Experiments 1 Design Museum

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Hand Made High Tech

Experiments on chosen material

What, Why and How

These are the initial experiments I made for Hand Made- High Tech brief. After my research on unusual materials, I chose one, the BlingCrete, which is a kind of concrete that has little marble-like micro spheres that have the ability to reflect the light. Either natural or artificial light. Due to the difficulty of finding the actual material to experiment with, I tried to find my own materials and ways to find their properties.

I used fire cement to make a rectangle piece with pieces of broken mirror. I chose mirror because its the first thing that comes in mind when you think of reflection. It’s the first material that was made originally for this purpose. I played with light and a white wall. The results were really beautiful and delightful! The pieces of the mirror reflect their own shape. The mirror had much more light that the cement on its own and that was because there was something to reflect to.

I started with plasticine that is flexible and can be penetrated and formed easily. I covered a glass bowl with plasticine and opened holes with a straw so I can create circle gaps. After that I experimented with a source of light in the ball. The light was passing through the gaps and reflected on the white wall. The result was quite interesting for such a simple method. My second and third experiment were based on cement, that it was the nearest material that I found to my original material selection.

Another experiment with cement was again another rectangle but this time with plastic shot glasses. I put shot glasses in the cement and were through on the other side of it. I experimented with the glasses and I found out that were making really interesting shadows on the wall when the light was passing through.

Blog: http://charapitsillidou.gdnm.org/category/collaborate-collaborate-briefproposal/

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