ChicagoStyle Weddings 2020 with Spring / Summer Exclusive Bonus Feature

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few selections to your reception repertoire

Father’s Dance, just to name a few.

as well. A truly cultural wedding can

However, you can also request specific

involve many different aspects, and the

songs for other dances with people who

more you include, the more authentic it

are important to you as well. If you have

will feel – to both you and your guests.

had a best friend for 10 years and you

You may have seen a Jewish wedding

have “a song,” then set it up for a mem-

where the Krenzl is performed, or maybe

orable moment during the reception. The

where an intricate African step dance

same can even go for friends from school

takes center stage. If older family mem-

– play your school “fight song” and see

bers are present, displaying your religion

who can still remember the words!

or nationality can be a great source of

The most important thing to remember

pride for them, and it also illustrates that

is that you can never honor too many peo-

even if you may be living in a modern

ple at your reception. If playing a certain

world, you will never forget your back-

song does the trick, then go for it!

ground. This can often be a happy, emo-


Dance, the Mother’s Dance and the

tional moment for the entire family,


especially when they see your partner

Culture is an important part of any wed-

joining in as well.

ding, but if you have chosen to really

If you happen to be a couple who

display your heritage through your attire,

come from completely different cultures,

the food and other facets of your wedding,

then it can be really interesting to add an

then it’s only natural to want to include a

interactive dance from both backgrounds.



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