Chic Compass Magazine

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she had, but only after she thoroughly researched both traditional publishing and self-publishing to see what would work best for her. But, like most of us, she “wanted more freedom and control over her work” and will self-publish her next book as well. Her tip for upcoming authors? Do your research between traditional or self-publishing to decide which would be a better fit for you to obtain your goal. “Just be cautious regarding the phone calls, and emails you will receive about how other agencies and companies have the ability to help you with your marketing strategies and promotion of your book. Do not lose touch with reality and allow them to build your ego unrealistically.” Visit Quinn’s website at:

Judi Moreo I’ve admired Judi (pictured at right) for many years for she has coached others to become a better speaker and writer. She, herself, is a prolific writer, having written seven books by herself, and co-authored another nine. In addition, she has ghost written several books from notes provided by the “author,” whose name appears on the book. According to Judi, “I’ve been writing most of my life … from newspapers columns to magazine articles to books.” In addition to writing, Judi has become a well-known artist creating beautiful works of art, especially painting her beloved animals of Africa, where she lived for eight years. 84 | CHIC COMPASS

I was curious to know what inspired her to write. “I was inspired as a child by my grandmother playing the cards “Authors” with me. It was a fun game which also made me realize the value of being an author. Plus, my mother encouraged me. She felt with my imagination, I would be able to tell some good stories.”

Your Book.” I perused it and it is a must for anyone who wants to write because it explains the process from planning your book, writing the book, publishing the book, and marketing your book—with checklists to follow step-by-step so nothing is missed. And the best thing? If you need more help, you can hire Judi to assist you.

What genre are your books? “Selfhelp; motivational; inspirational.”

Did you self-publish your books or did you use traditional publishers? “Both. There are advantages to both the traditional publishing and self-publishing. You simply have to

Her latest book is “Your Fast Track Guide to Writing and Launching

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