PERSONAL CONSCIENCE Fundamental Moral Theology-2 1. What is Christian moral theology or Christian ethics? Moral theology is the scientific study of the behavioral implications of being a Christian, therefore, of the behavorial implications of. Chr!stian beliefs about man-his origins, his destiny and his world. Though a theo retical distinction can be made, and an operational one sometimes is, between moral theology and Christian Ethics, inaeosingly the terms are used interchangeably. Over the centuries Catholic moral theology became highly jurididzed and case-oriented due largely to the preoccupation of the discipline with practical confessional solutions and pastoral care. Recent developments in the world and the Church ( ecumenism, pluralism of thought, ¡the biblical renewal, a new historical consciousness, rethinking of natural low, the autonomy of the secular, the limitation of the juridical order, a renewed social consciousness) have broadened the concerns of moral theology and deepened its roots. This accords with the mandate of Vatican II which, after noting that the scientific exposition of moral theology should be more thoroughly nourished by scriptural teaching, stated that this discipline "should show the nobility of the Christian vocation of the faithful, and their obligation to bring forth fruit in charity for the life of the world." (W. Abbot, S.J., Optatam Totius, n. 16, p. 452). 4
2. Who! are some of the practical emphases implied in this renewal of moral theology? Some of the emphases that are present in moral theology ore the following: a rejection of legalism, a new awareness of the depth and com: plexity of the moral-spiritual life (especially a recovery of the notion of fundamental or basic liberty and its implications}, the centrality of the person in" the understanding of the meaning and limits of moral norms {in contrast to on analysiS tied somewhat too closely to a restrictive facultyfinality analysis) the legitimacy and meaning of dissent within the magis241