Bostonint2002 Pulse

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ISSUE 2 | 2013 May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun And find your shoulder to light on, To bring you luck, happiness and riches Today, tomorrow and beyond!








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Planet Project


Together we stand


In My Shoes


The Travel Bug


Say Cheese!


Bonjour Paris


In My Shoes


Lucky # 7


In The Spotlight


Dear readers, In the words of The Beatles, “Here comes the sun…” It is hard to believe that it is already May (where is the year going?), that summertime is kissing our doorstep and that we have already finished completing the second issue of Pulse Magazine – the Big summer Copy! We would like to say a big thank you for all the positive reactions and support which we received in relation to the first issue. We are delighted that you liked the new magazine concept, the content and the layout.

editorial Board: David Lallemand Maria Fernandez Tracey Taylor

Concept & design: Chiaradia Design and Advertising Copyright: No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of Boston Scientific International Holding Ltd.

Thanks also to all of you who took the time to enter the Competition Corner from Pulse issue # 1. The winners will be announced (via e-mail) very shortly. We have been working over the past few months to get this second issue together and we do hope that you will enjoy the final result (we are certainly very proud of it ;) If you would like to contact the Editorial Board, please feel free to drop us a line at Happy Reading!

David, Maria and Tracey


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Planet Project

BrAndIng InITIATIve PuLse recently interviewed deBrA rOsenThAL to get some of her expert insight into the ins and outs of company Branding.

nAMe: Debra Rosenthal FunCTIOn TITLe: I am Program Coordinator for Global Business Services and Project Symphony. hOW LOng hAve yOu WOrked AT BOsTOn sCIenTIFIC: I have been with the company for 13 years. Where Are yOu BAsed: We just re-located to the new GBS space in Marlborough, Massachusetts (USA). WhAT dO yOu LOve ABOuT yOur jOB: I love the people I work with. I love my customers. I love the diversity. CAn yOu eXPLAIn WhAT BrAndIng ACTuALLy Is? Branding helps distinguish a product/group. For GBS, branding is the process involved in creating a unique and positive image representing the Global Business Services Strategy and Mission/Vision. Why Is BrAndIng sO IMPOrTAnT TO The BOsTOn sCIenTIFIC BusIness These dAys? Branding is a practice which has always existed above and beyond all other business strategies. It is important to be consistent about what Boston Scientific does and most important, how it does it. WhAT Are The eFFeCTs OF “gOOd” versus “BAd” BrAndIng? With a “good” brand, people will remember you with “good” feelings – they will have positive words to say about you. With “bad” branding, the experience will not be a positive one. Your brand strategy will not be understood. hOW Is The neW BrAnd BeIng InTegrATed ACrOss The vArIOus LOCATIOns? The branding launch is everywhere within Boston Scientific – on the Intranet, e-mails, signage, promo items and TV monitors in the various locations. IF Our BrAnd Were A PersOn, hOW WOuLd yOu desCrIBe hIM/her (5 WOrds Or Less PLeAse!) Exciting, positive, motivated and driven.


reFurBIshMenT hello everyone! In the first edition of PuLse magazine, we gave you some information about the upcoming office refurbishment which will take place at Boston scientific here in Maastricht. At that time, we mentioned a project commencement date of end Q1 but (as you will have noticed ;) this didn’t materialize. We are now intending to start the project in Q2 (most likely in the month of June). We are currently busy reviewing the quotes which we have received from various construction and move companies and – once we have made a decision – we can start with the project. We will be giving the entire building a “face-lift” (e.g. new flooring; fresh colour paint on the walls; changes to existing structural layouts; etc.) plus, we will be installing new desks etc. (though we will also be re-cycling some of our existing furniture too). We hope to have the Project Plan fully finalized in the coming weeks and – when the time comes – you will receive details of your new floor location, your new desk location, the date you will be “moving” etc. Needless to say, we will be endeavoring to keep the move as smooth as possible and as minimally disruptive for you all!

More details to come soon… Jan Smets (Project Manager)


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Planet Project CArIng


We act with integrity and compassion to support patients, customers, our communities and each other.

We work collaboratively to pursue global opportunities that extend the reach of our medical solutions.



We advance science through medical technologies that decrease the physical and emotional impact on patients and reduce the cost of healthcare

We embrace diversity and value the unique talents, ideas and experiences of our employees.

hIgh PerFOrMAnCe

WInnIng sPIrIT

We strike for high performance to benefit our patients, clinicians and shareholders.

We adapt to change and act with speed, agility and accountability to further improve patient care.

At this stage, everyone is aware of the new Mission statement, Brand declaration and Core values which have recently been established within Boston scientific worldwide. We just wanted to take a moment to re-cap on these important blocks. MIssIOn sTATeMenT: • Boston Scientific is dedicated to transforming lives through innovative medical solutions that improve the health of patients around the world. BrAnd deCLArATIOn: • Advancing science for life TM

COre vALues: • Caring • Meaningful Innovation • High Performance • Global Collaboration • Diversity • Winning Spirit If you know of a colleague who regularly demonstrates how they adopt; embrace; use or live one (or more) of the Core values in their daily work, please do drop us a line! PuLse would love to share an account of their work ethic and positive attitude with others and highlight how they are living our mission and values! you can reach us at:



The following employees of Boston scientific in Maastricht celebrated something quite special in the second quarter of 2013!

As you can see, our second issue of PuLse Magazine is the Big Summer Copy! given that we are entering vacation “season”, we would invite you to take part in our special hOLIdAy COMPeTITIOn COrner.

Lars America was with the company 10 years in April.

jan Weber

The challenge:

was with the company 15 years in June.

- Submit a photograph of yourself (with the Big Summer Copy!) next to or near a famous landmark or sight… - The most creative/exotic/fun/interesting holiday photo will win a prize plus, be featured in the Autumn edition of PULSE (fame beckons!!)

Many congratulations gentlemen and here’s to the next milestone!!!

(closing date for submission is Friday, 30th August)


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Together we stand

Alpe d’HuZes In the first edition of PULSE, we ran an article around a Charity Lunch which was held on 20th December 2012 in order to raise funds for the Dutch Cancer Society via the Alpe D’ HuZes initiative. To follow-on from this, a few words from Jos Wetzels (a former Boston Scientific colleague) who is involved in this fund raising challenge. Although our magazine is produced in English, we chose to leave the update in Jos’ native tongue in order to maintain the sentiment correctly (a short synopsis in English is added below). “In de strijd tegen kanker ervaren zowel patiënten als hun dierbaren een groot gevoel van onmacht. Kanker is alom tegenwoordig. Ertegen vechten lijkt zinloos. Eén op de drie Nederlanders krijgt kanker. Iedereen maakt van dichtbij mee hoe levens drastisch beïnvloed en verwoest worden. Alpe d’HuZes is opgericht met als doel de onmacht die door kanker ontstaat, om te zetten in kracht. Dit doen we door met zoveel mogelijk mensen steeds weer de grenzen van het mogelijke te verleggen. Alpe d’HuZes is gegrondvest op de absolute overtuiging dat je de grootst mogelijke voldoening bereikt als je je met hart en ziel inzet voor een ander. Ter nagedachtenis aan de mensen die te vroeg aan kanker zijn overleden, ter inspiratie van de mensen die aan het strijden zijn. Onder het motto “Opgeven is geen optie” accepteren we geen beperkingen in wat we kunnen en zullen bereiken. Wat gaan we bereiken? Alpe d’HuZes zal telkens een beroep doen op al die mensen die zich bij ons betrokken voelen. Om hun grenzen te verleggen. Te gaan waar nog niemand eerder is geweest: bij het werven van sponsoren, het beklimmen van de Alpe d’Huez. Elk resultaat dat we behalen (hoe onrealistisch het van tevoren misschien ook leek) motiveert ons de grenzen weer op te zoeken, de lat weer hoger te leggen. We doen dat niet voor onszelf maar voor anderen, die het zo verschrikkelijk hard nodig hebben.

Onze droom is dat kanker van een dodelijke naar een chronische ziekte evolueert. We willen kankerpatiënten optimaal ondersteunen om hun de mogelijkheid te geven goed, gelukkig en gezond te leven met kanker. Daarnaast kan iedereen het ultieme geluk ervaren, dat ontstaat door het beste van jezelf te geven voor anderen. Iedereen die betrokken is geweest bij Alpe d’HuZes-evenementen heeft dit geluk aan den lijve ondervonden. De kracht die daar vrijkomt is de brandstof voor het verwezenlijken van alle dromen die we koesteren. We hebben een missie: anderen faciliteren en inspireren om Goed, Gelukkig en Gezond te leven met kanker”

English Synopsis: The reason we participate in the Alpe d’HuZes is because we all know what cancer is about and what it can do. We experience the consequences all around us and sometimes even very close to us if it affects our family or friends. One feels so helpless. By participating in this event, one can actively take a big step (and even go beyond) toward achieving the goal of climbing the Alpe d’Huez mountain in order to raise the vital funds which are needed to combat this terrible disease. And giving up is not an option!

The One Fund Boston The governor of Massachusetts and the mayor of Boston have established a fund called The One Fund Boston Inc. to raise money to help the victims and families most affected by the tragic events that took place in Boston on Monday, 15th April. Boston Scientific plans to participate in the fund by making a one-time donation. If you are interested in learning more about the fund or would like to make a personal contribution, please visit Your contribution is entirely voluntary. Our thoughts are with the people of Boston and the victims of the bombing during the marathon.


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LeT’s sAve ChILdren On 26th May, Boston scientific employees (and their family & friends) will be taking part in a 20km run in Brussels for the Chain of hope Charity. each participant engages him/ herself to look for sponsorship for the charity run. The Chain of Hope Charity is an international humanitarian association and has been a partner of Boston Scientific since the start of this initiative in 1993 (already 10 years ago!). The 20km Chain of Hope charity run fundamentally helps to raise funds for the treatment of sick children. The Chain of Hope Charity carries out missions abroad in order to help children (with cardiac, orthopaedic and/or other malformations) who were not lucky enough to be born in a country where access to care is guaranteed. Children who cannot be treated in their home country (due to a lack of technical and financial means or indeed, a specialized background) come to Belgium for the treatment they need. By doing the 20km charity run in Brussels, Boston Scientific employees (and their family & friends) enable one child to undergo a life-saving surgery in Belgium. And the chance for the participants to see and meet the child they are running for on the day of the race (just before the start) is extremely rewarding and motivating. Over the last 10 years, Boston Scientific and its employees have contributed € 54,000 to the Chain of Hope Charity. With a team of 65 runners this year (a mix of employees and their family & friends), it’s again hoped to raise a nice amount! And just like every year, Boston Scientific intends to double the funds raised by the Boston Scientific employees.

Joyce is 2½ ye ars old. She liv es in DRCongo and is suffering fr om a heart malform ation. Her oper ation in Belgium was planned for en d April.

from old. He is 2½ years riving in ar Moussa is be on so d will Djibouti an operation. r a harelip fo m iu g el B

Feel free to support one of your colleagues by sponsoring him/ her or indeed, by going along to cheer for them in Brussels on 26th May! Full details can be found here: Boston scientific’s runners this year will be: Carine depret, Torsten kayser, kathleen van vlierberghe, Françoise eluki, Ine de Bruyne, elke sommerijns, sara veraghtert, jo ghekiere, dorra draoui, An van den Bulcke, nicole gordon, ruth strobbe, karim kokash, serhiy stasiv, rémi delepine, ulla Appl, debby hendrycks, Belma Brasnic, Ingrid vuerinckx, stephane Munten and Bridget ehemann.



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In my shoes

interview with lars ameriCa Name: Lars America Nationality: Dutch Family life: I am married and we have 3 children. Two girls and one boy aged 9, 5 and 7 respectively. Where do you live? I live in Roermond and in Swalmen. We bought the house in Swalmen last June but are still trying to sell the house in Roermond. We currently split our time between the two houses. Do you have any pets? Yes. We have a 14 year old dog called Chopper. How long have you worked at Boston Scientific? Almost 10 years now. What is your current job title? Business Process Analyst Lead. Can you describe a typical working day? When I arrive at the office I first turn on the radio and grab a cup of coffee. Then I start with reading and replying to the daily e-mails. Once all the e-mails have been answered (or stored for follow up) I perform the re-occurring tasks for that day. Between scheduled meetings and conference calls, I work on the different reports that the planners request to be created or modified. Their need of information is never-ending ;-) The data is collected from various sources (SAP, BW, Impromptu, DrSisco, M-share…) and then combined within MS Access to the preferred layout (mostly MS Excel). Next to report creation, I strive to make our processes as lean as possible and therefore I am continuously looking for opportunities to shrink down our reports to the bare minimum but with the highest data accuracy. What is the best aspect of your daily job? The broad diversity of the demand planning organization, the data associated with it and the flexibility given to me. Whenever there is a request for a new report, I can decide how it is developed, what tools to be used (within limits of course), where to get the data from, etc. etc. And the worst? Getting out of bed in the morning at 6am ;-) As a young boy, what did you want to be when you grew up? I think I wanted to be rich, an astronaut or a fire man. So if you combine that, you get a wealthy astronaut who extinguishes flames!

What was your first-ever job? Working on a farm on Saturday and/or during holidays to pick strawberries, cherries, etc. What is your favourite type of music? I have no favourite type of music. I listen to the radio the entire day and I like most of the music I hear. What book are you reading at the moment? Don’t know the title. The book has been lying next to my bed for months now but I haven’t read it for weeks. What is your favourite meal/food? Italian food like lasagna, pizza and pastas. And favourite drink? La Chouffe beer. Do you have an all-time favourite movie? Se7en. What city/country is on the top of your list to visit? Since Italian is my favorite food, the weather in Italy is nice and seeing as I have never been to Rome……ROME it is. Which famous person (alive or dead) would you most like to meet? I never thought of this… I cannot actually think of a famous person I would like to meet. Do you have any (interesting) hobbies? Like I mentioned above, I bought an old house which needs renovation. This is (and will be) my major hobby for the next few years.


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The Travel Bug

. . . o t e Welcom


sandra Méndez:

MeXICO: WOrk versus TrAveL WOrk reLATed hOW LOng hAve yOu WOrked AT BOsTOn sCIenTIFIC? Only about 6 months. WhAT Is yOur CurrenT FunCTIOn? I am principle Business Analyst for Business Process Improvement in GBS. WhAT Are yOur key rOLes & resPOnsIBILITIes? I have a certification as a “black belt” LEAN coach. LEAN is a methodology used to optimize a process. If you have a series of repeatable tasks or steps that make up a process, I can help you make it easier, simpler and more efficient - yet also effective. I am currently working on a few projects to optimize processes - one of

them is the HCP Sponsorship Process in which we are looking to streamline everything from the planning of sponsorship events to payments and even reporting to authorities. I am also mentoring teams in gaining more hands-on knowledge of LEAN so that they can optimize their areas and improve their performance and (ultimately) the satisfaction of our customers.

WhAT dO yOu LOve MOsT ABOuT yOur jOB? I love leading LEAN workshops as I have an opportunity to show the end-to-end process and to work with a cross functional group. I feel like a fish in the water when I am doing LEAN and leading workshops, even when this means a tremendous amount of work and preparation. I am totally passionate about LEAN and when I’m not doing LEAN it’s like I’m not a fish in the water anymore 


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WhAT Is The BIggesT ChALLenge When InTrOduCIng A COnCePT LIke LeAn TO An OrgAnIZATIOn? I would say three things make LEAN challenging here at Boston Scientific: 1. The competing priorities make it difficult to get the right focus. 2. Our ability to think, decide and act in terms of the end-to-end process. We have become experts and kings of our islands but that is not good enough. As we move to cluster, regional and global level, we need to think more of the end-to-end. 3. Due to the nature of our business, we are very risk adverse and tend to add a lot of controls. We have to free ourselves from old habits and challenge what adds value and what doesn’t. Our company needs focus on value added – even more so now with the current competing environment. WhAT Are The key BeneFITs OF LeAn And The LeAn MeThOdOLOgIes? • LEAN is about doing exactly what is needed, no more, no less. • LEAN takes out the overhead in re-work and complexity and makes us more productive, more cost effective and more flexible and agile. • Our quality of output also increases and if we are providing the services that are needed; our customers feel listened to and will be satisfied to be doing business with Boston Scientific. • For LEAN, the customer is essential. Not just the end customer but internal customers too. If we listen to these two types of customers then we will work better together and this will in turn bring about a very powerful sense of achievement within the employees at Boston Scientific. • LEAN is all positive! It is how it is implemented that is the key.

TrAveL reLATed WhAT’s The FIrsT ThIng ThAT COMes TO MInd When yOu ThInk ABOuT MeXICO? Mexico is home. I was born in Mexico City and although it is a difficult city to live in, I love its vibe and energy. When I think of Mexico my family always appears centre stage. WhICh OTher CITIes/COunTrIes hAve yOu LIved In? I have lived in several places - too many! Los Angeles, Sao Paolo, Shanghai, Singapore and Spain before moving to Maastricht. Each place is different but I would say Asia is a unique place, perhaps that Far East shade makes it all so special. WhAT Is The BIggesT MIsCOnCePTIOn ABOuT MeXICAn PeOPLe? My partner is from Scotland and he is always telling me about horses and guns – POW POW!! Ha-ha. He knows how to put a smile on my face. WhAT dO yOu MIss MOsT ABOuT yOur hOMe COunTry? My family and friends. WhAT Are The BIggesT dIFFerenCes yOu hAve enCOunTered When COMPArIng LIFe In MeXICO WITh LIFe In The neTherLAnds? Maybe the weather is the biggest difference. In comparison you can say Mexico City is summer all-year round! In terms of the people, I think us Mexicans are more playful - in the office, the ambience is more about chatting and giggling in the hallways and we are always looking for an excuse to celebrate. I didn’t use a bike there - there isn’t the Dutch culture of bikes and cars co-existing in Mexico. Overall Maastricht is a much smaller city than Mexico City so it is quieter over here in many respects.

Name: Sandra M éndez Nationality: Mex ican City/Town wh ere you were born: Mexico city Last visit to home country: June 2012 Next visit to home country: I just vi

sited in April


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easter eggs at Boston scientific Maastricht!

say Cheese! gBs eMeA Cooking Workshop Team event.


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s i r a P

Pictured l-r: Stéphane Bottero, Katia Laurent, Jean-Louis Tolo

nAMe Katia Laurent

e.g. large LCD TV in each meeting room, several video conference rooms and the new Avaya phone system.

nATIOnALITy French

WhAT AWArd dId yOu WIn? I had the pleasure to receive the Operational Excellence Award.

hOW LOng hAve yOu WOrked AT BOsTOn sCIenTIFIC? It will be 6 years in July.

When dId yOu WIn yOur AWArd? I received this award in March 2013 for my work at the end of 2012.

WhAT Is yOur CurrenT FunCTIOn? Logistic Assistant.

WhAT PrOjeCT/TAsks Were yOu WOrkIng On AT The TIMe? I was working on the FIM DACH (Germany, Austria & Switzerland) backlog reduction and was preparing the Wave 4 FIM transition.

WhAT Are yOur key rOLes & resPOnsIBILITIes? I am currently working on the FIM transition (FIM is Field Inventory Management). I am in charge of the knowledge transfer from the local Boston Scientific teams and the GBS Team. I am also working on the harmonization of the FIM process for all of EMEA. WhAT dO yOu LOve MOsT ABOuT yOur jOB? I love working in a multi-cultural environment and learning new things every day. The constant interaction between GBS and the local teams is extremely fulfilling for me. And dIsLIke?! It can sometimes be frustrating not to be able to change old processes as quickly as I would hope. CAn yOu desCrIBe The (neW) OFFICe In PArIs TO us? The Paris office is completely new. We are now in an independent building located in an enterprise area. There is a mix of meeting rooms, offices and open space work areas which were designed to adapt to the way we work. WhAT Is sPeCIAL ABOuT The neW LOCATIOn? As the building was furnished according to Boston Scientific requirements, we have the advantage of the latest high technology

WhAT Were The MAIn ChALLenges yOu FACed? Leading the FIM project whilst simultaneously offering extra support to Local Boston Scientific teams was a challenge both in terms of time management and workload. hOW dId yOu FeeL ABOuT BeIng nOMInATed & WInnIng? Very proud!!! suCCess ALsO COMes FrOM hAvIng greAT suPPOrT, AnyOne yOu WIsh TO MenTIOn? The warm welcome of the whole GBS team in Maastricht has been important and very much apreciated. In particular Pascale Keulen has shown great faith and belief in me right from the start. Obviously I’d also like to mention the support of the local teams without which this project would not have been as successful. Thanks to all! hOW dO yOu FeeL ABOuT The sTAFF reCOgnITIOn PrOCess WhICh Is In PLACe AT BOsTOn sCIenTIFIC? e.g. AWArds eTC. Rewarding success is always motivating for employees. Recognizing employees can take many different forms but awards help to formalize the recognition process and encourage further working excellence.


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In my shoes

Nationality: American Family life: I have been married for almost 24 years! My wife’s name is Robin and I have 4 kids (Sarah – 21, Joshua – 19, Jessica – 16 and Sadie – 18 months (she’s a Dalmatian/Terrier/Labrador mix). I still consider her as one of my kids (my favorite ). In what city/town do you live? I live in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts (USA). Do you have any pets? Sadie – but like I said, she’s more like family. How long have you worked at Boston Scientific/GBS? I have been with Boston Scientific/GBS for almost 4 years. When I started we were only a US based shared service and now we’re global! Where did you previously work? Before Boston Scientific, I worked for EMC which was a global high-technology firm where I built their global shared service organization. Can you describe a typical working day? I usually start my morning by reading e-mails and having calls with team members from EMEA or Asia. My day at the office is full of meetings. It’s never a dull day – always a variety of activities.

Interview with Jeff Goldstein Senior Vice President (SVP) of Global Business Services (GBS)

What do you love most about your job? I really enjoy working with the team and helping people. I enjoy the global nature of my work and I really enjoy building GBS into a great organization. What are the main challenges which you face in your role? I face a number of challenges. First, it’s working to ensure Boston Scientific understands GBS and the value we bring to the organization – I am often a salesman! The second challenge is ensuring that I am on top of the GBS operation – it has many moving parts. And thirdly, I need to continually challenge myself to think about the next thing for GBS. What does GBS mean to you? I am truly proud to say I am part of the GBS team. It means so much to me to be directly associated with a team of people who are GLOBALLY supporting the turnaround of Boston Scientific. Could you sum-up the key strategy & vision of GBS? My vision is for GBS to be a “household” name in Boston Scientific, meaning I want GBS to grow into a truly multi-functional global organization that is clearly a pillar of Boston Scientific’s success. The strategy is simple – exceed service expectations, deliver value and communicate our story... if we do this well, we will succeed.


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As A yOung BOy, WhAT dId yOu WAnT TO Be When yOu greW uP? Hmmm.... I think I wanted to be a veterinarian. I remember really enjoying animals... in fact, as a kid, I raised chickens!!! WhAT WAs yOur FIrsT ever jOB? My first real job was when I worked at a kid’s day camp. I made $150 [US] for the whole summer! I still can’t believe I worked for that little... it taught me a lesson about hard work for low pay. WhAT Is yOur FAvOurITe TyPe OF MusIC? I enjoy many types of music so I can’t limit it. I like country, classic rock, pop – all of it... right now, I am listening to Les Misérables!

dO yOu hAve An ALL-TIMe FAvOurITe MOvIe? Wow, this is a tough question. I really like The Godfather... I could watch it over and over. WhAT CITy/COunTry Is On The TOP OF yOur LIsT TO vIsIT? There are so many but I would like to visit the Tuscany area in Italy. I have heard so much about it and the pictures are incredible. dO yOu hAve Any (InTeresTIng) hOBBIes? All my free time is with my family. But before kids, I was a skier, hiker and camper... I enjoy the outdoors and I expect to get back to this someday.

dO yOu hAve A FAvOurITe FOOd & drInk? My favourite food is Chinese (Dim Sum) but I also really like Indian cuisine (Chicken Tikka Masala and Lamb Rogan Josh). For drinks, I really enjoy Moscato – it’s a sweet Italian wine. For dessert, it has to be chocolate!

FACT FILe MAssAChuseTTs • state capital: Boston • Massachusetts was the 6th state and became a state on February 6, 1788 • state Abbreviation: MA • Area: 10,555 square miles [Massachusetts is the 44th biggest state in the USA] • name for residents: Massachusettsans • Major Cities: Boston; Worcester; Springfield; Cambridge & Lowell • Major Industries: Textiles; Electronics; Publishing; Education; Tourism & Fishing • did you know? Boston built the first subway system in the United States in 1897 • some famous citizens born in MA: Bette Davis (actress); John F. Kennedy (U.S. President); Edgar Allen Poe (writer); Emily Dickinson (poet) • some professional sports teams from MA (there are many more ;): Boston Red Sox (baseball); New England Patriots (football) & Boston Celtics (basketball) • The nickname for Massachusetts is the Bay state.


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Lucky # 7

7 LuCky # Test 1st

CAThy 0

rOLAnd 31 23




2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th

35 6 4 10 27

20 17 30 13 34

dOuBLe InTervIeW

CAThy & rOLAnd CAThy BeLLOs (from the Is department) and rOLAnd deLMOTTe (from gBs eMeA) took part in the Lucky # 7 interview for this second edition of Pulse magazine. here’s how they got on… The rules: • Spin the Roulette and answer the question which corresponds to the number that you land on. • Each player has the option to play one Joker (if they prefer not to answer the question they get!) • If you land on # 7, you win a bottle of wine 

CAThy QuesTIOn 12: What is your idea of the perfect date? The first thing is that I don’t think there is such a thing! But a good start would be to hear all the things that I would like to hear ;) QuesTIOn 5: What do you like (and dislike) most about your job? I like the contact with people very much and what I dislike is the stress and the pressure which we can have. QuesTIOn 35: do you have a favorite phrase or poem? No, not really actually. QuesTIOn 6: Where did you last go on holiday? In February, I was in Fuerteventura (in the Canary Islands) for my birthday! QuesTIOn 4: What is your favorite alcoholic drink? I would probably go for a Cuba Libre (Bacardi Cola). QuesTIOn 10: When you were young, what did you want to be when you grew up? I am still young ;) When I was a child I didn’t want to be anything specific really – the only thing that I knew was that I wanted to be happy in what I was doing. QuesTIOn 27: If you could have dinner with someone famous, who would it be? Well, apart from Roland and David (who are celebrities to me!), I would choose the actor Russell Crowe.

rOLAnd QuesTIOn 23: What was your first job? I used to be an electronic engineer taking care of the biggest hospital in Liege - Bavière. QuesTIOn 32: What is your biggest wish for the future? Obviously I would wish for good health for my family and me but next to that, I would wish not to be bored when I am retired, to be able to spend quality time with my family (especially with my grandsons Julien & Robin) and to have time to catch-up on the things I missed out on during my working life. QuesTIOn 20: What city/country is on the top of your list to visit? I would love to (re-)visit Ireland. Part of my heart and my life is in that country and the culture, atmosphere and warmth of the Irish people really appeals to me. QuesTIOn 17: What topic would you like to see covered in the “In the spotlight” article in PuLse? I believe there is a lack of visibility on Boston Scientific results as a company (i.e. how it does in the global environment). I would like to see a high-level overview (both globally and for EMEA) showing the evolution of the company turnover etc. I believe it would be very interesting and meaningful for the people. QuesTIOn 30: do you have a favorite flower/plant? I really like (and have a collection of) Erable du Japon (Japanese maple trees). The Latin name is “Acer Japonicum”. The plant comes in many different types, sizes and colours and it is like “love at first sight” (“coup de foudre”) in the garden! QuesTIOn 13: What is your worst memory since working at Boston scientific? That would definitely be when I was called to the USA to announce the closure of the Petit- Rechain facility. That was a truly emotional time for me and it was so difficult for the few hundred employees who had been working there for 25 years. QuesTIOn 34: do you have any tattoos or piercings? Roland plays the Joker ;)))


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IN THE sPOTLIghT Introducing the new Works Council Works Council election day took place in March and the outcome means that your new Works Council Board consists of: • Arno van Tetering (existing member) • Cathy Bellos • Jeroen van den Bosch

nAMe: Cathy Bellos TITLe: Business Process Analyst

I’M WOrkIng FOr BsC sInCe: 1995

We invited each of the members to say a few words for PULSE!

Why dId yOu jOIn The WOrks COunCIL: This is something that I have wanted to do for years and now that the language barrier is no longer an obstacle… I thought, why not. WhAT Are yOur OBjeCTIves As PArT OF The COunCIL”: I want to facilitate the best interests of both Boston Scientific and Boston Scientific employees.

nAMe: Arno van Tetering TITLe: Manager SBS

nAMe: Jeroen van den Bosch

I’M WOrkIng FOr BsC sInCe:


April 2000

BPL Account to Report

Why dId yOu jOIn The WOrks COunCIL: Because I believe that we (employees) must be allowed to contribute toward helping Boston Scientific to make even better decisions. WhAT Are yOur OBjeCTIves As PArT OF The COunCIL: To further increase the Council’s significance by (for example) working on its positioning. To ensure progress on Council’s existing priorities like (for example) Arbo and ‘het nieuwe werken’. To tap into the many great ideas that we employees have - so do reach out to me ;-)

I’M WOrkIng FOr BsC sInCe: October 2011 Why dId yOu jOIn The WOrks COunCIL: I joined the Works Council to be a part of the team that will have a say in important decisions which impact all employees. Moreover, this enables me to work together with other people at the Maastricht office. WhAT Are yOur OBjeCTIves As PArT OF The COunCIL: To get familiar with the duties of the Works Council as soon as possible in order to be able to add value to the work the Council does.


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