55th volume - First edition

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Meet the 88th board

A new academic year means a new CDL board! After a beautiful year it is time for Lara, Jitske, Sjoerd, Chantal and Danique to transfer the baton. It was truly an “Exhilarating” year. Lise, Jasmijn, Joeri, Maartje and Pepijn will form the 88th board “Katalise”. On this page the new board will introduce themselves. We hope to see you all at the rest of the activities this year! Praeses - Lise van den Bos Hi! My name is Lise and I will be the praeses (chairman) of the Chemisch Dispuut Leiden this year. In my spare time I like to spend time with my family and friends. In the last couple of years I have been very active at the CDL doing a bunch of committees. Maybe you have seen me as the editorial board of the Chimica in the past two years. Last year I started being editor in chief of the Chimica which I still love to do and will continue doing the upcoming year. I am very excited to start this unpredictable and challenging year with the rest of my amazing board members.

Ab actis - Jasmijn Bergsma Heey. My name is Jasmijn and I will be the ab actis (secretary) of the 88th board of Chemisch Dispuut Leiden this year. I am very interested in doing stuff outside off my comfort zone and training myself and my mind to do new things. This is why I for example went to Canada to actually do my minor, why I’m doing some out-of-the-box courses this year; Spanish and Stars (from the Astronomy Bachelor) and why I’m going to be a board member this year. In Canada I discovered the added value of a study association and after coming back to the Netherlands I was determined to at least try to get on the new board of the Chemisch Dispuut Leiden. “Why Chemisch Dispuut Leiden?”, you may ask. The answer is quite easy: when arriving at the studies molecular Science & Technology in my first year this place is where I felt most at home. This exact same feeling is the one I want to pass onto everyone that comes in contact with us as a study association and I am extremely happy that I will get the opportunity to do this over the year.

Quaestor - Joeri Schoenmakers My name is Joeri and I will be the quaestor (the treasurer) of the 88th board of the Chemisch Dispuut Leiden. Last year I finished my bachelor degree of Molecular Science and Technology and therefore I will start with the master Chemistry. In my spare time I play field hockey and guitar. Furthermore I like to brew beer, which I sometimes do with the Brew masters of the CDL. Other activities that I organised with the CDL are the Dies, different activities with the AkCie and I almost succeeded to organise the VerO Open Mic Night. Sadly, this activity was cancelled last minute due to the corona pandemic. I am looking forward to organise a lot more fun and educational activities in my board year and I hope I will see you all this year!



Commissioner of external affairs - Maartje Zweers

Hi everyone! My name is Maartje and this year I fulfil the position of commissioner of external affairs. This means that I am in contact with companies to organise interesting career activities for the students. Besides being an active member at the Chemisch Dispuut Leiden for the past few years, I am also a member of a student association and I work as a tutor for the subject business economics. In my spare time I enjoy cooking a lot, especially now that I am the proud owner of a real pasta making machine!










Commissioner of education - Pepijn Lammers Hi! I am Pepijn And I will be the commissioner of education this amazing interesting academic year. I just got 21 years old making me the happy youngest member of the board. After a relaxing first year of studying it just so happened that I started doing committees at the CDL. Besides being busy with studying and the CDL I decided to become a member of the student association NSL here in Leiden. Also, within my second year of studying I started to live in the beautiful city that is Leiden. Here I discovered another passion of myself, cooking very good food. Everybody must eat, so why not eat amazing. The main reason to become a board member of the CDL is that studying has to be enjoyable. If I can contribute to an awesome studying experience, then being a board member is in my opinion a very good place to start. See you soon!


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