Chepos 54

Page 34

COLUMN: Jacob Voorthuis Jacob Voorthuis is a publicist, speaker and lecturer at the Eindhoven University of Technology. He professes enthusiastically about philosophy, art history and architecture.

The subject I was supposed to respond to in my

within the discipline of architecture, which, in

are not approaching their task in the spirit of

column was the ‘the occasionally conflicting

his time, would have included the disciplines

their university-level professionalism. What we

relationship between what an architect wants,

of mechanical engineering, civil engineering,

do not want is compromise. Compromise is a

and what the structural engineer can achieve’.

military engineering, structural engineering,

situation in which no one is completely happy

That is an important subject and one that

building technology, industrial design,

and the intellectual challenge has not been met.

we should be able to be brief about. If such

architecture and urban planning. The structural

So rather than settling for compromise which is

a relationship does indeed end in conflict,

engineer, the systems engineer and the designer

often mistaken for wisdom, but is in fact a form

both parties should feel properly ashamed

of cities are, in his world, as much ‘architects’ as

of intellectual cowardice, let’s give real wisdom

of themselves. And with that we have said

the designer of houses and temples. I for one

a chance to have a go at this knotty issue. And

everything that should need to be said about

heartily agree with that notion and if we all did,

that wisdom should be given a chance to solve

it. The reason for both parties to feel ashamed

it would mean that anything we design needs to

our dilemma is in itself a wise decision as both

should after all be perfectly clear and obvious to

be sturdy enough for forthright and robust use,

‘wanting something’ and ‘being able to do

anyone with a modicum of wisdom.

useful enough for the purposes it is intended

something’ are the prime concerns for wisdom

and attractive both to use and to behold. Surely

to grapple with.

However, just in case there are a few doling

I am not saying anything new here. So when

creatures among the Chepos readership for

a structural engineer and an architect together

Wisdom is the knowledge of good means to

whom this isn’t the case, I shall rehearse the

face a challenge they should both be familiar

good ends and the ability to value both ends

argument in concise terms. Vitruvius imposed

with the criteria upon which their own work will

and means appropriately. The wise person

three criteria for good architecture: any instance

be judged by society.

knows to apply the right means to achieve

of architecture, he wrote, should be durable,

worthwhile ends and to value both the ends he

in other words it should be able to withstand

So what happens when a conflict arises such as

pursues and the means he employs to pursue

the use made of it under normal to reasonably

was described by my dear editor? The architect

them in relation to the greater issues of life

extreme conditions; it should be useful, at least

wants something and the structural engineer

and society. Now you might say, Jacob, that is

for the uses it is intended for, and it should

can’t deliver. We appear to have two options:

wonderful news, but not all of us are wise. Well,

be attractive both to use and to behold. After

either the architect should want something

that is precisely the reason for those who are not

all there is no need to spit people in the face

else or the structural design should do a bit

wise to feel shame and to begin to do something

with your public creations. Even for the most

more research. However, this should be the

about it. Wisdom is after all there to be had

radical, innovative and ambitious architecture

kind of situation any self-respecting architect

by anyone who wants it. That does need to be

we do not need to give an inch with regard

and structural engineer should relish. Problems

qualified. It is true that being a wise man is in

to these criteria. Furthermore they will do

like that are what innovation is all about! The

principle accessible to anyone capable of being

for anything that Vitruvius saw as included

arising of a conflict surely means that they

a man, and being a wise mother is accessible to



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