ESDCTA Collective Remarks - September 2019

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WWW.ESDCTA.ORG September 2019

Cover Photo: Alanna Flax-Clark Para Equestrian


President’s Message


A Para Equestrian’s Story of Resilience


Western Dressage


Reflections on a Summer Well Spent

17 Horses, Costumes, Music, Fun, and a Good Cause


The Amateur Dilemma


News from Outside the Ring


Show Results


Horse Treats

We Need You: ESDCTA Board Open Position The ESDCTA Board is looking for someone to fill our Eventing Member at Large position. This position is responsible for: • Acting as a liaison between the Board and members of ESDCTA that are involved in Eventing • Field comments/complaints from members on improvement to ESDCTA Events • Answer questions about ESDCTA Eventing rules • Direct members to the appropriate Board or Committee contact when appropriate • Attend Eventing Committee meetings • Have the opportunity to help plan and inspire Event education events and activities within the club If you are interested in volunteering for this position and getting more involved with our Eventing and ESDCTA community, please reach out to Heidi Lemack –




President’s Message I can’t believe that it is already September! What a busy summer it was. This year ESDCTA is celebrating its 50th anniversary. We have plans in the work to celebrate at the ESDCTA Dressage Championships, schooling show, and youth team competition on October 5 and 6, and at the NJ Horse Trials on Sept. 29. Both competitions are well run and a lot of fun, so please join us. Thank you to all of you who have reached out looking to volunteer and support the ESDCTA. We have had several great ideas presented. One trainer had a great idea, suggesting that trainers, barn owners, and breeders who find it difficult to volunteer at competitions, could instead offer clinics or educational opportunities to ESDCTA members as their volunteer hours of service. Look for more information on those opportunities in the future. Looking forward to seeing you all soon, either when your competing or volunteering. Here’s to cooler days coming (but not too cool!),

Heidi Lemack President




Board of Trustees OFFICERS President

Heidi Lemack

Vice President

Holly Cornell



Ruth McCormick


Betty Audduci 260 Betty Lane Gilbert, Pa 18331


Dressage at Large

Eliza Banks

Eventing at Large

Miina Rafinski

Dressage Competitions

Dr. Lisa Toaldo

Eventing Competitions

Janice Pellegrino


Erin Gale


Tamara Purdy


Gary Maholic


Victoria Shilton


Jill Kuc


Ellen Brindle-Clark


Executive Board

NJEAB Representative

Could this be you?


Debra Tomajko


Could this be you?


Debra Tomajko


Wilma Pfeffer


Meredith Rogers


Susan Lax


Mia Zimmerman

Show Results

Jean Goetz






Become a friend of the ESDCTA on Facebook Follow us on Twitter @ESDCTA 4





If you’re reading this, you are probably a member of ESDCTA, but I’m sure you know of someone who rides dressage or events who is not a member. You know all about the wonderful things offered like educational programs, clinics with big name trainers, horse shows, year-end awards, and not least, that sense of being part of a community of likeminded people. The more members ESDCTA has, the better the programs we can offer. Our membership numbers are also important considerations when state and local governments decide on legislature that affects us (like open space), and we advocate for our sports (we’re working on better footing at the HPNJ). Please reach out to your equestrian buddies and tell them about all of the benefits of membership and have them sign up. The more the merrier!

Please Contact Linda Marciante if you know any ESDCTA members who have achieved any Milestones. Success at a show, regional/national/international award, new horse, or anything else you want to celebrate.

WHAT’S YOUR TALENT?? Let us know what you would like to help us with in 2019. All skills and interests wanted. Have an idea? We want to hear about it. Remember, this club is what YOU make it. Contact if you are interested.


Have a great article that you would like to share? Please send article to: Meredith Rogers: All submissions are due by the 15th of the month. Due to space considerations, the editor reserves the right to edit submitted articles. If necessary, articles will be edited and returned for your review. AND YOU GET VOLUNTEER HOURS FOR EACH STORY!


MEMBERSHIP QUESTIONS For membership questions including updating physical or e-mail addresses please contact: Tamara Purdy


MEMBER NON-MEMBER FULL PAGE $100 $130 HALF PAGE $65 $85 QUARTER PAGE $40 $60 BUSINESS CARD $20 $30 CARD FOR 3 MONTHS $45 $65 CLASSIFIEDS $10 $15 Deadline: 15th of prior month Email: Please have electronic ads in Adobe PDF or .jpg format

You will receive an invoice for ad via email. Send Payment to: Betty Adduci 266 Betty Lane Gilbert, PA 18331 Email:

OPEN BOARD POSITIONS • Eventing at Large • Calendar




Training young horses to Grand Prix. Super dressage horses for sale from amateur-friendly to the International ring. Photo Credit: Susan J. Stickle Photography

Clinics Winter training available in Florida (only a fewFrom spots left) and New Jersey. Young Horses have fun toCome Grand Prix... Enjoy with the us! Journey Accepting reservations now! Dr. Cesar Parra 410-977-8352 Fashion Designer OLD 2017 US Champion Developing Grand Prix

PERFORMANCE FARMS phone: 410.977.8352 561.262.9462





A Para Equestrian’s Story of Resilience By Alanna Flax-Clark

When I decided to try hippotherapy, I had never even been on a horse. Today, I compete in national and international para-dressage shows with my Dutch Riding Pony El Paso, or Taco as I affectionately call him, and am working hard to achieve my goal of qualifying for the U.S. Para-Equestrian Team for the 2020 Paralympics. When I was 13, I was diagnosed with a chronic neurological disease associated with dysregulation of the central nervous system and autonomic nervous system that results in multiple functional loss in the bones, muscles, nerves, skin, and blood vessels. I spent my teenage years in and out of hospitals, undergoing daily therapies, invasive treatments, and surgeries. I was bedridden for many years and watched my legs become mottled, swollen, blue and purple in color, and my entire body was in so much pain that it could not even be touched. Through hard work and determination, I relearned how to walk with a small limp and returned to school my senior year and graduated with my class. In 2005, I graduated from Rhodes College in Memphis, TN with a double major in Biology and Psychology. I spent the four years at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital working alongside the division chief of Radiation Oncology in the clinic and doing COLLECTIVE REMARKS



research on the effects of radiation on cognition, attention, and memory in children with brain tumors. I moved to Boston where I obtained my M.S.Ed., specializing in severe special needs and my teaching credential. I taught children with very severe disabilities and was enjoying life. But in 2008 I had contracted an infection and found myself suddenly in the ER and isolation with a spiking fever, dangerously low blood pressure, and an extremely high heart rate. My immune system had attacked my nerves and I was exhibiting signs of quadriplegia. After years of working so hard with my recovery in my teens and resuming a more “normal� life, I was once more struggling and in a place of much frustration. The months that followed were reminiscent of my earlier illness, with many doctor visits, surgeries, traveling to hospitals, and hours of rehabilitative therapy. However, physically it seemed like I would never gain my independence. I was not progressing with my rehab and was only getting more fragile. I had moved back in with my parents in Los Angeles so they could help care for me. I relied on them to help cook for me, do my laundry, push my wheelchair, speak for me (the infection had attacked my vocal cords), drive me anywhere, tie my shoelaces; I basically had to relearn how to do everything. Though they were supportive of me, it was not what I wanted for my life or theirs. I knew something had to change. From my years teaching children with disabilities, I was familiar with hippotherapy, which uses sensory input from a horse’s movement to help with things like posture, balance, coordination, sensory integration and mobility. From the first day that I was paired up with Lusco, I saw positive emotional and physical changes in myself and was motivated by the daily challenge. I was never that girl running around in cowboy boots with all my breyer horses when I was younger. I knew nothing about horses! They only came into my life at a time when I needed them the most. I just knew that this was the one thing that was




somehow going to help me; so I didn’t back down. They literally gave me back my voice. As I progressed in my therapy, my therapists and adaptive riding instructors told me about the sport of Para Dressage and explained that it was a sport in the Paralympics. Since that day I’ve never backed down and have pursued my training with great passion and focus. Even though I don’t ride today in a therapy program, every single day I ride is therapy for me. Being a part of this sport has opened up many doors in my life. It’s introduced me to new friends, allowed me to travel all over, and to learn from people I never would have had the chance to otherwise. It’s given me the strength and confidence to move across the country, be independent, get back to work, and pursue my passions. I couldn’t have done any of this without the support of my family and the people in this community. I only started competing less than 3 years ago, but I’m grateful for everyone who has helped me on this journey to get me where I am today and the horses who have taught me so much. You never know what can happen in life, how quickly things can change. It’s truly important to always purse those things that make you happy and fulfilled. This was something that I found gave me back my life, my spirit, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. Follow me on FB @Alanna Flax-Clark Para Equestrian Check out my website:





Our very own ESDCTA President Heidi Lemack-Beck with her two WD students Joann Sarni and Loretta Weber and the “Fabulous Badger Boys” Colonel Doc Badger and Colonel Smokin Badger

Classical dressage combined with the romance of the American West is growing in popularity across the country and its finding its way to the eastern states such as New York and New Jersey. About 20-plus years ago I was volunteering at the Festival of Champions located at the USET headquarters in Gladstone, NJ. Dressed in my blue shirt and tan Khaki shorts, I worked the info booth at the main barn, which was right by the competition arena. I tried to get a glimpse of all the top riders in the country… Robert Dover, Steffen Peters and of course, my favorite, Carol Lavell and Gifted displaying flawless rides and wowing the crowd with their grace and elegance. Standing outside the ring among these great Olympic horses and riders was the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA) three time World Champion, Rugged Lark and his trainer/rider, Lynn Savoie-Palm waiting to do an exhibition ride. “Lark” was tacked in a traditional Dressage saddle and bridle with white wraps around his stocky little legs. Lynn was dressed in FEI attire of top hat and tails. This was a totally different look from what I had seen in the pages of the Quarter Horse Journal. Being a Quarter Horse owner, my heart swelled with pride as I watched the Bay stallion do pirouettes, leg yields and flying lead changes every stride. Yes, he was smaller and his stride was not as big and elegant as the warmbloods around him, but 10



the handy little Quarter Horse showed how versatile the breed could be. The little cow horse “dressed in a tuxedo” put on quite a show for the crowd at the USET headquarters that day taking a bow at “X” after he completed his musical freestyle. Classical Dressage, Meet the Western Horse Fast forward twenty years later, a new form of riding tests was popping up at Dressage schooling shows around the country …Western Dressage. The WDAA (Western Dressage Association of America), which is an official USEF affiliate, describes Western Dressage as “light hands, subtle cues, and an appreciation for the ultimate benefits derived from a true partnership between horse and rider.” It was only natural that at some point on this journey that the east would meet west, English riding would meet western riding, and Classical Dressage would meet the spirit of the western horse to create Western Dressage. Same riding discipline with a rugged flare. This “new” form of riding caught on pretty quickly in the west and mid-western states where the classes were no longer appearing as “Western Dressage TOC” in Dressage schooling shows, but in actual WDAA recognized shows with a full prize list for all levels. There is even a Western Dressage World Championship Show where Western Dressage riders around the country will compete in Guthrie, OK for 5 full days from October 2-6, 2019. Its popularity is slowly making its way towards the eastern states, with more riders joining the WDAA each year. Time to dust off that Western Saddle Do you have an old western saddle that hasn’t been used in quite some time sitting somewhere in your tack room? Don’t get rid of it, dust it off and tack up!! There is a test for every level of horse. Even gated horses can compete! Like classical Dressage, the WDAA created levels of training with 4 tests per level that shows the ability of the horse at that level of training: Introductory, Basic, Level 1, 2, 3 and 4. Musical Freestyles are also offered at each level, so that every horse and rider can get in on the fun of expressing themselves in a freestyle ride. Don’t think you have enough bling? No worries. The equipment and attire should be suitable of working cow/ranch classes. Bling and silver are not required. Jeans and button-down shirts are acceptable attire, as well as plain, working equipment (see link below for rules and guidelines). Schleese Saddlery now offers three models of Western Dressage saddles to choose from, as well as girths and saddle pads to fit their custom saddles. Breed registries are also taking notice The American Paint Horse Association (APHA) is one of the growing list of breed registries that are offering rewards programs for non-APHA competition. This helps Paint horse owners establish performance records outside APHA recognized




competitions shows. The AQHA, the Pinto Horse Association and Morgan Horse Association offers similar programs for competition credits and awards for a small fee. All of these programs include Dressage – Western and traditional. Cowgirl Up! Earlier this year my friend and I competed at the NJHP Winter Series with our Paint horses in Basic Level Test 1 and 2, which are similar the training level tests. I really enjoyed riding these tests because they were designed to show the handiness of the western horse. Horses are required to walk, jog, and lope, leg yield, etc. depending on the level of test. The walk must be energetic; the jog, a 2-beat gait; and the lope must be an easy ground covering 3-beat gait. A 4-beat lope will be penalized so let your horse move out and lope on! Come Join the Fun!! Mamas DO let your babies grow up to be cowboys and cowgirls, and you saddle up too! Put on the rockin’ country music, pull on your cowboy boots, Wrangler jeans, and tie on a wild rag and come ride with us! Joann Sarni and Colonel Doc Badger (Blondie) Links: Western Dressage Association of America (WDAA) WDAA Tests: WDAA Guidelines for Gaited Horses: wp-content/uploads/2012/11/GUIDELINESfor-GAITED-HORSES-8-2015.pdf WDAA Rules and Guidelines:



APHA PAC Programs: AQHA Dressage Program: American Morgan Horse Association Open Competition program: open-competition/ Schleese Western Dressage Saddles:


Reflections on a Summer Well Spent By Paige Zimmerman

At BCHP LVDA USDF Summer is nearly over, and as my last year of high school begins, I have been reflecting quite a lot on my experiences as a working student for Olivia Steidle. I feel that this year has been a standout for pushing myself, learning new things, and developing existing skills even further. Interestingly enough, while I think this has been my best summer so far for learning while sitting in the saddle, I’ve also gained a ton of experience with horsemanship and horse care too. After all, if you are trying to keep horses healthy, happy, and game for anything, the actual riding is not even a third of the job. In just two months, along with lots of laughs, fun outings and field trips, terrific show days, and a quadrille debut, Olivia and I have battled injuries, abscesses, mystery swellings and lameness, and shoes not staying on, among other things. I’ve learned wound and fungus care, worked with a lot of new products I hadn’t used before, learned how and when to cold hose vs sweat wrap, etc.




A funny example of a challenge this summer was when Ducati, who has a huge stride, kept kicking himself in his own front heels in turnout and causing on-and-off soreness. His owner, Brenda, Olivia, and I speculated and wondered what the problem was for nearly a month before we realized what he was doing. Brenda is very knowledgeable about natural products, and we started using aloe and arnica to sooth his sore heels, and we put bell boots on him for schooling rides and in turnout. Fortunately, he is much more comfortable now (knock on wood). In addition, I am now top notch at treating hoof abscesses. Recently, about 10 days before a recognized show, Buddy threw a back shoe in turnout. It was put back on that same day, but he just didn’t seem right and still wasn’t right 48 hours later. We had the hoof tested and, sure enough, the poor guy had a “big, juicy abscess,” as the farrier put it, towards the back edge of his hoof. The timing was terrible, but we went to work to cure him. Buddy can get impatient and was fond of kicking the soaking boot off as soon as I walked away. I had to figure out ways to entertain him and make him keep his foot down and in the boot. Also, wrapping a foot is usually a two-person job, especially if the horse is not fond of having it held up for a long time. Buddy would try to pull his foot out of my hand as I wrapped it, so I Buddy Getting Kisses learned to be really quick! The key is to prep all your materials before you start, especially the duct tape, which goes on the outside of the wrap to hold it all together. We were successful in curing the abscess in less than 5 days, and the shoe was put on again just 2 days before the show. Miraculously, we were able to ride a really nice test and earned one of our Third Level USDF bronze medal scores. Good boy, Buddy! This summer, I also had the opportunity to learn more about the musculature and joints of horses. Some horses, especially older ones, require a bit of maintenance every so often to keep them feeling good, and I was able to watch a veterinarian administer joint injections. Before getting the injections, the horse is flexed and evaluated to see what parts of the body might have inflammation. It was interesting to observe the evaluation and see how the vet can then tell what injections to administer (and what kinds of steroids to use). I also gained a bit of knowledge about chiropractic and 14



myofascial release. Our friend, Ashley, showed me some releases and exercises to do with some of the horses I ride. It was really fascinating to see how little is necessary to get a result. Sometimes just holding your hand on a particular spot will cause them to stretch and chew. One thing that stuck with me was that you can experiment with it to see what a particular horse likes. Sometimes, if you pay very close attention, they will tell you where to go and what to work on. They each are so different, just like people. And so, yet another wonderful summer of working with beautiful horses and great people, and riding every day comes to a close. I say each year it was the “best summer ever,” and this is my third “best summer ever” in a row! Olivia has taught me so much more than I ever dreamed, continuously raising the bar, so I learn every single day; she is 100% supportive of my goals, and giving of her time and expertise. I know how hard she works because I see it every day, and I can’t believe how lucky I am to be included in almost every aspect of her business. Every day I wake up and know I will go where there are people who make it a blast. They teach me to accept the challenges of this sport because they are all lessons they’ve learned after years and years with horses. They make me laugh and I try not to take things too seriously or be too goal focused. Because what can you do about it really? Let’s face it, no matter how well you might “bubble wrap” your horse, even if you leave them inside in a bedded stall, they can injure themselves in mysterious ways and at the worst possible times, leaving you scratching your head! But you just have to keep at it.




Horse Treats By, Meredith Rogers

Ever wonder why the state animal of New Jersey is the horse? Well, now you know… In 1977 Governor Byrne signed into law the official decree for the horse to be the state animal of New Jersey. Michael McCarthy and his fifth grade classmates at Our Lady of Victories School in Harrington Park, plus James Sweetman, an eighth grader from Freehold NJ, were integral in making it happen. It is because of their efforts that the horse is now the State Animal of New Jersey. One reason the horse was promoted was that US Equestrian Team is headquartered here. Governor Byrne also said the following: “The founding fathers of our state thought so highly of the horse that they included it in our state seal. Today there are 4,654 horse farms in New Jersey, of which 888 raise racing horses. The Horse industry makes a contribution to the preservation of green acres at a time when great demands are being made for the preservation of our land.” Horses are also part of the official symbols of 10 other states. In Vermont and Massachusetts it is the Morgan, in Alabama it’s the Racking Horse, Idaho has the Appaloosa, in Kentucky and Maryland it’s the Thoroughbred, Tennessee has the Tennessee Walking Horse, North Dakota the Nokota horse, and Missouri uses the Fox Trotter.




Horses, Costumes, Music, Fun, and a Good Cause By, Montana Coleman

In my last article, I mentioned that during show season, there is always a handful of “special” shows that are especially fun and exciting for me. Just recently, I was able to participate in one of my absolute favorite events of the season – Ride 4 Hope. Ride 4 Hope is a special event that my barn, Hidden Creek Equestrian Center, Kunkletown, PA, has been hosting for about 11 years now. For this show, each rider (or riders) comes up with a special theme, and then compiles music to go with their routine – a lot like a musical freestyle. Unlike a typical show, the rider performs in front of 2 judges and receives an average score based on their performance, costumes, music, etc. The spectators then “vote” for whichever ride they enjoyed the most by making a monetary donation to the designated team(s). These votes contribute to the final score of each rider or team, and at the end of the day, all of the proceeds from the voting and tricky tray raffle are donated to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital.

For this event, you can choose 3 different options in regards to what type of musical ride you want to do. The options are a quadrille, which consists of 4 horses working harmoniously together; a pas de deux, which consists of 2 horses riding together; and finally, a musical freestyle which is just you and your horse riding to music. I have participated in each category, and although I greatly enjoy all of them. I personally like the quadrille and pas de deux the best. In order to prepare for this annual event, which is usually hosted in August, I start practicing different moves in the previous




fall and then by spring, I am able to incorporate the music, as well as the planned choreography. By the time August rolls around, everyone has their costumes, routines, and music ready for action! For this year, I decided to do both a pas de deux and a musical freestyle. My musical freestyle consisted of music from the TV series Sherlock, the costume of which included a winter coat, a scarf, and gloves! Even though the ride wasn’t very long, I’m thankful it wasn’t too hot that day! Other musical freestyles included Peter Pan, Aladdin, Toy Story, the Lion King and more!! After the musical freestyles were finished, the pas de deux group was up next. There were only 2 pas de deux groups performing this year, 1 of which was my friend, Rylan, and me doing an Alice in Wonderland themed pas de deux. I dressed up as the Mad Hatter, Duncan (my horse) as the white bunny, Rylan as the Cheshire Cat, and Starlight (her horse) as Alice. All in all, everyone’s costumes and performances were great, and we ended up raising a significant amount of money for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. I strongly encourage anyone reading this article to participate if they can in next year’s event. Not only does it benefit a great cause, but it also is a fun time to ride with your friends and bond with your horse!




The Amateur Dilemma By, Meredith Rogers

Meredith, Leo, and our teammate, Kelly, at Dressage at Devon

It is now September and you know what that means! The end of the month means Dressage at Devon! “Devon” is my favorite horse show. I love the history, the shopping, and of course, the fancy horses. When I started going many years ago, this was where we went to see the best of the best, at least compared to what was at our local shows. A whole group of us went as a barn to watch the freestyles under the lights. I was just old enough to drink when I started going, and it seemed extra special to have wine and cheese while watching such amazing horses dance. Even after switching barns, going to Devon as a group with other horse-crazy women was a blast. And, it became extra special because my trainer took her young horses there. Now, we didn’t go just for the Saturday night lights, but we had someone to cheer for during the day. We felt a part of the action because we could visit her in the barns, where the big names were, and follow her to the warm-up, which felt like the equivalent to being backstage with the band at a big concert.




Four years ago, I saw an email from the Dressage at Devon management seeking volunteers. I had always volunteered at ESDCTA shows, why not Dressage at Devon? I put my application in to scribe and to my surprise, I got the gig. Now, I was a part of the action, standing in the ring next to the judge. It also didn’t hurt, getting a cool bag of Dressage at Devon swag. Last year I had an even crazier idea. I would show at Dressage at Devon. I took Leo and trained him all season to do the in-hand. I now legitimately got to hang out at the barn to take care of him; we, ourselves, practiced in the warm-up ring, and I got to show in both the Dixon Oval and the Gold ring. A strange highlight was eating breakfast at the hotel, which was full of other competitors. We swapped stories about how we got there, and wished each other luck. It seemed like I was part of an elite club. Coming home with a ribbon was a bonus. Of course, I couldn’t not volunteer, so I did that the day after showing. I had a new appreciation for not only how much work it took to put on the show, but all the planning that the competitors put in. It made it even more special. Shows like Dressage at Devon take a lot of hands to come together and is just a unique showing experience. If you’ve ever wanted to be a part of it, I highly recommend it. Be a competitor or help as a volunteer, or both! The final closing date is September 12, so if you want to show, get those entries in. They can always use volunteers, so if you have even just a few hours, think about signing up. For more information on both, see:




News from Outside the Ring Pennsylvania Police needs you! Think your horse has what it takes to keep the public safe? The Pennsylvania State Police is looking for horse donations for their mounted patrol. Their barn is in Hershey, PA, and they are in need of horses to be used in searches, crowd control, security, patrol of remote areas, parades, and other community events. They are looking for geldings between 5 and 15 years old, standing between 16 and 18 hands. They prefer drafts and draft crosses, but will look at anything quiet, sound, with good dispositions. They have a 120-day trial and veterinary exam to determine the suitability of the donated equines. When the horses are ready to retire, the original owners are given first choice, but if they can’t take the horses back, the police will find a good home for them. See aspx?newsid=484 for more information. Tragedy. Period. You’ve probably already heard that Michael Barisone, NJ dressage trainer, alternate for the 2008 Olympics, was arrested for the shooting of dressage rider, Lauren Kanarek. There is a lot of speculation online, but all that is known is that Barisone was arrested on two counts of attempted murder and one count of weapons possession, and that Kanarek was shot twice in the chest but is alive.




Kim Herslow Dressage​ - ​Upper Creek Farm 33 Upper Creek Rd., Stockton, NJ 08559 proudly presents a

Two Day Clinic - Saturday/Sunday November 16 - 17, 2019. ​Christine Stückelberger

6 x Swiss Olympian Olympic - Individual Gold Medalist World Dressage Championship - Individual Gold Medalist Two Time - European Champion Two Time - World Cup Champion

Christine Stuckelberger is the most decorated competitive dressage rider in the world. At 18, Christine formed a training partnership with renown classical dressage master, Georg Wahl, Head Rider of the Spanish Riding School. She has trained 38 horses to Grand Prix and won numerous international titles on her horses. Her most famous and successful equine partner was the famous Granat, considered to be one of the greatest dressage horses in the sport’s history. As a founding member of the Xenophon Society which promotes equine welfare​,​ Christine teaches ​with a strong focus on traditional, humane classical training practices​ as these old world principles have been lost in this modern competitive era. From judging internatioanally at the top of the sport, to coaching numerous international riders and other Olympians, Christine has generously agreed to share her knowledge and skills to North American audience. FUN FACTS​ 1.) Carl Hester purchased his first Grand Prix horse from Christine that he competed internationally. 2.) All of Christine’s Grand Prix horses competed barefoot, yes barefoot, except two which o​ nly​ had front shoes for show season. Come Join us for two days of private lessons, mid day lectures on Sat/Sun and daily “​questions & answers​” periods with Christine ! Lesson Fee: $ 200.00 per session Auditors Fees: $ 35.00 per day / Weekend Rate: $ 60.00 NEDA / ESDCTA Members - Auditor Rate $ 25.00 per day / Weekend Rate: $ 45.00 Riders/Auditors fee includes: two lunch hour lectures, light snacks/lunch, coffee and beverages. Auditors MUST BRING A CHAIR - No video allowed unless riding in clinic. For more information and Rider Applications please contact: Kim Herslow - Clinic Coordinator ​​ ph/text (732) 259 - 0421




ESDCTA CHAMPIONSHP, Region 1 TEAM COMPETITION AND OPEN SCHOOLING SHOW- OCT5 AND 6, 2019 at the Horsepark of New Jersey, Allentown, New Jersey SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Business card 50.00 Class sponsor 100.00 Division Sponsor 200.00 Dinner Sponsor 300.00 Ribbon Sponsor 500.00 Show Sponsor 1000.00

Sponsors a class such as Training level

Sponsors a Division such as 2nd level Championship

Helps to sponsor dinner for competitors on Sat eve Sponsors ribbons and Medals for all the Teams Business name on ribbon, along with ESDCTA

All the above will be placed in show booklet, 100-1000 will have announcements during the day, 300-1000 sponsors can have a banner placed on the grounds, over 300 to 1000 get free vendor space. We will work with you, to customize your sponsorship. 500 – 1000 will get an ad placed on our website page. Contact Dr Lisa Toaldo Dressage chair for more details and to place your sponsorship, must be completed by Sept 20, 2019 contact 201-874-0373 Thank You






WINDY HOLLOW HUNT – I June 7-8, 2019 Judges: Elghart (r), Barbosa (S), Ebner (S), Boyce (R) & Schmitt (S) June 7, 2019 USDF – B - O A. Kavey Jaika Jirdonie 65.313 TRAINING – 1 D. Henrich CCS Haldir 67.500 S.Rowe Excalibur RS 66.154 B. Coffeman Queen’s Lace 38.846 TRAINING – 2 – BLM S. Stinneford Orchid’s Tamino 68.448 L. Chumley LTW Sweet Autumn 66.897 S. Rose Silent Partner 66.552 K. Munro Manhattan Gem 63.621 L. Chumley FMF Hershey’s Kiss 63.103 TRAINING – 3 – GAIG B. Browne Karina Sandra TF 72.586 L. Chumley Kyro 67.414 S.Stinneford Orchid’s Tamino 66.379 L. Chumley LTW Sweet Autumn 65.862 C. Westra Rutger WV 65.172 M. Bissonette Rue 60.862 D. Henrich CCS Haldir 59.828 FIRST – 1 P. Lutfy Ulbe 67.241 FIRST – 2 – BLM J. Chin Dora the Explorer 66.571 T.Washalski Montego Bay 65.714 P. Lutfy Ulbe 65.286 A. Woodner Beau Soleil 63.857 FIRST – 3 – GAIG S. Stevens Georgetown 8 72.778 \W. Lemon Excalibur RS 70.278 A. Kavey Bheatrix 70.278 S.Rose Silent Partner 68.611 J. Chin Dora the Explorer 67.917 R. Gardner In Dee Im Good 66.528 T.Washalski Montego Bay 61.528 SECOND – 1 K. Rose Benjamin Blue 71.622 SECOND – 2 – GAIG S. Stevens Flare 73.214 K. Rose Benjamin Blue 70.238 THIRD – 1 M. Tursi Figaro 64.054 B. Polk Brilho Hi 62.838 THIRD – 2 – BLM J. Greener Grandmaster Flash 65.395 THIRD – 3 – GAIG J. Gray Fuer Rubi 67.500 J. Spector Amalia’s Huub 67.000



O. Turcott MW Donnahall 64.375 J. Greener Grandmaster Flash 64.375 L. Tell-Waldron Napoleon 60.750 L. Romano-Johnson Zion 60.625 M. Debure Dee Dee 60.500 L. Kanerek Even Better 60.000 FOURTH – 1 D. Thamsen Elizabeth 64.872 FOURTH – 2 – BLM D. Thamsen Elizabeth 59.737 J. Kuc Grande I Am 57.632 FOURTH – 3 – GAIG J. Williams Fitzwilliam 69.306 L. Tell-Waldron Napoleon 63.750 J. Kuc GrandeI Am 62.500 J. Spector Amalia’s Huub 58.194 PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG B. Hay Fauna 71.176 K. Riley Mr. Bumblebee 68.676 A. Gimbel Eye Candy 68.382 L. Chumnley Nikolas 66.029 K. Gray Telmir-HB 65.294 L. Nuzzo Bandira 63.676 J. Hayes Rivendell 63.382 INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG J. Gray Ravanti C 68.235 L. Chumley Laurel 66.324 INTERMEDIAIRE – II – BLM/GAIG S. Stevens Pik L’s Donabella 73.382 A.Tomson Teodor 64.265 A. Kavey Cacharel 62.059 GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG A. Tarjan Candescent 72.065 L. Chumley Avatar’s Jazzman 63.261 A. Kavey Citha’s Utopia 59.522 MFS – USDF – TOC – BLM/GAIG V. Moricco (2) Flash 74.233 M. Whaley (2) Chill Out 69.867 R. Gardner (1) In Dee Im Good 67.867 J. Gray (2) Fuer Rubi 67.300 MFS – FEI – TOC – BLM/GAIG J. Gray (I-I) Evolution 72.025 B. Sproule-Hansen (GP) Liberty 65.050 FEI J TEAM – NAJYRC/GAIG E. Stephens De Nouvelle Vie 70.227 A. Nemeth Dafoe 69.621 A. Fodor Ritter Benno 67.045 FEI Y TEAM – NAYC/GAIG L. Lende-Smith Ducan 64.485 M. Long Ich Will Spass 63.309 E. Martin Arakon 58.676 FEI YOUNG HORSE – 5 & 6 YO M. Orlob (5) Spirit of Joy 79.200 M. Hagren (5) Jida Selly A 79.000 M. Hagren (6) Supremont 78.400 L. Chumley (6) 75.800 Santa Barbara Dash USEF DEVELOPING HORSE – PSG C. Para GK Don Cesar 77.000 M. Brady Rendition 62.375 USEF DEVELOPING HORSE – GP B. Hay Faolan 76.125 PONY – THIRD – 3 – GAIG V. Moricco Flash 67.237


June 8, 2019 DRESSAGE SEAT EQUITATION H. Jones Jasmine 75.000 USDF – B H. Jones Jasmine 70.000 A. Kaey Jaika Jirdonie 64.688 USDF – C H. Jones Jasmine 68.500 TRAINING – 1 M. Lackey Cygaro 69.038 S. Rowe Excalibur RS 56.154 C. Bonniville Queen’s Lace 53.269 TRAINING – 2 – BLM D. Henrich CCS Haldir 66.897 L. Chumley FMF Hershey’s Kiss 65.690 S. Jaeger Simply Be 64.310 C .Rick Deniro 64.310 M. Lackey Cygaro 63.276 A.Tozour King Chieca 62.931 C. Roesener 59.310 Svaleard’s Aston-Bell D. Garutti Frostline 57.241 TRAINING – 3 – GAIG H. Mason New Beginnings 82.931 C. Roesener 77.759 Svalegard’s Aston Bell C.Westra Rutger WV 76.207 J. Dancer Zhezanne 75.690 A. Gimbel Be Fair 73.966 W. Garfinkel Two Tone Cobswallop 73.448 L. Chumley LTW Sweet Autumn 72.759 J. Hersh Merzades 72.241 A. Tozour King Chieca 69.655 S. Rose Silent Partner 69.483 D. Eddis St. Sandros Voltaire 67.931 D. Henrich CCS Haldir 67.759 C. Rick Deniro 63.448 M. Bissonette Rue 59.655 D. Garutti Frostline 56.552 S. Jaeger Simply Be 56.379 FIRST – 1 P. Lutfy Ulbe 70.517 L. Schumann DW Khodakhrome 64.828 K. Butenhoff Dirk’s Eureka 61.724 FIRST – 2 – BLM C. Roesener Pequinesa Mor 68.714 M. Colgan Bennington 67.714 P. Lutfy Ulbe 66.714 A. Woodner Beau Soleil 64.571 FIRST – 3 H. Mason New Beginnings 76.250 D. Rice Cinnamon 75.694 J. Garutti Labra’s Leannon 70.278 C. Roesener Pequinesa Mor 70.139 B. Grossman Ferrari 69.306 W. Garfinkel Envizible 69.306 W. Lemon Excalibur RS 69.167 W.Garfinkel Two Tone Cobswallop 68.472 J. Hersh Merzades 66.806 M. Colgan Bennington 66.528 L. Schumann DW Khodakhrome 61.806 SECOND – 1 L. Mondrick Kalinka 70.541

SHOW RESULTS D. Rise Cinnamon A. Ashbey Avellana J. Garutti Labra’s Leannon SECOND – 3 - GAIG C. Clyde Jayvyn L. Mondrick Kalinka L. Higger Gran Valor A. Tozour My Valentine A. Kaey Bheatrix W.Garfinkel Envizible A. Tomasiello Isaac THIRD – 1 V. Elliott Emerald View B. Polk Brilho Hi L. Frumova Aramis THIRD – 2 – BLM J. Greener Grandmaster Flash P. Wolfe Diavoleto 3 THIRD – 3 – GAIG J. Dancer Hotstreak CF K. Rose Benjamin Blue D. Rice Sandokan P. Wolfe Diavoletto 3 J. Gray Fuer Rubi J. Greener Grandmaster Flash M. Dujardin Dylano Du Bois C. Greer Casandro Hit L. Hickey Whind in the Willows C. Anderson Brigadier V. Elliott Emerald View K. Alcock Cameo S. Gallagher Don Lino FOURTH – 1 L. Washton St.Georg O. Turcott MW Donnahall D. Thamsen Elizabeth L. Hickey Whind in the Willows FOURTH – 2 – BLM A. Jackson FS Djambo FOURTH – 3 – GAIG M. Tursi Figaro D. Nause Dhelmonico J. Kuc Grande I Am P. Piccillo Feldspar PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG J. Dancer Eccobria SE M. Chambers Gallant L. Nuzo Bandira L. Chumley Laurel H. Ward Electra DDJ K. Gray Teimir-HB INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG J. Gray Raanti C J. Gray Evolution L. Chumley Nikolas K. Riley Mr. Bumblebee J. Hayes Rivendell E. Straus Addiction M. Dujardin Ronaldinho INTERMEDIAIRE – II – BLM/GAIG A. Kavey Cithas Utopia S. Gallagher Kaytee Mountain GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG L. Chumley Avatar’s Jazzman

67.027 65.676 61.351 68.333 67.024 65.952 61.667 60.000 58.095 55.476 61.081 60.946 59.865 67.632 67.368 71.375 70.125 67.375 67.375 65.500 65.375 64.125 63.750 63.625 62.375 57.500 56.250 55.125 67.179 63.333 62.179 56.667 61.974 65.417 62.778 59.583 59.167 66.618 66.471 65.882 64.853 64.559 53.971 71.765 67.647 66.765 66.324 65.441 59.559 59.118 65.882 60.882 63.804

A. Tomson Teodor 61.630 L. Romano-Johnson EMR Maximus54.457 L. McCullough-Leibfried Decorus 50.109 MFS – USDF – TOC – BLM/GAIG A. Gimbel (1) Be Fair 69.533 S. Rose (1) Silent Partner 69.500 A. Gunning (3) Devon Hill 68.167 K. Rose (3) Benjamin Blue 68.000 A. Tozour (2) My Valentine 64.667 D. Thamsen(3) Elizabeth 64.500 C. Anderson (3) Brigadier 64.333 J. Kuc (4) Grande I Am 61.333 L. Higger (2) Gran Valor 61.000 MFS – FEI – TOC – BLM/GAIG H. Mason RTF Lincoln 77.125 A. Gimbel Eye Candy 69.750 T. Wilkinson Talisman BHF 69.500 FEI Y GRAND PRIX J. Gray Giraldillo CEN 68.462 H. Cooper Hot Chocolate W 65.449 M. Chambers Urithmic 64.744 FEI – TOC C. Smith (I-I) Santino 62.941 A. Gunning (JT) Devon Hill 62.727 DEVELOPING HORSE – PSG C. Parra GK Don Cesar 71.875 B. Hay Fauna 70.875 L. Hollenger Fenomenal JW 69.625 C.Garweg De Caro 68.063 M. Brady Rendition 67.875 L. Holleger MW Feinermark 67.875 J. Karol Romantic Love 61.563 DEVELOPING HORSE – GP A. Tarjan Candescent 73.375 B. Hay Faolan 72.000 S. Stevens Pik L’s Donabella 67.500 PONY TOC A. Jackson FS Djambo 68.500 V. Moricco Flash 64.000 USEF YOUNG HORSE – 4 YO A. Tarjan Summersby II 81.200 L. Basselini Skywalker JP 78.600 L. Chumley Kyro 74.200 S. Stevens Georgetown 6 74.000 B.Browne Karina Sandra TF 74.000 FEI J INDIVIDUAL TEST A. Nemeth Dafoe 69.191 E. Stephens De Nouvelle Vie 67.221 A. Fodor Ritter Benno 64.294 FEI J FREESTYLE A. Nemeth Dafoe 71.762 FEI YR INDIVIDUAL EST - NAJYRCQ M. Long Ich Will Spass 64.412 L. Lende-Smith Ducan 63.456 FEI YR FREESTYLE L. Lende-Smith Ducan 65.050 FEI PONY – TEAM M. Tursi My Blew Angel 66.929 J. Osborne Geralja’s Tobias 65.429 J. Osborne Cinderella 63.357 FEI PONY INDIVIDUAL M. Tursi My Blew Angel 66.149 J. Osborne Cinderella 65.338 FEI YOUNG HORSE – 5 YO


M. Hagren Jida Selly A 77.400 M. Orlob Spirit of Joy 77.200 FEI 6 YO TEST M. Hagren Supremont 78.200 A. Tarjan Fairouz 78.000 L. Chumley Santa Barbara Dash 77.000 L. Holleger MW Im the Lady Texel 72.600 L. Holleger MW Cilla Amour 72.600 4/5 YO STALLION/GELDING MATERIALE L. Chumley Kyro 79.900 4/5 YO STALLION.GELDING MATERIALE D. Eddis St.Sandros Voltaire 69.200 WINDY HOLLOW HUNT – II June 9, 2019 Judges: Elghart (r), Barbosa (S) & Ebner (S) USDF – B H. Jones Jasmine 70.625 USDF – C H. Jones Jasmine 68.250 TRAINING – 1 P Gemmel-Tait Zhezanne 73.269 TRAINING – 2 – BLM D. Henrich CCS Haldir 71.552 C. Rick Deniro 62.759 TRAINING – 3 – GAIG H. Mason New Beginnings 76.207 B. Browne Karina Sandra TF 71.349 S.Rose Silent Partner 68.621 D. Eddis Saint Voltaire 67.759 C. Westra Rutger WV 67.241 A. Gimbel Be Fair 67.069 W.Garfinkel Two Tone Cobswallop 66.379 J. Hersh Merzades 63.448 C. Roesener 62.759 Svalegard’s Aston-Bell C.Rick Deniro 61.379 M. Bissonette Rue 59.655 D. Henrich CCS Haldir 57.759 FIRST – 1 K. Butenhoff Dirk’s Eureka 64.828 P. Lutfy Ulbe 64.138 FIRST – 2 – BLM J. Chin Dora the Explorer 70.143 S.Rose Silent Partner 67.857 L. Schumann DW Khodakhrome 65.143 P. Lutfy Ulbe 64.143 T. Washalski Montego Bay 63.429 FIRST – 3 – GAIG H. Mason New Beginnings 77.083 D.Rise Cinnamon 72.083 C. Roesener Pequinesa Mor 68.056 J. Chin Dora the Explorer 66.389 L. Schumann DW Khodakhrome 64.444 M. Debure Gala De Brio 64.167 W.Garfinkel Two Tone Cobswallop 63.750 J. Hersh Merzades 63.611 T.Washalski Montego Bay 62.222 W. Garfinkel Envizible 59.583 SECOND – 1 D. Rice Cinnamon 64.730 A. Ashbey Avellana 63.514



SHOW RESULTS M. Debure Gala De Brio 61.35 SECOND – 3 – GAIG T. Astacio Money to Burn 69.048 L. Mondrick Kalinka 64.881 L. Higger Gran Valor 64.286 A. Tomasiello Isaac 63.810 W. Garfinkel Envinzible 61.310 B. Brogan Whispering Ash 59.524 B. Brogan Lyell 54.524 THIRD – 1 M. Vater Grapes 65.000 THIRD – 2 – BLM M. Dujardin Dylano Du Bois 66.579 J. Greener Grandmaster Flash 63.947 M. Vater Grapes 58.684 THIRD – 3 - GAIG J. Gray Fuer Rubi 68.625 P. Wolfe Diavoletto 3 67.750 K. Rose Benjamin Blue 67.625 J. Dancer Hotstreak CF 67.500 C. Greer Casandro Hit 66.875 C.Anderson Brigadier 65.625 S. Gallagher Don Lino 64.875 M. Dujardin Dylano Du Bois 64.625 L. Tell-Waldron Napoleon 64.250 D. Rise Sandokan 64.125 K. Alcock Cameo 63.250 J. Greener Grandmaster Flash 63.250 A. Tozour My Valentine 62.750 FOURTH – 1 S. Gallager Furst Henning 68.718 L. Hickey Whind in the Willows 53.333 FOURTH – 2 – BLM D. Thamsen Elizabeth 60.000 FOURTH – 3 – GAIG L. Tell-Waldron Napoleon 66.111 M. Tursi Figaro 64.444 P. Piccillo Feldspar 61.528 D. Nause Dhelmonico 60.833 PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG M. LaBarre Five Star 73.088 J. Dancer Eccobria SE 71.176 J. Gray Evolution 71.029 H. Ward Electra DDJ 66.618 K.Gray Teimir-HB 64.412 INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG M. Dujardin Ronaldinho 70.588 E. Straus Addiction 62.706 INTERMEDIAIRE – II – BLM/GAIG S. Gallagher Kaytee Mountain 62.647 GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG A. Kavey Cithas Utopia 64.674 A.Tomson Teodor 58.261 L. Romano-Johnson EMR Maximus 53.478 MFS – USDF – TOC A. Gimbel (1) Be Fair 72.000 K. Rose (3) Benjamin Blue 71.367 M. Tursi (2) My Blew Angel 70.833 A. Tozour (2) My Valentine 70.567 J. Gray (3) Fuer Rubi 68.767 L. Higger (2) Gran Valor 68.267 C. Anderson (3) Brigadier 65.200 A. Gunning (3) Devon Hill 65.167 B. Brogan (2) Lyell 64.967



B. Brogan (2) Whispering Ash 64.367 A. Ott-Young (4) Mercenario FC 61.900 MFS – FEI – TOC – BLM/GAIG H. Mason (GP) RTF Lincoln 78.063 M. Chambers (I-I) Gallant 71.725 J. Gray (I-I) Ravanti C 71.450 A. Gimbel (I-I) Eye Candy 71.250 T. Wilkinson (GP) Talisman BHF 67.638 L. McCullough-Leibfried (GP) 58.663 Decorus BRENTINA – INTERMEDIAIRE – II J. Gray Giraldillo Cen 69.191 M. Chambers Urithmic 67.132 BRENTINA – GRAND PRIX FREESTYLE J. Gray Giraldillo Cen 73.875 FEI TOC – Y A. Kavey (I-II) Cacharel 63.676 A.Gunning (JT) Devon Hill 63.182 C. Smith (I-I) Santino 61.765 PONY – TOC V. Moricco (2-1) Flash 67.703 A. Jackson (4-2) DS Jambo 65.000 FEI – MFS – Y M. Long Ich Will Spass 63.938 HIDDEN CREEK EQUESTRIAN CENTER July 13, 2019 Judges: Jones-Sinelnik (r) & Ash (L) DRESSAGE SEAT EQUITATION S. Taylor Faveur 70.000 S. Murphy One Who Brings Peace 66.000 M. Metrick Othello 65.000 USDF – B A. Phillippe Rebel Uprising 68.125 USDF – C A. Phillippe Rebel Uprising 69.250 T. Reedy Sunshine 68.250 I. Mujevic Starlight 66.250 TRAINING – 1 – STARTER RIDER T. Reedy Sunshine 65.192 L. Bos I Found Nemo 64.615 I. Mujevic Starlight 62.308 TRAINING – 1 – O L. Van Assen Color 66.154 TRAINING – 2 – A M. Metrick Othello 69.310 S.Taylor Faveur 68.621 R. Vales Threat Level Midnight 65.517 TRAINING – 2 – B P. Weston 72.586 Laurelhighland Prince Charming A. Stieh Red Rubicon 69.138 R. Kuc Blue Collar Man 68.448 E. Pepper Et Tu Brute 67.931 R. Kuc High Hopes 67.241 TRAINING – 3 – A M. Metrick Othello 66.379 S. Taylor Faveur 64.138 S. Murphy One Who Brings Peace 63.103 R. Vales Threat Level Midnight 61.897 TRAINING – 3 – B P. Weston 70.172 Laurelhighland Prince Charming


A. Stieh Red Rubicon E. Pepper Et Tu Brute L. Van Assen Color R. Kuc High Hopes TRAINING – 3 - C K. Mertens Twist of Fate R. Kuc Blue Collar Man C. Coxe Can’t Touch This FIRST – 1 M. Armitage Cash or Credit C. Coxe Can’t Touch This FIRST – 2 K. Keating Tryan M. Amitage Cash or Credit R.Schreiber Spotlight Chic FIRST – 3 M. Coleman * Starlight R. Kresge I Found Nemo R. Schreiber Spotlight Chic SECOND – 1 M. Armitage Cinnamon Girl THIRD – 1 R. Kuc Rumor Has It H. Ahner Epik THIRD – 3 R. Kuc Rumor Has It MFS – TRAINING LEVEL S. Murphy One Who Brings Peace R. Schreiber Spotlight Chic M. Coleman Starlight R. Kresge I Found Nemo

67.414 63.783 62.931 61.724 71.552 68.966 61.207 63.966 57.931 67.286 63.714 62.714 64.028 61.806 59.306 52.297 67.297 55.946 61.000 70.667 69.700 68.667 66.167



COMBINED TRAINING BEGINNER H. Ahner Epik A. Romig Indigo Child PRE-STARTER B. Paff Stealing Christmas STARTER K. Ochs Golden Ticket

33.43 37.50 34.68 32.50

BUCKS COUNTY HORSE PARK TUESDAY EVENING DRESSAGE June 18, 2019 Judge: Ash (L), Stapel (r) & Glaser (L) INTRODUCTORY – A B. Steidle Obie R. Binder Stella R. Friedman Aria E.Sillwell * Mansfield Park L. Laubach Pirate Sailor E. Stillwell Mansfield Park INTRODUCTORY – B M. Taylor Royal Star B.STeidle Obie R. Binder Stella R. Friedman Aria

66.563 63.125 61.875 61.875 60.313 58.438 70.000 68.438 64.375 63.438

SHOW RESULTS L. Laubach Pirate Sailor INTRODUCTORY – C K. LaBarre Oliver Twist E. Cassady Smarty A. Wyffels Julep TRAINNG - TOC L. Borg (2) Angadine L. Borg (3) Angadine A. Hitpas (1) Angadine H. Morey (2) Bangwood Boy H. Morey (3) Bangwood Boy E. Cassady (1) Smarty K. LaBarre (1) Oliver Twist A. Wyffels () Julep FIRST – 1 & 2 A.Gilbert Ransom CB S. Taylor Beau Ciel M. Daniel Serenade A.Gilbert Ransom CB A. Fudro Spirit’s Charming Lady FIRST – 3 W. Furlong Santa Lisa W. Furlong Lots of Love S. Taylor Beau Ciel A. Fudro Spirit’s Charming Lady W. Furlong Foxie W. Furlong * Foxie SECOND – TOC P. Zimmerman (2) A Year in Time P. Zimmerman (3) A Year in Time W. Furlong (1) Santa Lisa W. Furlong (1) Lots of Love

61.875 61.500 59.750 52.000 68.103 67.414 65.577 62.241 62.241 61.923 60.769 58.077 68.571 67.571 66.379 65.862 60.143 68.750 66.389 64.583 60.556 56.667 68.049 67.738 67.297 63.514

EVENTING TOC T. Schley (N-A)* Cruise T. Schley (N-A)* Cruise C. Sansone (N-B) Pippin C. Sansone (N-B)* Pippin L. Lilly (N-B) Captain Hammer M. Wilson (T-B) * Get Ready M. Wilson (T-B) Get Ready S. Beale (T-B) Connor INTERMEDIATE – B A. Beale-Clement Carlson A. Beale-Clement * Carlson PRELIMINARY – B E. Welker-Ebling Santana V.Stolfus Teddy E. Welker-Ebling *Santana V. Stolfus * Teddy

33.81 32.61 35.00 35.71 ? 40.68 40.22 28.86 33.92 36.60 25.41 29.37 30.00 33.33

ORANGE COUNTRY DRESSAGE SHOW June 22, 2019 Judge: Cristo (L) & Debure (L) USDF – A – 1 R.Dym Montana Sky 72.188 D. Corr Okie Dokie 67.500 H. Bath Fergie 64.688 T. Eriksen 64.063 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs J. Mante Mucho Gusto 63.438

USDF – A – 2 M. Muys Bentley 65.937 S. Schwinzer Kontraband 65.625 M. Aunders GDT Lady Godiva 61.562 Allegria 58.750 L. Swan USDF – B – 1 M. Debure Victor B 74.688 H. Bath Fergie 67.500 D. Corr Okie Dokie 66.875 T.Eriksen 65.000 Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs R.Dym Montana Sky 64.375 J. Mante Mucho Gusto 58.438 USDF – B – 2 M. Muys Bentley 64.375 S.Schwinzer Kontraband 62.500 M. Saunders GDT Lady Godiva 60.625 L. Swan Allegria 60.000 USDF – C – 1 M. Debure Victor B 64.750 USDF – C – 2 R. Dym Montana Sky 68.500 D. Corr Okie Dokie 53.500 USDF – C – 3 L. Swan Allegria 54.500 TRAINING – 1 – A C. Curcio Raspotnik’s Lucas 69.231 J. Hollis Assets to Envy 65.769 C.Cuddy As You Wish 58.077 TRAINING – 1 – B N. Elcar-Verdon Cirrus 65.192 R. Imbornoni Left in the Dark 60.000 M. Moisett Kisra Ali Aajah 58.461 L. Kern Sho-Me-Mo 58.269 J. Kleveno Golden Fire 53.653 TRAINING – 2 – A K. Menner 60.690 Big Bear’s Silver Britches TRAINING – 2 – B D. Billman Raven 67.931 V. Bauer Lhauren 66.552 C. Cuddy As You Wish 59.138 TRAINING – 2 – C I. Harcourt-Ramon 69.483 Pepperoni the Wonder Pony J. Hollis Assets to Envy 63.966 R. Imbornoni Left in the Dark 63.966 G. Zierick Robin Goodfellow 59.310 TRAINING – 2 – D M. Dantico Marrakesch 70.862 N. Elcar-Verdon Cirrus 66.551 S. Budney Skipper Leo Peppy 66.137 L. Kern Sho-Me-Mo 57.413 A.Carlstrom Under Suspicion 57.068 J. Kleveno Golden Fire 56.551 TRAINING – 3 – A V. Bauer Lhauren 68.448 D. Billman Raven 66.724 M. Sneider Classy Za Parr 54.828 TRAINING – 3 - B I. Harcourt-Ramon 70.172 Pepperoni the Wonder Pony G. Zierick Robin Goodfellow 58.621 TRAINING – 3 – C


N. Elcar-Verdon Cirrus K. Soss Miami Music TRIANING – 3 – D M. Dantico Marrakesch S. Budney Skipper Leo Peppy J. Kleveno Golden Fire FIRST – 1 – A E. Richardson Sebastian Speaks M. Cuccy Rolex Dream K. Menner Big Bear’s Silver Britches FIRST – 1 – B K. Soss Miami Music FIRST – 2 H. Connolly Mirabelle E. Richardson Sebastian Speaks J. Morris Claire M. Cuddy Rolex Dream FIRST – 3 – A J. Morris Claire FIRST – 3 - B H. Connolly Mirabelle THIRD – 1 * V. Elliott Emerald View P. Keeler Cygaro THIRD – 3 * V. Elliott Emerald View FOURTH – 2 * D. Thamsen Elizabeth PRIX ST. GEORGES * L. Tell-Waldron Napoleon

65.172 61.206 64.482 62.413 56.379 68.793 64.137 62.413 61.379 64.571 64.428 63.286 63.142 66.111 62.083 62.837 57.702 60.000 55.000 63.235

BUCKS COUNTY HORSE PARK TUESDAY EVENING DRESSAGE July 2, 2019 Judges: DiPietro (L), Annett (r) & Hipple (L) LEADLINE * H. Sipple USDF - A – 1 N. Kabus L. Allen A.Williams M. Woods C. Bove USDF – A – 2 J. Peterson T.Zimmer H. Russell J. Dietz R. Strydesky USDF - B M. Taylor J. Peterson R. Nuguid H. Russell A. Williams J. Dietz M. Wunder * M. Wunder L. Allen USDF - C M. Bender

70.000 Chanel No.5 Samuel Adams Shiloh Tango Wonderous

70.313 69.375 67.813 67.525 66.875

Roi de Coeur Laddie Boy Lovin Livengood Sherman Laddie Boy

70.313 68.437 68.437 67.500 67.188

Royal Star Roi de Coeur Chanel No.5 Lovin Livengood Shiloh Sherman Manipulation Manipulatoin Samuel Adams

71.875 71.563 69.063 68.438 67.818 67.813 65.938 65.313 64.688

Karolina GF




SHOW RESULTS C.Bednarczyk Maximus D. Ligorano Apple Lucy R. Nuguid Chanel No.5 E. Henry Brego V. Marshall Fiji C. Greismer Dolly M. Taylor Royal Star M. Biedinger Fiji TRAINING – 1 – A D. Rodich Franzis D. Maten Olaf C. Bednarczyk Maximus L. Daniel Nickel Creek I. Rucki Brego D. Ligorano Apple Lucy TRAINING – 1 – B H. Parker Sinatra’s Melody A. Skylander M.Bender Karolina GF D. Francesco H. Russell Lovin Livengood TRAINING – 2 H. Parker Sinatra’s Melody L.Scibetta Boaz I.Devos Zeke D. Francesco J. Stein Helena Amora E. Anikeeva * Delenmeyer A. Hutzel Jasmine P. Wright Ace High Roller S. Finn * Menagerie Carry Onn TRAINING - 3 D.Rodich Franzis E. Anikeeva Delenmeyer M. Wunder Call to Order J. Sein Helena Amora L. Daniel Nickel Creek S. Finn Menagerie Carry Onn TRAINING - 3 A. Paul Waylon A Skylander I.Devos Zeke A. Hutzel Jasmine M. Miller Sonata P. Wriht Ace High Roller L. Scibetta Boaz FIRST – 1 A. Gilbert Ransom CB M. Daniel Serenade D.Frnizi Figuero M. Tudor JJ P. Wright Ace High Roller K.Grube Make Me Noble FIRST – 2 O. Steidle Muppet A.Gilbert Ransom CB D.Frnizi Figuero K. Killo Prophecy K. Grube Make Me Noble Serenade M. Daniel M. Tudor JJ FIRST – 3 O. Steidle Muppet K. Killo Prophecy



68.500 68.500 68.250 68.000 67.000 66.500 65.500 52.500

S. Amtmann SECOND – 2 P. Zimmerman THIRD – 1 A. Stewart P. Zimmerman FOURTH – 1 M. Reinert

74.808 66.731 63.462 62.885 62.885 62.308


70.000 65.769 64.808 63.269 58.077 70.000 68.448 67.931 65.862 65.517 65.172 64.655 63.276 60.345 77.759 67.586 66.379 64.828 61.897 61.379 66.034 65.172 64.310 62.586 59.655 57.931 45.517 66.552 58.621 57.931 55.345 55.172 55.000 67.143 66.000 59.143 58.429 57.000 56.429 50.429 70.278 60.000



A Year in Time


Ensign A Year In Time

64.459 63.108

Remy Martin


INTRODUCTORY – 2 M. Wagner Arapaho Banjo A. Brunhofer * Mira A.Brunhofer Mira

65.000 61.111 58.056

EVENTING TOC R. Besch (BN-A) Marvelous Maeve 29.44 A. Logue (N-A) Nightingale Song 29.55 R. Beesch (BN-B) Marvelous Maeve 30.00 C. Bednarczyk (BN-A) Maximus 30.27 A. Logue (BN-B) Nightingale Song 30.75 K. Coleman (N-A) Fagedaboudit Pal 30.95 K. Coleman (T-A) Fagedaboudit Pal 31.42 L. Nahrgang (BN-B) Eloquence 34.00 HEART’S JOURNEY STABLES SCHOOLING SHOW July 6, 2019 Judges: DiPietro (L) & Annett (r) DRESSAGE SEAT EQUITATION S. Taylor Beau Ciel 72.000 A. Fudro Spirit’s Charming Lady 70.000 V. Burd Solo’s One and Only 65.000 USDF – A – J M. Place My Last Good Fortune 59.688 A. Stump My Last Good Fortune 59.375 A. Sloderitch Smokin Jet 58.125 L. Murphy April May’s Chance 55.938 USDF – A – S S. Morse Rowdi Magic Sundancer 61.250 J. Wigen Laurel Highland Lilibet 54.375 B. Yakimowicz Hairpin Sexy Diesel 56.563 USDF – B – J G. Strong April May’s Chance 61.875 A.Stump My Last Good Fortune 60.000 M. Place * My Last Good Fortune 57.500 USDF – B – S A. Phil;lippe Rebel Uprising 67.813 M. Hutchins Miggy Carera 65.313 Y. Yakimowicz Hairpin Sexy Diesel 59.375 S. Morse Rowdi Magic Sundancer 57.500 USDF – C – J E. Cassady Smarty 66.750 A. Wyffels Julep 61.250 G. Strong April May’s Chance 60.750 K. LaBarre Oliver Twist 59.500 L. Bos I Found Nemo 59.500 S.Azzalina Smokin Jet 57.750 USDF – C – S A. Phillippe Rebel Uprising 66.500


J. Wigen Laurel Highland Lilibet 52.250 TRAINING – 1 – J E. Cassady Smarty 61.346 A. Wyffels Julep 59.038 58.462 L. Bos I Found Nemo K. LaBarre Oliver Twist 55.962 S.Azzalina Smokin Jet 54.808 TRAINING – 1 – S G. Gardner Tough Cookie 62.115 TRAINING – 2 – J R. Koch Perlita 66.897 V. Burd Solo’s One and Only 66.034 S. Murphy One Who Brings Peace 65.862 TRAINING – 3 – J R. Koch Perlita 65.862 S. Murphy One Who Brings Peace 63.448 V. Burd Solo’s One and Only 62.241 L. Huey Zodia Matador 62.241 TRAINING – 3 – S L. Swicklik Laurel Highland Lilibet 63.621 C. Coxe Can’t Touch This 62.069 M. Armitage Cash or Credit 59.310 FIRST – 1 - J K. Grube Make Me Noble 63.448 M. Coleman Duncan 61.897 FIRST – 1 – S E. Gutierrez Areyu 63.621 M. Armitage Cash or Credit 61.379 C. Coxe Can’t Touch This 60.690 FIRST – 2 - J A. Fudro Spirit’s Charming Lady 65.429 K. Grube Make Me Noble 64.714 S. Taylor Beau Ciel 63.286 L. Huey Zodiac Matador 63.143 M. Coleman Duncan 62.857 M. Coleman Starlight 62.000 FIRST – 2 – S E. Gutierrez Atreyu 61.429 FIRST – 3 - J A. Fudro Spirit’s Charming Lady 64.722 S. Taylor Beau Ciel 64.583 M. Coleman Starlight 61.667 THIRD – 2 M. Moreouse Cacique 62.972 MFS – TRAINING LEVEL S.Murphy One Who Brings Peace 70.667 WESTERN DRESSAGE INTRODUCTORY 1 & 2 D. Pike (1) Sunday Candy D. Pike (2) Sunday Candy

62.500 58.333

HORSE PARK OF NEW JERSEY STONE TAVERN – I July 6 – 7, 2019 Judges: Ayers (S), Barbosa (S) & Head (S) July 6, 2019 TRAINING - 1 L. Aber K. Dushnick

Gibson Lucy

75.000 69.231

SHOW RESULTS L. Chumley RS Freebird 67.885 K. Somerville Zagatto 64.615 L. Trezza Champagne Supernova 64.423 T. Uzman Apple Lucy 64.038 J. Wall Dansby 62.308 R. Rynkiewicz Cherokee GK 62.308 L. Chumley DC Brayna 62.308 L. Trezza Aragorn’s Eldarion 61.731 TRAINING – 2 - BLM L. Chumley HR Zig Zag 70.000 M. Reese Rocket Man 67.414 L. Chumley RS Freebird 65.862 K. Somerville Zagatto 65.172 B. Brogan Merriam Webster 64.483 P. Gemmel-Tait Zhezanne 62.931 H. Horton Glencross Meeko 62.241 TRAINING – 3 – GAIG T. Uzman Dansy 74.655 L. Aber Gibson 74.655 J. Leuenberger Delilah Jones BBH 73.966 J. Turner Goldwine of TVF 70.517 L. Chumley Oh Wynn 69.138 L. Chumley Julien 68.966 C. Ridgway Kynynmont Cody 68.793 R. Rykiewicz Cherokee GK 67.069 H. Horton Glencross Meeko 66.379 L. Trezza Aragorn’s Eldarion 66.207 M. Trezza Champagne Supernova 63.793 B.Brogan Merriam Webster 63.276 P. Gelmmel-Tait Zhezanne 63.103 FIRST – 1 E. Goodwin Pik C 70.690 K. Worm Safir 7S 69.828 J. Turner Goldwind of TVF 67.586 L. Chumley Julien 64.483 FIRST – 2 – BLM T. Uzman Griffin 66.714 J. Brindle-Clark Sir Watson 62.000 FIRST – 3 – GAIG C. Varettoni Riesling 65.833 M. Martin-Tucker Zacklina 65.278 J. Brindle-Clark Sir Watson 64.861 J. Leuenberger Delilah Jones BBH 64.583 M. Trezza Champagne Supernova 63.611 E. Goodwin Pik C 63.056 M. Trezza Aragorn’s Eldarion 61.250 SECOND – 1 D. Brady Carlyle 63.784 T. Uzman Griffin 60.676 SECOND – 2 – BLM L. Albert Donner Tanz 61.951 E. Oliver World Player 57.805 SECOND – 3 – GAIG P. Oliver Shiloh 63.452 L. Albert Donner Tanz 62.738 A. Tomasiello Isaac 62.381 L. Langdon Das Feine Maedchen 61.190 J. Rosenblum Brunello 59.524 D. Brady Carlyle 59.167 B. Brogan Whispering Ash 58.929 E. Oliver World Player 57.976 THIRD – 1 K. Antens-Miller Esperanza 67.838 L.Mikulski Filmar C 65.541

THIRD – 2 – BLM L. Butz BR Danny’s Secret THIRD – 3 - GAIG J. Dancer Hotstreak CF E. Keller Dezdemona L. Mikulski Fillmar C M. Dujardin Dylano Du Bois L. Butz BR Danny’s Secret A. Tozour My Valentine FOURTH – 2 – BLM A. Jackson FS Djambo FOURTH – 3 – GAIG R. Lord G Force W A. Jackson FS Djambo PRIX ST. GEORES – BLM/GAIG R. Lord Tyara K.Steines-Mason Rendition M. Bryner Sir John K. Antens-Miller Baton Rouge INTERMEDIARE – I – BLM/GAIG M. Dujardin Ronaldinho R. Lord Zonnekoning C K. Antens-Miller Adriano R. Lord Luke Skywalker

61.447 72.625 64.875 64.125 62.250 60.875 50.250 63.421 66.111 65.972 66.471 62.559 60.147 60.147 64.706 63.824 62.500 55.588

July 7, 2019 USDF – C D. Ligorano Apple Lucy 66.250 TRAINING – 1 L. Chumley Leeloo Dallas 71.923 K. Dushnick Lucy 70.769 L. Trezza Aragorn’s Eldarion 66.731 K. Somerville Zagatto 65.769 J. Wall Dansby 65.769 L. Chumley DC Bryana 65.385 TRAINING – 2 L. Aber Gibson 74.828 M. Reese Rocket Man 73.103 L. Chumley HR Zig Zag 70.690 J. Rondinelli Andrift NTF 64.828 L. Chumley RS Freebird 64.138 H. Horton Glencross Meeko 64.138 M. Reese Royal Temptation 61.034 TRAINING – 3 L. Aber Gibson 70.690 P. Gemmel-Tait Zhezanne 68.448 M. Gelrod T Bird Z 67.241 J. Rondinelli Andrift NTF 66.897 L. Chumley HR Zig Zag 66.724 T. Uzman Dansby 65.172 H. Horton Glencross Meeko 64.655 L. Chumley RS Freebird 64.138 A. Cooper Dynastie SCF 64.138 M. Trezza Champagne Supernova 63.448 L. Trezza Aragorn’s Eldarion 60.690 FIRST – 1 K. Worm Safir 7S 71.034 E. Goodwin Pik C 67.069 J. Turner Goldwine of TVF 65.517 L. Chumley Oh Wynn 63.621 L. Chumley Julien 63.276 FIRST – 2 R. Cord Cheap Trick 74.000


R. Cord Lady Lyssa 69.000 B. Osterlund Diesel Only 66.714 M.Gelrod T Bird Z 66.143 T. Uzman Griffin 61.857 FIRST – 3 R. Cord Cheap Trick 73.194 E. Goodwin Pik C 71.944 R.Cord Lay Lyssa 67.639 J. Turner Goldwine of TVF 67.361 C. Varettoni Riesling 65.000 M. Martin-Tucker Zacklina 63.750 J. Brindle-Clark Sir Watson 62.639 M. Trezza Aragorn’s Eldarion 61.806 B. Osterlund Diesel Only 61.111 A. Cooper Dynastie SCF 58.194 M. Trezza Champagne Supernova 53.750 SECOND – 1 D. Brady Carlyle 67.027 T. Uzman Griffin 59.730 SECOND – 2 L. Albert Donner Tanz 64.512 SECOND – 3 - BLM D. Brady Carlyle 63.214 L. Langdon Das Feine Maedchen 61.548 L. Albert Donner Tanz 58.333 J. Rosenblum Brunello 57.857 A.Tomasiello Isaac 54.643 THIRD – 1 K. Antens-Miller Esperanza 66.216 L. Mikulski Fillmar C 62.703 THIRD – 2 - BLM L. Butz BR Danny’s Secret 63.026 THIRD – 3 - GAIG L. Mikulski Fillmar C 64.250 A. Tozour My Valentine 64.125 E. Keller Dezdemona 63.875 L. Butz BR Danny’s Secret 58.375 FOURTH – 2 – BLM A. Jackson FS Djambo 65.789 FOURTH – 3 – GAIG R. Lord G Force W 61.944 PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG R. Lord Tyara 65.588 K. Seines-Mason Rendition 62.500 D. Feit Macao 60.735 M. Bryner Sir John 57.941 INTERMEDIARE – I- BLM/GAIG R. Lord Zonnekoning C 64.412 A.Robertson Luke Skywalker 63.000 K. Antens-Miller Adriano 59.853 INTERMEDIAIRE – II – BLM/GAIG S. Stevens Pik L’s Donnabella 66.471 MFS – FIRST LEVEL – BLM/GAIG K. Worm Safir 7S 71.667 Riesling 70.833 C. Varettoni K.Worm Safir 7S 68.133 C. Varettoni Riesling 66.500 MFS – SECOND LEVEL – BLM/GAIG A. Tozour My Valentine 68.733 B. Brogan Whispering Ash 68.167 A.Tozour My Valentine 67.133 MFS – THIRD LEVEL – BLM/GAIG E. Keller Dezdemona 68.633 E. Keller Dezdemona 64.700



SHOW RESULTS MFS – INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG E.Bortuzzo Macao 70.375 MFS – GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG S. Schmitt HB Dschafar 70.000 S. Schmitt HB Dschafar 65.875 MATERIALE M. Martin-Tucker Zacklina 76.400 L. Chumley HR Zig Zag 75.000 L. Chumley Leeloo Dallas 72.900 M. Reese Royal Tempation 69.300 SQUARE ONE DRESSAE SHOW July 7, 2019 Judge: O’Leary (L) USDF – A B. Meivogel To the Moon and Back 62.500 R. Norman Beaucoeur 56.563 USDF – B H. Bath Fergie 67.500 B. Meivogel To the Moon and Back 64.688 R. Norman Beaucoeur 55.625 USDF – C S. Kucinski Ethel’s Heartbreaker 65.000 TRAINING – 1 C. Curcio Rasputnik Lucas 66.346 TRAINING – 3 C. Conroy Sent From Above 66.379 FIRST – 1 C. Conroy Sent From Above 66.379 WESTERN DRESSAGE INTRODUCTORY - 1 J. Peters Run Like the Wind


SUDDENLY FARM DRESSAGE SHOW July 10, 2019 Judge: Barbosa (S) TRAINING – 2 – BLM C. Roesener Svalegard’s Aston-Bell L. Annett Ezekial K. Magaraci Lilac Wine S. Wichrowski SB Two Timer A. Conover Angel Hearted L. Short Wiley Coyote TRAINING – 3 – GAIG C. Roesener Svalegard’s Aston-Bell O. Steidel Flying Colors L. Annett Ezekiel A. Conover Angel Hearted C. Ridgway Kynynmon Cody K.Magaraci Lilac Wine E. Edwards Written in the Stars S. Wichrowski SB Two Timer L. Short Wiley Coyote FIRST – 1 L. Short Wiley Coyote N. Edwards Written in the Stars A. Conover Angel Hearted



68.621 68.621 67.241 66.897 66.517 62.414 72.069 71.379 69.828 67.414 65.345 65.345 63.793 63.621 62.931 66.207 64.828 64.655

A. Kroenke-Jan Roscoe P. Zimmerli Just the One FIRST – 2 – BLM P. Zimmerman Ducati O. Carr Volansky C. Roesener Pequinesa Mor S. Burgess Imae By U P. Zimmerli Just The One FIRST – 3 – GAIG P. Zimmerman Ducati O. Steidle Flying Colors C.Roesener Pequinesa Mor S. Burgess Image By U D. Mercado Paladin SECOND – 1 E. Scelba-Johnson Acclamation O. Carr Volansky G. Woodruff Toy Soldier D. Mercado Paladin C. Price Paint My Reflection SECOND – 2 - BLM E. Scelba-Johnson Acclamation S. Burgess Eleito Santana C. Price Paint My Reflection SECOND – 3 – GAIG G. Woodruff Toy Soldier THIRD – 1 E. Banks Solana D K. Thomas Contango’s Jag THIRD – 2 – BLM N. Schmidt NSS Fletcher J. Landau Lindehojs Zaki THIRD – 3 – GAIG L. Annett Davina N. Schmidt NSS Fletcher FOURTH – 1 D.Seery Duvent S. Lofting Ahrtist A. Gunning Devon Hill M. Morgounova Beringer FOURTH – 2 – BLM S. Lofting Venetia Star S. Lofting Ahrtist M. Morgounova Beringer FOURTH – 3 – GAIG S.Consalo Sir Royal 6 A. Gunning Devon Hill L. McCullough Furst Madiran PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG M. Gallagher Salon D. Jessica Macao W. Garfinkel Curious Christopher Robin S. Martin Belrano Gold M.Gallagher Flashdance INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG S. Martin Hannah LU W S. Consalo Saracen S. Burgess Obelix L. Beauchamp Telesto INTERMEDIAIRE – II – BLM/GAIG R. Cryan Galanta GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG A. Delduco Captain Morgan

63.966 63.966 69.429 66.143 65.571 65.143 63.143 70.833 69.861 69.722 65.833 61.389

MFS – FIRST LEVEL – BLM/GAIG A. Bean Venus 71.500 W. Garfinkel 67.000 Curious Christopher Robin D. Jessica Macao 67.000 MISCELLANEOUS FEI E. Banks Solana 73.0000 APPLEWOOD FARM DRESSAGE, CT & CR SHOW July 10, 2019 Judges: Stapel (r) & Schmidt (S)


DRESSAGE SEAT EQUITATION A. Nies-Berger Silver Lining 64.700 P. Liu Majestic 64.100 USDF – A J. Story Valentino 65.315 USDF – B J. Story Valentino 66.875 USDF – C P. Liu Majestic 68.750 A. Nies-Berger Silver Lining 68.500 R. Long Crown Royal 64.500 C. Bednarczyk Maximus 64.000 TRAINING – 1 P. Mahoney Tamber Bey 67.885 P. Mahoney Tin Man 67.115 A. Nies-Berger Silver Lining 63.846 D. Henrich CCS Haldir 59.723 C. Bednarczyk Maximus 58.846 R. Long Crown Royal 58.654 P. Liu Majestic 58.269 TRAINING – 1 & 2 M. Davis (2) Satori 65.517 G. Bottitta (2) Trusie 58.103 M. Davis (1) Satori 55.577 TRAINING – 2 P. Mahoney Tamber Bey 69.655 P. Mahoney Tin Man 64.310 C. Clucas On Tenterhooks 62.241 TRAINING – 3 A. Semanchik Thor 65.690 D. Henrich CCS Haldir 63.448 C. Clucas On Tenterhooks 63.276 B. Graham Change of Heart 63.103 FIRST – TOC D. Keeley (1) Supersize Me 66.897 D. Keeley (2) Supersize Me 65.571 B. Graham (1) * Change of Heart 62.414 B. Jones (3) Rockford 62.361 V. Huskic (2)Constant Shenanigans 58.857 V. Huskic (1)Constant Shenanigans 52.241 SECOND – TOC M. Lane (1) Denali 62.973 E. Lambert (3) Sheyenne 62.857 J. McGarry (2) Cole 61.585 J. Haggas (3) Tango 57.500 THIRD/FOURTH - TOC N. Zaccheo (3-3) Ghuatamala 67.250 N. Zaccheo (3-2) Ghuatamala 65.789 J. Haggas (4-1) Casio 56.154



69.054 67.432 63.784 61.622 6.216 69.146 62.927 62.317 62.262 67.558 62.162 66.447 66.316 68.750 66.500 68.205 64.359 62.308 61.538 67.895 66.711 62.368 66.111 63.194 62.500 63.824 62.353 62.059 61.324 55.147 71.765 65.294 62.500 58.824


SHOW RESULTS USEA - BEGINNER NOVICE – A C. Johnson * Chairman of the Board C. Johnson Chairman of the Board O. Iskra* Rolo O. Iskra Rolo C. Bednarczyk Maximus CT – STARTER – BN-A J. Petrolino Hyacinth ISF V. Feather Ever So Clever K. Strangle Dylan A. Semanchik Thor P. Brienza Roxie G. Poniz Yaralov B. Brienza Lilly CT – BEGINNER NOVICE - B J. Cutler Jet L. Fazio Quirlige R.Gardner Indee Im Good R. Thompson Mylo C. MGee Judgewell K. Limone Paint the Skye K. Cuningham * Altair J. Parmelee Coquina P. Chin Safe Harbor M. Roswech Winona C. Carrajat Nick CT – NOVICE – B A. Terleckyj Double Entendre L. Bottitta Carmella

30.83 32.22 33.06 35.28 36.39 29.17 31.67 32.22 32.22 36.94 39.17 39.83 28.25 30.00 31.50 31.75 32.00 32.75 33.25 33.50 34.50 36.25 38.25 32.62 39.71

BIT O’WOODS SHOW July 13, 2019 Judge: Mastragostino (L) USDF - B – STARTER RIDER J. Pedretti Nitro P. Frankovich * Shanny J. Pedretti * Nitro P. Frankovich Shanny USDF – B – O A.Campisi Puttin on the Ritz USDF – C – STARTER RIDER S.Robinson Brewster TRAINING – 3 S. Lawrence HS Wrosaletti FIRST – 1 J. Griffith Nemo’s Lucky Finn FIRST – 2 J. Griffith Nemo’s Lucky Finn BEGINNER NOVICE – A M. Barnard Devilish Antics BEGINNER NOVICE - B M. Barnard Devilish Antics NOVICE – A N. Yoest Fergus Maximus J. Campisi Sonny the Navigator K. Heljenek Carolina Fog NOVICE – B N. Yoest Fergus Maximus

69.375 62.500 61.875 61.250 65.938 53.250 48.621 66.034 67.000 36.66 38.75 33.09 36.42 38.33 34.04

RHYTHM & BLUES EQUESTRIAN CENTER July 14, 2019 Judge: Annett (r)


USDF – A S. Emerson Maximus 73.438 Channel 05 67.500 J. Reifsnyder B. Rickles Phillip 67.188 USDF – A – O B. Matthews Sin City 66.250 USDF – B – J N. Cotter Benjamin 69.375 USDF – B - S S.Emerson Maximus 71.875 B. Rickles Phillip 66.875 J. Reifsnyder Channel 05 65.313 USDF – B - O B. Matthews Sin City 64.563 USDF – C – J N. Cotter Benjamin 74.500 TRAINING – 1 L. Goileau Gatlin 64.423 TRAINING – 2 Y. Emerson Fuerst Wilhelm 73.966 N. Krial Isosceles 69.828 J. Halliday River 68.448 Y. Emerson 67.931 Kadance Van de Eikenvelden K. Vigliano Fendente CF 66.552 S. Ernlich Roger 65.517 TRAINING – 2 – O B. Matthews DCF Hangon Salute 66.724 TRAINING – 3 Y. Emerson Fuerst Wilhelm 72.931 Y. Emerson 68.621 Kadance Van de Eikenvelden K. Vigliano Fendente CF 67.759 N. Krial Isosceles 67.414 S. Ernlich Roger 66.897 J. Halliday River 64.828 TRAINING – 3 – O B. Matthews DCF Hangon Salute 66.724 FIRST – 1 K. Reinhart Gatlin 71.379 N. Barclay N-joy 65.000 FIRST – 2 C. Goldberg Caramel’s Wunderbar 72.571 N.Barclay N-joy 65.714 FIRST – 3 C. Goldberg Caramel’s Wunderbar 71.667 A.Giulianelli Ramere 60.139 SECOND – 1 M. Stocum Whimsical 64.595 SECOND – 3 M. Stocum Whimsical 63.690 THIRD – 1 K. Hirschman Kynynmont Donovan 67.703 THIRD – 2 N. Zaccheo Ghuatamala 70.132 K. Hirschman Kynynmont Donovan 64.737 THIRD – 3 N. Zaccheo Ghuatamala 70.750

USDF – A – STARTER RIDER K. Murry Pay It Forward 63.125 J. Bintliff Monochromatic 51.250 USDF – A – STARTER HORSE S. Wilson Slippery Slope 64.375 B. MacDonald-Cotter 61.188 Too Cool To Be a Fool Dante 60.000 J. Mast USDF – B – STARTER RIDER K. Murry Pay It Forward 63.438 USDF – B – STARTER HORSE B. MacDonald-Cotter 64.375 Too Cool To Be a Fool S. Wilson Slippery Slope 62.188 J. Mast Dante 59.375 USDF – C – STARTER HORSE D. Hertzog-Heacock 70.500 Chestnut Oak’s Luka TRAINING – 1 – O – J M. Leung Esmerelda 62.692 S.Beebireddy Dipped in Chocolate 56.538 TRAINING – 1 - O - S J. Sadel San Sue’s Nugget 64.231 D. Hertzog-Heacock 61.731 Chestnut Oak’s Luka TRAINING – 2 – J A. Leung Glacee Dolce 69.966 M. Hall Esmerelda 62.241 M. Leung Esmerelda 61.724 M. Leung * Esmerelda 61.207 S. Beebireddy Dipped in Chocolate 54.138 S. Beebireddy Dipped in Chocolate 53.276 TRAINING – 2 - S J. Sadel San Sue’s Nugget 61.207 TRAINING – 3 – J A. Leung Glacee Dolce 65.172 A. Leung * Glacee Dolce 60.172 TRAINING – 3 - S W. Lewis Drachen 68.276 MFS – TRAINING LEVEL K. McGillan Celtic Thunder 68.133


EVENTING BEGINNER NOVICE – A – J B. Ziegler Big Fisherman BEGINNER NOVICE – A - S T. Olson Em-A-Pro BEGINNER NOICE – B – J B. Ziegler Big Fisherman BEGINNER NOVICE – B – S T. Olson Em-A-Pro

63.055 63.611 64.750 63.000




SHOW RESULTS N. Donelon This King Can Tango 30.00 M. Hutchins Miggy Cabrera 30.90 D. Brown James Bond 32.50 J. Gentry Tootsie Pop 33.10 A. Terieckyl Moon Drive 36.60 P. Frisoli 43.70 The Laird of Lollybrach E. D’Emelia CHS Southern Belle 102.40 STARTER – 2 A. Parsi Havin a’ Hoot 30.60 A. Jonsdottir Sundaner 62.50 G. Filkin Painted Anel 33.40 G. Lazarte R London Calling 48.90 A. Rielly Aikane’s Walk on Top 49.10 K. Bracken Criminal Matters 68.00 P. McGowan Nikki Hotwheels 68.10 ELEMENTARY – J J. Maiseed Spiderman 38.40 O. Wagner Wild Goose Chase 38.70 G. Auckett-Stowe Mansfield Park 44.40 F. Carl Malibu 48.10 L. Colvin No Brody No 55.80 G. Ponz Yavalov 72.20 L. Borg Angadine 73.40 E. Jimenez Ivory’s Crystal Slipper 91.60 ELEMENTARY – 1 L.Servin Arion Silver 42.80 A.Carl Andy 43.30 A. Lucas One Great Step 51.80 M. Hutchins Areion 60.10 A.Mishneva 63.90 Khemo’s Fyre Khracker A. Hennessy Diamond in the Rough 65.80 T. Krulikowsky Chance 124.30 K. Ketofsky Tinseltown 128.20 ELEMENTARY – 2 L. Bailey HSH Rio 35.00 A.Weigand Wicked Huntsman 36.90 R. Beesch Marvelous Maeve 37.70 J. McLane My Devine Dream 40.30 C. Nugent Cowboy 41.20 R. Shomper Quick Buy 197.00 BEGINNER NOVICE – J D. Cole Rise of the Phoenix 33.00 V. Feather Ever So Clever 35.30 K. Bahrs Bojangles 36.50 C. Kirtley Madusa 45.50 M. Lowrey Sir Mannington 46.20 L. Yudt Mocha Java 49.50 R. Aussprung I Believe in You 58.50 F. Siepser Pleasant Everafter 61.00 NOVICE – B – O - 1 J. Simpson Mattisse 32.30 S.Morrongiello Exit Zero 33.30 K. Wells Classic Tempo 35.10 A. Snyder Willpower 35.70 E. Kelly Prince Charming 38.00 M. Mann Dunta 55.60 K. Piatti Harrie Tool Box 64.20 P. Wilder Fergus Himself 66.80 C. Piatti Rusty 83.00 NOVICE – B – O – 2 C. Solomon Morris 28.50 34.00 M. McCormick-Archutowski



Keep It Sweets A. Applegate Foolish Desire 38.30 J. Hillman JD Superstar 44.30 C. Futterman Frankie 50.80 NOVICE – O – 1 J. Leuenerger The Black Pearl 27.90 J. Pifer HRH Jugemental 34.10 L. Zavodnick Jersey’s Legacy 44.40 L. Sperling Walla Walla Bing Bang 60.90 N. Santy Balligomingo 63.00 NOVICE – O – 2 T.Michael Song for the Kaiser 34.90 A.Nielson Duke of Denver 35.20 TRAINING – O – 1 H. Freeman Cyotee 36.70 A. Aharoni Furst Queen 36.90 J. Dietzel Eternally Hopeful 43.20 J. Kytzer Grand Impression 45.30 A. Pastuck Azul 50.30 DRESSAGE ONLY B. Gold Pick Me A Daisy 60.278 B. Gold Pick Me A Daisy 59.688 BEGINNER NOVICE/STARTER – TIP G. Auckett-Stowe Mansfield Park 44.40 L. Colvin No Brody No 55.80 BUCKS COUNTY HORSE PARK TUESDAY EVENING DRESSAGE July 16, 2019 Judges: Allen (L) & Kuc (L) TRAINING – 1 – A H. Parker Sinatra’s Melody M. Bender Karolina GF R. Nuguid Chanel No. 5 E. Cassada Smarty C. Weber PC K. LaBarre Oliver Twist TRAINING – 1 – B H. Russell Lovin Livengood D. Liorano Apple Lucy A. Wyffels Julep L. Laubach Pirate Sailor L. Daniel Nickel Creek L. Apple St. Isabelle TRAINING – 2 J. Stein Helena Amora H. Parker Sinatra’s Melody D. Gates Olaf L. Apple St. Isabelle K. Catagnus A Touch of Grey K. Stahl Santiago TRAINING– 3 K. Stahl Santiago L. Daniel Nickel Creek A. Yoder Winterschein A. Collito Fiji TRAINING - 3 J. Stein Helena Amora FIRST – 1 E. Foreman Serrano C.Scott Tullamore Dew M. Daniel Serenade

70.192 69.808 67.692 65.192 58.269 48.846 68.077 65.000 63.269 63.077 61.538 59.615 70.172 67.931 67.069 65.517 65.345 63.621 66.759 66.724 65.517 57.414 73.103 67.759 66.207 63.448


A. Yoder Winterschein 61.379 K. Grube Make Me Noble 60.345 D. Timofai Deanna 59.138 FIRST – 2 S. Taylor Beau Ciel 64.857 M. Daniel Seranade 60.571 L. Grube Make Me Noble 60.429 D.Timofai Deanna 60.143 FIRST – 3 S. Taylor Beau Ciel 65.556 SECOND – 3 L. Frumova Aramis 61.310 THIRD – 1 & 2 * L. Frumova * Aramis 62.973 K. Hirschman* Kynynmont Donovan 62.584 K. Hirschman* Kynynmont Donovan 61.974 FEI 4 YO TEST K. Pullen Geometric Art 77.000 K. Pullen Geometric Art 61.000 WESTERN DRESSAGE INTRODUCTORY – 1 & 3 M. Wagner (1) Banjo M. Wagner (1) Wrangler A.Brunhofer (3) * Mira A. Brunhofer (3) Mira

67.727 59.091 54.250 49.750

DRESSAGE EXPERIENCE AT THE FAIR July 18, 2019 Judge: Poulin (S) TRAINING – 1 C. Vaspoli Alex’s Chip 67.885 TRAINING – 2 – BLM L. Basselini Skywalker JP 74.310 C.Vaspoli Alex’s Chip 67.586 B. Brogan Merriam Webster 66.724 TRAINING – 2 – OPPORTUNITY – BLM A. Shiffer Summer Sands 72.069 V. Hain Stryker 71.207 A. Schneider Count of Montecristo 68.621 TRAINING – 3 – GAIG L. Basselini Skywalker JP 73.793 B.Brogan Merriam Webster 65.862 C. Vaspoli Alex’s Chip 64.483 TRAINING – 3 – OPPORTUNITY – GAIG A. Shiffer Summer Sands 69.483 A.Schneider Count of Montecristo 67.931 FIRST – 2 – BLM J. Hollands Archie 68.857 J.Brindle-Clark Sir Watson 67.429 S. Burgess Eleito Santana 65.571 P. Zimmerli Just The One 62.000 FIRST – 2 – OPPORTUNITY – BLM V. Hain Stryker 68.000 V. Hain Dos Partners 66.286 FIRST – 3 – GAIG J. Brindle-Clark Sir Watson 66.806 S. urges Eleito Santana 65.000 FIRST – 3 – OPPORTUNITY – GAIG V. Hain Dos Partners 68.472 SECOND – 1 C. Price Paint My Reflection 62.568

SHOW RESULTS SECOND – 2 – BLM E. Banks 65.610 Canadream Kelbeck YouandMe J. Hollands Archie 64.268 V. Kager Sage Advice 63.049 C. Price Paint My Reflection 60.122 SECOND – 3 – GAIG E. Banks 65.476 Canadream Kelbeck YouandMe B.Brogan Whispering Ash 64.524 THIRD – 1 B. Heitzman Dear Cat 62.162 THIRD – 3 – GAIG D. Miller Due Process 66.500 J. DePalo Just Dallas 63.250 FOURTH – 3 – GAIG D. Miller Due Process 65.694 L.Annett Davina 63.889 PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG L. Basselini Rhapsody VSC 60.882 INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG S.Consalo Saracen 66.029 S. Burgess Obelix 64.118 L. Beauchamp Telesto 63.382 MFS – SECOND LEVEL – BLM/GAIG B. Brogan Whispering Ash 68.000 MFS – GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG M. Zureck Seydiltz H 65.875 PONY – PRIX ST. GEORGES L. Basselini FS Djambo


SUSSEX DRESSAGE – I July 19-20, 2019 Judges: Babcock (S), Barnard (R) & Dearing (S) July 9, 2019 DRESSAGE SEAT EQUITATION J. Campling Veno L TRAINING – 2 – BLM S.Stinneford Orchid’s Tamino D. Billman Devon SRF H. Nuzzo Triple Corner’s Penny TRAINING – 3 – GAIG C. Westra Rutger WV S. Stinneford Orchid’s Tamino N. Banks Easy Breeze L. Cunico Resurrection Bask A. Kavey Lolita D. Eddis Saint Voltaire M. Bissonette Rue P. Irving Wizzi D. Billman Devon SRF A. Mcphee Tali Can Dance S. Icobaccio G. Frida K. Munro Mannhatan Gem FIRST – 1 T. Leidner Kolibri FIRST – 2 – BLM M. Chamers Funky-Boy A. Woodner Beau Soleil A.Mcphee Tali Can Dance

74.000 73.966 63.103 65.690 67.931 67.759 67.241 67.241 66.897 66.724 63.621 63.276 61.379 61.207 59.655 51.552 62.759 69.286 67.571 61.143

J. Lobdell Georgia DDS 59.714 FIRST – 2 – OPPORTUNITY H. Nuzzo Triple Corner’s Penny 64.714 FIRST – 3 – GAIG H. Mason New Beginnings 75.139 J.Sengstacken Perazzi DS 73.333 M. Chambers Funky-Boy 70.556 L. Cunico Resurrection Bask 67.361 A. Fox Fendi HW 66.806 S. Iacobaccio G. Frida 60.694 J. Lobdell Georgia DDS 54.028 SECOND – 1 P. Lutfy Ulbe 61.622 SECOND – 3 – GAIG C. Mcphee Feeling HW 64.762 L. Langdon Das Feine Maedchen 62.024 THIRD – 1 T. Hendricks Visual Addiction 67.568 P. Keeler Cygaro 60.405 P. Lutfy Ulbe 59.054 THIRD – 3 – GAIG J. Greener Grandmaster Flash 72.625 M. Deure Dee Dee 66.750 R. Lord Apassionata 65.375 K. Alcock Cameo 64.250 FOURTH – 1 A.Robertson G-Star 67.564 D. Thamsen Elizabeth 60.769 J. Haggas Casio 60.385 FOURTH – 2 – BLM J. Williams Fritzwilliam 65.026 D. Thamsen Elizabeth 56.184 FOURTH – 3 – GAIG R. Lord Don Amigo 67.361 C. Fanning Ashmann 62.569 L. McCullough-Leibfried 59.236 Furst Madiran PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG M. Chambers Gallant 68.382 K. Kobryn-Callaway Ramora CF 64.412 S. Mulvey Beowulff WW 64.265 A. Robertson UB 42 64.118 K. Steines-Mason Rendition 63.676 B. Alexander Ricardo 60.294 INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG K. Kobryn-Callaway Ramora CF 70.000 R. Lord Zonnekoning C 68.235 M. Chambers Gallant 66.029 INTERMEDIAIRE – II – BLM/GAIG A. Kavey Cithas Utopia 65.147 R. Lord Tyara 62.500 GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG L. Romano-Johnson EMR Maximus 59.087 GRAND PRIX SPECIAL M. Bragdell Qredit Hilltop 69.894 MFS – USDF – TOC – BLM/GAIG L. Higger (1) Gran Valor 69.867 L. Tell-Waldron (3) Napoleon 69.633 C. Anderson (3) Brigadier 67.867 MFS – GRAND PRIX - BLM/GAIG M. Chambers Urithmic 67.850 A. Krossen Damani 67.500 L. McCullough-Leibfried Decorus 57.425 YOUNG HORSE 4 YO TEST


A. Kavey D. Eddis

Wohlstadt 121 St. Sandros Voltaire

72.000 65.800

July 20, 2019 TRAINING – 1 J. Hardin Furst Fredrik L.Aiello Lincoln MS TRAINING – 2 – BLM Y. Emerson Fuerst Wilhelm TRAINING – 3 – GAIG C. Westra Rutger WV L. Cunico Ressurection Bask N. Banks Easy Breeze P.Irving Wizzi A. Mcphee Tali Can Dance K. Munro Manhattan Gem S. Iconbaccio G. Frida FIRST – 1 M. Maloney The Dark Horse E. Gutierrez Atreyu FIRST- 2 – BLM J. Chin Dora the Explorer M. Chambers Funky-Boy A.Mcphee Tali Can Dance A. Woodner Beau Soleil E. Gutierrez Atreyu FIRST – 3 – GAIG M. Chambers Funky-Boy H. Mason New Beginnings M. Maloney The Dark Horse A. Fox Fendi HW H. Mendiburu Rivahlera M. Martin-Tucker Zacklina L. Cunico Ressurection Bask J. Triolo Aviator R. Cowden Jerry Garcia SE S. Iacobaccio G. Frida J. Lobdell Georgia DDS SECOND – 1 J. Sengstacken Perazzi DS P. Lutfy Ulbe SECOND – 3 - GAIG K. Bachli Grambling A. Krossen Nicene D. Bertholf Sir William LH J. Chin Dora the Explorer C. Mcphee Feeling HW L. Langdon Das Feine Maedchen THIRD – 1 P. Keeler Cygaro B. Polk Brilho HI T. Hendricks Visual Addiction P. Lutfy Ulbe V. Elliott Emerald View S. Trevor Willem THIRD – 3 – GAIG J. Youse Legato J. Greener Grandmaster Flash R. Lord Apassionata K. Alcock Cameo V. Ellioitt Emerald View FOURTH – 1 M. Prange Der Tanzer

78.269 55.577 68.103 71.552 68.793 66.034 65.172 65.000 64.310 48.276 68.103 60.000 71.429 69.571 61.571 59.571 57.714 75.972 73.056 69.722 69.306 67.222 65.833 63.750 62.917 61.944 61.806 58.889 71.757 61.216 70.238 67.738 66.190 65.595 65.595 61.667 66.892 65.270 63.919 63.378 62.973 55.405 69.000 66.875 66.750 63.000 60.000 61.538



SHOW RESULTS D. Thamsen Elizabeth FOURTH – 2 – BLM A. Robertson G Star J. Youse Legato M. Prange Der Tanzer FOURTH – 3 – GAIG D. Giorgio Cieni R. Lord Don Amigo L. McCullough-Leibfried Furst Madiran S. Gallagher Furst Henning M. Reinert Remy Martin PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG K. Steines-Mason Rendition D. Giorgio Cieni J. Williams Fritzwilliam A.Robertson UB 42 S. Mulvey Beowulff WW INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG R. Lord Zonnekoning C B. Alexander Ricardo M. Dujardin Ronaldinho L. Nuzzo Bandira INTERMEDIAIRE –II – BLM/GAIG H. Mason RTF Lincoln S. Gallagher Kaytee Mountain A. Kaey Cacharel M. Martin-Tucker Dante Coeur L. McCullough-Leibfried Decorus GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG M.Maloney Felissimo A. Tomson Teodor A. Krossen Damani L.Romano-Johnson EMR Maximus MFS – USDF – TOC – BLM/GAIG H. Mason (1) New Beginnings A. Krossen (3) Nicene J. Campling (3) Veno L L. Higger (1) Grand Valor J. Greener (3) Grandmaster Flash C. Anderson (3) Brigadier D. Thamsen (3) Elizabeth MFS – FEI – TOC - BLM/GAIG M. Bragdell (GP) Qredit Hilltop M. Dujardin (I-I) Ronaldinho M. Chambers (I-I) Gallant M. Chambers (GP) Urithmic A. Kavey (GP) Cithas Utopia YOUNG HORSE 4 YO TEST M. Dujardin Fuerst Wilelm D. Eddis S. Sandros Voltaire

57.179 65.789 65.263 53.026 67.222 66.806 63.750 61.806 52.500 66.324 65.147 65.000 64.559 61.765 66.765 66.029 65.588 64.265 72.059 66.765 65.294 64.559 57.500 65.761 62.500 61.413 57.935 72.733 72.633 71.200 66.300 65.117 63.467 62.567 79.888 67.975 67.513 65.987 65.088 79.400 70.000

SUSSEX DRESSAGE – II July 21, 2019 Judges: Babcock (S) & Dearing (S) TRAINING – 1 J. Hardin Furst Fredrik D. Henrich CCS Haldir L. Aiello Lincoln MS TRAINING – 2 – BLM Y. Emerson Furst Wilhelm



79.038 65.192 54.423 75.172

S. Stinneford Orchid’s Tamino TRAINING – 3 - GAIG E. Econopouly Felicity RSF S. Stinneford Orchid’s Tamino S. Iacobaccio G. Frida C.Westra Rutger WV N. Banks Easy Breeze M. Wunder Call to Order A. Mcphee Tali Can Dance M. Bissonette Rue K. Munro Manhattan Gem D. Henrich CCS Haldir FIRST – 1 – OPPORTUNTY H. Nuzzo Triple Corner’s Penny FIRST – 2 – BLM J. Chin Dora the Explorer L. Rzonca Funky-Boy J. Triolo Aviator A. Mcphee Tali Can Dance FIRST – 3 – GAIG M. Maloney The Dark Horse L. Rzonca Funky-Boy H. Mendiburu Rivahlera J. Triolo Aviator S.Iacobaccio G. Frida SECOND – 1 K. Bachli Grambling SECOND – 3 – GAIG A. Krossen Nicene D. Bertholf Sir William IH J. Chin Dora the Explorer L. Langdon Das Fein Maedchen THIRD – 1 P. Lutfy Ulbe L.Higger Gran Valor THIRD – 3 – GAIG M. Debure Dee Dee FOURTH – 1 C. Anderson Brigadier FOURTH – 2 – BLM D. Thamsen Elizabeth FOURTH – 3 – GAIG D. Nause Dhelmonico M. Reinert Remy Martin PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG K. Steines-Mason Rendition E. Laurent Whasabi INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG M. Dujardin Ronaldinho INTERMEDIAIRE – II – BLM/GAIG H. Mason RTF Lincoln S. Gallagher Kaytee Mountain M. Martin-Tucker Dante Coeur L. McCullough-Leibfried Decorus GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG A. Krossen Damani A. Tomson Teodor MFS – USDF – TOC – BLM/GAIG H. Mason (1) New Beginnings A. Krossen (3) Nicene L. McCullough-Leibfried (4) Furst Madiran J. Greener (3) Grandmaser Flash J. Campling (3) Veno L

70.172 73.621 70.862 70.000 68.966 68.103 67.414 62.414 61.724 60.000 58.621 66.379 70.429 67.429 64.143 60.857 70.139 65.833 65.694 64.306 64.306 71.081 69.286 68.452 66.548 61.667 62.973 53.919 65.375 58.718 60.000 62.639 56.250 62.059 60.000 65.441 72.206 68.676 65.294 59.265 64.565 59.130 77.000 72.100 69.033 68.433 66.833


S. Trevor (2) Willem MFS – FEI – TOC – BLM/GAIG M. Dujardin (I-I) Ronaldinho M. Maloney (GP) Felissimo YOUNG HORSE 4 YO TEST M. Dujardin Fuerst Wilhelm D. Eddis S. Sandros Voltaire

63.400 68.625 65.950 76.400 65.200

ESDCTA SUMMER DAYS – I July 23, 2019 Judges: Berry (S) & Yukins (S) TRAINING – 1 P. Mahoney Tamber Bey P. Mahoney Tin Man TRAINING – 2 – BLM P. Mahoney Tin Man A. Hitpas Angadine M. Epstein Emmy B. Brogan Merriam Webster TRAINING – 3 – GAIG M. Hagren Remington FHF A. Paul Waylon P. Keller Francine L. Shea Fendi M. Epstein Emmy A. Hitpas Angadine L. Kelly Sealed in Black B. Brogan Merriam Webster FIRST – 1 K. Ort Welina R. Baorto Majestic S. Sapino Selfmaker FIRST – 3 – GAIG K. Ortt Welina L. Shea Fendi P. Keller Francine S. Amtmann Larry M. Lufkin Fiona R. Baorto Majestic M. Lane Denali SECOND – 1 B. Olie Time Lord M. Payne Double Entendre J. Hersh Merzades S. Sapino Lord Snow SECOND – 2 – BLM M. Payne Double Entendre E. lambert Sheyenne K. Potter Solasta SECOND – 3 – GAIG B. Olie Time Lord J. Dadd Pik Andromeda E. Lamert Sheyenne D. Brady Carlyle B. Brogan Whispering Ash K. Potter Solasta THIRD – 1 G. O’Neill Rory E. Shewell Bugatti S.Sapino Lord Snow THIRD – 2 - BLM H. Parker Chiara’s Haven L. Butz BR Danny’s Secret

65.000 64.423 64.828 60.690 60.517 55.517 71.034 69.655 67.069 65.862 65.690 63.966 63.448 58.103 66.379 66.034 63.276 71.528 69.444 64.722 63.472 61.667 60.556 57.639 68.378 67.027 64.730 56.351 68.415 67.683 60.610 67.262 61.667 59.643 56.786 54.881 54.048 65.811 64.595 52.162 65.658 63.553

SHOW RESULTS THIRD – 3 – GAIG A. Tarjan Hester 68.750 K. Ortt Rita Mae Johnson 64.125 G. O’Neill Rory 63.500 G. O’Neill Simon 61.625 P. Keller Cassia 60.625 C. Cornwell Serafina CC 60.500 H. Parker Chiara’s Haven 59.250 L. Butz BR Danny’s Secret 58.875 M. Morehouse 52.875 One Who Brings Peace FOURTH – 1 L.Sammis Serengeti 70.769 R. Encinas-Fuentes GK Callas 65.641 C. Korus Floridian HD 65.513 L. Tell-Waldron Napoleon 63.974 FOURTH – 2 – BLM R. McCormick Benji 66.316 M. Morgounova Beringer 58.553 FOURTH – 3 – GAIG L. Tell-Waldron Napoleon 62.222 K. Clark Mystical Harbor 61.944 K. Clark Mystical Harbor 60.556 M. Morgounova Beringer 52.500 C. Samaras Degas SSF 47.500 PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG D. Ziegler Wolly Ann 71.176 T. Konyot Denzel 70.441 K. Mills Fabiano 68.824 H. Grimm De Nobile 68.529 S.Milea Jago 66.324 S.Milea Desiree 65.147 M. Lufkin Bertha Nygaardstoft 63.824 L. Stockman Willie W 63.676 R. Encinas-Fuentes Ginoretto 59.176 INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG B. Steiner Swiss W 73.676 B. Asplundh Gorgeous 66.029 K. Monks-Reilly Weltwunder 62.412 L. Nozzo Bandira 60.000 E. Straus Addiction 59.118 GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG T. Konyot Diamantino II 72.935 A. Tarjan Candescent 70.761 K. Pullen Hot Date LHF 60.978 FEI – TOC B. Steiner (PSG)Porsches Florencia68.235 R. Encinas-Fuentes (YRGP) Dakhir 64.872 MFS – USDF – TOC - BLM/GAIG A. Fodor (3) Slip and Slide 71.467 W. Garfinkel (1) 69.967 Two Tone Cobswallop E. Straus (4) Arlo 68.333 J. Dadd (2) Pik Andromeda 67.667 M. Morehouse (2) 63.333 One Who Brings Peace B. Brogan (2) Whispering Ash 63.000 MFS – FEI – TOC – BLM/GAIG Fauna 70.600 B. Hay (I-I) M. Payne (I-I) Dario 67.375 YOUNG HORSE – 5 YO TEST K. Pullen Geometric Art 70.400

ESDCTA SUMMER DAYS – II July 24, 2019 Judges: Boyce (R) & Yukins (S) TRAINING – 1 L. Aber Gibson 68.462 P. Mahoney Tin Man 66.346 P. Mahoney Tamber Be 65.577 J. Wayner Andy LEF 57.500 TRAINING – 2 – BLM S. Stinneford Orchid’s Tamino 71.897 L. Aber Gibson 70.690 M. Walker Kingstown 67.241 P. Mahoney Tin Man 64.828 M.Epstin Emmy 63.966 P. Mahoney Tamber Bey 63.448 B. Broan Merriam Webster 61.724 M. Walker Karouche 60.690 TRAINING – 3 – GAIG M. Hagren Reminton FHF 71.207 P. Keller Francine 67.586 M. Epstein Emmy 67.414 S.Stinneford Orchid’s Tamino 65.862 M. Walker Kingstown 62.069 A. Hitpas Angadine 61.724 S. Wayner Andy LEF 61.207 B. Brogan Merriam Webster 60.690 M. Walker Karouche 59.310 L. Kelly Sealed in Black 55.345 FIRST – 1 S.Sapino Selfmaker 59.655 FIRST – 2 – BLM A. Paul Waylon 67.714 A. Espinosa Invencivell SOTW 61.571 S. Sapino Selfmaker 56.571 FIRST – 3 – GAIG K. Ortt Welina 73.611 P. Keller Francine 68.611 A.Fox Fendi HW 67.222 M. Lufkin Fiona 66.528 L. Shea Fendi 66.528 A. Espinosa Inencivell SOTW 65.556 S. Amtmann Larry 62.500 H. Mendiburu Rivahlera 54.028 SECOND – 1 B. Olie Time Lord 65.811 S.Wayner Lyrical 64.054 J. Hersh Merzades 59.054 S. Sapino Lord Snow 55.135 M. Lane Denali 53.514 SECOND – 2 – BLM M. Payne Double Entendre 67.439 SECOND – 3 – GAIG B. Olie Time Lord 70.000 S. Wayner Lyrical 65.833 J. Dadd Pik Andromeda 65.833 Double Entendre 65.357 M. Payne E. Lambert Sheyenne 65.357 B.Brogan Whispering Ash 62.024 J. Miranda Hhemlock 60.952 THIRD – 1 L. Mikulski Fillmar C 65.000 S. Schmitt First Date 60.405 S. Sapino Lord Snow 57.162 THIRD – 2 – BLM


A. Tirado Dublin Tyme 56.447 L. Butz BR Danny’s Secret 54.474 THIRD – 3 – GAIG C. Cornwell Serafina CC 67.375 G. O’Neill Rory 67.375 A.Tarjan Herster 66.125 L. Mikulski Fillmar C 66.125 P. Keller Cassia 66.000 G. O’Neill Simon 65.250 S. Schmitt First Date 64.375 L. Butz BR Danny’s Secret 61.250 FOURTH – 1 K. Ortt Rita Mae Johnson 70.513 L. Sammis Serengeti 69.103 R.Encinas-Fuentes GK Callas 65.641 S. Hirosh Furacao Ineragro 62.436 C. Korus Floridian HD 61.282 L. Tell-Waldron Napoleon 61.282 FOURTH – 2 – BLM R. McCormick Benji 63.421 FOURTH – 3 – GAIG L. Tell-Waldron Napoleon 65.556 K. Clark Mystical Harbor 63.889 L. Kanarek Jay-T 61.528 C.Samaras Degas SSF 59.167 PRIX ST. GEORGES – BLM/GAIG T, Konyot Denzel 69.559 H. Grimm De Noble 65.294 S. Milea Jago 64.853 R. Encinas-Fuentes Ginoretto 63.971 S. Milea Desiree 60.147 L. Stockman Willie W 59.118 INTERMEDIAIRE – I – BLM/GAIG D. Ziegler Wolly Ann 71.912 B. Asplundh Gorgeous 69.412 K. Monks-Reilly Weltwunder 66.029 L. Nuzzo Bandira 64.412 M. Lufkin Bertha Nygaarsdstoft 63.971 W. Furlong Jazzmine 61.029 INTERMEDIAIRE – II - BLM/GAIG H. Mendiburu Wha Happen 62.647 GRAND PRIX – BLM/GAIG K. Pullen Hot Date LHF 63.913 FEI – TOC – BLM/GAIG T. Konyot (GPSP) Diamantino II 68.298 B. Steiner (PSG) Gamarro Font 66.912 R. Encinas-Fuents (YRGP) Dakhir 62.051 MFS – USDF – TOC – BLM/GAIG A. Fodor (3) Slip and Slide 71.900 E. Lambert (1) Sheyenne 70.733 J. Dadd (2) Pik Andromeda 70.633 B. Brogan (2) Whispering Ash 68.600 W. Garfinkel (1) 68.033 Two Tone Cobswallop J. Miranda (2) Hhemlock 66.700 E. Straus (4) Arlo 65.600 MFS – FEI – TOC – BLM/GAIG A. Tarjan (GP) Candescent 75.450 B.Steiner (I-I) Swiss W 73.500 S.Schmitt (GP) HB Dschafar 67.250 W. Furlong (I-I) Amazzing 65.850 YOUNG HORSE 4/5/6 YO TEST – TOC K. Pullen (5) Geometric Art 72.800 K. Mills (5) Quantico 72.200



SHOW RESULTS C. Klothe (4) Finest Dream HW 70.800 PARA EQUESTRIAN – TOC A. Flax-Clark El Paso 68.788 DRESSAGE AT JERSEY PALMS July 28, 2019 Judge: Brown (R) USDF – A – STARTER RIDER C.Traino Lil Hickory Widget USDF – A – STARTER HORSE T. Picchierri Encore Performance USDF – B – STARTER RIDER C. Train Lil Hickory Widget USDF – B – STARTER HORSE T. Picchierri Encore Performance USDF – C D. Park Alycat D. Murray Beresford TRAINING – 1 – J C, Giunca Standing Ovation D. Park Alycat M. Davies Ivan TRAINING – 1 – S D. Murray Beresford B. Nice Toby TRAINING – 2 – J C. Giunco Standing Ovation M. Davies Ivan TRAINING – 2 – S K. Lisowski Shahdarkrayne N. Serra As You Wish B. Robbins How’s That Corona TRAINING – 2 - O L. Basselini Lego TRAINING – 3 – S K. Lisowski Shahdarkrayne B. Robbins How’s That Corona B. Nice Toby TRAINING – 3 – O L. Basselini Lego FIRST – 1 P. Kusnirik All Jazz’d Up FIRST - 2 P. Kusnirik All Jazz’d Up THIRD – 1 K. Strus Zack THIRD – 3 J. DePalo Just Dallas MFS – FIRST LEVEL K.Worm Safir 7S

62.813 60.938 65.938 59.063 66.500 62.250 68.077 66.154 65.000 64.808 61.346 66.896 66.552 69.827 61.896 61.724 69.483 70.862 62.241 59.438 68.276 61.552 62.143 67.121 61.875 71.100


Invisibly Painted 61.750

BUCKS COUNTY HORSE PARK TUESDAY EVENING DRESSAGE July 30, 2019 Judges: Glaser (L), Hessinger (L) & Cory (r) USDF – A



S. Dunlap Coe Leader K. B. Chip USDF – B S. Dunlap Coe Leader M. Rao * Calibe P. Malcolm Lyla M. Taylor Royal Star M. Rao Calibe M. Graham * Woodzy M. Graham Woodzy USDF – C – 1 M. Taylor Royal Star C. Dolly E. Henry Brego C. Bednarczyk Maximus M. C. Tango USDF – C – 2 S. Sladky Tinseltown A.Hafler Romeo I. Dolly R. B. Chip R. H. Tango TRAINING – 1 – A H. Parker Sinatra’s Melody L. Apple St. Isabelle C. Bednarczyk Maximus A. Williams Shiloh TRAINING – 1 – B S. Sladky Tinseltown L. Daniel Nickel Creek E.Arranz Surrenchio I. Rucki Fiji P. Malcolm Lyla A. Hafler * Romeo K.Schlupp Hat’s Off TRAINING – 2 – A I. Devos Ezekial L.Scibetta Boaz H. parker Sinatra’s Melody H.Morey Bankwood Boy L. Apple St. Isabelle A. Williams Shiloh TRAINING – 2 – B H. Walker Lights Our Lidge K. Catagnus A Touch of Grey T.Adams Max E. Arranz Surrenchio P. ? Fiji TRAINING – 3 – A L. Scibetta Boaz I. Devos Ezekial C. Deephouse Black Tie Affair H. Morey Bankwood Boy B.Adams Peanut TRAINING – 3 – B H. Walker Lights Out Lidge K. Catagnus A Touch of Grey M. Miller Sonata S.V. Brego E. Arranz Surrenchio FIRST – 1 E. Foreman Serano K. Kashner Frankie C.Deepouse Black Tie Affair

62.187 58.125 66.250 65.625 64.063 63.125 62.500 60.625 56.250 66.500 64.000 63.250 62.500 53.750 67.250 63.000 60.250 58.250 57.500 73.077 66.346 66.150 64.231 65.385 65.000 62.692 60.962 60.577 58.846 54.808 72.586 71.207 70.517 70.345 66.900 62.586 72.931 65.690 64.828 61.724 58.103 71.379 68.448 67.414 66.552 62.240 71.724 64.138 61.034 58.276 57.931 64.828 64.310 60.345


S. Wainwright Baltic E. Foreman Zennia FIRST – 2 P. Zimmerman Ducati O. Steidel Muppet A. Gilbert Ransom CB O. Steidle Peanut V. Feather Dee’s Little Dance L. Lynch Dexter K. Killo Prophecy R. Kresge I Found Nemo R. Schreiber Spotlight Chic S. Wainwright Baltic FIRST – 3 O. Steidle Muppet P. Zimmerman Ducati A. Gilbert Ransom CB W. Furlong Foxie E. Foreman Serano W. Furlong Lots of Love W. Furlong Santa Lisa L. Lynch Dexter R. Schreiber Spotlight Chic K.Killo Prophecy R.Kresge I Found Nemo SECOND – 1 & 2 W. Furlong (1) Foxie W.Furlong (1) Lots of Love W. Furlong (1) Santa Lisa K. Hirschman (2) Woodlander Dancing in the I N. Bincarousky (1) Rafiki K. Hirschman (1) Woodlander Dancing in the I P. Feather (1) Quik’s Con Artist THIRD 1 & 3 L. Frumova (1) Aramis L. Frumova (3) Aramis

54.310 54.140 72.571 69.571 67.571 66.143 62.714 58.000 56.429 55.857 50.714 50.286 72.500 69.306 67.778 66.389 65.556 64.444 62.500 60.00 58.806 57.500 54.861 68.919 64.459 63.693 62.439 59.324 56.892 56.216 57.703 54.750

EVENTING NOVICE – A & B K. Coleman (A) Fagedaboudit Pal 27.14 T. Schley (B) * Cruise 27.38 L. Lilly (B) * Mouse 28.81 L. Killy (B) Mouse 25.71 A. Logue (B) Nightingale Song 31.67 F. Doty (A) Yaralov 35.00 T. Schley (B) Cruise 36.00 K. Schlupp(A) Hat’s Off 41.19 BEGINNER NOVICE – A & B A. Logue (B) Nightingale Song 31.75 G. Auckett-Stowe (A) * Sully 36.11 C. Bednarczyk (A) Maximus 36.67 G. Auckett-Stowe (A) * Sully 37.77 G. Auckett-Stowe (A) Sully 39.17 K. Jones (B) Even Exchange 42.75 MISCELLANEOUS FEI 2* B A. Kress Charles A. Kress * Charles E. Welker-Ebling Annie

27.50 29.25 29.75

SHOW RESULTS E. Welker-Ebling *Annie PRELIMINARY - B R. Scharr Pleasan Rendevous

30.25 29.170

LVDA IV July 28, 2019 Judges: DiPietro (L) & Annett (r) DRESSAGE SEAT EQUITATION – J V. Burd Solo’s One and Only 68.000 DRESSAGE SEAT EQUITATION – S S. Wittman Tucker 68.000 USDF – A – J A. Romig Indigo Child 60.625 A. Watson Isle of Kintyre 57.188 USDF – A – S B. Moran Destinator 62.813 B. Snyder The Problem Child 62.188 USDF – B – J S. Rutherford Wildfire 61.250 A. Wason Isle of Kintyre 59.375 A. Romig Indigo Child 58.750 E. Lewis Walk Dee Line 56.250 USDF – B – S B. Morgan Destinator 61.563 USDF – C – J T.Reedy Sunshine 65.750 E. Cassady Smarty 65.250 S.Rutherford Wildfire 62.000 E. Lewis Walk Dee Line 60.000 A. Wyffels Julep 59.250 K. LaBarre Oliver Twist 57.500 USDF – C – S B. Snyder The Problem Child 63.500 D. Ligorano Apple Lucy 60.000 TRAINING – 1 – J T. Reedy Sunshine 62.115 A. Wyffels Julep 61.538 E.Cassady Smarty 61.346 R.Schreiber Spotlight Chic 59.423 E. Pepper E Tu Brute 58.269 K.LaBarre Oliver Twist 54.808 TRAINING – 1 - S A. Graham Simple Pleasure 68.462 D. Ligorano Apple Lucy 62.308 B. Kauffman Truckee Groom 60.962 TRAINING – 2 – J M. Metrick Othello 66.207 I. Devos Ezekiel 65.690 V. Burd Solo’s One and Only 65.345 E. Pepper Et Tu Brute 60.172 L Huey Zodiac Matador 59.138 TRAINING – 2 – S S. Kantor Siracha 68.276 A.Stieh Red Rubicon 65.172 L. Scibetta Boaz 65.000 L. Martell Anniah 64.138 R. Kuc Blue Collar Man 63.966 A. Stiles Son of a Gun 62.759 R. Vales Threat Level Midnight 58.621 B. Kauffman Truckee Groom 58.276 J. Koch Barbarella 57.931 TRAINING – 3 – J I. Devos Ezekiel 70.345

Perlita R. Koch M. Metrick Othello V.Burd Solo’s One and Only E. Pepper Et Tu Brute L. Huey Zodiac Matador TRAINING – 3 – S S. Kantor Siracha L.Scibetta Boaz L. Martell Anniah A. Stiles Son of a Gun A. Stieh Red Rubicon R. Kuc Blue Collar Man D. Romig Saint Peter A. Graham Simple Pleasure S. Wetzel Cartier CF L. Cope Concerto J. Koch Barbarella R. Vales Threat Level Midnight FIRST – 1 – J P.Dolon Just Ginger R. Koch Perlita K. Staib Lacey FIRST – 1 – S A. Stitzinger Caradino T.Constale Dazzle C. Scott Tullamoor Dew FIRST – 2 – J P. Donlon Just Ginger E. Nasados Diamond in Time S. Taylor Beau Ciel M. Coleman Duncan R. Schreiber Spotlight Chic R. Kresge I Found Nemo M. Coleman Starlight FIRST – 2 – S M. Barnes Shilouette J.Sein Ambassadheir TRGR T.Constable Dazzle S.Wittman Tucker FIRST – 3 – J E.Nasados Diamond in Time S. Taylor Beau Ciel M.Coleman Starlight R. Kresge I Found Nemo R.Screiber Spotlight Chic M.Coleman Duncan SECOND – 1 & 3 – S V. Sher Qharaoke FIRST – 3 – S M.Barnes Shilhouette J. Stein Amassadheir TRGR A.Stitzinger Caradino THIRD – TOC – S R. Kuc (3) Rumor Has It M. Booth (1) Romantic Gesture R. Kuc (1) Rumor Has It H. Ahner (1) Epik H. Ahner (3) Epik M. Booth (2) Romantic Gesture

65.172 65.172 63.621 62.069 61.034

R. Kresge M. Coleman


HC or * indicates score does not count Questions?

76.034 69.655 69.138 67.586 67.414 67.414 67.069 66.207 65.517 62.931 62.241 59.483 68.276 65.000 60.000 63.103 61.552 58.796 67.571 65.714 65.143 62.857 62.143 61.286 60.714 72.286 68.286 63.429 56.000 68.528 65.833 62.083 60.972 60.139 60.000 71.548 73.194 67.917 62.083 65.500 64.054 63.649 61.757 61.375 61.184


Starlight Duncan




BUSINESS MEMBERS Blue Bridle Insurance Agency

Windy Hollow Hunt Club Sussex County Fairgrounds 37 plaines road Augusta NJ

PO Box 27 Pittstown, NJ 08867 1.800.526.1711


Anjelhart Equestrian Center

338 Rileyville Rd Ringoes, NJ 08551 1.908.310.9384

Pleasant Ridge Farm LLC

Cheret Dressage

122 Barn Swallow Lane, Cresco Pa. 18326 570.856.4977

Good Times Farm

Flying Change Farm

425 Kromer Road Wind Gap, PA 18091 610.863.6616

Stone Horse Farm

60 Sutton Road, Lebanon, NJ 08833 908.797.2634


75 Back Brook Road, Ringoes, N.J. 908.208.6686

Heart’s Journey Stable

278 Jackson Mills Road, Freehold, NJ 07728 732.409.2882


38 Millers Mill Rd, Cream Ridge, NJ 08514 609.758.7676


35 Sutton Road, Lebanon, NJ, 08833 1.570.460.5184

Jersey Palms Farm

NJ Equine Imaging

177 S. Stump Tavern Road Jackson NJ, 08527 609.213.5745

12 Fairway Drive Toms River NJ 18753 609.969.0569

Red Tail Farm

Family & Cosmetic Dentistry 502 Pennsylvania Avenue Matamoras, Pa 18336 570.228.1921

125 Hacklebarney Rd Chester NJ 07930 201.919.8959

Suds and Duds

Rhythm and Blues Stables

8 Midland Drive Hackettstown NJ 07840 800.816.3882

12 Hill Rd. Allentown NJ 08501 609 306-8221

Schleese Saddle Fit4Life

Stacies Saddles

34 Centiennal Ave Holand Landing DC


Stacies Saddles

136 Springfield Meeting House Road Jobstown NJ 08041 732-208-2760 Stacies Saddles

The Black Pony 1 Canterbury Lane Lebanon NJ 08833 908 507 8929





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