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Lunch & Learn events by the Chippewa Economic Development Corporation (CEDC) are created to assist our existing businesses by providing releveant topics that will help them solve issues and grow. On March 23rd, a vibrant crowd gathered at the heart of downtown Chippewa Falls, specifically at the charming Wild Flour Bakery, to partake in an engaging session on “Affordable Internet for All” presented by United Way. The event marked the first of many enlightening sessions planned for the year ahead.

The new Pillar Bank will be the host location of our 2nd Lunch & Learn event with Mike Kreiling and Mike Dieter as presenters. Blue Marble Pub will provide lunch for the attendees while the duo present on employee retention and engagement. Keeping the session sizes smaller creates for a more interactive environment and makes way for an enriching experience.


Lunch & Learn events have become a beloved tradition within the Chippewa community. These sessions offer a unique opportunity to learn, connect, and grow both personally and professionally. By bringing together experts, community leaders, and individuals passionate about the development of Chippewa Falls, Lunch & Learns foster a dynamic environment for the exchange of ideas, insights, and experiences.

The benefits of Lunch & Learns are plentiful. Firstly, they provide a platform to address pertinent topics that directly impact our community. By exploring subjects such as affordable internet access, entrepreneurship, sustainable practices, employee retention, engagement, and economic growth, Lunch & Learns empower attendees with valuable knowledge and practical skills to navigate the ever-changing landscape of our modern world.

Moreover, these events cultivate a spirit of collaboration and inclusivity. They encourage dialogue and engagement, enabling attendees to network, forge new connections, and discover potential partnerships. Lunch & Learns serve as a catalyst for community development, fostering a collective sense of empowerment, and sparking innovative ideas that can shape the future of Chippewa Falls.

The success of recent Lunch & Learn events has inspired CEDC to continue hosting a diverse range of sessions throughout the year. We aim to explore various topics that align with the interests and needs of our community members. By curating an exciting lineup of thought-provoking discussions and presentations, we hope to cater to a wide range of professional and personal interests.

Upcoming events will touch upon subjects such as sustainable business practices, financial literacy, exit planning, digital marketing strategies, and fostering entrepreneurship. By inviting local experts, industry leaders, and distinguished speakers, each Lunch & Learn event delivers valuable insights, actionable advice, and tangible takeaways.

We encourage all community members, business owners, entrepreneurs, and individuals passionate about growth and prosperity to mark their calendars and join us for these enriching sessions. Together, we can create a vibrant community that thrives on knowledge, collaboration, and continuous learning.

To stay updated on the latest Lunch & Learn events organized by CEDC, please visit our website (chippewawi.com). Follow us on social media platforms to engage in conversations, suggest topics of interest, and connect with individuals who share your aspirations for the growth of our community.

Lunch & Learns have the power to transform lives, businesses, and the very fabric of our community. Together, let’s embark on this exciting journey of exploration, education, and empowerment as we unlock the potential of Chippewa Falls and shape a brighter future for all.