Sculptures. Ceramics. Archive: A Chan Ping Tim Retrospective

Page 11

祖母畫像 除了小學和中學一年班的美術課以外,在進入

A portrait of granny

葛量洪之前,陳氏在畫畫和雕刻方面都沒有受 過正規訓練。中學時期,有一次祖母耐心地在家

裡充當模特兒一個星期,讓他慢慢完成油畫畫 像,是一幅自學而成的作品。作品的純真可以從 線條不太明確的手部姿態看得出來。 「我四歲的 時候,正逢日本侵華,生活緊張,不會有什麼讓 小孩子拿去玩。阿嫲帶我去工廠,剛好看見有一

塊黑板,自己的高度又正好可以拿到黑板附近 的粉筆,這樣就開始拿起粉筆在地上畫畫。小時

候畫畫一般都會從身邊熟悉的人開始。我小時 候父母卻沒空理會我,我最熟識的人物反而是

當時看的一些大戲和神功戲裡面的人物。粵劇 戲服多姿多彩,耀眼生輝,對小時候的我是一個 很大的視覺衝擊。」

祖 母(二)



Grandmother (II) 1957 Oil on Canvas 82 x 63cm

Apart from the art lessons at primary school and secondary one, Chan did not receive any formal training in painting or sculpture before entering Grantham Training College. When he was still in high school, his grandmother posed for him at home to let him finish a self-taught portrait painting slowly and gradually. There is a sense of innocence and naivety in the unpolished brush strokes portraying her hands. “The Japanese occupation started when I was four. Life was hard and there wasn’t much for children to play with. One day, granny brought me to the factory. I saw a blackboard and I was just tall enough to reach the chalks. So I took a few and started drawing on the floor. Children usually start with the people they know best when they draw. My parents didn’t spend much time with me though. It’s the characters in Cantonese operas or ritual opera performances that I was most familiar with. Cantonese opera costumes are so colourful and glamorous. They really left a great impression on me when I was small.”



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