5 Common Reasons For Heat Pump Failure

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5 Common Reasons For Heat Pump Failure

There are many reasons for heat pump failure. Most people prefer to call maintenance specialists to get the service of heat pump repairs in Christchurch, while most of them can be solved without even seeking the help of a professional. So before calling the specialist, it is more important to learn the common factors of heat pump malfunctions. This way, you can save time and money in the long run. Here in this article, we are going to discuss the common reasons for heat pump breakdown and their solutions:

Power Issue: one of the most common reasons for heat pump failure can be a thermostat or power failure. Check one by one. First of all, you need to check the power plug is well-connected and the power switch is on, and the thermostat is receiving power and displaying “Cool” on its screen. If everything with the power supply is alright, but still your heating pump is not working, in that condition you need to check the thermostat carefully. Start with the thermostat settings, errors, and alerts shown on the screen. Smart thermostats often provide alerts about potential problems. If the thermostat fails to display anything on its screen, it is the right time to replace it with the same model. Before purchasing a thermostat from the market, make sure you have complete knowledge about the model of your AC.

Check Vent, Air Duct, Coil and Heating Elements: if the setting of the thermostat is on “Cool” mode, but still, the heat pump is not working efficiently, in such a condition, check the vent covers are open to circulate the air appropriately. Make adjustments to vent covers according to your requirements. If still the problem occurs, examine the coils are working or not. In most cases, dust accumulates beneath the coil and fan, which creates problems in the working of the heating pump. Clean those up with the help of essential tools, but before starting this operation, make sure the electricity supply is off. Also, check the air duct and air handler have no blockage. If required clean those properly to make the working appropriate. Make sure the auxiliary heating elements of the heating pump are working effectively. If it is not possible for you to handle it, you can seek professional help to get services for heat pump repairs in Christchurch.

Frozen Blower or outer Unit: The heat pump often gets freezes in harsh conditions of cold weather in Christchurch. If the defrost cycle cannot work on its own, switch it off to defrost the condenser unit. Also, thoroughly check the air vents and the air filters. If the dust is affecting its working, then clean them by using appropriate safety measurements.

Clogged Filters: Make sure the filter of your heating pump is not blocked. And check they are in perfect condition of its working. Replace them if necessary.

Power Tripping: If the heat pump turns “on” and “off” frequently on its own, there might be a problem connected to the thermostat. Either the thermostat is not accurately attached, or it is inoperative. You can fix this problem by replacing or recalibrating it without seeking any professional help. ---Powered By---

Chillwell Refrigeration Limited 159 Sparks Road Hoonhay Christchurch, Canterbury, 8025 Ph: 03 3386869

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