Find Ways for Seasonal Cleansing from Detox Specialist

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Beginning Your Seasonal Cleansing Routine  The best way to begin seasonal cleansing for optimized results is to incorporate cleansing and alkalizing foods, nutrients, botanicals and mind-body healing practices such as meditation, into a gentle program. Whether the seasonal cleanse lasts for three days, three weeks, or longer, these tips can help align us with the seasonal cleansing transitions and allow healing and transformation to spring forth naturally.

Seasonal Cleansing and Your Health  According to medical science, every season correlates to different elements or organ systems in the body. For example, winter correlates with the water element and the kidneys/bladder system. Cold weather can put stress on your adrenal and thyroid glands, which tends to make the blood more acidic and causes a buildup of Lactic Acid. This can lead to sluggishness, muscle & joint pain, and arthritis.

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