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Advocacy is the act of promoting or supporting a particular cause or policy. It is a vital aspect of democracy that enables citizens to engage in the political process and hold their elected representatives accountable for their actions. Recently, the CEDC and our Advocacy Committee had the opportunity to visit the Capitol in Madison, WI, to meet with State Senator Jesse James and other members in legislature.

Our visit to the Capitol was part of a larger advocacy effort to promote policies that would benefit our community. As a group, we were passionate about improving access to daycare, reducing income inequality, and promoting economic development in our community. Senator James was one of the key decision-makers in the state legislature, and we wanted to discuss these issues with him in person.


It is always great to put a face to a name. When we show face at the Capitol, we hope to have a greater imapact when addressing issues that our communities face. Our legislatures have a lot on their plate at all times, it is important to make time to discuss what obstacles our communities are encountering and how they can make a difference. We can help put our topics of interest at the top of their minds to address and provide a foundation of discussion. As intimidating as speaking to your legislatures may sound, it was a small intimate setting which allowed for a comfortable platform to speak.

Before our meeting, we developed talking points that we hoped would resonate with him and presented our ideas in a clear and concise manner. During our meeting, we had a productive conversation with Senator James. We presented our ideas, and he listened in- tently, asking questions and providing feedback. We even had our youngest “member”, baby A. with us to brighten spirits. Who doesn’t love some baby smiles, right?

Overall, our visit to the Capitol was a powerful reminder of the importance of advocacy. It demonstrated how citizens can have a direct impact on policymaking and the need to engage with our elected representatives in a constructive manner. We left feeling empowered and inspired, knowing that our efforts could make a real difference in the lives of our fellow community members.

In conclusion, advocacy is an essential aspect of democracy that enables citizens to hold their elected representatives accountable and promote policies that benefit their communities. Our visit to the Capitol in Madison, WI, to meet with State Senator Jesse James was a valuable experience that highlighted the power of citizen engagement and the need to have open and constructive dialogues with our elected representatives. We hope that our efforts will inspire others to engage in advocacy and promote positive change in their communities.