Spring 1970

Page 79

Ernest Lussier, S.S.S. SCRIPTURE SURVEY 1970

Biblical Farth

The theoretical problem of faith is more than ever today at the cente1¡ of theological investigation.

Ours are trying days even days of cns1s, and the basic problem both theoretically and existentially seems to be one of Christian faith. Existentially the question centers on the relevance of Christianity to modern man, on the relation between the sacred and the secular. The situation has been understood, even if it was not solved practically, by the fathers of Vatican II. The Constitution on the Sacred Litn1¡gy (no. 2) insists that it is of the essence of the Church to be both human and divine, visible yet invisibly endowed, eager to act and yet devoted to contemplation, present in the world yet mindful of the world to come. The Church must be ali things to ali men in such a way that in her the human is integrated to the divine, the visible to the invisible, action to contemplation, and this present world to that city yet to come, which we seek. The theoretical problem of faith, the only one we are con81

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