Floreat 2012

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OLD CHELTONIAN CRICKET CLUB 2011 SEASON By Martin Stovold (Current Staff Member) As the summer season closes, it is time to reflect. It was once said: “football offers the world clichés; rugby produces facial deformity; hockey provides an acceptable outlet for psychotic violence; cricket alone breeds myths”. In 1893, a Rev. Holmes wrote, ‘We know as much of the history of cricket as we shall ever know now, and we have been told everything relating to the science of the game. There is no fresh ground to be explored’. No doubt the good parson is turning in his grave at the astonishing change the last century has wrought on a game in which he saw no new possibilities. In terms of science and sports medicine in particular, the last several decades have heralded a flurry of research into every aspect of the game. Those who play it, coach it, administer it, watch and love it, are aware, to greater and lesser degrees, that the game to which they devote their time, and from which they gain great pleasure, is complex, rich, intriguing, demanding and occasionally infuriating. At a time when ‘match fixing’ has reared its ugly head again and shame has been cast on the game of cricket, it is pleasing to report that

the Old Cheltonian season of 2011 has been one of the most successful in recent years. Fortunately, scandal has not unfolded! The club had its most successful run in the, ‘Cricketer Cup’ for a few years after defeating Haileybury Hermits and Uppingham Rovers before losing to the Old Malvernians, the eventual competition winners, in the 3rd Round. Other fixtures were played against the Gloucestershire Gipsies (2 day), Hurlingham CC, Old Malvernians and Izingari (Australia); the game against the XI was cancelled due to a clash with a Cricketer Cup fixture. We look forward to the 2012 season.


all the way from Kenya, was sadly not enough to prevent the Old Boys going down 2-1.

By Tom Richardson (Xt ’98)

Making some tactical changes, the OCs strode forward with some confidence into the final game against the 1st team, Edward Richardson (Xt ’03) and Andy Macleod (BH ’03) led the charge for senior players in the OCs side, although lack of oxygen proved a problem in the 2nd half. Tom Hughes (Xt ’03) was outstanding in goal, although the score doesn’t suggest it he managed to make it look respectable. Sadly the OCs were out classed on the day, with the 1st team playing some outstanding hockey, Alfie Gilbert (Xt ’11) capped off a great day for College hockey with a well executed hat-trick, leading them to a 5-1 victory. The weekend finished off as it had begun with the OCs in the Beehive, where a lengthy debrief and extensive re-hydration period took place over a wonderful dinner.

It had got to that time of year again when the OC felt a surge of athleticism creep into their weary bodies, the eagerness to pick up a funny shaped stick and to challenge an opposition who in some cases were 10 years their junior with far more ability. Yes OC hockey day had arrived, sadly the weather was not that co-operative with flickers of sunshine amongst strong winds and drizzle. As has become customary the Old Boys felt the need to have a team meeting in many of the fine ale houses that Cheltenham has to offer, the meeting concluded for most around 2am! So on to the main event, the OCs arrived with plenty of time before push back, 5 mins, and the traditional hamstring stretch was led by Alex Kirby (L ’08). From the off it took a while for the OCs to grasp the pace of the game, the 2nd XI moved the ball and with great speed leaving some of us to start to question the length of the team meeting from the night before! Some great performances from Alex Kirkby and the Scott brothers Callum & Dale (L ’09),

I would like to thank Gwyn Williams for all the effort he puts into organising this event every year and I hope next year we can recruit even more OCs to return and join in on what is a fantastic weekend! OC Hockey weekend 2012 is on the 17th March. Please contact Thomas Richardson at richardson.tom@cheltcoll.gloucs.sch.uk


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