Chordiels Magazine

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Welcome FEST 2012 Cover story

Solomon Abraham The Bassist Speaks in C-Talk

itsJustMusic Story of the Song Gallery Dish you Wish

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Welcome Dear Friends,


It is a great joy to bring this Magazine to you!


Warmest Greetings in His Mighty Name!!

Article Contributors Shri. VIBIN KUMAR Shri. EBENEZAR PAUL Shmt. HEPSIBA MABEL

Our Sincere Thanks To Shri. SOLOMON ABRAHAM Pastor. M. G. WILSON

After the release of the CD “Forever for You” in the Chordiels FEST 2012, we took a short time to relax with our families, and carry out our family-bound duties. By His abundant grace, we understand the basic qualities of life that please Him and the lessons from some of the great musicians and singers of all time. While we sing, write, record new songs and share the love of God, there are still many people out there in want of a better life and eternal happiness. We thank God for His richest blessings on all of us, and see to it that the Chordiels Music group takes up the Good News to those needy souls too.

CHORDIELS MAGAZINE Published as e-Magazine in and

This issue of the magazine covers a variety of articles to read, enjoy and cherish. Solomon Abraham, the bassist of New Covenant Singers talks about his life and musical journey; focus on the FOUR arts of living by Vibin Kumar, itsJustMusic, and some dishes to feast your taste buds.

Published by: Chordiels Music | Handel Music Series Sembakkam, Chennai 600073, TN, India

Keep Chordiels in your prayers and help us reach people with the divine love of God, which is the sweetest of all!

All Rights Reserved. Copyright © September 2012


Have a great time reading!!

Dr. S. Justus

We are planning to include regular Columns, Advertisements, Testimonies, Short Stories, Cool Pictures in the future issues of this Magazine. We invite you to contribute in any one or in all of these headings. Just write in your articles to along with relevant photographs and your contact info in detail. Also, you can write in your comments, feedbacks for improvement of the Chordiels Magazine, so that we could bring out our best in the Magazine, whose objective is to offer hope, love, and inspiration to lead a better, blessed, God-pleased life.

Chordiels Fest 2012

Chordiels Fest 2012 E

very year during the Chordiels Fest, we witness a slight shower that cools the ground and prepares us for the occasion. This year too there was good shower in the evening on 29th July 2012. At sharp 6:30pm the evening service started with a praise hymn led by the Pastor. Earlier, the Chordiels Quartet invited the guests of honor for the evening, Stouxingers and Inclefs Male Voices for the Fest. The first three songs by the Chordiels Quartet set the stage for the musical evening. Rev. Indhira Paul delivered the Lord’s message. Rev. Dr. Paul Francis dedicated the Fifth Audio CD from Chordiels Quartet, and the first copies were received by four senior members of the congregation. The second half was lit up by three wonderful songs in soft and perfect harmony by the Stouxsingers. Inclefs Male voices delivered an A Cappella, which really added to the meaning of what they sang. Chordiels Quartet then sang three songs from their new CD. They shared the message of God’s love through their songs and raised their voices in harmony in the verses of Psalms 103. The most splendid part of the occasion was, the three groups came together on stage to sing the most popular and magnificiet song “Loving God Loving Each Other”. The entire church was thrilled to hear the harmony that rose out of the 16 men. What a glorious event? The Fest ended with the entire congregation singing “Abide with me”. Chordiels Music is thankful to God Almighty for all the mighty works He is doing with the group as they sing and carry the music and the Message to people, giving them hope to face each day without fear. Prayers and blessings from the congregation poured in for all the three groups. Photos and Videos are available in the following links. Photos of Chordiels Fest 2012 Keep Chordiels Music in your prayers and support them in reaching out to people with their music and songs. Visit to keep yourself updated on what’s on this musical journey.

Date: 29th July 2012 Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm Venue: St. Mark’s Church, Selaiyur, Chennai - 73

Performances by:

Stouxingers Inclefs Male Voices Chordiels Quartet

The FOUR arts of Living By Vibin Kumar

Cover Story


the light of living a life successfully, meaningfully,

usefully, purposefully, we had enough articles written by great scholars, practitioners, leaders and mentors. However, living life to the extent that it is pleasing in the eyes of God and Men has always been a great challenge and marked „impossible‟ to practice, by most of us. This „impossibility‟ is always proved wrong by people who really live a life that bridges the vertical and the horizontal relationships. As I was pondering over the qualities one would need to have to have a great life and stand tall, four thoughts stood tall and mandatory for our everyday life. Let me throw a few thoughts on these. Love We see love as a commodity and not as an experience. Love is the basis for all other qualities of human. It is of the heart and not of the mind. Which means, it has no logical interpretations, no rationale questions on the situation, nothing to do with knowledge and status. It is of the heart. Love your neighbor as yourself, is the way of life we were taught. A heart to share your food, a glass of cold water, a lending hand to the fallen, a word of real sweetness to a friend or relative and specifically to a neighbor when it is demanded or needed. While sharing our love with an unknown neighbor is difficult, showing true love to our own brothers and sisters has become much more difficult. Our selfishness, egocentric, family centric lives have removed the true love in us. But we are called to be true and honest in heart to show and shower our love to everyone, as He who died for us proved His love is true and honest. So love, because love covers all wrongs. Faith Faith is the trust on something or someone, which is worth trusting. So have faith in yourself first. Believe that you can do this thing to the best of your ability, and you will finish it with great professionalism. If you have faith and tell this mountain to move away, it will, is the best one. So any big problem you face, with faith you can just make it move out of your way. Then have faith on friends whom you will need in your times of trouble and joy. Don‟t ever miss that trust, because that faith will help build you relationships on which you can improve your personality. Lastly, have faith in God. Without this, the other faiths are void and deceiving. An eaglet looks unto its mother with all faith and trust, and opens its mouth for a feed. Sometimes it gets and sometimes don‟t. But every time without hope being lost the poor little eaglet looks to the mother for food. This is how we ought to be. Whatever be the situation, be of good courage to trust in Him who will provide all your essential needs. Once faith has become part of our habit, then life becomes happier than ever before.

Forgiveness The toughest thing to follow is “forgiving”. If only we have a short memory, forgiveness is possible. Forgiving our parents, husband or wife or children are all possible in one way or the other, as life has to pull on with them. But how about forgiving a friend or a foe? Really, this has not been possible many a time. Friends are earned and won. Hence maintaining the relationships have always remained a great challenge. However due to personal commitments, unforeseen situations, and due to wrong-doings, the trust gets ruined at some point of time. This would lead to punishable words like, deceiver, betrayer, traitor, and finally foe. How long can we hold the grudge against friends? Things have to be forgotten and forgiven. Bible has taught us about forgiving completely, to the core, through many incidents and parables. The example that Jesus has set for us is impeccable, and is practical. He calls the traitor, a friend. He had the heart to look into Judas‟ weakness for money. He saw beyond what a human can see. Even in our wrongdoings and sin, He is gracious enough to look our innermost weaknesses and abilities. Gives us an opportunity to build the good relation that we already had with Him. This is how we ought to live. Forgiving is getting back what had been lost. A Forgiving heart finds peace, joy and stands tall above all. Humility Nothing could be compared to humility than the life of Jesus. He went to an extent to wash the foot of His disciples. If the King of all Kings and the Master of this entire universe can wash a man‟s foot, why not me and you can? Let us not take it symbolically. Our hearts should be willing to serve others, especially your subordinates when you are leading a church, an organization, a company or even in your family. The greatest hindrance to humility is pride. Only when pride can be burnt, can we practice humbleness. Pride is a horse pill - hard to swallow. Nowadays, pride along with ego and self-centric nature makes us so selfish and has become our life-style nowadays. Paul says „I shall not take pride on anything else except for the cross of Christ’. All our educational qualifications, awards and honors, luxury and riches, fame and wealth, hard labor and success, shall not boost our pride. In spite of who we are, remember we all are His children, forgiven and loved again. We are called to practice the life that He has set before us, as a benchmark. Closure I consider these four characters as an art. Because “art” is something we enjoy to practice. Any art when practiced regularly becomes professional. Hence we are invited to practice these four arts on a daily basis, so that we will be unblemished and clean in the eyes of both men and our Master

itsJustMusic Music – the Master’s art The great Master was hovering in the void before time and space, He had colors of songs. His artistic Spirit flung into Words and action, and thus He created the heavens and earth and all in it in five days. He colored every one of His creation, the skies, the soils, the rivers, the seas, the plants and trees, the flowers and fruits, the mountains and the valleys, everything, you name, he coated them with colors. He is a great artist and is a lover of art. The song He had, He breathed into man‟s soul, and He created man in His own image. The music instinct in every one of us is what He has given us. Some of us sing it out, some hum, some enjoy listening and some admire. The music and the songs that you and I make are fragments of the Master‟s own Music. We use it, harmonize it, orchestrate it, and improvise it and make a whole new music creation. He is pleased with it. Our songs, our music, our lyrics are all His own, and we multiply them and give Him the glory. One day He will gather all of us together and hear the same old song which was with Him in the beginning.

He paints the skies with all colors,

Seas, mountains, fields and flowers; More than ever could I see, The beauty He made for me.

Orange and red, crimson and blue, Waves through the heavens flew; High hills and low plains, Are colored with green lanes.

The stretched shores and seas, All coated in colors that please; You and I are not the same, His own art that rose to fame.

All of the music we ever make, Is colored unique for art’s sake;

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No matter how we dance and sing, It’s all to praise the King. -by Ebenezer Paul

Story of the Song

Born to a God-fearing Christian Parents in Sathyamangalam, Erode District, in 1953, Wilson was the third son among the six children. At his age 15, Wilson was afflicted with a disease and was at this death bed. His parents cried out to the Lord, that if Wilson is given back, they would give him for the Lord’s ministry in fulltime. God graciously heard their prayers and Wilson was healed of his sickness. In 1969, Wilson joined Rev. Dr. Y. S Devasundaram, to carry on with the full-time ministry in the areas of Nagercoil, Kanyakumari District. During his early years of ministry, he faced many trials, temptations, sicknesses, oppositions, and no improvement and success in anything at all, even in the ministry work. But every time in these difficult situations, the Word of God has been his comfort. One Sunday, after a tiresome travel around the villages on his bicycle, Pastor M. G. Wilson, reached the head-church in Nagercoil. Totally dejected and tired in soul and weak in spirit, he was lying down on the floor of the church, not knowing what the future is in hold for him. His tears were his prayers. As he was praying, Pastor Wilson was filled with Holy Spirit, and the lyrics and the tune of a song reached him from Above, again and again. He began to scribble it on a piece of paper with a pencil, and finally sang the entire song. It was this song “Naan Anjen, Naan Anjen (I’ll not fear), En Yesu ennodu irupathal, (Because my Jesus is with me)”. He wrote four stanzas for the song. Later he sang in his meetings, and many singers and ministers of God took this song and brought hope and blessings to people who are in need. The song gave hope to face the future, amidst the darkness of life, the strong mighty waves of the oceans, and the scary death paths of life, reminding Jesus is with us in all these situations. Today, even after 37 years, the song brings hope for us in our toughest times. The Chordiels Quartet has recorded this song in their latest album, “Forever for You”. Chordiels Music thanks Pastor. M. G. Wilson for giving this wonderful song for all of us to sing.

ehd; mQ;rpNld;

Lyrics & Tune: Pastor M. G. Wilson, ©1975

,Us; #o;e;j Nyhfj;jpy; ,ikg;nghOJk; Jhq;fhky; fz;kzpNghy vd;id fHj;jH VR fhj;jhNu fhdq;fshy; epiwe;J fhynky;yhk; ghLNtd;.

mQ;rpNld;> mQ;rpNld; vd; ,NaR vd;NdhbUg;gjhy;> mQ;rpNld;> mQ;rpNld; vd; ,NaR vd;NdhbUg;gjhy;. miyfs; glfpd;Nky; NkhjpNa Mo;j;jpdJ fly;Nky; ele;J te;J fHj;jNu vd;idj; Jhf;fpdhH mly; ePf;fpatH mikjpg;gLj;jpdhH. kuzg; gs;sj;jhf;fpy; ehd; ele;j Ntisfspy; fHj;jNu vd;NdhbUe;J Njw;wpdhH jk; Nfhypdhy; ghj;jpuk; epuk;gptopa Mtpahy; mgpN\fpj;jhH.

Pastor M.G. Wilson is continuing his ministry in the “Jehovah Salvation Church”, Nagercoil. His contact is: 9994029378, 04652278912, emailed:

C-Talk an Interview with

Solomon Abraham To talk with seniors and learn from their experiences is always a joy for Chordiels. Here we e-interview Shri. Solomon Abraham, who shares his musical journey, his experience as a bass singer and his faithful life for the Lord. Shri Solomon is living in UK and is part of the “New Covenant Singers� singing Bass.


Justus (Js): Hi Annan, Thanks for spending your valuable appointment with Chordiels Music…

Js: How did you get into Quartet singing, and what is your experience in singing with a Men-Quartet?

Solomon Abraham (Solomon): It is always a pleasure meeting like-minded people with passion for the similar kind of music.

Solomon: After I joined the John Millns Singers, I was invited by friends to form a male voice quartet. When the four of us sang together, I was simply overwhelmed by the close harmony which I could literally feel in my bones! Singing for a smaller group compared to a big Choir is very difficult but much more rewarding.

Js: You are an acclaimed Bass singer, and how do you feel about that? Solomon: I definitely do not consider myself as an acclaimed Bass singer! I am grateful to God for giving me a singing voice and for the doors He has opened for me. Js: When did you notice your voice is getting lower, and can sing bass? Solomon: I must have been about 14 or 15 years when my brothers and I sang a special song at the Christmas Carol Service in Tuticorin Harbour Church. I remember being able to hit some low notes with ease but really didn‟t appreciate the significance then. Js: I have almost all the collections of “New Covenant Singers” in my music library, and cherish the harmony you guys present. Really Inspiring!! Solomon: Thank you and I am very pleased to hear that. That was another beautiful door that the Lord opened for me. NCS played a major part in my earlier years as a musician and singer. Js: How long have you been singing, and with what all groups/churches? Solomon: The list is endless. I started my proper singing career in John Millns Male Voice Choir before moving on to NCS. After coming to the UK, I have again been involved in numerous Choirs. The most prominent one was the London Philharmonic Chorus which gave me the opportunity to sing in front of the Queen at the Royal festival Hall and the late Pope John Paul II at the Vatican. It also gave me the privilege of singing in some of the most famous concert halls in the world like the Royal Albert Hall, The Birmingham Symphony Hall, The Ancient Stone Theater in Istanbul etc. I also learnt a lot singing under some internationally well renowned Conductors like Sir Simon Rattle, Stephen Cleobury et al. I continue to sing in the local Church Choir and the Civil servants Choir at Westminster. We have also formed a group called the Kent Gospel Band. Js: WOW! That was a big list. The Lord has opened many blessed doors for you. Ok. About your young school, college days as a singer. Solomon: I always loved to strum the guitar and sing western country and pop songs. Music was a major part of my life. As a boy, I was involved in the Church Choir, Sunday school singing etc.

Js: Your friends and family that helped you what you are today, both in career and music ministry. Solomon: Next to God, the one person who has been a solid rock on my side, always encouraging me to do what I want is my wife. Js: Your music Journey as a Bass singer. When you meet people out in the market or in a railway station, and on Stage singing? Solomon: It is always nice when people come forward and say nice things about our singing. I have met many who have heard our CD or seen me perform and some of them have become very good friends now. Making friends is a perk you get from being a singer! Js: Being in UK, have you ever missed singing the great old songs in harmony? What is your contribution for Male-Quartet (or harmony) singing in UK? Solomon: I have invited NCS over to the UK four times in the past and during each of their visit, we have toured nearly a month giving more than 20 concerts during each visit. At the moment, following in the lines of „as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord’ my wife and my daughter sing with me for the Kent Gospel Band, a small group that we have here in the UK. We are trying to promote southern gospel songs in the Churches around our area. Js: That should be great work! What are your thoughts on taking this music ministry more Christ centered, than anything else? Solomon: When we started NCS, it was more for personal glory but our good Lord had different plans. Our music started to touch many hearts. I believe if we sincerely try to make the best use of the talents that He has invested in us, He will take charge and make us useful vessels for His glory. Js: Any plans of a solo album you wish you should do, as solobassist? Solomon: That is definitely in my list of things to do. Dr. Sam Kamalesan has recorded a few bass solos but after listening to some of the earth shattering low notes that the southern gospel bass singers have produced, it is my desire to record something similar in Tamil.


Js: Welcome to Handel Studios, we‟d like to record with you and produce a solo album for you.. (overjoyed) Oh! Thank you for your kind offer to help with the recording in Handel Studios. When the time comes, you will be the first to know! (with all smiles…) Js: My pleasure Annan. We‟ll be privileged… Js: What message you‟d like to give to youngsters (like us) who are into Gospel Music and singing? Solomon: If you are passionate about something, be prepared to work hard. Don‟t be complacent and settle for anything less than perfection. Observe and absorb any useful tips others give you. God always blesses a sincere heart. Js: Annan, we‟ve had good thoughts and valuable lessons from you through this interview. Chordiels Music is happy to talk with you personally and musically…. Solomon: Many Thanks for the opportunity to share my thoughts with other music lovers. I wish Chordiels Music all the very best for a bright future. No doubt we will be in touch and I will see you grow from strength to strength. God Bless. Js: Thank You for the wishes, Annan (Brother). Meet you again!


Solomon Abraham


Tuticorin, Tamilnadu, India

DOB (if willing):

too old to remember 


Civil Servant


Music and Sports


Go Tell It, Lord is My Light, Ruler of My Heart, Entha Kalathilum, Hiding in His Presence, Siluvai Andayil.

Favorite Song/Hymn: Mentors/Inspirators;

How Great Thou Art… Many, but to name a few, Mr Bill Gaither, Mr Jabez Janakaraj (mentor during my initial days)

Unforgettable moment while on stage:

A few wiping away their tears while singing in St Marks Cathedral, Bangalore.


Married with Two Children




By Hepsiba Mabel

Savory Bread Mix Take 4-tablespoon full of cooking oil in a dry pan. While it is getting heated up, fry the chopped onion and cumins until it becomes clean brown. Smash the two tomatoes in the fried mixture and let it for 2 mins. Now add the chopped bread slices into the pan, add tomato sauce and stir with the mixture thoroughly. The cut vegetables are added at this time. Add a pinch of salt and one tablespoon of pepper to the mixture, stir again to have a good spread. Leave the mixture to get cooked for a while (do not cover the pan). Keep stirring then and there, and experience the good smell of the dish. Take down the pan and mix it once again. Spread some coriander leaves and some pinched chilies over the mix to add flavor. The Savory Bread Mix is ready. Serve the dish with a heart of warmth and smile. It will be a good treat for the taste buds with the sweet of the bread and the salty spiciness of the mix. I used to instantly prepare this dish for our family and for the Chordiels as they do their rehearsals at our home. They do love this dish accompanied with hot cup of coffee or tea. Good to serve, good to have.

ESSENTIALS: Sliced Bread pieces: 10 Chopped Onion: 200gms Tomato: 2 medium sized Salt: A Pinch Pepper: Sufficient Cumins: 1 Tablespoon full Vegetables: carrot, beans, potatoes etc (cut) Cooking Oil: 4-tablespoon

PYROS 2012

Incepted in 2008 as a male voice quartet, Chordiels is now into several ventures focusing on performing, producing and promoting 4-part harmony music., the official website, has all the information you want to know and get connected with the group

Features: Music Products Magazine Promise for the Day Music/Spiritual Books Photo/Video Gallery Facebook/twitter/youtube Community Connect

Call us +91-9840454631

Official Website


You Know This?

When Chordiels Music moved to Chennai, Reachout Collections were the first to take the step towards promoting Chordiels Music products. Reachout Collections is located in East Tambaram, Chennai, on first floor of Arockia Chips. The proprietor of Reachout is Bro. Melvin, who is very sincere and hard working. With a passion for serving the Christian fellowship through music, spiritual books, a vast collection of wooden carvings and glass boards, Melvin finds every atom of space in his shop is utilized for the purpose. Truly “Reachout” is place to spend some time during evenings or weekends and bring back home the freshness of music and thoughts. As you visit Reachout, you can also have a variety of snacks and cakes at the downstairs. Chordiels Music is pleased to include Reachout Collections as their promoter. When the tastes and passions focused are like-minded, there is always success. We pray that both these ministries not only do business together, but carry the Gospel together with passion.

The Tenor of Chordiels Quartet, Lovelyn Martin is found so busy since May 2012. When asked him about is restlessness both at office, home and anywhere, he is quite anxious telling “I am working at office, recording with Chordiels, looking after my aged parents and grandparents and above all building a new house”. On 28th July 2012 their new house built at VandalurKelambakkam Highway was dedicated with prayers by Rev. Dr. Paul Francis in the presence of family, friends and relatives. Let God bless their home abundantly.


Praise @ CSI St. John’s Church, Avadi,

Chennai, on 12th August 2012, was a blessed evening of worship filled with Hymns and Songs of Praises by The Kingdom’s Singers and Chordiels Quartet. The Kingdom’s Singers is a mixed voice choir of young men, women and few senior members from four different neighborhood churches. They sang some of the hymns of praises, a varied arrangement of What a friend we have in Jesus, with Sweet hour of prayer. They also presented an Anthem from Hayden’s Creation. Chordiels Quartet led the congregation in worship by singing some of their favorites. One special thing about the concert is, it was not the performances by these two groups, it was a solemn worship combined with prayers. The concert came to a close by all of us singing Abide with me, and the Coral blessing with 7-fold Amen.


2012, the youth festival of St. Mark’s

Church, Madipakkam, Chennai, was celebrated with awe at on 16th Sept 2012, Sunday. Chordiels were invited to be the guests for PYROS. The C-Quartet took part in the morning worship with a few songs. After the service, PYROS was started with youths from different churches participating in the celebration. CQ kick-started the Youth Festival by singing their signature song, Forever for You. The youngsters were happy to hear some good harmony music before they could proceed to their events. Chordiels Music sincerely thank Shri. Moses and Bro. Johnny Wilson for inviting CQ to be part of their annual festival.

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There is always hope for the hopeless, A way to come in fearless; Hands to embrace and wipe the tears And water to wash the feet clear;

All that’s wanted is; Take a ‘U’ turn and drive back home; A willing heart to weep and fall at His feet; The desire for His love that’s so sweet. Now, there’s always a Heart to forgive And an Eternal life to live.

Handel Music Series “Chordiels Music” East Tambaram, Chennai – 600073 © All rights reserved. Chordiels Music. 2012 Unauthorized copying and reproducing of the contents of this magazine in any form is prohibited

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