Journalism Work Sample: Writing Feature Stories

Page 96

The school administration was skillful in releasing the information of his death, first

sharing the news in a private meeting with teachers who had worked with him directly, and at the end of the school day over the intercom. Myself and my cooperating teacher, along with other teachers who had worked with him, had classes covered by substitutes while we took time to process the news. Once they received the news at the beginning of the day’s last period, students were also free to leave class for quiet time in the library, and counselors were available for students as well as staff. More than anything, I remember feeling numb on this day, and feeling like I wanted to be available to support my students and cooperating teacher. It wasn’t until I drove away from the school that I let myself feel it.

The four days that followed were reserved for grieving in many ways, and my lessons

were put on hold. On Tuesday my cooperating teacher spent time talking with students about their peer’s death in each of her classes. Most students seemed stunned into silence, and had very little to say. On Wednesday my journalism class met for the first time since we heard the news. At my cooperating teacher’s recommendation, we sat in a circle together and let our thoughts and tears flow. My students shared very honestly with each other, and my cooperating teacher and I took the opportunity to do so as well. I shared a piece of writing that I had put together before I heard of our friend’s passing, and it is included in this section. This day was particularly draining emotionally, but I noticed that the process left me feeling more like our class was a community, and I felt a greater appreciation for all of the students I work with, realizing that it is a privilege to be part of someone’s life during adolescence.

On Thursday I was working at another local school and learned about the time and place

of the funeral, which was open to the community. Because this information had not yet circulated to my student teaching site, I passed it on to the high school’s school secretary, who


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