What Are The Common Kinds Of Fabrics Utilized For Stage Curtains?

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What Are The Common Kinds Of Fabrics Utilized For Stage Curtains? Compared to the curtains we utilize in our offices and home, stage curtain is meant for distinct purposes and functions. Apart from achieving aesthetic appeal, curtains crafted for stages are required to consider distinct factors like the sound and light effects of the venue.

Let us have a look at the different types of curtains that are utilized in theaters and stages: ďƒ˜ Backdrop curtains A backdrop stage curtain is seen on the rear end of the stage but can also be utilized in downstage and mid areas to craft a schematic look on the stage. This assists the stage crew to either change the sceneries or props. Backdrops are

generally made from customized designs or painted canvasses to create a theatrical set. Also, there are unpainted muslin fabrics and skims that help in establishing advanced lighting effects on stage.

 Masking Curtains These curtains are used to conceal the equipment, people and multiple other happenings offstage. The curtains are also called ‘borders’ or ‘legs’ and are made out of light fabrics that block the atmospheric light either entirely or partially. The curtains also meet some of the extremely specified requirements of light reflection on stage.

 Proscenium curtains These curtains are the most important ones as they are situated directly in front of the audience. These curtains help in creating distance between the audience and things on stage before the play begins. These curtains are made up of the grand drape and grand valence.

Common materials used for stage curtains  Mohair Stage Curtains Mohair velvets offer tensile strength and great endurance. Both the heavy as well as extra heavy types of mohair stage curtains fabrics are pretty durable. The curtains are renowned for their great color qualities and acoustic features. With personalized designs and patterns, mohair stage curtains help in enhancing the character of stage.

 Cotton Theatre Curtains The usual cotton types of stage curtains are crafted of velvets that attain a directional pile with a matte finish. Certain types of cotton stage curtains also provide a range of trendy colors and heaviness to select from.

ďƒ˜ Polyester or synthetic curtains In contrast to the cotton stage curtains that undergo a chemical treatment to become flame-retardant, synthetic stage fabrics like polyester or poly silk are created as fire-resistant fabrics. Also, these fabric types are resistant to wrinkling issues and moisture and therefore, do not need much maintenance. This makes synthetic stage curtains ideal for touring in comparison to the cotton ones.

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