Magic & Muslin - Caring For Your Stage Curtains properly!

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Magic & Muslin – Caring For Your Stage Curtains With Your Heart How are you going to keep your muslin backdrops and stage curtains in shape? You have invested in such beautiful drapery and equipment for your stage plays but you still have to come up with a care and maintenance plan for all of them. Your drapery is especially prone to getting torn and messed up if you do not take care of it regularly. You have seen your contemporaries look after their acts and stage props as if they are guarding something precious with their life. This is their secret to a beautiful play and a mesmerizing act that everyone remembers. Your backgrounds and props do not just make the scene look appealing but give your entire crew and team members the confidence that everyone is going to be in awe of your entire presentation.

ďƒ˜ Coming To The Maintenance Of Your Drapes You want your stage curtain and tarps to look absolutely spotless. It is highly recommended that you always inspect your drapery for any holes and nips. If you see that any part of your drapery is slashed or torn from anywhere get them repaired immediately. This is going to prevent any further damage to them and you can avoid getting embarrassed in front of your audience. Invest in a soft bristled brush to maintain the beauty and texture of your fabric. It will help you remove any accumulated dust and grime from the surface of the drapery. If you are using your fabrics frequently, a single brush down once in a week should be enough.

ďƒ˜ Annual Retesting Of Your Drapery And Backdrops It is highly recommended that you go for annual testing of your drapery so that you can ensure that any flame retardants that are on its surface are always intact. You should always look for a certified flame retardancy specialist that is known for its quick testing. Even if your stage curtains are made of inherently flame retardant fabrics and materials you should go for this testing regularly. Remember, there are different environmental factors that are going to affect the flammability of the fabric in the long run. Getting this test done annually is going to save you from any situation that might result in unexpected panic.

ďƒ˜ Storage That Protects Your Stage Curtains and Tarps The kind of storage and related standards that you have established both in your theatre practice room and in your studio warehouse are going to dictate the condition of your drapes. The majority of your stage backgrounds and curtains are going to be spending their time hanging down a rod or probably some kind of a frame. The rest of your draperies might be stored in a storage facility or a container of some sort. It is important to keep them dust free and fresh looking for the next

performance. This makes it essential for you to invest in the proper storage solution that is specifically recommended for your drapes and backgrounds. Do not store them in plastic bags because by doing so you will be trapping unwanted moisture within them. This may result in mold and mildew in your drapes. It may also cause unpleasant smells to get trapped in the fabric whenever you open it for your next show.

ďƒ˜ What Are Drapery Bags? Should You Invest In Them? This seems to be a more practical solution because they are not like plastic bags at all. You can also go for a canvas or non-woven polyester drapery bags. They are great for storing your curtains because they allow for easy air circulation. It is important to keep your curtains, tarps and drapery in perfectly fine condition because they are a part of your livelihood. They are a part of your creativity and the magic that you create on stage.

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