Lena molnar mcp application 20152016

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Motivation Letter Dear AIESEC in Hungary,

Hereby I would like to express my motivation to run for the Member Committee President position in the term 2015-2016. A year ago I was writing a motivation letter to be the MC of this term, with full of ambitions and fear, that I might be not the person who can lead the entity or I will not be able to succeed in the challenges that my area was facing. Howevery, I knew that I want to go for that challenge to be part of the national board of a proud entity where we all strive in collaboration for a common goal. Then the challenges came, resistance, disappointments, failures, also many successes when I realized that it is only me who decides if I can succeed or not and I must live with the trust I got from the country. Now I am writing these words, because I believe we are just about a second from the vision that we dreamt for the organisation and I believe we are ready to create the AIESEC that our predecessors were also working for, that we are working for every day. But in order to do that we have to realize, that the time is now, and we have to make it happen now. There are no more years, it is not a far vision anymore, we dreamt big and we should go there to be a proud entity who fulfilled the 2015 vision with its heart, passion and committment to achieve something remarkable in Hungary that is recognised in the global plenary as well. Are we ready for fulfilling this ambition? I think absolutely yes, and I would like to give also my heart, passion, and committment to drive the organisation to fulfill it together as one organisation. After one year I am still convinced, that being an MC is a great honour and responsibility, but being an MCP brings the responsibility to be the light house of the whole organisation. I am committed to step over my limits every day to be ready, and to be a stable and unwavering point of AIESEC in Hungary. Thank you for considering my application and see you on WNP! AIESECly yours, Lena Molnar

Introduction;Vision Who are you? Introduce yourself & your AIESEC experience in a creative way.

Click to see my video 1. What are the global trends that will shape AIESEC Globally and AIESEC in Hungary in 2015-2016? How will you capitalize on it? Fragile Youth Perspectives There is currently a discouraged generation growing up because of the intense youth unemployment (in Europe 23.2% (more than 5 million) is not employed under 25, more than 7.5 million is neither working, nor in education, in Hungary youth unemployment is above 25%). It is a serious issue as permanent unemployment negatively effects the future employment prospects of youth. Another phenomenon is the brain drain and migration – in Hungary university applications dropped by 47% in 4 years, above 30% of the Hungarian people between 18-40 are planning to move abroad for better earning options even if the quality of their work is not matching their qualifications and these people will not live up to their potential. Furthermore, our generation is effected by the aging population in Europe that effects employment benefits and pension conditions. Globally, there is serious talent rearrangement going on now, it is projected that 2/3 of the educated workforce will come from the developing world in 10 years, which will impact the S&D of available people for the GIP programmes and increase the global competition among talents. In this situation it is crucial to act and extensively position AIESEC as the organisation who develops the competitiveness of (Hungarian) youth on the labour market, and develop responsible, conscious young people through the ELD programmes who are aware and prepared for these challenges. We should capitalize on all the movements of the EU and the government which could result in the growth of our ELD numbers.

Political Distrust It is proven that government trust comes with good economic performance and the higher the inequality in an economy the bigger proportion of people in the disadvantaged groups developing distrust toward the governing powers. When people feel unsafe in an economy they fight for autonomy and become more resistant toward the initiatives of the government. The tensions globally from the past decade (Middle East, North Africa, Asia) are coming from the economic crisis, the inequality of natural resources such as oil, social inequality, dictatory and even if we are independent from politics we are affected by it -> when people feel unsafe distrust goes into the life of corporations, organisations, and future leaders should be able to handle this. In this global setting, the @ values become even more important, respecting diversity, integrity and result-orientation as the base for transparency is in spotlight. We have to capitalize on this trend by creating the AIESEC where youth is prepared to understand their circumstances and acquire those skills through the ELD programmes which make them able to create a safe environment for their future because that will fuel performance and economic growth too.

Customer demand changes Today internet is part of our everyday life – in Hungary 70% of the population between 15-74 use frequently the internet, this is 90 for the Y generation, whose customer behaviours are different from previous generations. They rely on personal recommendations of friends, word of mouth on online communication channels and customer feedbacks before they buy anything. Also, in terms of experiences, they look for fast, intense development and career path opportunities, ways where they can achieve remarkable successes in short time. As target customers of our ELD programmes, AIESEC has to realize and adapt to these changes dynamically. Apart from capitalizing on the EXPA to speed up our processes, it is crutial to focus on conversion rate development, meaningful interaction spaces, short term experiences, quality customer feedbacks and talent showcasing to have credibility toward them. If AIESEC learns how to engage youth in high volume be the youth voice, we can build on company and other support as they are keen on understanding our generation.

2. Analyze 2015’s mid term ambition evolution since 2010. What were the key achievements so far and what should happen next to ensure the vision will be reached?


• Definition of AIESEC 2015 MoSs • Creation of subproducts for GIP • Starting the creation of the NPS system • Clarity of the why, definition of roots of success • Leadership development model (inner&outer journey) • NPS implementation, • Brand refreshment, culture-shock.me, starting opportunity portal • GCDP issue creation, GIP subproduct implementation • Implementation of opportunity portal • Starting EXPA creation • NPS MoSs usage • Market place creation • GCDP issue implementation • Growth models for GIP GCDP • New website • EXPA implementation • new customer flows implementation • EP lead implementation • S&D management – market place implementation • standard and satisfaction implementation

Positive Impact

Youth Voice

First-choice Partner

Next Steps toward 2015

Leadership development and information management

• Creation of the midterm ambition • Creation of the new AIESEC way

ELD Product creation and evolution Customer targeting , Quality development

Key Achievements

• Define and implement measurement system for leadership development that AIESEC provides • Focus on talent capacity, team minimums and conscious leadership pipeline development • Continue EP lead implementation in all levels of the entities in all ELD programmes • Complete the AIESEC way in the everyday operations - Ewa and LLC programmes, microexperiences and integrated experiences implementation on all levels of the entities, having clear MoS for each programme • Rebalance supply and demand for the GIP programmes, more conscious use of the market place • Align synergies between TM/OD and the ELD programmes, both on MC and LC level • Redesign functional roles and competencies based on the new customer flows that are coming with EXPA – also on TLP level

Vision; Values

3. How AIESEC in Hungary will look like in 30th of June of 2016 (Don’t forget to mention the role of each ELD program.) External View AIESEC in Hungary is recognised by external organisations as the youth leadership organisation that is reacting on the social issues of today (through all ELD programmes) and developing responsible and conscious young people who are acquiring the right skills for their future. We have a positive image among youth and AIESEC is truly the youth voice of Hungary in the face of companies, government, and education – which will make us first-choice partner and our positive impact recognised. Internal View AIESEC in Hungary is recognised as top 3 iGIP performer in the final sprint to 2015 - which makes us a key player in the global association and feel successful as a country. Strong leadership bodies in all the local committees of Hungary who are committed to the development of their local market. There are strong systems for information management and organisational health measurement on all level of the entity and we could speed up our processes through simplified decision making systems. The organisation is growing by the committment of all the LCs to have remarkable results in Hungary. Performance: LCs performing above 300 X: BME, Közgáz, KVIK, P$ZF LCs performing above 100X: Debri, Szeged, Külker, Pex LCs performing above 50X: Veszprém, Miskolc, Gödöllő Specialized units: Győr and Sopron X: 2500 Membership: stable 600 + microexperience members TMP, TLP - 900, 400 Intense leadership and management skill development, develops collaboration, communication, self awareness through competency based development and partly in an international community

iGCDP - 1200 Multiplicate crossgenerational social impact, process and volume management and TXP pipeline development

oGCDP - 700 Scaling up student market coverage, source of customer understanding, strong social impact on youth competitiveness development

IGIP - 350 Business processes understanding, corporate positioning, social impact through international business improvement

oGIP - 250 Youth career development, corporate positioning, social impact through increasing global competitivenes s of Hungarians

4. What are your 3 most strong values in life? How are they connected to your motivation for running to MCP and how are they connected to the AIESEC values? The 3 strongest value in life for me are ambition, honesty and curiousity. Ambition to do always something that is significant, which really makes a difference. Honesty as being honest to yourself and be brave enough to be honest with others as well. And last, curiousity to be always open for the external world to get new ideas, discover new ways and understand people & situations by looking for their views. In my opinion the AIESEC experience is about crossing your limits to have an achievement that has not done before. Why? Because I believe that in order to acquire leadership skills and not only management skills you have to be courageous and confident enough to go on those paths that are untapped and you should have strong belief that even if your are walking in the darkness you will succeed in the end. As you cannot expect the same results doing the same things, you should always be open, look for new ways (curiousity) that has not tried before to achieve remarkable (ambition) in the organisation which at the end gives you the thrilling feeling that you are out of your comfort zone, you are heading toward an important goal and you succeed together with people who you trust (honesty) and who support you in your challenges. My motivation to run for MCP in Hungary is connected to these values in a way, that in AIESEC in Hungary currently this is I think not the reality, and only exists in theory. Are we really want to spend our time in AIESEC with 100% achieving something truly remarkable and recognised in Hungary? I am convinced that ambition without belief is just an unfulfilled promise. Are we trusting each other that we are one community and accepts each other? I think trust cannot be built without honesty. Are we open to new ideas, views and toward each other? Because if not then how do we expect positive change? I believe the organisation is shaped by those people who are in it, and I have a really deep belief that it can be a reality. And when we all believe that, I think we could really activate leaders for the future who are not afraid to fail, have openness for different views, learn how to fight for the same goals in collaboration, having high demand for excellence and spend time in an outstanding community.

Values 5. What does youth leadership means to you, what is its relevance in the context 2015 – 2016 for AIESEC & Hungary how will it reflect in your team values? I believe that youth leadership is about understanding that leadership is not about positions, hierarchy or age. I think sometimes we tend to forget this even in AIESEC. Regardless if we are members, MMs, EBs or MC, we always have the chance to take the responsibility and impact others. It depends only on us if we live with this opportunity or waiting for others to live with it. The ones who are creating how the future will look like noone else than our generation, who are not only AIESECers. All the young people in Hungary and in the World. Therefore, youth leadership is way much more than having positions and teams, it is how we impact all the people around us, what decisions we make in university, in our workplace, how we behave among our friends. In AIESEC we should grow up to be able to live with the responsibility in our lives that we are creating the world around us and if it goes in a wrong way we are not suppose to accept that; we should change it. And from this perspective it is our everyday behaviour, actions and also the treatment toward other people. I think the relevance is not a question, especially in an environment where youth has so fragile future perspectives, most people don’t trust how decisions are made, being frustrated about technology and other advancements that make our lives faster, more unstable and force us to adapt and accept changes – it feels not safe and naturally we want to protect ourselves, be in a place where we feel safe. We need leaders who can create trust, and it is our responsibility to lead this generation and be a role model in our actions, show perspectives - that you can get along in your future - make decisions that can inspire others, even if its scary or uncomfortable. I believe it’s always a choice and not a must if we want to act like this, but I think that creates true youth leadership. That is why we have to ensure that AIESECers are leaving the organisations with great self awareness, become people who understand the consequences of their decisions, dare to stand up for their views, could understand different people around them and can drive collaboration, partnerships and trust, which are the base for building new businesses and an advanced economy. And how it will reflect in my MC team’s values: I am convinced that the MC team should be there for the people in this organisation (people-focused) to create the place where they are able to perform, feel trusted and grow together. The team should be aware both externally and internally the need of people. The MC team has to be a role model in being the leaders that I described above – ambitious trusting, approachable, collaborative, open, brave to take and initiate actions. Moreover, they should be able to remain humans which might be the most scary after all – admit failures and dare to show emotions to the country. And apart from that I think in the end, the team values should be defined together with the team.

6. What you believe to be your role in the world? For what you are fighting for? I had a quite serious accident 3 years ago, when I realized that life is not a guarantee 70 years-long ride, but it can end anytime and we have to get the most out of it in every second. Since than I am always looking for challenges that I feel are way beyond my limits, because I am convinced that these experiences will give the most at the end and bring me to the places where I want to be. I also stand for always making a difference in everything I do, because we can do many things the same way it has been done before, but it will not make a change or at least it does not make me feel satisfied with my performance. I have been focusing on this ever since, and I think my role in the world could be to show others examples of making a difference so they believe themselves as well that they can do remarkable in the world. Based on my experience that I described before, I do not see that I have a life-long lasting aim in the world for a specific issue, it is more an attitude toward the challenges that I find. Currently, I am fighting for the development of people around me, and youth in general, for better future perspectives.


7. Design a SWOT analysis of AIESEC in Hungary in the term 2014-2015. What would you keep, stop and start in your term?

Strengths • Strong subcultures (LCs) and strong country representation, culture • Customer focus on TLP • Country partnerships and positioning in CEE internally (Globekids, Magellán brands) • Strong operational systems on MC level • TMP sales and induction flow to AIESEC • Process knowledge on the ICP programmes • Cluster, tier and product based growth development model on national level

• regional initiatives from the EU to support youth employment, skills development, mobility, entrepreunership, literacy • corporate alliances to support career orientation from high schools toward IT and engineering together with digital literacy and finance knowledge development • Company initiatives that support IT infrastructure development and online marketing in non-profit organisations • Closer work together with the educational sector, on curriculum and integrated practical skills development



• Engaged leadership bodies – reflected in

retention • Communication between the national level and local level - strategic disalignment, lack of strategic management frames on local level • Lack of unified communication messages externally about the organisation - OGP, ICP, TMP • Social impact understanding and purposedriven selling • Slow and complicated processes, decision making – controls adaptivity and innovation • IM knowledge • Customer focus (toward students - EP, TMP) • Student market understanding and engagement • employment law changes • government tax advantages for local employment reinforcement, educational centralization (KLIK), tution fees • already existing organisations with bigger government support and market share – e.g. Erasmus, Antall József tudásközpont, EURES, and more • company HR strategy changes - targeting 1st year students for long term employee pipeline development • youth startup movement





• focus on webpage and content marketing development • JD based promotions • strong country partnership focus • market growth and expansion focus • external support in leadership development • quality improvements, standard and satisfaction guidelines

• disalinment in communication, brands and materials in promotion • misalignment and distrust between national and local communication • unbalanced TXP and EP experience quality focus

• focus on external alliances and visibility upscaling • conscious clarification of roles and principles among levels in communication • focus on subproduct and issue based portfolio sales • brand consciousness, alignment of external and internal communication esp. online

8. In the time AIESEC is seeking to innovate and create new products and approaches, what keeps us aligned and what needs to change? As a global organisation we have to act according to global principles in terms of communication, such as brands and general value proposition of all the ELD programmes. This is what should keep us aligned. It is important because we strive to give equal value to all of our customers, so innovation has a limit at focusing on giving the promised quality and content to our participants, even though globally we have different conditions on our markets. I think iwhat rather needs to be changed is the mindset from having more numbers even if we give lower quality, to a more customer oriented mindset where we would like to prove that both can happen and it is not a question of different market conditions. The way how we attract our customers can differ, but not what we give to them at the end.

Goals; Norms 9. Why is AIESEC relevant for Hungary? What role AIESEC in Hungary should play in the Hungarian society in the term 2015 – 2016?

Snapshot about Hungary

The role and relevance of AIESEC in Hungary

In Hungary every 4th person under 25 is struggling with finding temporary job dute to the lack of practical, foreign language or technical skills. We should realize that most of the available jobs today for youth are in the SSC sector. Paralelly, there is the startup movement that become really trendy among the Y generation, and as a result in 2014, 44% of youth (18-40) would rather work for their own business than to be employed. However, the fear of failure holds back many, only 35% thinks they have the right skills but 60% is rather not try. Also, its a hard competition to get funds, according to iCatapult, out of 700 business ideas 5 is mentored and financed, most of them are not from Hungary. From the company’s side there is a big competition over IT and engineering skilled graduates, wage pressure is really high in these fields and they are struggling with providing the atmosphere that satisfies and retain the Y generation that needs innovation, development and fast career paths. And when it comes to government, Hungarian citizens are skeptical and not see their chance to shape the governance, only 60% of the available population goes to vote and it is even lower among the Y generation.

As we are present in kindergartens, highschools up to university students, from one side it is to develop youth to be courageous enough to start businesses, shape their workplaces and be role models in their future in the behaviours that they have learnt in AIESEC. What AIESEC should give to Hungary is value driven youth ambitious, globally conscious, collaborative and responsible young people with great level of self awareness and clear goals. I think through the development that we give with the ELD programmes we are able to have a positive impact on the youth unemployment and brain drain that Hungary faces. On the other hand, AIESEC should be also a channel between corporations, youth and education in terms of developing the labour market that foster growth on the long run. Companies need information about the Y generation, and universities are keen on developing the eduaction system to prepare youth for their future. I am convinced that AIESEC has to have a key role in these interactions.

10. What is the ideal MC structure for the term 2015 – 2016? What is the leadership style that will describe your team and what kind of leader you need to be for that to come true? I strongly believe in transformational leadership, especially if we want to develop people in the organisation who dare to fail which for me means that we are more focused on the ambition and vision to find ways to reach that than fearing failure and thinking on ways how to avoid failure. For that leadership style, a strong emotional connection is needed toward a common vision that drives actions, strategies and which the MC also can represent in behaviours. Also to achieve that, in terms of governance, the MC team should drive the country in a democratic/participative approach where the LCs are encouraged to innovate, collaborate, speak up and act for new strategies. As the leader of the MC team, I have to make sure that each team member individually feels its unique and important contribution to our vision and help to believe in that vision throughout the term even if there are difficulties that make it seem unreachable. Because that thrilling and positive feeling will make them able to transfer this to the local VPs and gives the courage. To create this atmosphere I also have to create a team environment, where diversity is appreciated and valued, people feel respected and dare to be open, rely on each other, besides, norms and expectations are strongly kept and respected. For that I have to be a leader who know individually, trust and believe in all of the team members, always see the possibility to change, solve difficulties by seeing the big picture, create synergies and have the strong sense of direction so I can always be the lighthouse for the team and they can turn to me for direction with trust.

Norms 11. What are the key stakeholders of an MCP? Prioritize them and give a reasoning for the order and how you plan to use these stakeholders?

1. MC Team

2. LCPs

The MC team is the entity who drives all the national strategies, aligned national communication and shows direction to the whole country through their work with the local level.

Even if there is a strong MC, the LCs direction and local vision is lead by the LCPs so there has to be a strong and aligned team of leaders to create the AIESEC in Hungary we want to see in the future.

Therefore for both results and for the proper development of the EBs, it is essential to create a strong team identity, an atmosphere where all the MC VPs can perform to their best and feel valuable. Also, the leadership development of the MC team should be a constant focus.

The LCPs are the key channel to create mutually agreed national principles on how we are driving our entities, values and behaviours that align AIESEC in Hungary, which I think is fundamental. Besides, having a clear control role in the entity among the national and local level.

3. Externals (Organisational, Governmental, Educational)

To be recognised in the global network, we need superior results. That is why I am convinced about putting more effort on increasing our visibility in Hungary, creating partnerships with the „big players”, which brings us closer to achieve superior results as an entity, and justifies our positive impact. The ELD programmes are linked to social issues currently in Hungary, we are still not represented on those platforms where decisions are made. Together with the related MC members the MCP should be more involved in this activity and represent the organisation on the relevant forums.

4. MC Alumni (SAG)

5. AI and the global network

Because of their current and previous experience, knowledge on the organisation, the MC Alumni network has the potential to help on many areas: MC team and personal development, provide heads up on external trends, strategic support, or connections to potential partners. Based on their role iand direct impact on achieveing 2015 I put them to the 4th place.

.The AI is an important stakeholder in terms of being aligned to the global strategies and being involved in summits, working groups and pioneer programmes. Still, I put on the last in this selection, because I think besides the involvement on the MCP platforms and constant communication with AI, the other 4 stakeholders needed to be more in focus to reach 2015.

I plan to hold them close to the organisation due to all of the above mentioned reasons. Additionally the Alumni network could be an additional accountability platform through the SAG to the MC.

The Global Network is important in terms of country GCPs, country partnerships and involvement in other initiatives. In these aspects I want to rely also on the related MC VPs as they also have a big role in creating the right functional connections and global network.

12. What does success mean to you? When would you say you were a successful MCP? For me success is not an end goal only about achieving results, but an attitude, how I deliver my ideas and plans. I believe that AIESEC is not a safety playground, rather a playground where we should constantly fail and stand up again, initiate projects, try out different methods for delivery, experiment and learn through this process, with the aim of having significant results. If we are looking for something that is easy, nice and convinient, which has been done several times before, we don’t have to be in AIESEC, we can work for a multinational company, where everything is controlled, and the chance of failure in the age of 22 is low. I am convinced that the full AIESEC experience comes, when you have the dream, the ambition, and the scary feeling that „uh, it will not be a piece of cake, but I will do this” because AIESEC is the platform to always try something new, and if needed, learn to fail. Based on this, I would be a successful MCP, if all of my MC VPs, and all the LCPs in both generation had the thrilling dream over the must do’s and made it happen for the first time. Because based on my personal experience, that attitude brings significant results, committment, team integrity and the feeling that it was worth it.

13. What are the next steps for a equal development of the Local Committees in AIESEC in Hungary, in terms of; Market cover, HR sustainability, Financial sustainability and leadership pipeline?


I think for the next year due to the high inequality of the LCs currently, we cannot talk about general next steps for all the LCs. I would make a classification based on the LCs’ dependence on the MC, where those LCs are counted less dependent, who have their own stable financial supplies, have the HR to run operations in a progressive way for at least the 2nd year now, including smooth succession and sustainable knowledge management systems..

Mature systems 1.

Define the clear roles and responsibilities of the EBs of an LC in contrast to the role of the MC because available perception gaps about the expectations, interests and autonomy of the local and national level require serious effort on a daily basis and create continuous disappointments, conflicts and resistance that make us stuck on one level. Clarifying and accepting these brings smoother collaboration between each other. 2. For these LCs the MC focus should be on:  creating the national frameworks and systems in which the LC can easily work and progress  be consultative based on the external trends and global strategies, and international partnerships that the MC is more aware of on a daily basis  through the available resources multiplicate the effort of the LCs in terms of market penetration, visibility 3. That requires building collaboration between the EBs of these entities and MC plus gaining mutual trust.

Basic and developing systems 1. 2.



Definition of the LCs relevance (market understanding) and purpose/ambition which is really driving commitment Conscious EB development in role understanding, focuses, pipeline development, accountability and tracking systems, clarity of the why (LCD Manager support) Develop the LC culture that can integrate a growing number of students to performance based operation and community (clear consciousness of the relation of performance –> revenues – >investment in HR –> LC development) Knowledge system development that is sustainable for further generations (IM Manager support)

I think these four elements are needed as the next step for the development of all LCs, but these are not missing in the same level from all the entities, it should be customized. Also, leadership pipeline development, financial and HR sustainability cannot be handled separately, local strategies should support the the integrated development of all aspects to make the LC able to grow. Additionally, as the way of living, mindset, values, level of ambition are differ in the different regional areas of Hungary, which affect greatly the available market these entities are working from, I think it should be a focus for us to understand the role and market of the different entities in their region which can drive local ambition and commitment. Moreover the dependent LCs need more frequent and balanced support, to learn how to run independently the annual operation cycles of the LC. As 11 entities are too many and the inequality is just growing, for customized support I think another MC responsible is needed that can coordinate the development of these entities and align the required support as well.

I think for higher market coverage the next step after this year is to adjust our measurement system of results from only exchange numbers to market share of available markets. So, entities are not competing to be better only in numbers, but incorporating in the measurement the area that is covered by the LC. It is at the same time a mindset change, from working in AIESEC to beat other LCs in relative numbers, or we are in AIESEC to cover our markets the fullest. Than our goal is to have the biggest share among other organisations in the markets where we are present and it could give a base for more effective collaboration. Even though I created this classification, knowledge and position transparency should not be changed in the organisation. I think it is important to have the LCs vision contributing to a national vision, which creates the neccessity for collaboration and support toward each other instead of seperation based on maturity.


14. How will you work together with the BoP to fulfill the potential of AIESEC in Hungary?

Accountability I would keep the BoP meetings as a place for accountability in the country between local entities and the MC based on the agreed principles and norms.

Action Space

GCP Forum

The presidents has to be aware of our direction and progress, actively contribute to the development of Hungary with their local entity and I would like to have spaces together with them and the MC to gather inputs, improve our external alignment, and faster reaction on demand.

Leadership development

BoP is also has to be a forum where people can freely share GCPs or ask for it. It is a semi-formal platform for the presidents to be part of a team where people respect each other and can be free from their president role for a while with people with similar concerns.

Presidents has to be constantly developed to be able to drive their entities in terms of LC engagement, personal coaching and for their own personal development.

15. What are the top 3 strategies that will allow AIESEC in Hungary to grow significantly in all the ELD programs (GCDP, GIP, TMP, TLP) and at the same time ensure the satisfaction of our customers? If we want to grow significantly in all of our programmes, AIESEC has to react faster to the changes of customer demand and external happenings. Our decision making frameworks, planning system, project timelines should be more flexible and adaptable for changes and a strong customer orientation is also required to be able to do that. 1. Customer involvement – participative and promoter based communication, reactive product development – MoS: OGP and TXP participant numbers, NPS, response rate, online (webpage, Facebook) engagements, retention rate 2. Customized AIESEC XP: create flexible and dynamic experiences, focus on customer experience stages , LDS development, fast processes MoS: OGP and TXP participant numbers, NPS, response rate 2. Social impact scale up: multiplicate our efforts through simplified communication that reacts on the external trends MoS: ICP and TXP participation growth, partnership retention and natural endorsements Purpose driven positioning through umbrella networks, and sales development Business and external mindset development in TXP Extensive online channeling and AIESEC XP showcasing to open the organisation Simplify and standardize external and internal communication messages

Social Impact Scale Up

Promoter network building and usage, customer loyalty initiatives Reactive process and product development, user experience development

EP lead implementation and TLP PD to customer flow alignment Career path development and competency alignment

Digital channels usage, experience marketing for two way communication and engagement

Customer Involvement Integrated information management systems usage – data-based management

IXP and microexperience development to improve the diversity of TXP

Customized AIESEC XP

Case Study For the past few years, the Global Plenary have been discussing the relevance and urgency of opening a new entity; AIESEC in Israel. However, due to lack of accurate information, different views on the purpose, risks and relevance of such entity concrete steps were never taken until IPM 2014 in Mainland of China, when a mandate was made to AIESEC International to conduce a price quotation for a risk assessment to be made in Israel. You as future MCP of AIESEC in Hungary, will be one of the responsible for voting if the assessment should go on and what will be the future of this Expansion Project. Question: What is your opinion about the case? Do you see relevance in opening the entity? Based on what would you take your decision in the Global Legislation? My opinion is that the organisation exists according to the vision - for the „peace and fulfillment of humandkinds’ potential” and we are by characteristics a non-political organisation, which also means for me that everyone should have the oppotunity and right to open an AIESEC entity regardless of the political/social/religious tensions in the territory. However, taken into consideration the external effects the questions is rather when to open it because we have to care about the current effects on the other 124 countries if opening a new one hurts their existance. So I would vote with yes for the risk assessment, and I would rather take into consideration what the risk assessment will consist of – what impact will have the opening of the entity on the safety of the exchange participants, on other entities that has political tension with Israel, on the safety of the TMP and TLP participants, on the organisational/company partnerships of AIESEC both globally, and locally in other countries, related costs, case studies on similar global organisations operating in MENA including Israel and the possible next steps if we should encounter these risks.

Thank you for considering my application!

Our environment

Executive Summary

Fragile Youth Perspectives

Our Vision Our Goals

Positive Impact

TMP, TLP - 750, 250

oGCDP - 700

oGIP - 250

First-choice Partner

Political Distrust

Top 3 iGIP performer Strong and conscious leadership bodies Quality customer interactions Speed up our processes External recognition

iGCDP - 1200

IGIP - 350

Youth Voice

Customer demand changes

AIESEC develops ambitious, globally conscious, collaborative and responsible young people with great level of self awareness and clear goals. AIESECers dare to be role models in entrepreneurship. We are the youth channel in the conversation between the governmental, educational and corporate sector which makes us first choice partner and our positive impact recognised.

What we stand for in Hungary


Value based leadership development

Youth competitiveness development

Understanding & representing our generation

TeamAmbitious, trusting, approachable, collaborative, open, action-

Customized LC development

oriented Push front office through external positioning

Social Impact Scale Up

Push front office through customer interaction

Customer Involvement

Push front office through @ XP development

Customized AIESEC XP

Integrated information management systems usage – data-based management


Transformational leadership Values





Make a difference in everything you do

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