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This term in drama the Key Stage Two play was “Fleeced!”, a comic retelling of the Ancient Greek story of Jason and the Argonauts. Full marks to Dr Mireille Zrinzo and her team for putting together a fantastic recreation of this famous myth. Many thanks also to Mr Jonathan Scates for his outstanding support with light and sound, and Mrs Kate Brown for her marvellous recreation of the Argo. The performances were supported by full audiences who thoroughly enjoyed the songs, dances and acting of these budding thespians. Well done to all involved!

Girls’ Football

It has been a great start to girls’ football so far this term; it has been a very busy five weeks filled with fixtures, regional competitions and house events. It was great to take part in the ISFA Regional Cup Competitions last week where our U13s and U11s narrowly missed out on the knock out stages of the competition. For some of the senior girls they participated in their last house event at Chigwell School. It was a real success having over 50 girls involved and Caswalls’ coming out victorious. All girls from Lower One to Middle Sixth have had the opportunity to play in football during games and almost all age groups have had the opportunity to play in fixtures against other schools such as St Edmunds College, Aldenham, Forest School,

Queenswood, St Aubyns, Braeside, City of London for Girls and Avon House. The U13s and U18s have all been involved in the ISFA League competitions this year; both age groups currently sit in third position. Girls have shown great enthusiasm and attitude towards football this term which can be seen through the high numbers of pupils coming to after school practices.