Begin With A Backdrop - Muslin & Canvas Tarps That Make Your Play A Hit

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Begin With A Backdrop - Muslin & Canvas Tarps That Make Your Play A Hit Ensuring that your entire play and theatrical act go just as planned is on the top of your priority list right now. Holding a notepad in your hand and your smart phone in the other, you seem a little rattled and confused at the same time about what types of fabrics and muslin cloth to choose. You know that this choice of theatre backdrop fabrics should have been made by the art director but now it is upon you as her assistant to fill in her shoes before the act takes off.

Stage Curtains, Theatre Backdrops And Stage Backgrounds - Should You Go For Traditional Muslin Cloth Or Advanced Canvas Tarps? The options that you have for theater fabrics and similar backgrounds are practically limitless. You have so many things to choose from but the act that you are about to put up is going to determine most of your choices for every scene in your play.

Beginning With Traditional Stage Curtains When it comes to selecting the right stage curtain and backdrops for your play, the one thing that you should always keep in mind is the purpose it is going to serve. You can even compare side by side a few options that you have right in front of you. You will be able to find cotton and synthetic materials in the same shop and you can make comparisons right on the spot. The cost is also going to be a big determinant in this decision. If the products and activities involved in your play comprise fireworks and similar displays, you should be ignoring all other options and looking at flame retardant fabric. Of course, the cost might go up a little but you will be maintaining the safety of everyone attending your play including that of your artists and actors.

Think About Scrim What is scrim? You should be able to locate a scrim or gauze in your local market very easily. It is a very light textile that is primarily made out of cotton or maybe sometimes flax. When it comes to the context of theatre and similar performances, it is usually associated with a thin screen which can be made out of a variety of materials. It is basically rectangular in shape and can become an integral part of your play depending upon the uses that you put it to. Do you know that a scrim can appear completely or at least nearly transparent if a scene behind it is well let? Similarly it will appear to be entirely opaque if everything behind it is unlit.

What About Chroma Key? The very popular “green screen� fabric is also known by its technical name, chroma-key. If you are looking to create different visual effects using mixed media, this is perfect for you. It is ideal for effect shots and sections and parts of your performances that have

been shot inside a studio. You can create a huge inventory of scenic elements and beautiful decorative objects with the help of the right chroma key and efficient software. Creating beautiful and awe-inspiring stage backdrops will become easy with this type of background material.

Coming To The Selection Criteria Of Canvas Tarps If you are looking for a durable background for your play / theatrical performance, you should look for the following characteristics in the canvas tarp that you wish to invest in:

Abrasion Resistance A strong canvas material is going to be typically abrasion resistant. It is not going to get split or torn very easily.

Water Proof These are highly water resistant and can protect your theatre objects and furniture pieces from moisture and rain. There are different levels of water resistant properties that you get in different canvas materials.

Strength Depending upon the type of canvas that you have chosen, you should be able to pick a specific strength that is suitable for your purpose. High fiber count usually means more strength.

Anti Corrosive In Nature Canvas tarps are very much resistant to corrosion even from the harmful UV rays of the Sun. They are also very much stubborn against acids, grease, oil and mildew. So, here

you have more than a few options in terms of materials that you can use as theatre fabrics and backdrops. Take your pick and make your play a huge hit.

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