Chordiels magazine - The Right Way

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Is this the Right Way Chordiels Fest 2014 The Christian Way LMV - Featured Group Photo Gallery - Fest New CDs Promo Steps to the Right Way At the End of the Rail Road Vol.: 3, Issue: 3, July - Sept 2014

The only way that leads to life The right way to eternity The righteous way to keep us pure The healthy way to all cure The toughest way that tests Until we find the peaceful rest The narrow way of long travel Keeps the heart filled with marvels The way of life and truth That cant be dealt smooth Hope I choose this way Till the blissful bright day.

I am the Way Jesus

Welcome Hey All, So happy to come up with this issue of Magazine in this joyous occasion as we all at Chordiels Music are celebrating the completion of Six years of singing in harmony. Though not a big number, we are grateful to our Lord for providing us with strength to overcome the hurdles, wisdom to do His works, guidance to travel and reach many through these songs. This issue is focused on “The Right Way”. The right way to do this and that etc. While contemplating with issues in music, worship, jobs, family, what one would conclude to do these things in the right way. Here our friends have poured in their thoughts focusing on the theme. Also featuring are the members of the Lutheran Men’s Voice - who are celebrating 40 years of singing as a group. Thank God for them. Read from cover to cover, featuring Fest 2014, photos, poems, story of a song, and many articles. Do write to us what is your right way.



Dr. S. Justus

Chordiels Magazine July - Sept 2014 Editors Dr. S. JUSTUS Prof. V. IMMANUEL


Is this the Right Way Justus talks about life’s lessons and God’s goodness in assuring us the right way.


Chordiels Fest 2014 A glimpse into what happened in the Fest 2014, celebrating six years of singing together.


I am the Way How are we supposed to choose the right way? How is it going to be when we are in the right way? Justin answers.

Head Publishing Shri. L. CHARLES SELVARAJ Article Contributors Dr. S. Justus Shri. Justin A. Raj Shri. N. Jothipandian Ms. Ariane Nish Rabindran Prof. V. Immanuel Our Special Thanks to Dr. Prabhu G J Dorairaj, and Members of LUTHERAN MEN”S VOICES

CHORDIELS MAGAZINE Published as e-Magazine in and Published by: Chordiels Music | Handel Music Series Sembakkam, Chennai 600073, TN, India

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © July 2014


The Christian Way Young talented Ariane Nisha, writes about the practical Christian way of life. Really fruitful.


Featured - LMV Lutheran Men’s Voices, celebrating 40 years of singing as a group in harmony - Dr. Prabhu talks


Small is the gate, that leads to life Which one to choose? The broad way or the narrow way? NJP refers the Biblical way of choosing and living.


At the end of the railroad track A Poem from Aleksander Asrael, from Meaningful one.


Story of a Song Guide me Oh Thou great Jehovah. Glimpse on the birth of this song, and how it got its shape to now what we are singing.

32 Chordiels Music Online Store. One-stop-shop for fourpart harmony music. Look at the collections


tteps to go the Right Way Four points to ponder - Message from Prof. Immanuel

In this Issue

Vol. 3, Issue 3,

We had a good time making a video for the Dhoordharshan Pothigai Television. Our dear Annan, Mr. Lionel Satya gave us an opportunity to sing six songs for a 30-min program. The video was telecast on 13th July Sunday morning 7:05 to 7:30 am

The video will soon be available at our Youtube Channel Buy our full audio Cds at

Judah Samuel s/o Prof. V. Immanuel

Immanuel and Priya Immanuel are blessed with a baby boy - Judah Samuel, on March 8th, 2014. Now the boy is four months old and look at the smiles. Immi and Priya are blessed, pious couple who read the Word of God and preach them to people with great authority. Immi also sings, but prefers not to sing in parts, because he says “I already sing the fifth part which you Chordiels cannot sing�. Laughs. May God bless this little family, and especially His blessings and protection be on the lovable boy, Judah. We wish him all well.

Is this the Right Way? Every time when thousands of questions rise at the back of my head, God sends some showers of blessings assuring that He is with me in this journey. I ask myself many times when things are not turning out as expected, “Is this the Right Way?” Self journey for 38 years, professional journey 14 years, journey with Hepsiba in marriage 11 years, journey with Handel 9 years, and journey with Chordiels for the past 6 years these journeys have shown great blessings and great lessons. Though it is a one-way journey having so many people coming into my lives, I consider each one of them as unique and precious as I consider myself. It is the Lord Mighty sets you up in a journey, and gives you people, paths and purpose to reach your destination with a fulfilled life. It is our responsibility to choose the different paths and make it best, fun-filled, fruitful journey. As a young guitarist, I didn't have any objective or was unaware of the ways that lay ahead of me, until I joined the St. Paul's Church Choir as a seasoned musician. Mr. Stephen Thiagarajan would call me to compose the orchestrations and direct the music section for the Choir. Late when I had the maturity to direct the Choir of St. Peter's Church, never did I realize that God has put me in a path where I should ever praise Him, no matter what the situation is. When I initiated Chordiels, I was assured that I should take the Gospel, share the Good News of Salvation in different places and be a blessing to others through this music and songs. However, am I on the right direction? Sometimes I do miss the mark, miss the path, doubt whether am I called to do what I am doing. In addition to my professional career, is this Gospel music going to take me anywhere? Every time when thousands of questions rise at the back of my head, God sends some showers of blessings assuring that He is with me in this journey. His wisdom, strength, guidance, counseling and anointment are abundantly felt in this tough journey. More the things you do or plan to do for Christ, more the challenges are on the way. Hundreds of people, thousands of opinions, tons of advises and lot more. While these are pressing heavy on the shoulders, a little prayer “O Lord give me strength to carry this load, give me wisdom and guidance to make the next move”.

by Dr. S. Justus

Yes the Lord answers in His own ways, in His own style and time. Since He has assured that His presence is with me in all these situations, I am confident He will and is leading me in the right path, in the right direction, so that I could complete the purpose of my existence. With a grateful heart and thankful mind, we as family and members of Chordiels Music Trust, raise our voices in harmony, thanking Him for all His wonders. The most important thing is, He is using Chordiels in the right path and as instruments of blessings to others. What more will I want, than to sing His Good News to the needy souls. What more will I demand than wisdom and strength? What more should I need, than the Lord Himself? Indeed, having chosen the right path, we are having a wonderful, fun-filled and fruitful time, in the fellowship of Christ.

Chordiels Music Lutheran Men’s Voices New Covenant Singers Octet Cantabile Classic Hymns

Come June, come Chordiels Fest the annual event of thanks-giving for Chordiels Music Trust. This year, we planned for the Fest during April 2014, to host it in Chennai. The venue was finalized during the last week of May, while the guys were vacationing. Then they all got into the job, choosing the list of songs, date, timing etc. Four new songs were selected, and Justus did the choral arrangement and the music tracking. The Quartet met twice in a week, worked hard on their vocals and harmony part. Posters, Banners were prepared posted in possible places and in Chordiels Music Facebook page. Justus and Charles with their team of volunteers and friends were able to meet nearly 15 churches and fellowships and made an invite for the Fest. Everything they stepped in, was in their favour. Justus had an idea to invite one guest group for the Fest, and the group he had in mind was Lutheran Men's Voices (LMV). Dr. Prabhu Durairaj gladly accepted to come to the Fest with the group LMV. The day came. 22nd June 2014. This day in 2008, Sunday, Chordiels Quartet had their inception. We could recall those good old days Justus, Vijay, Jeyakumar and Prasanna singing some of their favorites. This Sunday evening 22nd June, the place around the Bishop Heber Chapel in Madras Christian College was filled with audiences, LMV doing little warmups, and Chordiels made warm welcome, meeting everyone in the Chapel premises. At 6pm, the Chaplin Dr. VM Spurgeon gave a call to worship and did the opening prayer followed by the Choir and the congregation singing a Hymn of Praise. Prof. Immanuel had a reading from the book of Psalms.

Chordiels Quartet stepped on stage with their favorite rendition of “Aandava Prasannamaahi”. They got the crowd when they hit “Swing Down Chariot” and an A cappella of “In that great Getting up Morning”. The Lutheran Men's Voices rendered beautiful vocal A Cappella of “Cherubim” and “Asaikkapaduvathillaye”. The second half made a feast of the intricate harmonies from Chordiels rendinging “Holy is the Lord”, Kalvaary Maa malai mel”. Justus led the congregation to worship in singing “I'll Fly Away” and “You are my all in all”. The Fest came to an end with Charles and Immanuel presenting a memento to Dr.VM Spurgeon and Dr. Prabhu Durairaj. After Prayer and Benediction, the Choir and the Congregation sang “Abide with me”. What a joy to enjoy in the beauty of the vocal harmony that praises only the sweetness of God's everlasting love. We thanked our Lord Jesus for giving us one more year to sing His Glory.

I am the Way

In my Spiritual journey, am I travelling through the right way? Who is my guide? Am I following the right way or have I lost the direction? Let us ponder these things in this article. Mathew 7:13-14 says “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and one a few find it. In John 15:6, Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life”. Knowing Christ Jesus as the personal savior (salvation) is the stating point of the journey towards the kingdom of God. Salvation is the passport to eternal life. For it is by grace we have been saved, through faith and this is not from ourselves, it is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8,9). Throughout the journey, love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength (Mark 12:30). Loss of anything like money, fame, property or dear ones should not be hindrances in this journey. Just like how Jesus followed the will of God, we need to know the will of God and walk through the Spiritual life steadily. The Holy Spirit will teach and guide each one of us throughout the journey. John 14:26 says The Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you. Let us seek the support of Holy Spirit to give us wisdom to handle our day to day life judiciously. During this journey, clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity (Colossians 3:12). Let us learn to forgive one another and move forward with good relationship. During the journey, if there are struggles, storms or difficulties, if our foundation is strong in God's Words, nothing can shake us. In Mathew 7:24,25 Jesus says “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who builds his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock”.

Justin A. Raj works with Infosys Ltd, Chennai. He is an active member of Vincet D'Paul Society. He is a kind hearted and soft-spoken friend who never hesitates to share the Word. He can be reached at This journey encounters “struggles against the rulers, the authorities and the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12). Put on the armor of God so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all these, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming of arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. With Salvation, fruit of spirit, God's word and prayer the journey can be made successful. Pray like Daniel regularly and pray like Elijah earnestly to demolish the hindrances that appear in the spiritual journey. If the journey is successful, we will receive the crown of life and will see God face to face in heaven. Blessed is the one who perseveres under trail because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to whose who love him (James 1:12) May the Lord guide you in all the right paths to reach the goal.

The Christian


Christianity is thought to be old-fashioned, traditional, outdated, and even irrelevant in today's world. With the occurrence of science and technology continuing to not only dominate but replace many of the tools used by man today, many wonder if there is a place for Christians to remain Christian. In Romans 12:2, it says, 'And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.' However, can Christians remain Christians, as in following God's Word and at the same time, not conform to the world we live in? I believe yes. The first issue refers to whether Christians can still be Christians. The word 'conform' in the verse means to behave according to socially acceptable conventions or standards. Linking this with the verse, we should not behave according to what is socially acceptable to the world but that we may prove what ought to be acceptable to God. Hence, we can remain in the world but not be of the world. It is possible according to the Word that we be a faithful follower of God as it strictly mentions 'do not' which is a command. We, as Christians, can remain as Christians, those who follow the eternal God in a world which is temporary and always changing. However, although God has allowed us the ability to remain constant in Him, how do we deal with the world when it is not us who should change? The key is in the next part of the verse. The second issue refers to how Christians would remain faithful. The word 'renewing' refers to being restored, revived, given fresh new life or even resurrect. The Word instructs us clearly that we be transformed by renewing our mind but how? The answer is simple, make reading the Bible a top priority. To renew our mind is to equip our mind with the unfailing logic of God's truth by reading, have scripture engraved in our mind ready to be recalled in any situation. In Colossians 3:16, Paul emphasizes on the dwelling of God's Word in us richly so it can be implied that not only to read, study or meditate but for the Word to live in us, to be a part of us and not be separated. In John 1:1, we can understand that the Word is God so to have the Word with us is keeping God close to our heart.

Ariane Nisha Rabindran Nisha is a 21 year old Malaysian student who is currently reading law in KDU University College and intends on practice law after she completes her degree and qualifying exam. She attends the Tamil Methodist Church Port Klang whereby she also is the President for the Methodist Youth Fellowship in her local church, where she helps the youth to seek God and help with solving everyday teen issues.

The final part of the verse talks about proving what is good and acceptable and perfect will of God. It talks about us being the example to the world. In Matthew 5:13-16, Jesus Christ mentioned to the disciples simply that they are the light and salt of the world and that the world may see their good works and glorify God. In the same way, we have to represent Jesus to the world as Jesus represented God on earth. We have to prove to them which means to demonstrate the greatness of the God we serve to a point where unbelievers and believers alike see the greatness of God. Through our daily dealings with people, situations, conflicts, suffering, we have to set the example of who God is as the people who follow Him diligently not for us, for the glory of our God. Therefore, my friends, as Christians in this modern world, we can remain faithful to God as He commanded us not to follow the world's patterns which mean it's possible to be set aside for God. As Christians who seek the Lord, we must seek His Word with prayer and surrender so that we may understand what He speaks to us and that the Word will speak in return during times of need. Finally, as Christians, we have to be the trendsetters of the world for God not allowing the world to overcome but we overcome the world as Christ overcame death. With this, I bless you all in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. May He lead us in His way


I sing the mighty pow’r of God, that made the mountains rise, That spread the flowing seas abroad, and built the lofty skies. I sing the wisdom that ordained the sun to rule the day; The moon shines full at His command, and all the stars obey. I sing the goodness of the Lord, who filled the earth with food, Who formed the creatures through the Word, and then pronounced them good. Lord, how Thy wonders are displayed, where’er I turn my eye, If I survey the ground I tread, or gaze upon the sky. There’s not a plant or flow’r below, but makes Thy glories known, And clouds arise, and tempests blow, by order from Thy throne; While all that borrows life from Thee is ever in Thy care; And everywhere that we can be, Thou, God, art present there.


The Lutheran Men’s Voice The legendary male vocal group that is singing for FOUR decades, is celebrating their 40th Anniversary during October 2015. Chordiels Magazine is happy to feature Lutheran Men’s Voices (LMV) during this occasion as they carry the legacy of harmony music and communicate the Good News of Jesus to many.

The Christendom in India owes a lot to the Lutheran Churches in India, the Tamil Evangelical Lutheran Church (TELC) to be particular, for their immeasurable contribution to rich music to all the churches, irrespective of the denomination. Stemming out from this rich tradition is the “Lutheran Men's Voice” affectionately called as LMV. The Lutheran Men's Voice (LMV) was started in the year 1975, in the month of October, by eight talented and committed youngsters from the Adaikalanather Lutheran Church in Tana Street, Purasawalkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India and has been performing continuously till now, singing the glory of God. Four of the founder members of LMV are still singing in it, though having reached/crossed 60. The long years of singing, has only added experience and colour to their singing and they are still contributing with the same fervour, commitment, dedication and perseverance. Lots of new talents have been roped into LMV in its long musical journey, with utmost care and screening, taking into account, not only their musical talents but also their commitment, perseverance, etc.

The Lutheran Men's Voice performs through the year not seasonal singers in and around the city of Chennai, occasionally going out to other places including the neighbouring states like, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Pondicherry. The LMV receives invitation to perform from all the Churches and organizations, irrespective of denominational barriers, including the Catholic and Pentecostal churches. One important feature with the LMV is that they have been singing under the baton of their Founder-Director, Dr Prabhu G J Dorairaj, ever since the inception of the group in the year 1975, who has been conferred with the Honorary Doctorate by none other than the Patriach Rev Dr John Williams, the Founder President of the International Institute of Church Management (IICM), Plymouth, Pennsylvania, US, recognizing his musical talents and contribution of music to the Christian Churches in India. The Director along with the accompanist Dr Rajeevan David has visited US at the instance of Dr John Williams, for more than three months in 2007. In 2010, the Director made a trip to Canada on invitation and to US for the second time. The LMV has so far released the following three cassettes and four audio CDs of their own in Tamil and one CD in English; one CD with the Rev Dr Samuel Kamalesan, for the Friends Missionary Prayer Band; one more CD with the then Bishop Rt Rev Dr Sundar Clarke, for Chennai Ecumenical Music Fellowship and have given voice backing to innumerous artists in Chennai.

From the year 2008, the LMV has been part of the Classic Hymns and have contributed in all the 4 albums produced by the Classic Hymns. It has also performed in FEBA and the Doordharshan (Indian TV). In the year 2010, when the Billy Graham Evangelical Association had their Chennai Hope Festival in Chennai for four days in January, the Director Dr Prabhu G J Dorairaj was invited to be the Director of the Festival Choir, which was formed with more than 500 voices, from different Churches in Chennai (all denominations), accompanied by a 40 piece Orchestra. The LMV does not limit itself with singing. It is very closely associated with many missionary organizations and is sponsoring a missionary with Friends Missionary Prayer Band and five children from Nava Jeevan Seva Mandal, an organization involving in the social upliftment of Tribal children. Occasionally it takes up social causes like helping underprivileged children in their studies, helping the AIDS affected people, etc. The Director is the Treasurer of Friends Missionary Prayer Band, the pioneering and largest missionary organization in India. Two of the founder members and two others who joined later, have been called home. The LMV wishes to continue the singing ministry till His Coming or their Home Call. The LMV will be celebrating its 40th anniversary in October 2015 with a plan to hold a Choral Concert, to acknowledge the abundant grace of God, in their long musical journey.

Cassettes: i) Keedhangal Paaduvom (fPjq;fs; ghLNthk;) ii) Jebamae Jeevan (n[gNk [Ptd;) iii) Piriyamaana Yaesuvae (gphpakhd ,NaRNt) Audio CDs: i) Aranaagiya Daevan (muzhfpa Njtd;) ii) Thudhiyin Keerthanaigal (Jjpapd; fPjq;fs;) iii) Nambikkaiyin Udhayam (ek;gpf;ifapd; cjak;-Christmas) iv) Ummai Thudhikirom (ck;ikj; Jjpf;fpNwhk;-Double album) v) What a Friend - (English-with Rev Dr Sam Kamalesan) vi) Creation to New Creation (English-with Bishop Sundar Clarke) vii) God's Goodness-(English-in memory of late C H Daniel)

Chordiels Music wishes Dr. Prabhu Dorairaj and his male vocal group Lutheran Men’s Voice as they celebrate 40 faithful years of singing together in harmony. May God grant them many more years, strength, wisdom and anointment as they travel to sing the Good News. May LMV be an instrument of blessings and inspiration to more younger groups like Chordiels, and may their songs bring people closer to God.

Dr. Prabhu G. J. Dorairaj Founder - Director of Lutheran Men’s Voice Prabhu Annan or Prabhu Uncle, as we dearly call him, is one of the finest personalities one should ever want to meet. As a choir boy in TELC Adaikalanathar Church, his love for music and singing gained roots through the inspiration of Mr. Edwin, the then Choir master of the Church. Singing was the major attraction and he continued it along side playing the Guitar. During 60s he was part of the “St Paul's Male Voice” and in early 70s joined the prestigious “John Milln Singers” conducted by the great maestro Mr. Jabez Janagaraj who had moulded him to be a renowned musician. He has also sung in the “Madras Musical Association (MMA)” Choir, then conducted by Dr Grub Asirvatham and in the “Madras Philharmonic and Choral Society (MPCS)” choir, conducted by the great musician late Handel Manuel. In the year 1975, during summer the youth choir was invited to sing at a church in Vepery which was appreciated by all, including the preacher for that day who inspired the youth to convert it into a formal choir, which led to the formation of the “Lutheran Men's Voice” in October, 1975. In the year 1999-2000, Rt. Rev. Dr. Johnson Gnanabaranam, then Bishop of TELC entrusted the work of printing the TELC HYMN BOOK (Gnaanapaattu) with four part music, to Dr Prabhu, which he was able to accomplish with “His” strength, wisdom and guidance. This was the first time the Tamil Lutheran Hymn Book was published with four part harmony. In the year 2000, when Mr Robin Daniel, then Director of the “Cultural A-Cappella Singers” (CACS) was called Home, the mantle fell on Prabhu and he is still the Director of CACS. Prabhu along with the late Bishop Sunder Clarke and Dr Earnest Chellappa, a well known Christian Music Director in Chennai, formed the “Chennai Ecumenical Music Fellowship” (CEMF) to promote the local talents, in 2007, which was in operation till the Home call of our beloved Bishop. With all these credits and positions he has held and keeping up, he should be very busy. But the best part of Prabhu annan is he will be there for you whenever you call him for music or singing, or whatever societal issues or just to say a ‘hi’, with that great smile on his lips, with a warm heart and with an unbeaten simplicity. Our wishes for this wonderful musician as he celebrates 40 years of singing in LMV.

Prabu was born as the third child to Rev G N Dorairaj and Mrs Malthi Dorairaj on 24th May, 1951, in Purasawalkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu. He had his schooling in the ELM Fabricius High School, Purasaiwalkam and continued his bachelor's at the Madras Christian College, Tambaram. He had done his post graduate diploma in Business Management. He was an officer with State Bank of India and took voluntary retirement in 2006, to involve in ministry, mainly through singing Since childhood he had the fascination for music and star ted singing in the Adaikalanathar Lutheran Church Choir, Purasawalkam, as a boy soprano, when he was only 10 years. AJR Satya played a major role in shaping his musical talents and he learnt great lessons in music under his guidance and leadership. Since then Prabhu was called to take up several leadership positions in Choral singing, conducting, composing vocal harmony. He compiled the first Tamil Lutheran Hymn, and was the Director of the Hope Festival conducted by Dr. Billy Graham in 2010. Prabhu is the treasurer of the FMPB since 2009, and honorary Director of YFC, WFW, COME, IFVH and PMD. Prabhu is married and has two children, Ebenezer and Malthi Priscilla. Contact:;; Mobile: 9444217463

As told by Shri. N. Jothipandian to his Kids and Grandkids. He is a retired Southern Railway Engineer, now lives with his family, kids and grandkids, teaching and guiding them in the light of the Lord.

Dear Children, Glad to meet you again through this magazine. How to know the right way? Or what is the right way? In this regard, we must pray God as Moses prays unto Him in Exo 33:13. “I pray you, if I have found grace in your sight, show me now your way, that I may know you”. If you know Jesus personally, then you will come to know the right way. These are perverse ways in which man cannot walk safely. Whoever walks blamelessly will be saved. Pro. 28:18. Jesus said, I am the way, (John 4:16) if any man can come to me he shall be saved. God gave man a thinking mind and the ability to exercise choose whether he chooses the right way to worship and obey God's Word as God intended he should or would choose to be a rebel. This state of rebellion is called sin and it leads man to death. Indeed, death is God's punishment for sin. So we ask forgiveness of God for He is gracious and merciful in action (Ps 103:7-18). The creator has though sacrificed His Son, Jesus, made it possible for honest repentant for man and woman to turn to him and not to perish at death. People of this world used to say about the various ways that all roads lead to a certain city and ends thereof. But we people of God's children marching towards Zion, the great and beautiful city of God. Our life doesn't end in this modern worldly city, we look beyond and our eyes are on the city “New Jerusalem”. To reach that beautiful and heavenly city “There is only one way” Rev 21:1,2. God, in His great mercy, has made this possible through His Son, Jesus. That is the sort of God, He is the great God of Heaven. He is the majestic omnipotent that the Bible uniquely reveals to us. We all need to choose Him, Jesus, to be our right way to reach that eternal City. Please have a look at these Bible passages: John 5:24 He that hear my word and believes on Him that sent me, has everlasting life. Psalms 18:30 As for God, His way is perfect. Mathew 7:14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life and there are few who find it. Prayer: Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your path.

At the End of the Railroad Track I seek salvation, At the end of a railroad track, With an old blind dog, And a beat up hobo pack. I don't know where the railroad will take me, I haven't the slightest clues, I only hope that I can see, The truth beneath the lie. The railroad track is long, With lots of hills and valleys, But I press on while singing a song, About my life and my mistakes. I never know if I will find, A way to erase my sing, Or a way to ease my mind, And allow me to take a rest. I just keep on walking slow, With a song on my lips, And my old blind dog in tow, Searching for myself along life's worn out track. I seek salvation, At the end of a railroad track, With an old blind dog, And a beat up hobo pack.

Poetry By: Aleksander Azrael Courtesy:

Story of a Song Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah, Pilgrim through this barren land. I am weak, but Thou art mighty; Hold me with Thy powerful hand. Bread of Heaven, Bread of Heaven, Feed me till I want no more; Feed me till I want no more. Open now the crystal fountain, Whence the healing stream doth flow; Let the fire and cloudy pillar Lead me all my journey through. Strong Deliverer, strong Deliverer, Be Thou still my Strength and Shield; Be Thou still my Strength and Shield. Lord, I trust Thy mighty power, Wondrous are Thy works of old; Thou deliver’st Thine from thralldom, Who for naught themselves had sold: Thou didst conquer, Thou didst conquer, Sin, and Satan and the grave, Sin, and Satan and the grave.

Words: William Williams, Halleluiah (Bristol, England: 1745) (Arglwydd, arwain trwy’r anialwch). Translated from Welsh to English by Peter Williams, Hymns on Various Subjects (Carmarthen, Wales: 1771); Williams published ano-her English translation in Lady Huntingdon’s Collection, circa 1772. Music: Cwm Rhondda, John Hughes, 1907 (MIDI, score). Hughes wrote this tune in Tonteg (near Pontypridd), Wales, to commemorate a music festival held in nearby Capel Rhondda, Hopkinstown. It was first performed 1stNovember that year to Welsh words by Ann Griffiths; in the early days it was simply known as Rhondda, but within a year he changed the name to Cwm Rhondda, used Peter Williams’ translation, and the rest is history Alternate tunes (some use slightly differ-nt endings to the lyrics): This hymn was sung, in Welsh, in the Academy Award winning movie How Green Was My Valley (1941). It was sung in English at the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, in Westminster Abbey, London, September 6, 1997.

When I tread the verge of Jordan, Bid my anxious fears subside; Death of deaths, and hell’s destruction, Land me safe on Canaan’s side. Songs of praises, songs of praises, I will ever give to Thee; I will ever give to Thee. Musing on my habitation, Musing on my heav’nly home, Fills my soul with holy longings: Come, my Jesus, quickly come; Vanity is all I see; Lord, I long to be with Thee! Lord, I long to be with Thee!

Courtesy: Cyberhymnal: Picture:

Steps to go the Right Way Prof. V. Immanuel is a Professor of English in Loyola College, Chennai. He is a writer, preacher, orator and a good friend. He writes and delivers speeches in conferences of International ministries. He is also closely associated with LEF speakers’ fellowship. His areas of research include Jewish Literature and and has submitted his works for PhD degree. Write to

Every child of God has to make choices, decisions in life on a daily basis. There are certain areas where we do not know of a definite operation. Let me suggest to you a few practical steps that will sure help you take the right way. As much as I practiced this, I found great liberty on the inside. Wait in God's presence: Deut:9:18 - Then once again I fell prostrate before the LORD for forty days and forty nights; Spend a few days (full days) in God's presence brushing aside your other works. By this I mean exclusive time of prayer. People have a crafty mentality to consider their cooking hours, bathing time and exercise hours to be times of prayer. It is not wrong to pray while you walk or shave or cook. But we don't do the same with our bosses. Fast and pray: Ps: 69:10- I humble myself by fasting. It is always suggested that one should fast and pray during times of thorough confusion. Throughout the old testament we find how people obtained massive victories by fasting.( ex. Esther, Ezra, Nehemiah, Daniel, Moses and many others) Don't you ever think if you fast you will die. Infact, if you don't fast you will spiritually die. There are several occasions where Jesus places fasting and praying side by side. Take Counsel: Pro: 11:14-Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety. Take counsel with senior God's servants, saints of God and walk accordingly. The bible says, Luke 16:29, “they have Moses”. Very interesting that God has kept men like Moses who will preach, counsel and guide new members of the church. Ask God that he might reveal Godly men around you. Try to associate with them and take their counsel. Particularly during times of making serious choices concerning Job, marriage, travel, purchase of property, try doing it with men around you who pray, you will not regret later. Pro:23:2 says, A prudent man foresees the evil, and hides himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

Read God's word profusely Ps: 119:105-Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path. One of the key means by which God communicates to man is by His word. The problem with people is that God's word is read hastily. Enough time has to be given to the reading of God's word, so that God can use the time to speak to you. I read of a man of God who used to read Bible even in bus stations if he had to stand more than 2 minutes. These days, people resort to their smart phones and internet. Connect to God. Read His words which can lift your soul. When one of our young boys was suddenly drawn to a girl, he felt an irresistible urge for her. He went beyond the scope of counseling. We later suggested that he goes to the Lord to find what He has to say about his recent interests. The Lord spoke to him from Jeremiah 2.33- How you plot and scheme to win your lovers. Even an experienced prostitute could learn from you! When the Lord spoke to him thus, he withdrew. Find every opportunity to hear God's word (church sermons, bible-study, and messages of dead saints) Pro:2:1-2. My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding. This is another great way by which you can choose the right way and find victory. As much as possible, expose yourself to messages given by Godly men. Fill your phones and music players with such messages. Some of the good speakers available are, John Piper, Paul Washer, David Wilkerson, Leonard Ravenhil, Zac Poonen, Theodre Williams, and many many mighty men of God whose messages will help you through your walk with Christ. Do not fill your gadgets with all kinds of music that do not really help you spiritually. The Lord Jesus said, Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”(John 8:47) I have presented to you my kind of going the right way. I believe the Lord in his mercy will help you do the right.

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Post Produced & Distributed by: Chordiels Music v2, Swasthik Residency Sembakkam, Chennai Phone: 9840454631

Handel Music Series “Chordiels Musicâ€? Sembakkam, Chennai 600073 Š All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2014 Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of this magazine in any form is prohibited

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