Holy Knowledge (about Energy Medicine Healing Reiki Meditation Chakras Mind Body Aura Chakra Alte

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Far from the center of the universe, and far from any of important happenings in the universe, there is a small solar system. Plants and animals exist on one of the planets of this system, and they are at a very low level of intellectual development. As on many other planets, this one, called the Earth, has been chosen to develop the race with most perspectives and be given the holy task of assisting in the development of the spiritual energies of particular powers called the luminous bodies. In order to become as successful as possible this race was given free will. The process of the development of the luminous body is approximately 150,000 to 200,000 years long. By gradually developing, the human race assisted the development of the luminous bodies. The level of the human civilization that has been achieved up to now is the result of 144000 years of development with the assistance of the luminous bodies. At the same time, the boar, that was one of the candidates for the chosen species, has developed only twice since the time, for it has not been assisted by the luminous bodies. Unfortunately, for the past two thousand years, the disadvantage of the human race has reached its maximum. The disadvantage deals with the way of thinking, which easily creates negative thoughts, which are the danger to our health and the entire planet Earth, because negative thoughts destroy the planet's aura. In the last fifty years the damaging of the earth's aura has reached such proportions that the planet is under threat of horrible cataclysms that may destroy the entire living world on the Earth. There is hope, however, that people can finally accept our appeals, and that they will finally change their ways of thinking and harmonize them with the Creator's will. This would only mildly affect the cataclysms, but would not remove them. We only hope that the small group of paranormally developed people will try to stop the cataclysms on the Earth. At this moment one can't answer the question: WILL THE HUMANITY SURVIVE OR NOT? This book will be one of the last attempts in making people come to their senses, and making them realize what their mistakes are, and stop thinking and acting in a way that harms their health and endangers the life on Earth. This is why this book should carry with itself the Creator's blessings and his hope and wish for the people to make the last, yet right, step and save their civilization and the rest of the living world on this planet. The Creator sends his appeal with sadness, and asks them to make the right step, for they all are his children. THE "ROAD TO ENLIGHTENMENT" MEDITATION During 1995 while I was deeply meditating the Energy Cloud was giving me information about a new kind of meditation that had not been practiced by people. It also gave me instructions on how I should practice this kind of meditation and how I should spread it. The Energy Cloud told me the following about it: "This method of meditation that you have started practicing with your sons is the true way towards the spiritual development. It is also the only one that can be taught and yet give the maximum results. It is the correct one exactly because one meditates in a natural way in harmony with the level one has attained and because there is a natural cause for it – appeal and paranormal powers. Its effects are constantly coordinated with the level of the person's development. The aim of this meditation is to gradually adjusting a person's brain so that it can function on as low frequency as possible, i.e. that brainwaves should be as low as



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