Chordiels magazine - Christmas Special

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l a i c e p S s a m t Chris Who is He?

Gifts of Christmas Peace on Earth

He is the Everything Know, Understand, Experience Vol2. Issue 4. October - December 2013

A Brand New Christmas CD from Chordiels Music

Purchase this CD online at Chordiels Music Online Store


Hey Friends, Wish you all a Wonderful Christmas this year! Christmas came home since this September as we started recording our new Christmas CD “Christmas with Chordiels�. These past four months we had some wonderful songs and singing sessions, in recording & in concerts. After a series of Christmas concerts and tours for the past 6 weeks, me and Chordiels Quartet took off the roads to spend this Christmas holiday season with family, friends and relatives. Great places, loving people to hear us and encourage us, memorable singing sessions, and all the way chatting and sharing stories, food and love. Every Christmas means a lot to us. We love to share what we have. Gold or Silver we don't have, but we have the Great Name of Jesus, and the Greatest Love of God, and in that Name and Love we proclaim the Good News. We visited the Home at Padapai and shared sweets, dinner and some songs and stories to the kids. In this issue, we have brought some memories of our singing and sharing, regular articles, special meesage from Mr. Prince Wilson, and a lots of photos that explain what we have been into this season. Read this Christmas issue of the Magazine and enjoy your holiday season. Wish you all a Wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year 2014!! Chordielly,

Chordiels Magazine

In This Issue

Vol. 2, Issue 4, Oct - Dec 2013

Christmas Wishes from Chordiels Family Personal wishes

Editors Dr. S. JUSTUS Prof. V. IMMANUEL


The Gifts of Christmas Three gifts from the Trinity

How it all Started Story of the latest recording

Who is He? Answers that reveal His great Names

Peace on Earth and Goodwill to men

Know, Understand & Experience Our Sincere Thanks To Shri. PRINCE WILSON Shmt. BETTY PRINCE

Three dimensions to find the answer

He is The Everything To Kids and Grandkids

CHORDIELS MAGAZINE Published as e-Magazine in and Published by: Chordiels Music | Handel Music Series Sembakkam, Chennai 600073, TN, India

He is my All in all What He has been to me everyday

Chordiels Care Shared His love with songs and sweets

Photo Gallery Glimpse of Christmas concerts

All Rights Reserved. Copyright Š December 2013 Share with us your stories, articles, messages, meditations, and anything that is beneficial for a true pleasing life. Write to

Joy to the World! the Lord has come!! Have a blessed Christmas and Happy New Year. -Charles, Synthia, Chris & Clement

This Christmas gives us the message “to live in Unity with great peace”. So here is a bundle of some sweet wishes for you and your family - Manley, Sweetlin, Alden & Hayden

Share your love, your time and your resources to bring people close to God. Give them hope & peace. Merry Christmas & New year y’all - Justus, Hepsiba & Handel

Let the purity of God’s love and care radiate in us. Wish you all a wonderful Christmas and Holiday season. - Vijay, Ambika & Pooja

Amidst carols, music, singing and celebrations, have a Christ-centered Christmas and a blessed New Year - Reuben, Dad, Mom, Sister and bro-in-law

The fulfilled birth of Christ spells our Love, Hope and Joy. Pass it on to everyone in your life. Wishing you all a cheerful season and a Wonderful New Year - Vasanth, Nancy, Meshak & Mahizh

Enjoy the season of love and joy, singing carols all the way. Merry Christmas & Blessed New Year. - Prakash, Dad, Mom and Brother

May we live a life that fulfills God’s purpose in us, and await the Lord’s advent during this season. Happy Christmas and a Blessed New Year. - Immanuel & Priya

The Gifts of Christmas Receiving gifts for Christmas is one of the best moments we would cherish. Gifts from parents, children, relatives and friends are ever cherished.

These gifts remain in our little treasuries and in our hearts for years together. Honestly speaking, I don’t remember the first Christmas Gift I received. However, the joy in receiving gifts has always increased as years go by. Inspite of the fact that these gifts would vanish away from our collections and memories, we tend to give gifts every year to renew our relationships and assure that we stay together. Now, do we still remember the Gifts God has sent to us during Christmas? Among the many thoughts, these three stood tall. These gifts cannot be forgotten, what need those gifts for our daily life even to the last day of our life.

Salvation: The Word of Salvation sent from God to us on the Christmas morn reminds us to read John 1, again. We belong to a fallen humanity, we followed the desires of our hearts, committing folly. We were kicked out of His presence. We were rejected. We lived in solitude. Though we ran away from Him, who is full of mercy and grace, He took us in His sweet embrace, through this Word, “He Himself”. The Word became flesh, and the flesh died on the cross. Through His birth and His death and resurrection we are assured of salvation that was bought on the cross by His precious blood. The Son obeyed for our disobedience and became the redemption of sin. Without Him there is no freedom. He is our salvation.

Hepsiba Justus is a PhD Scholar in computer science and a writer. She is actively involved in the Care wing of Chordiels Music and coordinates its activities throughout the year

Restoration: Man, the image of God, has lost the glory and became mortal. He went far away from the presence of the Lord and did whatever pleased him. Unto this day, we enjoy doing things that is right in our own sight and what is right to our consciousness. The saving Word did not let us go. He saved us and restored our lost relationship with God. Restoration can happen only when the Holy Spirit stirs, speaks, counsels and guides us. For a few years I was unable to restore some of the best relations I was graciously given. In flesh I couldn't make it happen. Though the spirit was willing, the flesh was weak. I prayed and sought the Lord’s guidance through His Spirit. Now I am happy that all my relations are wonderfully restored in the beauty of His love. Let God's Spirit restore our relation with God and with everyone.

Eternal Life: Restoring to eternal life is all we need and all we should be contempt with. This is the ultimatum of our human birth. From sin to salvation to restoration, and then the everlasting life with our Maker, the magnificient God. The Father’s greatest desire is this, “I, your God of all creations, give eternal life to you who seek it with Holiness.” These three Christmas gifts from the Trio God is all that we have, and we are bound to gladly accept them. This gift is given to us not to safely keep it in our shelves, but to share with those who dearly seek it. Share these gifts with friends, neighbors and everyone we are gonna meet this coming new year too.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a Blessed New Year 2014.

Chordiels Quartet Aadheban Piranthar Octet Cantabile Christmas Rhapsody Lutheran Men’s Voices Dawn of Hope Rev. Rajendran Sweet Jesus Buy now at Chordiels Music Online Store

Bringing the Music and the Message Together, Simple yet Powerful

Christmas with Chordiels

How it all Started... It was somewhere during the mid of August, Vasanth pinged me and said “Annan, how about recording a CD for this Christmas?” Truly speaking I had no idea at all for another new recording at this moment, cos I wanted to take some new songs and practice for this Christmas. So I said “No Vasanth. I haven’t thought of it, nor going to give a room for it”. But he assured “We’ll give all support to you. Annan say Yes and we are there…”. Knowing things wont work out, I told him, “Ask the other two guys, if they are OK, then we’ll think about it”. Finally, Vasanth got the vote with Reuben and Manley to go for a Christmas recording. I prayed “God if this is Thy will, let it happen”. We selected some 10 songs – Vareer, Beautiful Star, Chinnanjiru, and some new ones. Then I started working on the orchestrations and tracking the instruments. Parallely worked on the harmony part and had the sheet music distributed to the guys for practice. After a few days, we gathered for a session of practice, where we had our vocals set on comfortable ranges.

by Dr. S. Justus

Leisurely, we started recording the vocals, and Vasanth was the opening batsman. I recorded my tenor part here and there, as time permitted. Manley and Reuben would come on weekends and finish two or three songs at a stretch. But I was not so happy with the list of songs, as usual, and had rewritten/translated the song “Mary’s Boy Child” to “Eerayiram Aandihal Mun” in Tamil. Meanwhile our dear friend and brother, Baskar, came to our studios for recording tracks for their Choir. One good song “Andha Maalai”, written by Shri. Gift Jebakumar, had a different color

I don’t wanna miss Simon Prakash, our guest vocalist, in this album. So invited him over phone. He came up with two songs, and we choose “You only left heaven”. That evening he travelled to our studios in Chennai and had the song finish in all its perfection. I and Vasanth did the parts for this song. We also had a Christmas message by Prof. V. Immanuel recorded in a studio in Bangalore.

Chordiels Quartet, Simon Prakash, Baskar, Handel and Tarun Come & Worship thhPH ehk; nry;Nthk; ngj;yNfk; vDk; Beautiful Star of Bethlehem Mjpgd; gpwe;jhH me;j khiy

Finally the Christmas CD got its color. Versions of Mastering went on. Charles Selvaraj, Head-Publishing of Chordiels Music, and I listened to all the songs, and he told that the collection is quite good and music style is new, but with Chordiels stuff in it. We decided to take the final Mastering.

Jesus my Savior

We did two photo sessions –one casuals and the other, formals. The later one worked out well. We had the complete docs, audio, covers sent for post-production. We thanked the Lord, and prayed Him that He blesses the songs and the music and make it reach many people with the message “The Love of God is so pure and sweet.” Rev. Kirubakaran released the CD with prayers on 24th Nov 2013, Sunday worship at St. Andrews Church, Doveton, Chennai. I thanked the Lord, for this is His will – to make us sing together

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You only left heaven In that Great Gettinup White Christmas <uhapuk; Mz;Lfs; Christmas Message Away in a Manger

Christmas with Chordiels

We both together made a fantastic track for it. I put Baskar and Manley in this song. “Jesus my Savior”, a new recording of my son Handel and Tarun G. Koshi, kid of our dear friend George.

Order the CD Christmas with Chordiels @

Christmas with Chordiels Tours & Concerts Nazareth - Tuticorin - Palayamkottai - Chennai (Tambaram - Vepery - Choolai - Villivalkam )

Vasanth, Justus, Prakash, Reuben, Manley Singing “Beautiful Star of Bethlehem” at St. John’s Cathedral, Nazareth. Prakash joined Chordiels in this tour as guest vocalist.

Chordiels - Simon Prakash, Vasanth, Manley, Reuben, Justus and Daniel Santhosh of the cqteam travelled across TN, and spread the joy and love of the Good News - the Savior is coming soon. While celebrating the birth of Jesus as a little baby, they also proclaimed that Jesus is coming soon as the King of kings and the Lord of lords, amidst the trumpet sound of the angles. Justus says “I was so excited to sing in John’s Cathedral, but was so emotional when we sang in St. Paul’s Millerpuram, as it brought lots of good old memories. We were also happy to perform along with Harbor Harmonies” at St. Thomas Church, Palayamkottai.

It is the best part of the year to sing and celebrate the "Greatest True Love" ever defined. Singing and sharing that Love of God to people in need, and giving them hope and happiness through music and carols make every Christmas meaningful. Also singing in harmony with Chordiels Quartet, various groups and Church Choirs helps me drive home the message "Live in Peace and Harmony with each other". And what not, every moment of caroling is fun and joy, when family, friends & fans are around there to hear us. Some of my most favorite carols I used to sing are: Oh Holy Night, White Christmas, Beautiful Star of Bethlehem and You only left heaven for love that night . - Dr. S. Justus Message Published in THE HINDU - on 18-12-2013

Who is He? When we sing “Christ is born”, people wonder “Who is He?” Every Christmas Season so much of Joy, Peace and happiness, to everyone, when we sing “Christ is Born”, people wonder “Who is He?” The Good News of great joy was conveyed to the Shepherds by the Angel Gabriel. The Angel's message is the answer to the question “Who is He?” He said, For unto you is born this day, in the city of David, A SAVIOR, who is CHRIST THE LORD”. 1 Timothy 1:15 says, “This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came unto this world to save sinners”. This salvation is not only for the present generation but also for the future generations. “Yes, salvation comes through this Holy Child”.

He is our Redeemer - so we are redeemed: Jesus came to redeem the lost mankind, which was under the clutches of Satan. This Holy Child was born to redeem us from the life of bondage and defeat and gave us a life of Freedom and victory. “For you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, “ABBA FATHER”. Romans 8:15. “Neither by the blood of goats nor calves, but by His own blood, He entered in once into the Holy Place, having obtained 'eternal redemption'.

He is our Remission for Sins - we are forgiven: In the Old Testament, the blood of sheep and cattle was offered as a remission for sins. But it could not wipe away the sins forever. So, the blood of the Lamb of God was shed for the forgiveness of sins. “God, who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the Kingdom of His dear Son Jesus Christ, in whom we have the redemption through His blood and the forgiveness of sins. Colo 1: 8-14.Their sins and iniquities I will not remember.

Shri. Prince Wilson Shmt. Betty Prince of Grace Lodge Orchestra of the Satya Family and are doing the Lord’s Ministry through music and message for more than 30 years. Prince Wilson is a wonderful songwriter and singer, and Betty Prince sings along with her Mom, Mrs. Helen Satya. They can be reached in

Now, where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin (Heb 10: 17, 18). A great relief for mankind God is not angry with us anymore, because Jesus offers 'Eternal Forgiveness'.

He is our Justifier - we are justified: We strive hard to become righteous and involve ourselves in doing good deeds, practicing self righteousness and live by the law. “We who are unworthy were made worthy through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. So we have become righteous and being justified by His blood. We shall be saved from wrath through Him. (Romans 4:25). Jesus was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.

He is our Sanctifier - We are sanctified: Jesus was sanctified by the Father and was sent in to this world. This we read in John 14:26. Thus God has sanctified His Son Jesus Christ who is the WORD, John 17:17, but you are washed, sanctified and justified in the Name of Jesus and by the Spirit of God. (1 Corinthians 6:11). “By His will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, once and for all… for by one offering He has perfected forever, them that are sanctified. (Heb 10:10-14). He is our Reconciler We are reconciled: Jesus came as a second Adam, to reconcile God and man, as there was a barrier of Sin which came through the First Adam.

But Romans 5:10 answers us, “While we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of His son, so much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by His life. This reconciliation is one of the components of salvation.

He is our Glorifier We are glorified: Man lost his godliness and his glory when the first Adam committed the first sin. The Glory of God is restored back because of the Christ Child. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified (Romans 8:30). Whereunto God called us all by the Gospel, to obtain the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. May who He is our Redeemer, Glorifier, Sanctifier, Justifier, Reconciler and Justifier fill our hearts with His happiness and peace throughout his Christmas season and the New year 2014 to come.

Irudhayaraj with his team of workers

Irudhayaraj interacting with the beneficiaries

At Perungalathur

A Thankful beneficiary

Giving away the bedsheets with love

The Joy in Just Giving Sharing the love of God, singing the joy of His love, celebrating the birth of Jesus, awaiting His second coming, Advent, helping the poor, giving gifts our dear ones, enjoying the holiday season, shopping, eating, going to hometown with family and mention what, everything brings the happiness of the season. The most memorable moments of joy will be to help the needy and share our lunch or dinner or sweets or a dress or a sweater with them, and to see the radiance of Christ in them. Among the many gifts we give each year, the best ones would be to give to the real needy whom you don't know, and they don't know you. Mr. Irudhayaraj of Vizhudhugal Ministry, Chennai, was sharing how he is happy this Christmas. He and his six team members took a survey of people who are lying on the roads without proper clothing. They surveyed the GST road from Chengalput to Guidy in Chennai - a stretch of 50kms.They rode their bikes one night after 10pm on GST and found some 200+ people are on the platforms without proper clothing and shivering in the cold and rain. Though the number is small, their work stood tall. With help and sponsors from friends and well-wishers, Irudhayaraj was able to complete this mission, and now his is full of joy. This work is amidst his numerous works he does for the children, orphans, destitutes and in our Churches too. God used Chordiels Music and everyone of us to join hands with Vizhudhugal to help these poor & needy live in hope and know the truth that “Jesus loves everyone�.

Contact: Mr. Irudhayaraj, Vizhudhugal Ministries, Chennai Phone: 9444289488, 9500158069

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Lyrics & Tune by: Shri (Late). Julius Moses, Palayamkottai This song is recorded by Chordiels in their album: “Christmas with Chordiels”

Thinking about the wonderful day You were born And how we need to remember what Christmas is for With buying and shopping, giving and getting new things We tend to forget the birth of the King of kings. You told us it's better to give than it is to receive And You gave us Yourself on that wonderful first Christmas eve But we're often so busy with parties and holiday scenes And we seem to forget what's Your birth of Christmas day means O, but I can imagine, that silent night! Creation held its breath to see the wonderful sight And men heard angels sing, Glory and praise to the new born King O, help me to see (And now I can see) You only left heaven for love that night. Lyrics & Tune: Michael Fridley Sung by: Simon Prakash in the Audio CD “Christmas with Chordiels� Buy the CD now in CMOS

To our world You came a precious gift from above And You gave us Your life, so we could know Your Father's love When I think what it cost You, this so little I can do But I'll show You my love, by giving my heart to You.

C h o r d i e l s

C a r e

Christmas with Care It’s not just about the singing, caroling, celebrating, having fun during this Christmas holiday season. It’s more about thinking the people who live around us, who live in desperate need of basic necessities. Chordiels Music was fond of reaching out to such people since its inception, and authentically initiated a separate wing - Chordiels Care. This happened when we adopted an orphanage home in Padapai, Tambaram, Chennai, during Jan 2013. This whole year we took care of these little kids who are orphans or semi-orphans. Chordiels team members along with their families visited the Home in Padapai on 21st Dec, 2013, Saturday to celebrate the birth of Jesus with the kids. What a joy! when we met these kids. They happily invited us with a great joy, they shared their stories, verses from the Bible, they sang few songs with jubilant congo beats, and some dance movements. Hepsiba Justus drove them to recite a few Bible verses, individually. One little boy, Joel, recited all the books in the Bible in reverse order. Mrs. & Mr. Vasanth Samson taught a new song and left few thoughts with the kids. Then we hosted a fellowship dinner with those kids. Mrs. & Mr. Jebaraj, the owner of the Home told “these Kids are improving a lot better this past year, in all aspects, in studies and in Bible knowledge as well.” With the help of some of our sponsor friends we were able to give away Woolen Sweaters, Woolen Caps, Bed-sheets, School Bag Kits, Ceiling Fan, Footwear and Food Storage Container. We were also able to take part in the 100-Bed-Sheets drive for the road-side poor by Vizhudhugal Ministries. With a grateful heart we bless the following sponsors - Charles, Reuben, Christy Dharmasingh, Ranjit, Ganesh Kumar, Anjugam and CSI Risen Redeemer Church, Kodambakkam, Chennai. What would give you more joy than wishing these kids “God Bless You all”, and “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year”? They also wished us with love. We thanked God for helping us to serve these little ones with love and care, and we pray that the Lord uses Chordiels Music Ministries to serve many people like this in future years. If you want to join hands with us in Chordiels Care contact or or

Know, Understand & Experience

by Dr. J. Nancy Samson

Knowing “Who is He?” Knowing God is absolutely the greatest and most important of all and it is the very essence of life. Paul says in Phillippines 3:8, “ I count all things loss for the excellence of the Knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord”. God has made it very clear in the bible how we can know Him.

When we think of Christmas, our thought floats back to over 2000 years of history to the manger scene depicting Christ as a baby, born of Mary wrapped in swaddling clothes laid in a manger. We continue to sing those kaalam kadandha beautiful Hymns like Bethalayil pirandhavar, Aarivar aararo which brings in the Christmas mood. Realize, “He is not a Baby any more”. Christmas must remind us deeper values. Know that the Baby Boy was born into the world with a purpose and grew up fulfilling the purpose. Birth of Jesus tells us: God came down to be a Friend of man (Immanuel-God with us), God came down to make us like Him Romans 8:29, “For whom He foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His son”. God came down to take us back Home. In John: 17:24 - Jesus says, ”Father ,I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be with Me where I am that they may behold My glory which you have given Me”. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life (John 3:16). Birth of Jesus bridged peace between God and men, brought deliverance and hope for the future. Now, What do we benefit by knowing and believing in Him? If we know Him, then in the nut shell “ we are SAVED! ” 1. We are saved from Eternal fire 2. We are saved from the clutches of the evil one 3. We are free!-Delivered from all the bondages of curse. A saved sinner know Him as a God who was “born to die“ for the sins of the whole world, then later explores to know Him more. And a grown up Christian know Him well of all His names from Genesis to Revelation with their meaning. They know their Jehovah Jireh- the Almighty God who provide, Jehovah Nissi-the Almighty God who giveth victory, Jehovah Shalom-the Almighty God who giveth peace. We know that we all have knowledge about God. These are only “knowledge” and the Bible says knowledge puffs up. Just knowing “ Who is He? ” is not enough

Understanding “Who is He?” Understanding God is one step deeper than Knowing Him. It is understanding the ways of God, how He operates? Sometimes, in life’s difficult situations, our mind battles to understand God and His ways of operating circumstances. Understanding “ who is He?” definitely requires a closer walk with Him in prayer. We can also expand our understanding about God through meditating the word of God. Pastor Rick Warren in his book, “The Purpose Driven Life”, teaches us how to meditate the word of God in a simple way. He says, “when you think about a problem over and over in your mind, that is called worry. When you think about God’s word over and over in your mind, that’s meditation. If you know how to worry, then you already know how to meditate! “. How many of us give importance to meditate on God’s word to understand the plan of God for our own life? We bother so much to put our children in a good school and in addition we also take pains to put them in a coaching class to understand their subject better to excel in the competitive exams. Because we know that if they succeed in it, they would have a successful future in this world. Remember that it is only temporal and a vanity. But How more it is important and necessary to understand “who is He” and His word for our life to inherit the life eternal. Real success is inheriting Heaven by doing God’s will 100% in this world. What interest do we show or what effort do we take to understand the Bible better day after day? We just read the bible as one of Christian duties and rush into our daily routines. We must also honestly agree how often we neglect reading it. In John 6:68, Simon Peter says, “Lord to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. If we neglect bible then it means we are neglecting eternal life”. Understanding the word of God is understanding God Himself (John 1:1 says, In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God).Only through understanding Him, the purpose and the perfect will of God for our life is revealed. The very understanding that God shall be with us till the end of this world gives us hope to live for the future. When people around forsake you after draining out the best out of you ,the very understanding that the God who loved you while you were still a sinner that he gave his life ransom on the cross of Calvary brings in the hope that He would never leave you nor forsake you.(Romans 5:8 and Hebrews 13:5).

Experiencing “Who is He?” The knowledge and understanding about God becoming “life” in our lives is “Experiencing Who is He?” We are created to experience God by faith in a personal way. It is the excellent and ultimate way of Christian living. The Psalmist experiences to say, “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good” in the book of psalms 34:8. “Experience makes a man perfect” says the world. But Experiencing God makes a Christian doubly perfect. Because by experiencing God, you actually breathing in, the attributes of God. Knowing and understanding Him can take your quality time but to experience God you must have to walk an extra mile. It commands us to walk by faith and not by sight. You might have to go through a different path, walk alone, desolated, swim against the tide and Alas! there you’ll find Him and you shall experience His mighty hand of consolation delivering you out of every Egypt, filling every bowl of emptiness, pulling you out of the unquenchable fire, healing every incurable diseases, making all impossibilities possible.

Dr. J. Nancy Samson is a Dental Physician and wife of Mr. Vasanth Samson of Chordiels. Vasanth and Nancy are blessed with two boys - Meshak and Mahil. Amidst their busy work and ministry the couple take part in the activities of Chordiels Music.


It requires a life filled with passion and possessiveness for God, thirsting Him all the day, desperately longing to be in His presence to share all about you to be in His perfect will. Then He shall be with you in every issues of life ordering your step (Proverbs:20:24).


The pearly gates of Heaven are wide open, for only to those who believe God without having seen Him in this world, trusting by each and every beautiful experience they have with God


He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end; Son of God, King of kings, Lord of lords, He’s everything; Messiah, Jehovah, Prince of peace is He, Son of man, seed of Abraham, Second Person in the Trinity.

Funny Christmas "I was thinking about Santa Claus. When you really think about it, this has to be the biggest, most elaborate prank in the history of the world. It's like we're all in on a huge joke we're playing on kids. And eventually they figure it out and they start lying to their kids, too." -Jimmy Kimmel

STRESSED is just DESSERTS spelt backward...

"People are so worried about what they eat between Christmas and the New Year, but they really should be worried about what they eat between the New Year and Christmas." - Unknown

Judge: "What are you charged with?" Prisoner: "Doing my Christmas shopping early." Judge: "That's not an offense. How early were you doing this shopping?" Prisoner: "Before the store opened." Judge: “huh...”

All I Needed to Know About Life I learned from Santa: -Encourage people to believe in you. -Always remember who’s naughty and who’s nice. -Don’t pout. -It’s as much fun to give as it is to receive. -Some days it’s ok to feel a little chubby. -Make your presents known. -Always ask for a little bit more than what you really want. -Bright red can make anyone look good. -Wear a wide belt and no-one will notice how many pounds you’ve gained. -If you only show up once a year, everyone will think you’re very important. -Whenever you’re at a loss for words, say: “HO, HO, HO!”

He is “The Everything” Two things I wish you should focus on Who is He? from a Savior to the Great King (Thoughts on Advent Celebrations)

My Dear Kids and Grandkids, This is the time of the year when we love to spend time with you all, and enjoy seeing you all sharing love and fun with each other. Your Mom has always been busy cooking and baking cakes for you and for our neighbours and friends who visit us during Christmas season. You all enjoy eating, wearing new dresses, lighting crackers, and having fun sharing stories. You also attend Church to sing, and meditate God’s Word on that Christmas morn. Let me give you a thought for this Christmas, ‘Who is He who has been born on this very special day’? Who is He to you and me? He is Immanuel which means “God is with us” Matt 1:23. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, the Prince of Peace, and many other name are given to Him in Isaiah 9:5-7. He is more than one, the Trio God in all His Holiness, the one Who said “I am that I am” Exo 3:13-15. He is the Alpha and the Omega, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty” Rev 1:8. And what you call, He is He.

As told by Shri. N. Jothipandian to his Kids and Grandkids. He is a retired Southern Railway Engineer, now lives with his family, kids and grandkids, teaching and guiding them in the light of the Lord.

Two things I wish you should focus on ‘Who He is..’

A Poor Baby and a Savior: The Bethlehem’s manger scene reminds us that He is a poor, first child of Mary. She was not provided with a place to bear her Child, and finally was given a stable behind an inn. What a poor status for a new born baby? Will that night be a silent night for Mary and Joseph? They should have cried, begging for a place. Mary’s pain, the cold outside, the unclean stable – the couple were poor with their boy. In spite of all these, Mary knew, the Savior of this world is born. He will rule the nations and will deliver the world from sin. But after 33 years, her son was crucified on the cross. She was left helpless. The Savior hanging on the tree to save this world, and deliver this human race from sin. This practical theology was less understood in Jesus’ times. But today we know what it is.

The Great King and His Judgment: We are living in a time when we are expecting the second and the final coming of Jesus as King of kings and Lord of lords amidst the clouds. He will come as the King and along with Him comes His judgment on the mankind. His fierce anger will blow out flames of fires which will test all our deeds. If we can stand the test, then He will call us “Come my Child enter into Eternity with me”. If not, then we are condemned to eternal hell. If we accept His birth as our personal savior, He is kind enough to save us, cleanse us, and make us holy as He is.

But if we are not wishing to accept Him, then we must be ready to meet Him with His judgment on us. Kids - What is He going to be to you? If He is your Savior, then we'll gladly join Him in the skies and live eternally. This is a greater picture which can only be fathomed in the context of Faith. So enjoy this Christmas with the duality of Jesus the baby as a Savior, and the Great King. Wish you all a merry Christmas and a happy new year 2014.

Look, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, even those who pierced him; and all peoples on earth will mourn because of him. So shall it be! Amen

He is my

All in All Before I formed you in the womb, I Knew you...

Justin A. Raj works with Infosys Ltd, Chennai. He is an active member of Vincet D'Paul Society. He is a kind hearted and soft-spoken friend who never hesitates to share the Word. He can be reached it

In this article, I would like to highlight who Jesus Christ has been to me.Triune God, who laid the foundation for the earth and heaven, chose me even before I was born and adorned my life with salvation. He has been my protector, teacher, comforter and good shepherd. My ever present help has been carrying and helping me to run this race on earth with perseverance. He is going to come soon and give me the coveted crown of glory.

The Selector: I was not aware of His Master plan till I experienced salvation which is the gift of God to every God's child. He showed me the verses Jeremiah 1:4-6 (Before I formed you in the womb I knew you) and Ephesians 2:8 (For it is by grace you have been saved, through faithand this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God). Through His living words, He made me realize His will in my life.

The Protector: He has been my protector throughout this journey so far on earth. I have crossed many ups and downs only because of Him. As David says, I can confidently say that - The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold (Psalm 18:2). If God is for us, who can be against us?( Romans 8:31).

The Comforter: When I am weary and tired and weak, He has comforted me with like my mother/father/friend. He has wiped off my tears. He has proved the verse - As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you (Isaiah 66:13) in my life.

The Shepherd: He has never stopped leading and carrying me on His shoulder as a shepherd. He has fed my inner man and has shown what life is meant to be. He has led me through green pastures. I am grateful to this wonderful shepherd who has given His life for me (The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.-John 10:11). Even if I say thanks to Him till the end of my life it would not suffice. The journey continues and as it is written in James 1:12 “Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him”, I am waiting to receive the crown of life. Glory to God in the highest! Merry Christmas to you all and a prosperous New Year 2014!!

The Teacher and Counselor: He has been guiding in every step that I take in spiritual and worldly life. When I fumble, He is there to lift, correct and take me forward. Through the Holy Spirit, He has been giving the strength to learn and be a useful vessel in front of His eyes. The following verse has been fortifying in my life. But the Comforter (Counselor, Helper, Intercessor, Advocate, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, Whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. And He will cause you to recall (will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you (John 14:26). As written in Isaiah 11:2, the counselor has helped/been helping me with wisdom and knowledge in my church, family and workplace. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, The Spirit of wisdom and understanding, The Spirit of counsel and might, The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.

You are my strength when I am weak You are the treasure that I seek, You are my All in all. Seek you as a precious jewel Lord to give up, I’d be a fool, You are my All in all. Jesus Lamb of God, worthy is your Name Jesus Lamb of God, worthy is your Name Taking my sin my cross my shame Rising again I bless your name, You are my all in all When I fall down You lift me up When I am dry You fill my cup, You are my all in all

by Prof. V. Immanuel

The angels declared, “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, good will toward men.� Luke 2:14

A few Decembers ago when I read this verse, I was startled to find that this is precisely what we don't have in our lives. Jesus came to offer what we don't have, Peace. God found that the greatest problem to man was relationship; relationship with God and fellow beings. Dear friends, we cannot live a life as if there is no solution to our problems. We cannot have strained relationships in life because; he is the “Prince of Peace” (Is. 9:6). The Bible says, “He makes wars to cease”, (Ps.46:9). There has to be an end to the restlessness, chaos, doubts and disappointments. Christmas brings us this blessing to our personal lives, families and in our churches. Those who believe in Jesus, ought to have that inner peace which He calls as, “My peace” (John 14:27). If we lack peace, we need Jesus. There is a verse which says that He gives peace “like a river” (Is 66:12) These are days when parents can't relate to their children and spouses to each other. They call it, 'Misunderstanding'. The truth is that we miss “the author of peace” (I Cor 14:33). I have found that two kinds of people do not have peace. The proud and the rebellious: because, God himself is their enemy. With such lives there is utter meaninglessness and they remain a burden to many. Go to the savior who brought peace to the whole world. Whole world? Incredible!! He will bring peace into our tiny lives and our families too. Secondly, goodwill to men. Some cannot have goodwill towards others as they only “look down on everyone else,” (Luke 18: 9) like the Pharisee. Our prejudice and the pride of our heart will not allow us to have Goodwill for others. Jesus is the perfect example of Goodwill as He wanted to “make us rich”, (2 Cor 8:9). If we are not happy when God blesses someone, then we do not have goodwill. Jesus had goodwill for people and He “emptied Himself” (Phil 2:7). Jesus wanted to give us what He had - Heaven. When we have goodwill, we would also want others to have what we have. Goodwill is not just to be friendly with those who are friendly. Can we have goodwill to those who do not have goodwill toward us? Suppose, someone requires information about the one we don't like, can we still have goodwill? I remember a time when I did not comment well on a person, he still recommended my name for a cause. I was puzzled. That is goodwill. The bible says, the blood of Jesus speaks, “better things”(Heb 12:24). Do not reserve a negative comment for everyone; we also have a day of judgement. We are called to speak noble. Finally, we need to have goodwill for all. Bible says, “Goodwill to men” and not goodwill to a few men, even goodwill to those who reject us.

Prof. V. Immanuel is working as Professor in English in Christ University, Bangalore. He is a writer, preacher, orator and a good friend. He writes and delivers speeches in conferences of International ministries. His areas of research include Jewish Literature and will be submitting his PhD thesis shortly. Write to

Blessed & Happy

New Year 2014

What can I give Him, Poor as I am? If I were a shepherd I would bring a lamb, If I were a wise man I would do my part, Yet what I can I give Him, I’ll give Him my heart.

Handel Music Series “Chordiels Music” Sembakkam, Chennai 600073 © All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2013 Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of this magazine in any form is prohibited

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