singers and musicians, because I have seen some of the finest singers in our churches were given to smoking or drinking or pornography. I have personally warned singers who belonged to these three categories. Be warned by Zac:14:12 Their tongues will rot in their mouths(concerning the end times). Will your tongue rot or will it sing. Zion is a place of perfect beauty. Zion-the place of the redeemed The ransomed of the Lord shall return, and come to Zion-Is: 53:11 Here is another category of people who enter Zion- the redeemed. How imperative it is to be redeemed of God. It is a common thing to be seen among Christians all kinds of bondages even after salvation experience. I am astutely aware of the springs of evil that work within me too. But, redemption has to take place. There has to be a definite longing for deliverance from every wickedness in us. I have encountered several Christians who were addicted to smoking for over 30 years and died in that very state. I am sure they are spending their eternity in hell. It is sin not to be delivered. We cannot live as though Jesus did not die on the cross. Every flirtation, every wrong passion should be brought into the authority of the cross. Make Zion your home. The redeemed of the Lord shall enter Zion. Zion the foretaste of heavenly Joy Ps: 48:2 The joy of the whole earth, is Mount Zion. God shines from Zion. Those who go to Zion will have a foretaste of it already on earth. D.L. Moody’s book “Heaven” describes that a Christian starts living his heavenly life while he is still in earth. God desires that every Christian who creates sadness should become a joy to the whole world. I have found that some people at home literally drive you out and create an absolute chaotic mess. If you are unmanageable at home, you can be pretty sure you will not reach Zion. Why don't you ask God to make you a joy of the earth? Some are sick perpetually. Some with clandestine affairs for years together. At the very place you caused sorrow you must create joy. You are the Zion that Bible talks of and that God must shine through you.

Sunrise You can change your life, in just fifteen minutes. Just open your heart. Forget the trials. Forget the strife. There's a sunrise in your life. So keep watching. Keep Watching. I walk alone on these busy city streets again tonight. Just thinking of you. Those memories they hurt to much to talk about, but look to the skyline. There's a sunrise. A Sunrise. On the hill top, on that sky line, keep watching, keep watching for that sunrise. Keep watching. Keep watching, for that sunrise.


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Handel Music Series “Chordiels Musicâ€? Sembakkam, Chennai 600073 Š All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2014 Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of this magazine in any form is prohibited

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