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Exams both internal and external

This term, more than others is defined by examinations both public and internal. I am pleased to report that both the Upper Fifth and Middle Sixth have made a good start to their examinations with all pupils now having completed at least one examination. It is tough to get through the first one, but then the examination season picks up speed and before long they will all be over. We wish those year groups the very best of luck and look forward to celebrating their successes in August.

Years 7, 8 and 9 have completed their end of year examinations, and feedback has been taking place via lessons and at parents’ evenings. We hope that those year groups are able to look forward to a half term without having to revise. Meanwhile, Years 10 and 12 will take their examinations after half term, to see how well they are getting on half way through their GCSE and A level courses. We hope they manage to get some rest over the half term alongside their revision.

Football Final

Chigwell U15s took part in the ISFA Shield final on Thursday 20th April, at Burnham FC. Epsom College were the other finalists, both evenly poised based on previous results. Chigwell got off to a flying start, with Mark brought down after some clever wide play which resulted in him being brought down. Sonny converted the penalty and Chigwell had a deserved lead at the break. In the second half, the game became open and was a lot more evenly contested. Both had chances before a corner, awarded to Chigwell, was swung in by George and after a melee, Ishvar managed to get the decisive touch to take the ball over the line. At the halfway stage the game was still open and with both sides tiring, mistakes were inevitable. Two momentary lapses in concentration allowed Epsom back into the game when a cross from the left was converted. This was quickly followed with a penalty decision which was dispatched and turned the game completely on its head. Epsom completed their comeback scoring with two minutes remaining. Congratulations to Mr Micky Payne and the team for the successful cup run.