Activity Guide Parent and Tot - Complet version

Page 44

Table of Contents - Activities


TEAMWORK Necessary equipment: Cones Soccer ball or any ball

The mother duck The players will form a circle. There will be a team in the middle of the circle, a mother duck and her baby. The mother will protect her baby. When the baby get touched by another team, they becomes the Mother and baby.

Soccer challenge Take a soccer ball and ask the teams to participate in challenges. Push the ball with your head, kick the ball on a target, go through a course with the ball using your feet. Parents can be a goaler while the kids try to score.

The surprise box The teams are all surprise boxes. When the parents that is leading says surprised box the team will crouch down. The parent will chose an animal that the team will imitate. Parents will participate if necessary to help the younger kids.

The shoe race Create two teams. At the go the first player of each team will run to a predetermine point, take of their shoes and then come back to tap the hand of the second player. When all the players are shoes less, the goal will be to put your shoe back correctly on as fast as possible. Parents will help the younger kids to put their shoes back on.



Activities for parent and tot

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