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Charlie Crosby Level 6 2012/13 OUGD301 MONK

MONK A live brief about rebranding a crafted cocktail bar in Buxton called The Monk Cellar with a focus on printed media and bar orientated products. The aim of this brief initially was to develop my skills and approach to branding using a cocktail bar as a presinct to base my ideas. The brief has since developed into a more skills based brief and shifted across to innovation and concept.


For the range I wanted to explore different methods of print and how to adapt the designs accordingly to create a consistency in aesthetic, developing my designs along the way. The bar itself as it stands is an old Georgian building and has recently been re docorated with lots of mixed matched furniture to give its guests an interesting and dynamic experience. I’ve reflected this in my work by selecting an eclectic range of deliverables that are both essential and unexpected.

The range includes: - laser cut venue mast head - vinyl cut house spirit bottle label - short run aser cut business cards for both venue owners - long run digitally printed business cards on antique white and steel grey stock - greyboard printed bar placemats - printed wooden cocktail stirrers - decorative printed tissue napkins - rubber stamp MONK logo to mark entry to the venue - mini matchstick box freebie with address and contact details


Rockwell Regular

Rockwell Bold Italic

Rockwell Extra Bold

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890

c-0 m-0 y-0 k - 100


c - 43 m - 58 y - 100 k - 56

c-0 m - 12 y - 45 k - 12

The branding for this brief was the most straight forward part as the name had to be MONK. The challenging part was the innovation and the concept behind the branding and design choices.

With the brief being open to deliverables I wanted to experiment and design for some more unexpected products as well as tackle the more obvious choices of products.

Through conversation with the client I gathered as much as I could to inform my design approach. The key element that influenced me was thats the bar is in an old Georgian building. This along with the research into it’s current branding made me want to reflect the decorative beauty in the architecture in the logo.

The colour choice I have used was a reflection on the earthy and wooden tones in the oak of the mast head. It gives a real warmth to the range.

Please drink responsibly. For more information on alcohol consumption visit UK government reccomends adults do not regulary exceed Men: 3-4 units a day Women: 2-3 units a day

Skills development.

I have never used a laser cutter before or set up documents ready for this method of production, so it was a very useful skill to learn and I want to devope it in future briefs and projects. It’s become quite and integral part of the brand and really rounds of the aesthetic.

Alongside the laser cutting I was forced to try my hand at wood work which I really enjoyed and was surprisingly more straight forward than I had previously thought. It’s not a skill that i’ll be perfecting but I’d definitely consider it in more of my briefs.

Something that I never considered before until halfway through the brief was the legal requirements thats are mandatory when designing for alcholic products. This required some research and resulted in having to design some iconography tailored to the aesthetic of the overall range.

14 UK units

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