CheckUP Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan

Page 39

CheckUP has commissioned artwork from many talented artists

This artwork was commissioned from year 9 Murri School student Shaneice Landers. The artwork was used on the front cover and throughout a resource developed for children undergoing ENT surgery and proudly displayed in a meeting room in the Brisbane CheckUP Office.

Ailsa Walsh, Aboriginal Artist created Communicate through our Strengths for Queensland Mental Health Week 2018 to reflect a vibrant positive message of connection, values and culture. The strong message behind this beautiful painting captures the importance of connection and communication for Queensland’s first nations people.

Aboriginal artist and storyteller Aunty Venus Rabbitt created Kangaroo Dreaming. Aunty Venus is a Wakka Wakka woman from Cherbourg. This artwork depicts her three Elders – her father, grandfather, and great grandfather - strong men who mean a lot to Aunty Venus who encouraged her to paint from an early age. Kangaroo Dreaming was used as the cover of our Innovate RAP.

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