Chordiels Magazine

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The Song of the Angels It’s Christmas Time  Chordiels Wishes  Cakes & Cakes C-Talk with Stanley Chellappa

The First Christmas Choir Return to Bethlehem 

Chordiels Carols Music

Listen to more Christmas Carols in

CQPlayer @

Chordiels Magazine Issue 3, Oct- Dec 2012



Dear Friends, The joyous time of the year is this! Wish you all a Merry Christmas!!

Magazine Designs Consultant Shri. SHYAM SUNDER

Our Sincere Thanks To Shri. STANLEY CHELLAPPA Quiet-Time Ministries, Chennai

CHORDIELS MAGAZINE Published as e-Magazine in and

We are so privileged to sing during the season of Christ’s advent, and much thankful for this one-more year to hang on, singing and celebrating the music and the message. The good news is ‘He is the one we celebrate and sing’. This magazine from Chordiels Music brings Christmas specials – messages, Christmas articles, C-Talk with Shri. Stanley Chellappa, sweet cakes, and wishes from all at Chordiels Music. Every time we have friends who want to be with Chordiels, we welcome them and appreciate their works, little or large. We have Solomon, Arun Castro, and Shyam Sunder joined us on different fronts. As a bigger family of Chordiels, we anticipate the second coming of our Lord, before which, we are supposed to run our race, with more focus, perseverance and prayers.

Published by: Chordiels Music | Handel Music Series Sembakkam, Chennai 600073, TN, India

Enjoy reading this issue! Have a great Christmas!!

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © December 2012



We have included regular Columns, Advertisements, Testimonies, Short Stories, Cool Pictures in Chordiels Magazine. We invite you to contribute in any one or in all of these sections. Just write in your articles to along with relevant photographs and your contact info in detail. Also, you can write in your comments, feedbacks for improvement of the Chordiels Magazine, so that we could bring out our best in the Magazine, whose objective is to offer hope, love, and inspiration to lead a better, blessed, God-pleasing life.

You Know This?

Kiruba Kingston, of Nazareth, now living in

From a four-member team in 2008, Chordiels Music has

Chennai, became an ardent fan of Chordiels, after she listened to their CD “Forever for You”. Now, in her early 80s, she remembers her young years when she and her family used to sing “Anjiden, Anjiden” in their home and church. She used to call Justus over phone and ask of the Quartet‟s concert schedules.

grown up to a 12 member team today. In addition to the singing endeavors, Chordiels Music expanded its base to host different ministries since 2010. Then on, we had some friends joined the group and some left. Today, we have some more new friends helping Chordiels grow in different fronts.

To our surprise, Mrs. Kiruba came in early to our first carol at St. Luke‟s Church on 2nd Dec 2012. She tells “I am so happy to hear you dear boys sing live. Your songs are really a blessing to me”. She also bought our CDs in bulk, as she is leaving to United States to be with her sons for this Christmas. “I will give your CDs to people I meet there, and spread the Good News about Jesus”, she said with great joy.

The Singing front - Chordiels Quartet – Justus, Reuben, Manley and Solomon; Word for the Winners- Rev. A. Rajendran, Prof. Immanuel; Production Managers – Lovelyn, Jones; Designs/Photography – Shyam Sunder; Visual/Video Engineer – Arun Castro; Handel Music Productions – Hepsiba Mabel; Content Management/Editing: George Koshi;


We are so amazed to see her enthusiasm in spreading the Gospel in all means, even through our music. We thank her whole-heartedly. One last thing to add is, Mrs. Kiruba prays for the Chordiels and their music ministry, every day. Her email id:

To co-ordinate the business activities of Chordiels Music, Justus invited Vijay Baskar, his longtime friend to be part of this group. Since Vijay is on a trip away from India, discussions are continuing on in him joining the Chordiels Music Group. To know more visit


Chordiels Quartet has recorded two Christmas Songs “Joy to the World” and “Away in a Manger” during this Christmas season. Our dear friends, Syntia Bejoy and Beulah Luke also have recorded two songs “Oh What a Joy” and “Arasanai Kaanaamal”, which brought in the color of fresh female voices. Prof. Immanuel recorded a Christmas Message, stressing on the true meaning of Christ‟s birth. Handel and Tarun recorded “Jesus my Savior”, one of the favorite kids‟ Carols that brought in the manger scene. Justus also recorded a solo “Anbai Eendhathu”, which was written by late Mr. Julius Moses. The collection of these carols is available online at Chordiels Music website. Listen to the Christmas Songs in Chordiels Carol Player.

Its’ Christmas Time

By Dr. Justus

I remember the Christmas time when Dad would set the Christmas Tree in the corner of our house during the first week of Advent. All we knew is Dad knows the best time to decorate our house. Yes, we enjoy mid-semester exams, anticipating the nearing Christmas and the carols. Whenever the Santa visits our house Dad would play “The Twelve Songs of Christmas – By Jim Reeves” in his old gramophone record, and make the visitors happy. It was his pride to own a gramophone player. I remember the Christmas time when I went out to rehearse or perform or sing with the Church choirs. Amidst hectic schedules, I saw to it that I don‟t miss any carol in our small town. I played keyboard or guitar for my own church choir, and enjoyed being out with the friends on carols every night. Still could remember those cold nights when we forget all our worries and enjoy „the moment‟, Christmas time. I remember the Christmas time when we took our son, Handel, to the church when he was just One year old. It was new to him, the midnight mass, the songs, lights on the Christmas trees, and stars shining everywhere. I and my wife were so amazed at the cute little man of ours who is the miniature of both of us. We could imagine how Mary and Joseph would have amazed to see the Son of God in their hands on that wintery morning. I remember the Christmas time when I trained our Church choir to sing the Hallelujah Chorus. The choir was at its best during that carols, and the church gave us permission to do a video recording of that carols in 2006. Some of the senior members of the choir were so honored to see the video and thanked the Lord for the wonderful time they are having in the choir. I could reminisce every practice session, how I teach the choir a new carol, how they glorified God and celebrated His love for us that He gave His only begotten Son, Jesus, and designated Him to carry the cross for all of us, the sinners. Most of the time we perform, we forget not to thank God for the opportunity he gives us to sing in Church.

I remember the Christmas time with Chordiels Quartet. The Carols of 2008 was filled new joy, new energy, new happiness, new places and new songs too. We participated in several carols since then, year after year, and took part in the Christmas celebrations organized throughout the city. Chordiels visited old-age homes, homes for children and sang for them and distributed sweets. By doing this we did not claim our charity works or our deeds for the poor. But could feel the pain and cry of Jesus who had compassion on these people. He was with them all the time, preaching to them the secrets of the divine love. This year, Chordiels is singing in Chennai, in as many places as possible. The same old Carols Oh Come all ye faithful, While Shepherd Watch, Joy to the World, Silent Night, Away in a Manger, will never loose its essence in the next 1000 years to come. Every year you sing them, you have a new feeling of the carol, and will sound like never before. We add our own contribution to those carols and improvise them with new harmony and music. Don‟t forget to remember, Christmas is a time to love, enjoy, share and celebrate the character of Christ. It also reminds us, we ought to be prepared to greet the Lord in His second Advent. He will come as the King of kings and Lord of Lords, in the mid-sky, with the archangels singing new songs of grandeur, welcoming the Royalty of the Kingdom. We wish you all a wonderful and a joyous Christmas this year! Don‟t forget to sing during this Christmas time!! Listen to Chordiels Carols in CQPlayer

Chordiels Quartet

by Dr. Justus “Keep things simple” - to build Big, is the tone that rings at the back of my mind, when I compose or write a song, while recording, or singing on stage, or speaking with someone. This hasn’t gone wrong in CQ too. The first simple fact is FOUR, then simple scores, simple music and simple harmony. In this world of complexity, every business unit, team or groups sometimes get upset or even tend to lose the thread, when things become too complex. But the fact is that human heart is not complex, it is simple. Simple to listen, understand, and accept, before it reaches the mind – the mind make things complex. Chordiels is happy to reach the hearts.

His message for us is simple and straight, yet great. So we keep our songs and music simple to feed the heart first, and communicate His message to the soul. The primary objective of the Chordiels Quartet has never changed over the past four and half years, though the team has undergone few changes. “Music for the Master”, is the motto with which Chordiels Music performs, produces, publishes and promotes 4-part harmony music. As we move on, we seek your support in hearing to our songs, and support us in your prayers and help us meet the unmet. Simple is the Song, Simple is our Service, Simple is the Message, but great is the Love of God.

Anytime, Anywhere C-Music

Saranam Saranam – Forever for You

Watch new songs in Chordiels Youtube Channel

Rev. A. Rajendran

Prof. V. Immanuel

Greetings to all Chordiels Magazine Readers in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Differently, Christmas is the season which makes me more serious. I employ more time contemplating His advent and the plan of salvation for a wicked humanity. I do my best to proclaim the good news of salvation in as many ways, and to as many people as I could.

We celebrate the birth of babe Jesus every year with great enthusiasm, sharing the happiness with our neighbors, friends and relatives. Kids are happy wearing new dresses and youths are having fun, getting blessings from elders, and the old see their children and grandchildren grow. In all these years I have never seen the beauty of Christmas wading down. Each year it is enjoyed, ever better. Christmas doesnâ€&#x;t stop here. Messiah came to serve the poor, the destitute, and the needy. The King of the heaven and earth, stepped down from His throne, took away His crown, and came as an ordinary human. The main reason is to understand us, our sufferings, our pain and our cry for redemption. He loved us so much, and still loves us. We are supposed to follow His example. Are we loving the poor, are we listening to the afflicted and slavesâ€&#x; cries, are we feeding the hungry? are some questions I wish to put forth. Think! With great joy, on behalf of Chordiels Music, I wish you all a very meaningful Christmas and a happy, prosperous New Year 2013. May the grace of God, the love of the Son and the comfort of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.

Christmas is celebrated for several reasons; government holiday, good food, fun time etc. whereas, the reason should be nobler and supreme. In the western world, the celebrations start from November and the merriment continues till January. God's people celebrate Christmas for a purpose that is more personal. It is a time to give thanks to the Lord for his act of redemption and humbly search our heart as the year draws to an end. This year I and my wife Priya are spending this Christmas time with my loving Mom. We thank the our Lord Jesus for all the good things He has done for us in family and in our personal lives too. Let the season be more realistic than ritualistic, a time when much of God's love is revealed to us. Blessed Christmas season to all in His name.



It is the most joyous and exciting part of the year when we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. The real meaning of this season has been told many times and in many ways, but here is my part – prepare and get prepared.

Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

As the advent of our Lord is anticipated with much awe, and the celebration at our Home is longed for, there are still many out there without hope, joy, love, and real salvation. Are they prepared to meet the Groom? is the question I ask myself many times. Most of the times I have a negative answer.

Singing in Chordiels, playing the piano/organ for several choirs have always been a good thing for me. Above all, I thank the Lord for His guidance and protection all through my days. This year of Christmas season has provided me great doors opened to new opportunities. This is the time for us to look back and thank the Lord for the good things He has done for us throughout this year. Though we have encountered good and bad times, we are assured that the Lord‟s hand is with us all the times.

What are we then doing? Singing, celebrating, caroling and enjoying. Above all, we who are awaiting the second advent of Jesus are responsible to make our fellow brethren get prepared, in as many ways as possible. Every day, look out for a way to be a hope, joy and blessing to others who are really in need of these treasures.

This is also the time when we look back at the birth of our Lord Jesus. 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believed on Him shall not perish but have everlasting life'.

Love as He loved us, give as He gave us, serve as He served us, and pray as He taught us. Let these thoughts rule our hearts and actions during these Christmas days, and with this revived vision let‟s enter the New Year 2013.

Let the peace of God be with us.

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy and blessed New Year 2013. God Bless!

Let this message ring in our hearts and let it go to the ends of the earth and prepare for our Lord's second coming.

Wishing you a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year ahead. Peace to you all!



Christmas means singing, enjoying out with friends and being with the family, kids around playing – and all that brings happiness in my heart.

Warm Christmas wishes to you!

Great preparations are made for the occasion. All houses and churches are cleaned, walls are decorated with flowers, pictures, looking glasses and the wall buntings. The most important part of the festival is the planting of the Christmas tree and decorating it. At night candles and electric bulbs are lighted on its twigs. People sing Carol and visit neighborhood homes and exchange gifts. When I was a kid I remember singing soprano or alto in our church choir. Since my Dad, Stephen, is the choir director, going to the choir has always been fun, playing around the church with friends, and when Dad comes in we rush inside for practice. Then we spend time around the organ, and the orchestra would accompany the choir. I love them all. Today, with my own family, my wife and kid, we enjoy being at home or going around for shopping or eating. The best part this year is, I am singing with the Chordiels Quartet. We as Quartet went to some churches to sing for this Christmas, and that made me enjoy singing the bass for those good old songs which I cherished when I was a kid. I Thank God for all the good things He has done for us, and I wish to sing for Him evermore. Praise Him with me. Wish you a great Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2013.

First, it is time to give thanks wholeheartedly for all the good things the Lord has done for us, personally and in our families. Love came down on Christmas Day! The angels sang praises proclaiming the good news to all. Many years down the line it is a privilege to sing praises proclaiming his birth and love. But what does Christmas really mean to us? Christmas reminds me of the sacrifice the Almighty God has made for this whole mankind. He gave His only Son for our sake, for our redemption and for us so that we could inherit the eternal blessed life. His love, hope, unfailing promises, and His great message for us remain the same, because through His birth we inherit what His has promised us. With these eternal blessings let us enjoy this Christmas season and the holidays. Also let us encourage each other with the divine love, hope and peace, and fill our homes with His richest blessings. Let us make a difference in someone's life this season and bring happiness in their lives. Wishing everyone a Christ filled Christmas and a blessed new year.


Arun Castro

We, the Chordiels wish our dear readers a blessed and a meaningful Christmas. May the Joy of Christmas peace rise in our hearts and reign in our homes forever.

Christmas reminds me of how we should be celebrating and exercising our salvation on every single day. Christmas to me is a reminder of this.

The story of Jesus‟ birth resounds with music that has inspired composers for more than 2000 years.

It is not a lone day of jubilation when a lot of us would concentrate on just one factor – “joy” & many times even exclude “Christ” from it. Rather, it is a day which should be pulling out the strings from the Bible – the Lord’s concerns over this world. That is, the other world of the lost souls. We often tend to forget this and enclose ourselves within our families instead, on this day.

In Austria, in the Obern Top town, the Church organ was damaged by some rats. The choir master, who felt sad about his inability to play the organ during Christmas, requested the pastor to compose a song that could be played by the guitar. Father Josef Mohr composed this beautiful song and the congregation sang joyfully with guitar accompaniment. Silent Night! Holy Night! Son of God, loves pure light Radiant beams from Thy Holy face, With the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord at Thy birth! During First World War, on the Christmas Eve, the English soldiers began to sing Christmas songs. When they sang “Silent Night, Holy Night”, the German soldiers from the opposite side, joined with them and sang loudly. War was suspended for a while, and Peace on Earth through Christ‟s birth was felt by those people at war. Christmas is a good day to forgive and forget - a good day to throw away prejudices and hatreds - a good day to fill ours and others‟ hearts and homes with sunshine. God Bless!

The very purpose of the birth of Jesus in human form should remind us of the humility, love, sacrifice & hope towards the unsaved ones. Infact, Jesus says, in the Bible, to take one day at a time, he wants us to celebrate every day. As Christians we are to do two things broadly – celebrate our salvation and workout the salvation we received, for His purpose. Let this Christmas be a reminder and encourager to all of us to lead a “Christ” centric life. With these thoughts I wish you all to have a meaningful Christmas that celebrates the salvation of Jesus. Have a great Christmas and a Wonderful New year 2013. His Peace to you!

Return to Bethlehem’s Manger

The Church of Nativity, which is said to be the location of Bethlehem’s Manger


star, the shepherd, and the wise men from the east, prophecies, Simeon‟s wait and John the Baptist‟s preparation of the way – all these led to one little place „the Manger in Bethlehem‟. The place where the wait ended, prophet‟s claims fulfilled, the wise-men‟s journey ended, the star stood still above, and the shepherds worshipped the long-awaited Messiah. Babe Jesus in the manger is the reason for the history‟s midpoint. What is so important with the manger? And Why return to it, now?

Manger is a feeder of carved stone, wood or metal construction used to hold food for animals in a stable. Obviously, it is not a clean place to hold a new-born or a better place stay on a cold winter night. Here, the Bethlehem‟s manger has got a special significance, because the Maker and God Almighty Himself has stepped down from heaven‟s throne to this lowly stable‟s manger for a great cause. A place where poor shepherds and the royal wise men could have access to meet the Messiah, a small unnoticed space where the biggest prophecy of all times is fulfilled, and the spot where the star could beam its radiance on the face of Jesus. The perfect place for the Savior to be born! Today, in this secular world that is filled with knowledge, opportunities to survive, we forget to remember we belong to that little manger.

Most of the times we dare to question the existence of God, the Holiness and the Truth of His Word, His Word in the form of Jesus, His birth, death and resurrection. Our knowledge is foolishness before God‟s wisdom. Unlike the wise-men we travel meaninglessly, unlike the shepherds we don‟t wake to the angel‟s songs, and unlike Simeon we don‟t wait either. This time of the year is to visit the Manger. Those beasts in the stable witnessed the birth of the Messiah. I wish I were one of those beasts, which had the privilege to be part of the great event. In the stable, near the manger, I could learn humility from Jesus, sincerity from the wise-men who brought in their bests and worshiped the King of kings, obedience from the shepherds who received blessings. What place in this earth could be more thrilling than the Bethlehem‟s Manger? Take a little time to return to Bethlehem‟s manger, and relive that Christmas morn. That will help us learn how simple is our life, and how great is His love for us. One line of a famous carol to remember is “The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight – in Bethlehem”. The fear of Mother Mary, and the hope that this Child will be the Savior are all climaxed in this lowly place. Low places are often unclean but serene, clamorous yet undisturbed. Wish you all a better Christmas this year at the Bethlehem‟s Manger.

by Vibin Kumar

A Typical Manger, where beasts in the stable feed. It is an unclean, unhygienic, uncomfortable place for a baby to lay. It’s an unstructured, unsafe built for cows, donkeys and sheep. It’s the place where the King was born, on that cold winter morn.


C-Talk An Interview with

Quiet-Time Ministries, Chennai

Justus: Hello Annan, Warm Greetings to you. We are happy to talk to you during this Christmas time. You’d be busy with your schedules, but have taken time out for us. Thank You. Chellappa Stanley: It is a privilege to share what the Lord has been doing in our lives. “With my mouth I will greatly extol the Lord; in the great throng I will praise Him”. – Psalm 109:30

A family for Christ. So good to see another family team of Musicians & singers in the Gospel Music field. It is purely by His grace that we are able to sing & glorify Him.

His is grace is sufficient. When did you hear the Lord calling you for this Music ministry? An individual call or a family call? Through family circumstances, the Lord molded us for His ministry of comforting the needy ones. Music ministry was an offshoot of this calling.

Your music is being appreciated and welcomed by one and all for its simple and plain style. “A simple music to convey the powerful message”, How would you elaborate this? Only a simple & plain style with clarity of words is best suited for comforting a soul in distress. The focus is mainly on the words rather than the melody or music. However it is the Holy Spirit who ministers to the people. Our music is a tool in His hands. An elderly aunty guided us to include a suitable Bible verse for each song as an introduction, through which the Spirit of God initiates the process of comforting, as one listens to the song.

That’s amazing, your perception towards music (Smiles). Tell us about your roots, native place and home from where you learned this music. Your meet with your partner for life, Akka’s Name, and how and when you started your ministry together, God has blessed you with ….. Born into a CSI Pastor’s family & being a member of the Church choir right from childhood, gave me good exposure to Church hymns & lyrics. But through the sudden home call of both my parents one by one, at my tender age of 8 years & 10 years, followed by a rough orphaned growing up, directly under His care, the Lord sensitized me to the sufferings of people around & the importance of comforting ministry. My wife, Uma, great granddaughter of Thanjai Abraham Pandithar, a musical genius, grew up listening to her father kalaimamani D. A. Thanapandian’s rich & melodious Carnatic music. Thus, from early childhood, music was her passion! Like her father who used his musical skills for the extension of God’s kingdom through “Katha kalatchebam” & preaching interspersed with songs, in various churches all over Tamil Nadu, she loved to sing for God! Her father was her guru!

Though she was a childhood acquaintance, it was God who brought us together in marriage. Immediately after our marriage, we started singing together in the Church programs, with my wife singing the melody & myself singing the harmony & playing the rhythm guitar. But it was just music & not ministry, as I was not a believer then. We were just regular church goers and my wife was a Sunday school teacher.. But later, the Lord, who chose us for His wonderful ministry of comforting, mercifully saved me. He instructed & taught us & helped us to mature under His watchful eye. And, then, He led us step by step into this ministry. Our children joined us as they grew up.

For the first time when I watched your video, I was convinced of the ministry you both do for the Lord. Tell us about your Quiet-time melodies and its music productions. We used to visit our friends when they pass through sickness or bereavement, and sing some of the well-known hymns of comfort. When one of our close family friends & senior colleague at BHEL / Trichy passed through such a crisis due to cancer, we ministered unto them with songs. When the disease reached a critical stage necessitating their movement to Adyar Cancer Institute, Chennai, they asked us to record the songs of comfort in a cassette & give them for their use at Chennai. Through this episode, the Lord opened our eyes to the ministry of audio cassettes. Right from the start, keeping in mind the Word of our Lord, “Freely you received; freely you give”, this ministry is done without any profit motive. With this norm, and the voluntary participation of young talented musicians (initially my past VBS / Sunday school students and later, our own children) and using our Home studio, the Audio Masters were made free of cost. Hence, audio cassettes were released & distributed at the multiplication cost price of Rs. 15/- per cassette. Subsequently they were changed to Audio CDs & distributed at the multiplication cost price of Rs. 20/- each. The Lord has enabled us to release 10 individual Audio CDs in Tamil. Subsequently some of these songs were used in our Video Albums (Anbae, Rajan ivar, Kuyavanae & Unnathar) and distributed @ Rs.25/- per VCD. Blessing TV freely enabled these songs to minister to a wider range of people in need of comfort. All the 120 songs have been put together as a single Tamil MP3 Volume also @Rs. 25/- each. 7 Audio volumes in English have been released so far. Based on our experience gained through childrens’ ministry, two Books in Tamil, titled “131 Paadal Pirantha Kathai” and “Siruvar Ooliam” have also been published through this ministry.

Interesting Annan, you have a list of varied music publications. In addition to Music through your Quiet-time melodies, what other good work do you do for the needy souls? When the Comfortees using our CDs, expressed their critical need for financial assistance also, a Public Trust named CHRISTIAN COMFORTING MINISTRIES was started involving likeminded believers who had a burden to comfort the needy ones with the comfort from God. Financial assistance required is assessed by experts in the respective fields who function as voluntary Advisors, and assistance is provided. The various Audio & Video volumes released by QTM are multiplied & distributed by CCM with the same principle of no profit

Serving the needy people with love is the true essence of Christmas. And you are a living example. What is your Christmas message for our readers? Celebrate a Christ centered & meaningful Christmas, using this opportunity to present the Good News to our non-Christian friends. Remembering the imminent return of our Lord, be ready to receive Him with a whole hearted “MARANATHA!”

Thank You Annan. We are happy to know about you and your ministry, and you have helped us by giving valuable insights on how to make a meaningful musical journey. Meet you again!

Your work for the society as a whole is really tremendous. Can you detail on your societal projects. Comforting financial assistance is provided under the following Projects of CCM: a. Sickness b. bereavement c. calamity affected d. senior citizens e. Educational assistance for children of Pastors / Evangelists / Missionaries f. Senior Servants of God Project (to provide sustenance assistance to retired servants of God)

Music is a media with which one can begin and be a blessing to many. Can you share your experiences when people say “You are a blessing to us”? When you felt God is using you as His chosen instrument. We are grateful to God for considering us worthy to serve Him as His channels of blessing to the needy ones, and using the talents that He has given us for His glory.

Thank you for the privilege of sharing our passion with you, Chordiels Music & the readers. Wishing you all a happy Christmas & a Blessed New Year, 2013!

Merry Christmas Wish from all of us at Chordiels Music to you and all at home! 


A. S. Chellappa


BE ( Electrical ) & MBA

Music Roots

See elaboration in the text


The Lord Himself & the Needy ones

Inspirators You are fan of

Tell us about your family music, your wife (Akka), children, and how they are involved in this ministry and help you in your music journey. God has blessed all of our family members with musical talents, as singers, musicians and recording & editing specialists .Our elder son composes music, records & edits. He is the one who set up our home studio. Our younger son is a good singer & helps in video editing also. Our daughter sings harmony. We are specially blessed to have a musically talented daughter in law hailing from a family of Church musicians.

Jesus only ( Earlier, Jim Reeves )

Family members

Wife, Mrs. Uma Chellappa, Daughter Ms. C. Deepa, Son Mr. C. Abisheg, Daughter-in-law Mrs. Sharon Elijah Son Mr. C. Anugrah

Email id

Facebook page

Quiet time melodies

If you wish to contact them for booking a concert or any query: Christmas should be a special time for you and your family, helping people, singing and celebrating. Indeed, it is a joyous season of orphanage visits / Mission Field visits / Gospel through carols for Non-Christian friends / Church carol programs, etc.

QUIET TIME MELODIES, No. 9A, Sixth Street, Dhandeeswarar Nagar, Velachery, Chennai – 42, TN, India. Phone: +91-44-22431589, Email: stanleychellappa@hotmailcom, Url:


The First

By Adithi Rachel

Place: Somewhere Up in Heaven; Timeline: Today The majestic golden gates stood at a distance, silhouetted against the glorious sunset. The skies were ablaze in hues of fiery orange and auburn daubed with streaks of flushed red. It was one of those perfect sun downs…another one of those heavenly master-pieces! Suddenly a pitter-patter of tiny feet could be heard in the distance, and the doors to Jasper‟s chambers were thrown open. „Jas! Jas! Tell me the First Christmas chorus story again!‟ gushed an exuberant Li‟l Chrys.

Place: Somewhere Up in Heaven; Timeline: On Jesus’ Birthday There was quite a bustle up in heaven. The choir seraphs stood practicing their descant; golden trumpets were being given some last minute shine; halos were being polished and newly glowed – the air stagnant, in a blanket of tangible anticipation. The BIG DAY had finally arrived. A bright star had been positioned in the night sky at the exact time ordained. „Quick! Are the harps in tune?‟ „Oh Dear! No! That‟s an F natural there, don‟t slur into a sharp!‟

„You never get tired of that one, do you Chrys?‟ said Jasper. Smiling patronizingly, he gently put down his reading glasses and made his way towards the excited little cherub.

„Hurry up! We need to be ready! Angels in position? As soon as the Good News is delivered, that is our cue to appear!‟

„Ooh yes yes!! I can imagine how much of fun that would have been! Oh and before I forget, thanks Jas for teaching us that new song today! You‟re the best choir master ever!!!‟ said Chrys, jumping up and down in glee.

Place: Meadows in the Outskirts of Bethlehem; Timeline: On Jesus’ Birthday

„Oh Chrys!‟ chuckled Jasper „that‟s very generous of you to say! Now for the story…It was magnificent being a part of the First Christmas choir!‟ It all started that day, right up here….

It was a serene winter‟s night. Little stars glittered and gleamed against the ebony backdrop. A tranquil peace prevailed, occasionally pervaded by the bleat of sheep in the distance. But, there was a lone star that stood out; it shone so luminously, drenching the entire land in its ethereal silvery glow.

„If only taking care of sheep was more fun!‟ Israel sighed, fisting tufts of grass in boredom, as he and a bunch of his friends lay lazing around in the plush green pastures. „It is going to be a dreadfully long, dull night this!‟ said Ezra wearily. Little did he know, how mistaken he was. Gazing above, the dark skies looked enchanting. Oh! The very sight of it could take your breath away! All of a sudden, a brilliant sparkle of light pierced through the nightfall! „Goodness me! What in the world is that?‟ asked Israel in awe, as they all scrambled to their feet, peering into the radiance. What followed next would be forever etched in their memory; engraved in the sands of time till eternity. For standing before them in all grandeur stood an angel! As Israel, Ezra and the others huddled together, quaking in fear, the Angel said unto them, “Fear not! For behold! I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.” And then there it was; a marvelous spectacle to witness – seraphs and seraphims, cherubs and cherubims; scores and scores of them filled the skies; praising God saying „Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.‟ The plains resounded with their divine music…Ah! The heaven‟s had made known the Redeemer‟s birth!

Place: Somewhere Up in Heaven; Timeline: Today „Yes! That day was indeed beautiful! Being a part of that proclamation was celestial! What an honor, to proclaim Our Savior‟s birth to the world!!‟ sighed Jasper, with a dreamy look, still lost in the glorious past. Inside heavens chambers, the little cherub now strode up and down in complete bewilderment. On the other side of the hall Jasper stood in amusement, as he watched Li‟l Chrys pace around in perplex.

‘What seems to be on your mind Chrys?‟

„But I don‟t get it in the least! What is the use of Christmas then these days, Jas?!‟ she whined. „Jesus was born ages ago, and yeah I know He died for them all, to take up their sins and most importantly He rose again and now sits with the Father, and whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life! But He‟s here in Heaven alright, so why Christmas?‟ „That‟s simple Chrys! Remember the song you were taught today? That‟s what Christmas is all about!‟

Christmas isn’t Christmas, till it happens in your heart; Somewhere, deep inside you, is where Christmas really starts; So, give your heart to Jesus, you’ll discover when you do; That it’s Christmas, really Christmas for you… Jesus brings warmth like a winter fire, a light like a candle’s glow; He’s waiting now to come inside, like He did so long ago; Jesus brings gifts of truth and life and makes them bloom and grow; So welcome Him with a song of joy, and when He comes you’ll know…. So, give your heart to Jesus, you’ll discover when you do; That it’s Christmas, really Christmas for you…

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Merry Christmas

Story of the Song O Holy Night, O night divine! Behold your King! Before him lowly bend! His power and glory ever more proclaim!

Oh Holy Night Placide Cappeau (1808-1877) was born in France. At eight of age, his hand was surgically amputated following a tragic gunshot. In spite of Placide's handicap he went on to win awards as an artist and a journalist. In addition, he studied law and followed in his father's footsteps to become a merchant of wines and spirits. Placide was an outspoken socialist with anti-clerical viewpoints. In 1847 while traveling by stagecoach to Paris, Placide penned the words to a poem about the birth of Christ. He wrote the poem at the request of a local parish priest. He called it Minuit Chretien. Adolphe Charles Adam (1803-1856) was also born in Paris. His father was a composer and professor at the Paris Conservatoire. Early on, Adolphe proved to have a musical gift. He preferred to improvise rather than to study music. At the age of 18, at his father's insistence, Adolphe agreed to begin taking his music seriously. After graduation from the Paris Conservatoire Adolphe went on to write or co-write more than 50 ballets, operas and musical scores. Adolphe was asked to write a musical score for Placide's poem. The music and poem together were named Cantique de Noel. Not only did this American writer–John Sullivan Dwight–feel that this wonderful Christmas song needed to be introduced to America, he saw something else in the song that moved him beyond the story of the birth of Christ. Thus the third verse, which threw light on the times of struggles this humankind go through.

Since that first rendition at a small Christmas mass in 1847, “O Holy Night” has been sung millions of times in churches in every corner of the world. And since the moment a handful of people first heard it played over the radio, the carol has gone on to become one of the entertainment industry‟s most recorded and played spiritual songs. This incredible work–requested by a forgotten parish priest, written by a poet who would later split from the church, given soaring music by a Jewish composer, and brought to all of us to serve as much as a tool to spotlight the sinful nature of slavery and tell the story of the birth of a Savior–has become one of the most beautiful, inspired pieces of music ever created. Octet Cantabile, David Phelps, Celin Dion, The Isaacs, The Gaither Vocal Band and many other choirs and groups have recorded this song. Each time it is sung, the Power & Glory of the babe Jesus is proclaimed more than ever.

Words & Music: Placide Cappeau, Adolphe Charles Adam O Holy Night! The stars are brightly shining, It is the night of the dear Saviour's birth. Long lay the world in sin and error pining.

Till He appeared and the Spirit felt its worth. A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn. Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices! O night divine, the night when Christ was born; O night, O Holy Night , O night divine! O night, O Holy Night , O night divine! Led by the light of faith serenely beaming, With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand. O'er the world a star is sweetly gleaming, Now come the wisemen from out of the Orient land. The King of kings lay thus lowly manger; In all our trials born to be our friends. He knows our need, our weakness is no stranger, Behold your King! Before him lowly bend! Behold your King! Before him lowly bend! Truly He taught us to love one another, His law is love and His gospel is peace. Chains he shall break, for the slave is our brother. And in his name all oppression shall cease. Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we, With all our hearts we praise His holy name. Christ is the Lord! Then ever, ever praise we, His power and glory ever more proclaim! His power and glory ever more proclaim!


Cakes & Cakes

by Axcelline Deni


Ingredients 2 (8ounce) containers candied cherries 1 (8 ounce) container candied mixed citrus peel 2 cups raisins 1 cup dried currants 1 cup dates, pitted and chopped 2 (2.23 ounce) packages blanched silvered almonds 1/2 cup brandy

In a medium bowl combine cherries, citrus peel, raisins, currants, dates and almonds. Stir in brandy; let stand two hours, or overnight. Dredge soaked fruit with 1/2 cup flour. Preheat oven to 275degrees F (135 degrees C).Grease an 8x8x3 inch fruit cake pan, line it with parchment paper and grease again. In a small bowl mix together 2 cups flour, baking soda, cloves, allspice, cinnamon, and salt; set aside.

1/2 all purpose flour

In a large bowl cream butter until light. Gradually blend in brown

½ spoon baking soda

sugar and eggs. Mix together molasses and apple juice. Beat into

1 teaspoon ground cloves

butter mixture alternately with flour mixture, making 4 dry and 3

1 teaspoon ground allspice

liquid additions. Fold in floured fruit.

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon salt

Turn batter into prepared pan. Bake in pre-heated oven for 3 to 3½

1 cup butter

hours, or until a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes

2 cups packed brown sugar

out clean. Remove from pan and lift off paper. Cool cake

6 eggs

completely, then wrap loosely in waxed paper. Store in an airtight

3/4 cup molasses

3/4 cup apple juice

container. Serve the cut pieces of cake in a clean white dish, adding soul-full love as toppins. The smell and taste brings home the feel of Christmas.

Luke 2: 9-14 "And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!�

The song has three messages.

If you study world history carefully, you will understand the

 Glory to God

differences between the kind of lifestyle before Christ and

 Peace on earth

after Christ. Although, it is difficult for people to find peace on

 Good will to men

earth, for a Christian there is hope. Jesus said,

Edmund Sears, a pastor in the United States wrote the

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have

Hymn, „It came upon the midnight clear‟ in the year 1849.

peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I

The beauty of the song is the evangelistic impact than its

have overcome the world.” John 16:33The words of the Lord

melody. Also, he explains the message of the song of the

Jesus guarantee peace to us amidst tribulations.

angels and its relevance in the modern world today. The most

There is special peace that Paul says, in Philippians 4:6-7

interesting part of that performance was that, they were

“The peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will

willing to part with the darling of heaven and sing a song to us

guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. If peace is

who would eventually kill Him.

not your blessing today, cry to God with an earnest heart, reconcile with God to find peace. Because, the Bible says, “there is no peace to the wicked” (Is. 48:22, Is 57:21)

Glory to God The first message is about God's Glory. Does it sound

strange? God's glory should be the first intersecting principle

Goodwill to men

in a Christian‟s life. God can connect all His actions and

The bible calls us to be God haters (Jer 15:6) and God-killers

words to His Glory. The opening lines of prayer that Jesus

(Acts 3:15). It is an incredible pattern of love that meant Good

taught His disciples was, „Hallowed be Thy name'. Why is God

will to us. Friends, this is a world where no one will think of

to be glorified? The whole plan of salvation was schemed and

us. Even if they think, they can only think the negative. God

executed by Him. We never asked for a savior, we did not

planned good will for us. I believe, even if everything else fails

know our need, we were not aware that we would go to Hell.

in the world, this word is sufficient to lift you and I. I have a

At that point, God introduces himself to us offering us the

God who plans well for me. The greatest plan and execution

solution to the problem of sin. Therefore, all glory belongs to

that God made for us was to send His son Jesus to us. Is it

Him and never to a man. At this Christmas give glory to God

not time that we also plan good will for others? Let us take

for sending Jesus.

grace to forgive others, mean goodwill to this poor and dying world.

Peace on Earth

Let this Christmas be a season of this triple blessing that will fill our lives for His glory.

This phrase sounds unreal to most people in the present world. Peace has become the costliest commodity and it is quickly fading too. Peace is a rich blessing to a child of God. Peace comes only with Jesus. Jesus is not an external accessory required in a person's life. He is vital and He is irreplaceable. When Jesus was speaking about peace, He said, "My peace I give you'-John 14.27. It is His property.

Written by Prof. V. Immanuel He is working with Christ University, Bangalore, as English Professor, and contributes his time and talents in reaching the souls in need of the Word.

Sung by Chordiels Quartet – Syntia Bejoy – Beulah Luke – Handel Jonathan – Tarun George – Vijay – Jeyakumar – Prasanna - Immanuel

TRACKS INCLUDE 1. Oh Come / Joy to the World

Produced by:

2. thhPH ehk; nry;Nthk; 3. Beautiful Star of Bethlehem 4. rpd;dQ;rpW FbypdpNy

5. Oh What a Joy 6. Jesus my Savior

Chordiels Music Sembakkam, Chennai – 73 9789145400,

7. md;ig <e;jJ 8. murid fhzhky; 9. Just a little talk 10. cyfk; juhj 11. Silent Night

Available online at only.

12. Christmas Message 13. Vf gud; 14. Away in a Manger And Many More…..

Listen to these Songs in Chordiels Carols Player

Happy New Year

The hopes and fears of all the years are met in Thee tonight…

Handel Music Series “Chordiels Music” Sembakkam, Chennai – 600073 © All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2012 Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of this magazine in any form is prohibited

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