Spring 1970

Page 34

Charles R. Meyer George J. Dyer Joseph A. Bracken, S.J. Agnes Cunninuham, S.S.C.M.

Doctrinal Survey 1970 1

Seveml professors of theolouy brin.q you here some of the most interesting Ăšleas they have encountered in current theological literature.



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Dazzled like a child with a new toy, theologians today are revelling in what almost seems like a new discovery. Man is the only being who hopes. In the manuals of twenty years ago the treatise on the theological virtues looked like a hamburger order at sorne of the popular drive-ins. If one searched carefully he could find a skimpy consideration of the virtue of hope sandwiched in between the two customarily massive disquisitions on faith and charity. But the theologians of the sixties have developed a taste for the elusive meat of hope. Moltmann, Pannenberg, Sauter, Benz, Braaten and Metz, among others, have contributed generously to this erstwhile parsimonious area of theological speculation. Even the atheistic Comrnunist 35

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