Chordiels magazine

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Chordiels Fest 2013 Honors 2013 – profiles Why? Why? Why? The Free Room Give Thanks From the Harvest Field Only ONE Job

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Chordiels Magazine Vol. 2, Issue 2, April– June 2013


Dear Friends,


Greetings in His precious Name. This is the time of the year to give Thanks to the Lord for all the goodness He

Head Publishing

has shown on us at Chordiels Music, as we celebrate the fifth anniversary of


Chordiels Music. This past 23rd June 2013, we organized Chordiels Fest 2013 at

Article Contributors

learnt that the grace of God is sufficient for all of us.


Wonderful songs, happy reminiscence of yester years with the senior musicians

Palayamkottai that hosted a musical concert and Chordiels Honors 2013. We

and the presence of the Holy Spirit in the Church made the event so memorable. In this issue we have tried to give you a glimpse of some of the moments of the Fest by photos and stories. Sure you will enjoy.

Our Sincere Thanks To

Also get to know the recipients of the Honors 2013, read the articles from our

The RECIPIENTS of Chordiels Honors 2013

dear friends, Chordiels Diary of events and many more. It is always joy to thank the Lord through our music and songs for the blessings including everyone in our lives, who have helped us to what we are today.

CHORDIELS MAGAZINE Published as e-Magazine in and

Remembering the paths we’ve travelled, storing the yields from the fields, and

Published by: Chordiels Music | Handel Music Series Sembakkam, Chennai 600073, TN, India

May God bless you all.

continuing to make music, is all we love to do, year after year. Read the magazine, and share with your friends too.

Chordielly in Christ,

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © June 2013

Back Volumes of Chordiels Magazine can be read or downloaded from

If you’d like to contribute your articles, photos, art work, stories, testimonies in the Chordiels Magazine, do write to us at MAGAZINE ARCHIVES

Our mouths were filled with and Our tongues with

Celebrating FIVE years of Singing in harmony Bringing together the Music & the Message, simple yet powerful. Producing, Performing, Promoting and Publishing FOUR-part harmony Music.

Performs and promotes the art form of 4-part harmony singing, along with the message of love, happiness, hope and prosperity through music and songs

Produces and publishes to promote Gospel & harmony music in forms of CDs, DVDs, Books and Magazines. The record label has published 8 audio albums, 1 DVD, 1 music book, 1 spiritual book and several issues of magazine.

Making music to the Maker of all musics

Harmonization Simplified

Give Hope, Happiness, Prosperity and Peace

Senior musicians in the fields of Church & Gospel music are remembered and honored for their commitment and sincerity in serving the Lord, and keeping live the spirit of church music and harmony singing. 4 musicians in Madurai, and 7 musicians in Tuticorin & Trinelveli were honored.

When the music has prepared the heart to receive, the Word is sown in it and is nurtured by the Spirit of God. The Message is proclaimed to all levels of people with scholastic and apologetic approach. Daily promise and monthly message are part of the Chordiels website

It is with love and affection the children at orphanage homes are taken care of, to give them hope, happiness and prosperity with financial aid. Missionaries are sponsored to work in the fields and help them build the Kingdom of God.

From the

Harvest Field

Started to learn music in 1990 joined St. Peter’s Church choir as violinist in 1992 organist at St. Paul’s Church, Millerpuram in 1994 began to compose music and write songs since 1997 joined the American College Choir in 1998 became choir Director at St. Peter’s Church Madurai in 1999 founded Chordiels Music in 2008 Still dreams and dares to do what is right in His sight…


Journey just began. An intentional journey that was

planned, prepared over the years, and started just five years ago, on 22nd June 2008. Of all the music that I was hearing, singing and performing, I was hooked by the Gospel Music, particularly Gospel harmony music. The seed to form a group of my own was sown in 1993 when I first heard the YMCA male voices singing “Just a little talk with Jesus” in a concert in Tuticorin. Then later in 1998, I heard an astounding harmony from a group of young guys (later teamed as “Noel Opus”, Madurai) at the American College Chapel, Madurai. I was just a spectator to male voice harmony, though I was much into composing, directing and producing music for Choirs and groups in Tuticorin and Madurai. After 20 long years, since hearing the YMCA male voices, a male Vocal Quartet had its inception during 2008, and it was named Chordiels Quartet. Inspired by the powerful rendition of Male Vocal harmony by the Gaither Vocal band and Ernie Haase and Signature Sound, I thought, “Wow, I can do this… Yes…” With Vijay, Jeyakumar, and Prasanna, I experimented whatever I learnt over the years. It is the Chordiels who first introduced harmony singing with music tracks accompaniment, first to record a full-fledged male voice Tamil album in harmony in South TN, first group to host a website of their own, first group to be featured in the HINDU etc. These ‘firsts’ were new to Groups and Choirs in and around Madurai, and so people welcomed our every initiative. All the way, we started harvesting hearts for the King’s barn, realizing our workmanship in His field. The Quartet graduated to a Music group, which was fully into performing, promoting, and publishing Gospel music in four-part harmony. The singing Chordiels were everywhere actively participating in various events, and missed not an opportunity to sing. Amidst struggles, financial droppings, day-job, family commitments, this group of ‘four’ journeyed for three years together. Due to official offerings, Chordiels Music was moved to Chennai. With reformation in the lineup of Chordiels Quartet, and with new faces, Chordiels took some time to catch up with the Chennai audience. This year my wife shared with me a burden to take care of the little forsaken kids, and the missionaries who are working in the Lord’s field, and thus was born Chordiels Care. With wings wide open I loved to welcome people to join me in CM.

Justus reminiscing how he got it all started. Twenty years of hard work, making many dreams come true and today singing with Chordiels Music

Two of my best friends, Charles and Vijay Bhaskar joined the Chordiels family and are working on the business and strategies parts of Chordiels Music Group. From a small town to a Metropolitan, the Music is still simple, yet powerful, sharing the same old sweet message “God loves you too” that will always give new hope to the listeners of Chordiels Music. All the way through, I do believe in the song, “Little is much when God is in it! Labor not for wealth or fame. There's a crown and you can win it, If you go in Jesus' Name” It is the grace of God that has saved a few sinners to sing for His Glory, and add a little harvest into His Barn, now and for more years to come.

Music Publications Forever for You……..

( 2012)

Lesaana Kaariyam……..

( 2011)

Cute Christmas……..


Come to the Garden…….




Yesuvin Paathathil…….


Inception of Chordiels Quartet – Vijay, Jeyakumar, Prasanna and Justus, at St. Peter’s Church, Thirupalai, Madurai, 8:30am. The Quartet performed six songs in their first program, and the program went well, with applause and encouragement from the Church congregation. Bernard was the sound man for this inception program. The journey began.

The second CD titled “Amaithy” (Peace) was released in St. Peter’s Church, Tanjore. It was a compilation of good-old tamil convention songs in harmony. Chordiels Quartet sang 5 songs and the rest 5 were solo by Justus. The CD was sold out on its first day itself.

The official website of Chordiels was hosted. It was It contained few messages, photos, and concert schedules of the group. The first of its kind for a Gospel Male vocal group in South TN, the website was welcomed by many friends and indeed it made a visibility to the group even across cities in Tamilnadu.

Chordiels Fest – First year Anniversary of singing in harmony by Chordiels Quartet was celebrated at Noyes School grounds, Madurai. The first of its concert in harmony in South TN. People gathered, and appreciated the efforts taken, and enjoyed the evening as the Four raised their voices in Thanksgiving.

Chordiels Quartet released their first Audio CD titled “Yesuvin Paathathil” (At the feet of Jesus). They recorded in Justus place in a small home-portable studio set-up. To begin with the CD was just OK, for a new group to make itself known in the Christian Gospel music field. Then on their recording endeavor grew with enthusiasm.

The Third CD titled “Cute Christmas” was released in All Saints Church, Madurai. Favorite Christmas songs in Tamil and English set to the harmony of Chordiels style was a grand welcome. The home studio was named “Handel Studios”, where they recorded this album.

Chordiels was featured in THE HINDU, a national daily newspaper, in the Saturday Metroplus. Chordiels Quartet was called by Mr. Saravanan of THE HINDU, a national daily newspaper, for an interview. The ‘four’ gathered in Justus place, and they had a good time speaking their heart out to the public.

Chordiels Music was born, with a wider vision to take the Gospel to the learned and to the unlearned, extend our helping hands to the poor who needs hope, joy and good life. Some more friends joined Chordiels Music in making these missions. Publishing, promoting and performing harmony music was the objective of Chordiels Music.

Chordiels Fest – second year anniversary was celebrated at the Quiet Corner Chapel of Keswick Public School Madurai. Church Choirs, groups, quintets, quartets and trios all gathered at the Chapel and raised their voices in harmony to the Maker of all Music, the One who is worth the Praise.

Chordiels Music moved to Chennai. A new official website was launched. Vijay, Jeyakumar and Prasanna, remained in Madurai singing, while Justus with new friends in Chennai announced the new line-up of Chordiels – Reuben, Manley, Lovelyn and Justus.

The gathering of various choirs and groups celebrated this Christmas Carols at the Noyes School Chapel. It was an informal gathering of friends and relatives in the Chapel, singing their favorite Carols and listening to the groups and choirs singing in harmony.

Chordiels Fest – fourth year Anniversary was celebrated at St. Mark’s Church, Selaiyur Chennai. The new Chordiels recorded a new Audio album titled “Forever for You” and was released during the Fest. The new group brought an excellent harmony presentation, the congregation was inspired and happy.

Again, Chordiels was featured in the Cover Story of the HINDU Metroplus. This time the team was bigger, and the vision and missions were bigger. Each member opened up to speak what was done, and what are yet to be done by Chordiels Music. “Long way to go” was the realization by the group and by the people.

Chordiels Care – a new wing of Chordiels Music was announced. The Care is focused on adopting an children’s home in Tambaram. It is focused to help these kids in all infra and school materials, and sponsor missionaries. With the best of our efforts, Care will meet the needy and give them hope and happiness.

Chordiels Fest – Third year Anniversary at Noyes School ground, Madurai. Chordiels Honors were given to four senior musicians in Madurai. Fourth CD “Lesaana Kaariyam” was released. A music book “Let us sing in Harmony” was also released. The Chief Guest was Mrs. Helen Satya and Mrs. Betty Prince, Chennai.

Chordiels Fest – Fifth year Anniversary was celebrated at Christ Church, Military line, Palayamkottai. Chordiels Honors 2013 were given away to Seven senior musicians in Tuticorin and Palayamkottai.

R eached Palayamkottai – the Gospel Music City of Tamilnadu -

male voices along with a made-simple rhythm. The PCMV style is

early in the morning on 23rd June 2013, the Sunday.

unique in its way, as trained and directed by Shri. Victor

After a short rest, we hurried to sing for the youth of the St. John’s


Cathedral, Nazareth, a 45km drive from Palay. Chordiels Quartet

Chordiels presented two regular numbers “Reason Enough”, “Irul

sang a few songs, and entertained the kids and the youth with

Soolntha Lohathil” in their harmonic progressions. Then came the

games that focused on the morals of Christian living. Prof. V.

most awaited “You are my all in all” with an introduction of a

Immanuel shared the Lord’s Word with the youth, confining them

classic guitar playing Canon in D. The meaning, the message and

to lead a sinless life for Christ. The Church’s Parish Priest, Rev.

the music should have moved the hearts of the listeners as

Manickam, and the Pastorate Secretary, Mr. Eliaser, gave us gifts

Chordiels soulfully sang it. The theme song “En Aathumavey” was

of love for our participation in the youth meeting.

an A Cappella in ‘G’.

Later, we had a good lunch with our dear Annan Mr. Stephen

PCMV sang the famous “Nobody knows” which brought their stuff

Thiagarajan, at Hotel Vaira Maalihai, Palay. Twas lots of love and

of a male vocal arrangement. “Ummaley Naan”, a song composed

fun shared across the table, with a heavy lunch.

by Mr. Stephen Dharmaraj, was set to harmony and they did their

Then we came to the venue, Christ Church, military lines, Palay where our Fest is hosted. Chordiels did a little warm up, and sound check with the audio system. Then we hurried to our rooms

best of the song. Finally, a part from Hayden’s “Creation” opened in C-sharp minor, and soared to the height, when they hit the Emajor for Let there be light made a stunning climax for the Fest.

at Laura Paradise Inn to get ready for the evening show. In the

After the music is over, Prof. Immanuel of Chordiels Music stood

mean time, our guest for the evening, Pearl City Male Voices

up to introduce our Chief Guest Rev. Dr. Thomas Thangaraj,

(PCMV), arrived at the venue and were getting ready with the final

followed by the Rev., felicitating the gathering. The selected seven

sound check.

senior musicians who have contributed their best, their talent, life

At 5:45pm Chordiels entered the Church and greeted in person the members of PCMV, and other guests all who had arrived to the Fest. With some final touches to the stage and agenda, we were ready to show up for singing. Rev. Gibson Johndas gave the opening prayer, led the congregation to sing the hymn “Praise my soul”, and handed over the stage to Chordiels and PCMV. Chordiels opened the show with an A Cappella, “Aandava Prasannamaahi”. Each parts added in well and presented a prayerful rendition of the hymn and set the ambience for the Fest. Chordiels sang some of their familiar numbers and made the congregation in rhythm to their tunes. Justus then presented a tribute to the YMCA male voices and PCMV, and drove the Chordiels in singing the classic A cappella “Just a little talk with Jesus”. The audiences were overjoyed to hear the song build the harmony, energy of the voices and the ending with a big impact, hitting the high ‘A’. The PCMV came on to sing the melodic version of the medley “Come Oh Jesus/Abba Father”. What a harmony, the seventeen voices brought with a soulful and smooth rendition. “The Gift of Song” is another familiar tune with a compelling arrangement of the

and everything for the sake of Church Music and Gospel music were honored. Rev. Thomas bestowed the Honors to Shri. T. Samuel, Shri. G. Victor Thangadurai, Shir. D. Prakash, Shri. K. Stephen Thiagarajan, Shri. J. Jacob Gnanadoss, Shri. K.I. Packianathan, and Shri. S. Stephen Dharmaraj. The moment turned to be emotional as we read out their achievements and activities they have carried in their life-time. Dr. Justus delivered the vote of thanks to all who have come for the Fest, and praised the Lord for all His goodness that He showers on Chordiels Music year after year. Then he called the PCMV and CQ to render the much loved and the most meaningful song that describes Jesus’s final commandment, “Loving God and Loving Each Other”. Mr. Victor was on the piano, as the 21 voices raised their voices in harmony, making everyone feel the thrill of the male-vocal harmony. It was as beautiful as it always used to be. Rev. Gibson hosted dinner for all of us. We greeted each other and shared our testimonies and stories as we had our dinner at the grounds. What a great day? What a memorable day? This day will go down into the memories of all who took part in the Fest, and will stand as a milestone in the journey of Chordiels Music.

Awarded to the Senior Musicians in who have committed their lives to keep alive the Church Music and Gospel Music, and have served the Lord.

To honor their works for Church Music, harmony singing and Gospel Music, Seven senior musicians from the regions of Tuticorin, Trinelveli Districts were selected to receive the Chordiels Honors 2013.

Held at:

Christ Church, Military lines, Palayamkottai, TN, India


23rd June 2013, Sunday evening 6pm

Chief Guest:

Rev. Dr. M. Thomas Thangaraj (Visiting Professor, Boston University, Boston, USA)


Rev. Gibson Johndas (Parish Priest, Christ Church, Palayamkottai)

Born in 1940, respected Shri. T. Samuel started his music ministry in 1955 in a small church in Pillaimunai as an organist. Since then he is serving the Lord in Sunday worship services and praise gatherings. His obeyed the Lord’s call for Church ministry and has served many churches and participated in ecumenical services with huge enthusiasm, standing and singing along with five generations of Choristers. Today in his early 70s he is the first to be in Church at 6am on a given Sunday. His passion for church music and harmony singing has driven him to be part of St. James Church, Tooveypuram, Tuticorin. Today his son, Mr. Johnson and his grandson are playing the organ in the Church. He has also trained several musicians, like Mr. Victor Thangadurai, Ms. Ketch, and taught them to play the organ. He is best known for his punctuality and commitment to the Church worship services and the passion for the Church Music. After 58 years of experience in performing as organist and training the choir, he never plays the organ from memory. He sticks onto every note on the sheetmusic, and is happy that he can read them even at this age of 73. He truly is a symbol of an Organist and a model for many musicians. His service for the Lord’s Kingdom and music is honored with love and respect.

A sincere student who learnt music at a young age, had instincts for music that got roots during his engineering education. Shri. Victor had the privilege to learn classical music, exposure to A Cappella , Pop, light music, and learnt to play accordion, piano and guitar. His roles as chorister, Choir director, music composer, orchestrator and pianist have excelled him to lead and direct 100-voices choir during the mid 1990s and in 2007 and 2008. His music composition for a Passion Cantata and Story of Joseph were acclaimed for its authenticity and strong deliverance of the Message. As a professional pianist, Shri. Victor has the passion for sustaining the spirit of four-part harmony, no matter it is from a choir, a group or a quartet. The harmony music that emerges moves people, and Gospel transforms people. Amidst his profession as Deputy Director(IT) of Tuticorin Port and a consultant now, he has formed several music groups, “Joyous singers”, “YMCA choir”, and “Pearlcity Music Association and Choir”. His passion for music and his heart for the Master have brought him through these ways. His submission to the Lord as “His instrument of love in His hands” is all he wishes to be forever. His service for the Lord’s Kingdom and music is honored with love and respect.

A 12 year old boy in 1964, Shri. Prakash gave his first debut violin performance at the Centenary Hall in Palayamkottai, accompanied by his sister on the piano. Little did he know what the future held in store for him in music. As a young man, he got attracted towards classical western music, which he practiced in his violin, all the time. He is indebted to Late. Prof. Cleophus Antony for opening doors to perform in his violin. He joined as a violinist in the Trinelveli Chamber Orchestra in 1978, and continues to be part of it. In 1992, he was appointed as Choir Director of St. Peter’s Church, Shunmugapuram, Tuticorin. Since then his active participation in training the choir, organizing special programs during Christmas and lent, and every Sunday morning worship, have been his strength in standing up for the Lord and for the music. He is known for chord formation on the air for convention songs, and has written music for more than 175 songs. He is training the Thoothukudi-Nazareth Women’s Fellowship Choir for the past 7 years. “Gospel is the bread of life, and when supplemented with music spreads God’s love around us”, is his perception. His service for the Lord’s Kingdom and music is honored with love and respect.

Mutli-talented is his other name. Shri. Stephen Thiagarajan is known for his talent as a deep-bass singer, his managerial skills in organizing and directing an event or a concert, he is a volleyball player and participates in state and national events, and above all his loud laughter you could always feel, comes from his heart. Joined the st. John’s college choir in 1974 as a bass singer was the inception of his music journey. He then became part of the Church Choir in Tuticorin Harbor, and also travelled with Joyous singers in Tuticorin and Trinelveli districts. In the late 80s, he was called to direct the St. Paul’s Church Choir, where he spent the next 12 years training the choir, organizing three annual events in the Church, which earned him the ‘first’ to give a different color to harmony singing. He knows to bring the best out of an artist. One example is: he is the one who brought the musicianship in Justus, when he trusted Justus to write music for his songs.

As a little boy he used to sing cinema songs, especially of MSV’s. One day, while Rev. M. S. Jesudhasan was on house visit, he heard the young boy Packianathan singing a famous cine song. The next day the Rev called him to the Church and appreciated his talent in singing. He then asked Packinathan to try writing some Choruses for the Children of the Church. Saheyu Aayakaaran was the first song he penned. Later he wrote some of the famous, time tested songs of our era, Endhan Naavil Pudhu Paatu, Thooyathi Thooyavarey, which are sung in Churches even to this day. Since then he wrote more than 100 songs, and sang them wherever he went to preach the Gospel. He also published an EP gramophone record in 1976, which became very famous and a part of every Christian home. He also published a VCD of 12 tamil keerthanais.

He then founded a private choir “Harbor Harmonies” in 1998, and still training and travelling with the choir. He has produced 9 Video DVDs with the choir and has appeared in television programs.

Even today he writes songs, all of them carrying the flavor of a true Christian experience and message. He has been the Kadayanodai Church Organist for more than 19 years. His 38 years job of teaching and song writing has never been suspended for any cause. He says Holiness in life is the most important thing. Without holiness we cannot serve the Lord nor do His ministry.

His service for the Lord’s Kingdom and music is honored with love and respect.

His service for the Lord’s Kingdom and music is honored with love and respect.

Started in the late 1970s as a harmonium accompanist for his cousin brother, Shri. Jacob was so passionate about song writing and singing. In the late 1980s he began to write new songs and formed his own orchestra in his hometown, which later became the “Heavenly light Orchestra”. The team was performing everywhere and known to everyone in Tuticorin, Trinelveli and Nagercoil regions. His daughters also joined the team and travelled with their Dad, singing and making music. Jacob initiated and formed the youth choirs at St. James Church and St. Patrick’s Church in Tuticorin, and trains them to sing during special occasions. Now, he formed the Church Choir at Kirubhai Nagar and trains the mixed-voice choir. He has written more than 200 tamil gospel songs, and more than 250 choruses for IMS and Baliyar Nesan, a wing of Trinelveli Diocese. He has performed in more than 3000 stage concerts with his orchestra. Also he was part of the YMCA choir and YMCA male voices during the 1990s.

Singing was his first attraction. Later songwriting became his passion. Composing and harmony arranging was his everyday affair. Shri. Stephen joined the St. Paul’s Church Choir, and the Cathedral Choir to sing and sing only. This is when he met his friend Mr. Victor Thangadurai who taught Stephen to play the Guitar and the fundamentals of music. He says “It was Victor who brought me to the boil and I began to compose songs”. Nesarudan Naan Nadapen was his first song, and Victor harmonized it and trained his choir to sing this song, which became a familiar to many. In the late 1970s, his songs Viduthalai, viduthalai petren, and Anaithum Kristhuvukey became famous when the Satya family records those songs. Those became a hit, even today. He joined YMCA choir as a tenor and plays guitar sometimes. For some years he conducted the YMCA choir. His songs and his musical arrangements are used by YMCA and PCMA choirs, and by many groups.

Sathirathai Thedi was the famous series of albums among the 9 albums he published. He longs to the clay in the Potter’s Hands.

Mr. Stephen says “Music is a gift of God. Freely received, freely it should be given and should pass on the gift.”

His service for the Lord’s Kingdom and music is honored with love and respect.

His service for the Lord’s Kingdom and music is honored with love and respect.

Chordiels Honors 2013 clockwise: Shri. T. Samuel, Shri. G. Victor Thangadurai, Shri. D. Prakash, Shri. K. Stephen Thiagarajan, Shri. S. Stephen Dharmaraj, Shri. J. Jacob Gnanadoss, Shri. Kadayanodai Packianathan

by Justin Arockia Raj

In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you, in Christ Jesus

Thanksgiving is essential in every believer’s life. Our living and loving God expects us to be thankful at all times. We find many instances in the Bible that talk about giving thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for all the blessings. Why should we thank God? and do we thank enough? What is our level of thanksgiving? Let us retrospect these things in this article.

Give thanks in everything: (1 Thessalonians 5:18) God gave his only begotten son for us and has clothed us with invaluable salvation. Nothing can match the sacrifice Jesus has done for us in the cross. He is king of kings, lord of lords and has written our names in the book of life. For this, we should be thankful, till our last breathe. Paul says – “In everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you, in Christ Jesus. Let us be thankful in each and every circumstance. God knows how to handle our situations - be it good or bad. Colossians 3:17 – And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it in the name of our Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the father through him.

Thanksgiving through songs: (Psalm 28:7) Like David, through songs, we can thank our covenant maker and covenant keeper. Some of the relevant excerpts from bible are given below: Psalm 28:7 – The Lord is my strength and my shield. My heart trusts in Him and I am helped. Therefore my heart exults. And with my song, I shall thank him. Psalm 69:30 – I will praise the name of God with song. And shall magnify Him with thanksgiving. Psalm 95: 1-2 – O Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord. Let us shout joyfully to the rock of our salvation. Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving.

In our prayers too, let us give Him a slot for thanksgiving.

Thank Him for His power and strength:(Psalm 107:29-32) Our God is the creator of heaven and earth. He has laid the foundations of earth. He is omnipresent and omnipotent. Lord strengthened Noah, Moses, Joshua, Elijah, Enoch, Joseph, Daniel and Nehemiah in their spiritual journey. Jesus strengthened his disciples and healed the sick people through his words and He has been giving us spiritual and physical strength. So, let us thank Him from the bottom of our hearts. Psalm 107:29-32 – He caused the storm to be still, so that the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad because they were quiet. So He guided them to their desired heaven. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His loving kindness. And for His wonders to the sons of men! Let them extol Him also in the congregation of the people. And praise him at the seat of the elders. Thank Him for His unconditional Love (1 Chronicles 16:34) God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son. Jesus so loved us that He shed blood for us. In return, He wants our hearts with love for him and others and thanksgiving. Shall we respond fully to his will? 1 Chronicles 16:34 - Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Jeremiah 33:11 – The sounds of joy and gladness, the voices of bride and the bridegroom, and the voices of those who bring thank offerings to the house of the Lord, saying, “Give thanks to the Lord Almighty”, for the Lord is good; his love endures forever.” Psalm 106:1 – Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. Let us thank him for He has created us in his image. Thank him for He has anointed us with the Holy Spirit. Thank him for the church, family and believers’ circle. Thank him for the ministry, job, health and the other worldly blessings. Thank him like the Samaritan leper who was cleansed by Jesus. Above all, thank him for he is going to give us eternal life and we can see him face to face. As we sing and praise God for all the things he showered on us, I remember the few lines of the song: Thank him in the morning, thank him in the evening and thank him when the sun goes down.

Remember to


Ashok Peter: Loving thanks to my parents, sister and all my friends...


Reuben Rhuphus: I love to thank my dad, mom, sweet sister, my music teacher Mr. Andrew John, and many other teachers

Vasanth Samson: I love to thank my Parents, my dear wife Nancy, and my two little boys. And also to all my dear brothers who have taught me how to sing, and mentors who led me into pastoral ministry. Hepsiba Justus: Thanks to my loving dad, sweet mom, ever loving hubby, dear son, all my friends, my loving sister Beu… and… my school & college teachers, who not… all at Chordiels 

Johnson : (Prof of Physics) Lots of thanks to Jesus, my dad & mom, loving wife, and my sweet children. Thank them for their presence in my life.

Manley: I want to thank my Dad, Mom and my Wife, and then Justus anna for giving me this wonderful opportunity. And I thank God for giving everything I got in this life.

Syntia Bejoy: I wish to thank my dear mom and dad, my dear husband Bejoy, thank my professor, Mr. Justin and my music mentor, Justus anna. Above everything I thank my Lord Jesus for giving a blessed life to me & my family.

who have taught me music and piano

Anisha: Sincere thanks to my late Dad, George Lala, my hubby (Anojish), my best friend (Mrs. Samantha), my choir master (Justus anna), my team lead (Sabarinathan).

Evangeline: These people were there during my bad times & encouraged me for which i am today.. so i would like to thank them, Mr.Daniel, Mum & Dad, Mrs.Padmaja, Ms.Angel Jeneafer and Dr.Justus

Kirubha Kingston: I am grateful to grandfather Rev. John Joseph, my mom Josephine Edward, dear cousin Catherine, thank God for many loving people, George Beverlyshea for his songs, and thank God for giving all musicians and singers, the one like Chordiels. Justus: My heartfelt thanks to my dad, mom, dear wife and son, friends (many, includes you too), brother (Baskar), sisters, music teachers (Sam, Prakash), teachers, mentors (Stephen Thiagarajan), role-models (Victor uncle, Moses uncle, Prof. Lawrence), and of course, everyone at Chordiels family.

Give Thanks As told by Shri. N. Jothipandian to his Kids and Grandkids. He is a retired Southern Railway Engineer, now lives with his family, kids and grandkids, teaching and guiding them in the light of the Lord.

My Dear Sons and Daughters, I am so glad to share a few thoughts on “Giving Thanks”. The Psalmist king David gave thanks to God for all things. You know why he praised God, because the Lord is good all the time. As in Psalms 91:11, “He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways”, and hence it is fitting to thank God, for it is well pleased unto Him. We must thank God for He has redeemed us from the bottom most pit of this sinful world. Unless Jesus is sent into this world we could never get the redemption from sins. For God granted us the salvation not free of cost but for the precious blood of His son Jesus. We must be thankful to God for His new covenant made through Jesus Christ. God sent His only begotten son ‘Jesus’ to save us by sacrificing His life on the cross of Calvary. And whoever believes in this great love shall be saved by His blood. We must give thanks and praise God that God chooses His children who are having faith in the Name of Jesus. We ought to thank God whether He enriches us with His blessings or put us into temptation and poverty. We must praise God as Job did. Job was a very righteous man in the eyes of God and men. Even though Job has lost all things, his wealth, health, properties, sons and daughters, he refrained not from praising him. “The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord.” Likewise we should have the heart to thank and praise God in all our situations – good or bad, high or low, rich or poor, sick or healthy. Children, give thank to God for it is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Do you remember when we praised God as a family in all our bad situations, and thanked Him in all our good times?

If you could turn with to Luke Chapter 17, verses 11 to 19. It is a wonderful passage that teaches us the duty to the thankful and what Jesus expects from us. The incident happens when Jesus passed through the land of Samaria and Galilee. There He met ten men who were lepers, who stood far off and they lifted up their voice, and said “Master have mercy on us” So when Jesus saw them, he said to them “go, show yourselves to the priests”. And so it was that on the way they went they were cleansed. Now, one of them, when he saw that he was healed of his leprosy, he thought to himself, Let me go and thank the master, and show Him I am clean now. He returned to Jesus, and with a loud voice He glorified God and fell down on his face at the feet of Jesus, giving Him thanks. Jesus appreciated this man who worshipped Him at His feet with thanksgiving. Jesus was honoring his faith and his heart to return to give thanks. Jesus expects the same thing from us. We were filled with sins, sin was in our flesh, in our mind and everywhere in us. When we called on to Him to heal us, He was gracious enough to shed His precious blood for us, for our sins, and cleansed us of the dirty, filthy sins of the world. While on our way, do we think of Jesus who has cleansed us? Do we go back to Him to thank Him, worship Him and praise Him? Do we have that grateful heart? From today, let us practice this in our lives to thank Him whenever He is merciful to show us His love and grace, inspite of our sinful nature. Dear children, me and your mom are happy to share this though of thanksgiving with you all, as we ourselves thank the Lord for His goodness and faithfulness that He has shown on us all these years, and still He is gracious to fill us with His love. We all Praise you and Thank You Lord!

Only ONE Job!

St. Peter was standing at the Pearly gates and asking a Doctor who just now left his earthly life, “What were you doing on earth all these days?” The Doctor answered I was sincerely serving the patients. “Ok. But in heaven there is no job for a Doctor, you stand aside”. Then Peter asked a civil engineer “What about you?” The engineer answered “I was laying roads and bridges”. Peter replied “Golden roads are already laid in heaven, so no job for you. Stand aside”. Then came a man and his family. Peter asked “What you guys were doing?” We were just singing and making music in Churches, Gospel meetings”. “Oh, you are a singer and a musician?” Peter asked. “Yes” the man replied. “Come on in and your family. We need you. You have got a fulltime job to do. No rest. Keep on singing, praising and make music. Join the heavenly Choir” Peter welcomed the man and his entire family with joy. Singers, Musicians, song writers and composers, ye who did for the Glory of God, we have a job in heaven. So get ready, rehearse and rehearse. We’ll be joining the heavenly Choir


by Dr. S. Justus

While driving home after a Sunday morning worship in our Church, we were asking our son what he learnt in the Sunday School that morning. He told this story and it’s moral. One day while God, along with His son Jesus, was going for a walk on the grand golden roads of Heaven. They were just monitoring what the angels wee doing, and how they were busy with their assigned works. The first room was filled with angels working on gifts that arrived Heaven this past Easter. The second room’s angels were training the Heaven’s choir for the forthcoming Christmas celebrations, the third room was filled with works on the Second coming of Jesus, the fourth, the fifth and so on are occupied with angels, busy doing their works. One of the biggest rooms they crossed was over-crowded with lots of angels working in it. God asked Jesus, “Why is that they are so crowded and overloaded?” Jesus answered; “these angels are working on the prayers and petitions, requests and tears from human beings to us, and they are in plenty, so we have deputed additional angels to work on bringing all those prayers to you and me to answer them promptly”. God was so happy that people in the world are praying so sincerely, everyday. And they walked past. A few steps away God found a room with only two angels working so reluctant, and the room was so free, it seems no significant work is carried out in it. God stopped and asked Jesus “Why is this room so empty? Why these angels are left free? And what they are supposed to do?” Jesus grew so sad, and replied “Father, this is the room meant to receive Thanks and Gratitude from human beings. But this room receives only less thanks offerings each day, and that’s why these angels are not as occupied as the others”. God and Son became sad on this issue. Moral: Let’s make the Father and the Son happy by singing praises and prayers of Thanks giving to them. Let our thanks reach that room every day and every moment. We reached home, and thanked the Father and the Son for giving us such a great life’s lesson.

by Dr. J. Nancy Samson

Why to give thanks? To this well known Christian question, many would answer, it is good to thank God, only then God will bless, thanksgiving pleases God, for something good to happen in life, "Give thanks" and it is the will of God, so give thanks. Moreover our elders have even taught us how to offer thousand praise offerings daily to work out miracles. Somehow we all know the importance of "Why to give thanks" and the surpassing value of Thanksgiving. My caption is not "why to give Thanks" or "How to give Thanks". Although we give thanks in our prayers like a parrot (sthothiram, sthothiram, sthothiram) and stand as a testimony in church, but still we often query, why? why? why? about so many things that roll upon our lives time and again. Why should I suffer pain? Why this disease? Why a Jordan or a Red sea before me? Why a desert of loneliness? Why a Jericho? Why a fiery furnace? Why God asks me to sacrifice my only beloved and why this valley of death? The very good news is that, all these ‘Why’ we question, is only to give thanks and that is my caption. Because, only when you come across such circumstances, you will know who your God is. Unless He heals you, you will not say that "He is my Healer". Unless you go through the path of lacking, you will not know your Provider. So, God will heal your disease, He will part the Jordan and the Red sea for you, God will bring down Jericho, He will make a way in the desert and the desert will spring forth water for you. God Himself will walk with you in the fiery furnace and in the valley of death, and you will say, "Lord! You are with me and thy rod and thy staff they comfort me" (Psalms 23:4). God will shut the mouth of the lions who roar against you. Though He wants you to sacrifice your beloved or the best thing in life, He will raise the Savior through your sacrifice (remember through the seed of Isaac came our Lord Jesus Christ). If you can trust this Almighty God, who is marvelous in work (Job 5:9) and continue to hold on to your faith in Him who will never leave you nor forsake you (Deuteronomy :31:6) then, you will end up in thanksgiving for all the - "why it happened to me?" . Job 23:10 says "when He has tested me, I shall come forth as gold". Christian life is not free of problems. Book of II Timothy 3:12 says "All who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution". Never give up and be patient. Patience is a sign that you still trust Him. Endure the life threatening situation for the glory of God. Because there is no doubt that the Lord of impossibilities shall turn your mourning into joy of thanksgiving for His glory. Thanksgiving must arise only after waiting patiently to experience the goodness and the help of God in every trial that we may have to face. Then this "Thank You" would not come out from your lips but will flow voluntarily from your grateful heart which will be a sweet smelling aroma to God. Real Thanksgiving comes forth from a real brokenness of heart. Are you going through a rugged path where you are left alone? Then, your Glorious Thanksgiving is most awaited!

Dr. J. Nancy Samson, is a dental physician, working with a reputed corporate and practicing medicine independently. She is the wife of CQ’s Vasanth Samson.

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Handel Music Series “Chordiels Music” Sembakkam, Chennai – 600073 © All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2013 Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of this magazine in any form is prohibited

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