Spring 1974

Page 33



sively or almost exclusively homosexual in his psychic needs and response? Or is he able to switch? If he is able to behave heterosexually, then he ought to. It is not enough for him simply to say that gay is good and behave as if homosexuality were a morally indifferent matter. To freely chose homosexuality as a way of life when it is possible to do other is a serious depreciation and mock of the full human and Christian meaning of sex. Second, if Titius cannot behave heterosexually then ordinarily he ought to try to get some professional help. Therapy may or may not be useful. But usually it will be worth a try. In normal circumstances therapy would be ordinary means to protect some very important values. Therapy usually will require him to engage in physical intimacies with women, and I think that in the circumstances the priest could counsel this as the Jesser evil. But what if there is no way that Titius can change'? What if he is irreformably homosexual in his psychic response and needs? This is the most difficult question, and it is being addressed in the theological literature is a very halting and exploratory way. One tentative solution is that a confirmed homosexual may in his circumstances choose the Jesser of two evils-namely a permanent homosexual •¡elationship built on mutual Jove rather than a life of casual promiscuity. He may do this only because for him heterosexuality is impossible and celibacy is not a truly viable option. Therefore for him the lesser evil is the only possible good in the circumstances. The weakness in this analysis is that it does not provide any solution for the many homosexuals who are unable to establish any permanent homosexual relationship built on mutual Jove and whose only choice therefore is between celibacy and casual promiscuity. Another solution, based on the principle of compromise, asserts that because of the presence of sin and its effects in the world, homosexuality would not be objectively wrong in those circumstances in which it is the only viable alternative for an individual. Homosexual behaviour will never be the ideal but can be reluctantly accepted as the only possible good, since it is the only way an individual can find a satisfying degree of humanity in his life.

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