Summer 1973

Page 106



istry should be apparent to our idealistic youth as never before. But first, priests need to be sure of their own purpose; they need to be accountable to their people and so enjoy the satisfaction of seeing the effects of their ministry. Students would begin the evaluation process in the Seminary and be comfortable with it as they begin their priestly ministry. THE "CONCERNED PRIEST"

The "concerned priest" or "Paul" who works with each priest answers the problem of support systems. Someone sent by the bishop is concerned with the ministry of each of us. He is concerned with how we live, what we do, what we think, how we communicate with God. He shares our problems or doubts with us. He is someone to thank us for a job well done. He is someone who can encourage priests to new forms of ministry and yet can help him objectively evaluate the reality. of the effect of these ministries for people. The "concerned priest" or "Paul" and the "Pastoral Concern Program" would be at once a personal and pt¡ofessional approach to the priest. The largest group of priests identified uy Father Kennedy, the underdeveloped priests would be challenged in their ministry. The "Paul" also would be able to interpret to the bishop the freedom the priest would need in his ministry. Different life style and dress should evolve out of ministry needs. "Paul" can help individual priests see new challenges in the ministry. The chaplain to the prison concerned with the sacramental ministry to the inmates may become involved with the needed social ministry of prison reform, the spirit of the total prison community or in-service training programs of the gua.rds. He may decide he needs a degree in law or penology to help perform his ministry to the prison community. The "Paul" can be with him as he makes these decisions for an experimental ministry anrl help keep him accountable to the Church and to the people of God. The maldeveloped priest can receive the support and help he needs. When will we stop sending these men off to small country parishes only coming to see them when the disease of alcoholism has literally brought them to their knees and then to punish, cajole, or threaten them. An institution which is to proclaim the good news to all men ends up imposing heavy

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