Thomas Sweetse>¡. S.J.
Catholic Absenteeism: Fact and Future
Absenteeism in the Catholic Chu1¡ch is a reflection of a withdmwal phenomenon on the Arnerican scene in general.
Catholic absenteeism is a fact today. There is statistical evidence of a current trend in the American Catholic Church on the part of laymen, priests and religious to withdraw their support in the form of money, time and commitment of the structured, hierarchical Church. Some analysts have laid the blame for this withdrawal on Vatican II for opening up too many doors. Not only did the "fresh air" come in but the staunch Catholic doctrine was blown out. Others lay the blame with the radical innovators and progressive theologians who have taken the pronouncements of Vatican II and have sown dissension in the ranks. Still others find fault with conservative reactionaries who have held up the renewal process that the Council began and consider the Catholic withdrawal phenomenon as a result of frustrated reformers and advocates of change. 47