Guided visualization cory

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A guided tour with my awake and adventurous friend Charlie Tonight Charlie offered to bring me through a guided meditation. He and I have often discussed spirituality and I really enjoy his perspective. He intentionally explores within himself to understand the cosmos, but he does not lose sight of what is available from exploring a full range of ancient and modern spiritual practices. During our meditation together, Charlie encouraged me to find what I deeply value, what I love and send myself forth toward it. I felt comforted that if I could do that, the events that approach will come in accordance to those pure efforts. When Charlie encouraged me to send out those intentions like light from my heart, I realized that a buildup of sensation in my abdomen—below my ribcage and above the hallow of my stomach—had presented itself. I felt compelled to move that feeling, a blockage maybe, to allow this outward stream of light from my heart. When I imagined light, I thought of an eye centered at my heart looking outward. I realized that light would stream inward rather than outward. I breathed outward and the eye inverted, now located at my heart and peering in. Light streamed outward through the pupil of this eye as it pressed my chest inward. The blockage had been lifted and I strongly sent out my light. When I breathed in, the eye peered outward again and I took in the light and air together. I alternated this image in my mind as I found the rhythm of deep breaths. We concluded and I soon told Charlie about the experience and thanked him for guiding me through it. I mentioned his particular ability to tap into our friendship and past to help bring me to a place where I could find the calm to understand what I value. I think our friendship will continue to fuel calm and reveal inspiration. -Cory, Oakland, CA

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