Bts 2015

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Your Guide to Living a Victorious Life



Volume 13, Number 3


The Newspaper of the Christian Community "In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your paths (Proverbs:3:6)

"The Holy Spirit"

Š Danny Hahlbohm

Changing Lives . . . One Issue at a Time!

Changing Times


Back to School 2015

From The Editor

Changing Times

Who is the Holy Spirit? 1. The Holy Spirit is God Both Old and New Testaments testify to the divinity of the Holy Spirit, that He is not merely a force of God, but God Himself. A sampling of the many scriptures illustrates this point. In the Old Testament times, the Spirit of God was active and selectively filled people, to accomplish the task. God’s Holy Spirit was involved in the creation of the universe; He gave prophetic utterances to the prophets and “filled” the Lord’s servants to accomplish the task at hand (Exodus 28:3, 31:3). Only through the Spirit of the Lord could Samson kill the charging Lion, the Spirit gave him this ability, empowering him, for God’s glory. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of God, knows all things and dwells in those who believe. Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (I Corinthians 3:16) 2. The Holy Spirit is a Person As the Bible makes a distinction between the Father and the Son, both being distinct “persons”, the

Holy Spirit is also a distinct person. One God, three person, co-equal of one nature and essence, this is the nature of the Trinity. The Holy Spirit dwells in the believer, perfecting us for the day of Redemption. The attributes given to the Spirit can only be given to a person, not an inanimate force. For example, the Holy Spirit grieves, searches, talks and teaches. He grieves with our actions and language. (Hebrew 10:29) He intercedes for us with groaning, prompting us to pray, (Romans 8:26) He searches our hearts (Romans 8:27) He talks to us (Acts 13;2, 16:6-7, Revelation 2:7) He teaches all things (John 14:26) He reminds us of scripture (John 14:26) 3. The Holy Spirit is distinct from the Son and Father The ministry of the Holy Spirit is distinct from the Father and the Son, and yet unified in purpose and plan. These distinctions are clear in

the Gospel of John. The Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father, sent by Jesus. The Holy Spirit also has a mind, (Romans 8:27, I Cor. 2:10-11, 12:11). The Holy Spirit executes God’s will in our life, sent from the Father, through the redemption of the Son. The work of the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit was in the beginning, He was involved in the creation, and He is involved in humanities’ redemption, salvation, transformation and glorification. When we understand the role of the Holy Spirit in redemption, we are enabled to plug into the vast power of God’s Holy Spirit. Understanding the dynamics of the Holy Spirit and the mechanics of His relationship with the believer, could be illustrated by comparing two sailors. One sailor knows how the oceans and winds operate in relation to his boat, allowing him to sail the waters, while a second sailor ignorant of the winds and sailing mechanics can find himself destroyed by any unexpected storm.

We in many ways are sailors in the ocean of life, though we are saved when we know Christ, there is still a method to living a successful Christian walk, as opposed to living without a method. Jesus could calm the storms, because He was the author of creation (John 1:1-3). Through God’s Spirit, we have the power of Christ, dwelling in us. God operates according to His Word; He has given us His word, that we may know Him. He wants us, to use His word that we might have His light in this dark world, and become His representatives to the lost and dying. If we strive to understand the Holy Sprit, and how God’s Spirit functions, we can become master sailors in the sea of life, powered by the wind of God’s Spirit, rather then our own power and strength. Many Christians try to sail the ocean of life in their own strength and power. They miss the dynamic power of God’s Spirit, which is within every saved person. Save the Nations Ministries >

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Back to School 2015


From The Editor

Changing Times

POWER FROM ON HIGH How can we get it? We need to receive power from on high. Christ had previously informed the disciples that without Him they could do nothing. When He gave them the commission to convert the world, He added, "But tarry ye in Jerusalem till ye be endued with power from on high. Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence. Lo, I send upon you the promise of My Father." This baptism of the Holy Ghost, this thing promised by the Father, this gift of power from on high, Christ has expressly informed us is the indispensable condition of performing the work which He has set before us. Christ expressly promised it to the whole Church, and to every individual whose duty it is to labor for the conversion of the world. He admonished the first disciples not to undertake the work until they had received this gift of power from on high. Both the promise and the admonition apply equally to all Christians of every age and nation. No one has, at any time, any right to expect success, unless he first secures this gift of power from on high. The example of the first disciples teaches us how to secure this gift. They first consecrated themselves to His work, and continued in prayer and supplication until the Holy Ghost fell upon them on the Day of Pentecost, and they received the promised gift of power from on high. This, then, is the way to get it. The Father is more willing to give the Holy Spirit to them that ask Him than we are to give good gifts to our children. This text informs us that it is infinitely easy to obtain the Holy Spirit, or this gift of power from the Father. This is made a constant subject of prayer. Everybody prays for this, at all times, and yet, with all this intercession, how few, comparatively, are really endued with

this spirit of power from on high! This want is not met. The want of power is a subject of constant complaint. Christ says, "Everyone that asks receives," but there certainly is a "great gulf" between the asking and receiving, that is a great stumbling-block to many. How, then, is this discrepancy to be explained? Let me explain why this gift is not received. (1) We are not willing, upon the whole, to have what we desire and ask. (2) God has expressly informed us that if we regard iniquity in our hearts, He will not hear us. But the petitioner is often self-indulgent. This is iniquity, and God will not hear him. (3) He is uncharitable. (4) He is over-critical. (5)He is self-dependent. (6) He resists conviction of sin. (7) He refuses to confess to all the parties concerned. (8) He refuses to make restitution to injured parties. (9) He is prejudiced. (10) He is resentful. (11) He has a revengeful spirit. (12) He is lead by a worldly ambition. (13) He has committed himself up to some point but becomes dishonest, and neglects and rejects further light. (14) He is selfish of his own denomination. (15) He is selfish for his own congregation. (16) He resists the teachings of the Holy Spirit. (17) He grieves the Holy Spirit by dissension. (18) He quenches the Spirit by persistence in justifying wrong. (19) He resists Him by indulging evil tempers. (20) He has dishonesties in business. (21) He has laziness and impatience in waiting upon the Lord. (22) He has negligence in business, in study, in prayer. (23) He is undertaking too much

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Back to School 2015

business, too much study, and too little prayer. (24) He has a want of entire sanctification without follow-thru. (25) Last and greatest, by unbelief. He prays for this gift without expecting to receive it. I am obliged to conclude that these and other forms of indulged sin explain why so little is received, while so much is asked. The other side presents the certainty that we shall receive the promised gift of power from on high, and be successful in winning souls, if we ask, and fulfill the plainly revealed conditions of prevailing prayer. There is a great difference between the peace and the power of the Holy Spirit in the soul. The disciples were Christians before the Day of Pentecost, and, as such, had a measure of the Holy Spirit. They

must have had the peace of sins forgiven, and of a justified state, but yet they had not the gift of power necessary to the accomplishment of the work assigned them. They had the peace which Christ had given them, but not the power which He had promised. This may be true of all Christians, and right here is, I think, the great mistake of the Church, and of the ministry. They rest in conversion, and do not seek until they obtain this gift of power from on high. Hence, so many pastors have no power with either God or man. They prevail with neither. They cling to a hope in Christ, and even enter the ministry, overlooking the reproach to wait until they are endued with power from on high. Save the Nations Ministries >

Featured Sections From The Editor Begins on p. 3 Men

Begins on p. 5


Begins on p. 8


Begins on p. 10


Begins on p. 14


Begins on p. 18


Begins on p. 20


Begins on p. 22


Begins on p. 24

Feature Articles

Begins on p. 27

The Christian Journey

Begins on p. 29

Guiding Light

Begins on p. 32

The Transformed Life

Begins on p. 35

The Triumphant Christian

Begins on p. 37


A D V I C E for

MEN In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve experienced bliss with no sin. They lived naked together and enjoyed union with God until the day they disobeyed and sinned. God designed man and woman to unite in a wonderful bond as husband and wife. God designed them to reflect his love, to live in love with each other, and to procreate children to continue the human race. V23 The man said, "This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called 'woman,' for she was taken out of man." v24 For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh (Gen 2:23-24 NIV). On Mount Horeb, God laid out a universal code for living in giving Moses the Ten Commandments. These included “You shall not commit adultery” and “You shall not covet your neighbor's wife.” (Exodus 20). God gave the ultimate standard for which the entire Hebrew Law was written. V1 The LORD said to Moses, 2 "Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: 'Be holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy'” (Lev 19:1-2 NIV). Sexual sin is much like a spider catching a fly. The spider builds an attractive web in an opportune place. The unwary fly comes along and almost by accident is caught up. The spider attacks and solidly wraps the fly tying him in an inescapable casing. At his leisure, the

Changing Times

ABOUT MEN AND PURITY by Bill Hunt spider will eat the fly. Safe strategy for the fly, of course, is to veer away from the web in the first place. Men of the Bible were ensnared in sexual sin. One case is Judah and Tamar. V13 When Tamar was told, "Your father-in-law is on his way to Timnah to shear his sheep," 14 she took off her widow's clothes, covered herself with a veil to disguise herself, and then sat down at the entrance to Enaim, which is on the road to Timnah.... V15 When Judah saw her, he thought she was a prostitute, for she had covered her face. 16 Not realizing that she was his daughterin-law, he went over to her by the roadside and said, "Come now, let me sleep with you." "And what will you give me to sleep with you?" she asked (Gen 38:13-16 NIV). Another case is Sampson and Delilah. Sampson was trapped in lust and ultimately betrayed by Delilah. V4 Some time later, he fell in love with a woman in the Valley of Sorek whose name was Delilah. 5 The rulers of the Philistines went to her and said, "See if you can lure him into showing you the secret of his great strength and how we can overpower him so we may tie him up and subdue him. Each one of us will give you eleven hundred shekels of silver." V6 So Delilah said to Samson, "Tell me the secret of your great strength and how you can be tied up and subdued" (Judges 16:4-6 NIV). Most know the murderous sin of David with Bathsheba, another man's wife. V2 One evening David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful, 3 and David sent someone to find out about her. The man said, "Isn't this Bathsheba, the daughter of Eliam and the wife of Uriah the Hittite?" 4 Then David sent messengers to get her. She came to him, and he slept with her. (She had purified herself from her uncleanness.) Then she went back home. 5 The woman conceived and sent word to David, saying, "I am pregnant" (2 Sam 11:2-5 NIV). Joseph was a servant of God who resisted strong temptation from

Potypher's wife. In Egypt, the feminine dress was frequently transparent fabric. Although he refused her advances, her false accusation cost him fourteen years in prison. V9 No one is greater in this house than I am. My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God?" 10 And though she spoke to Joseph day after day, he refused to go to bed

with her or even be with her. V11 One day he went into the house to attend to his duties, and none of the household servants was inside. 12 She caught him by his cloak and said, "Come to bed with me!" But he left his cloak in her hand and ran out of the house (Gen 38:9-12 NIV). “V8 Blessed are the pure in heart, See MEN AND PURITY on Page 6

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But there is a spirit in man, and the breath of the Almighty gives him understanding. – Job 32:8

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men AND PURITY Continued from Page 5

enjoying beauty and being tempted by lust to sin. As Jesus said, it's in the heart. It is very important for the husband and wife to nourish daily the love bond between them. V3 The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. 4 The wife's body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband's body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife. 5 Do not deprive each other except by mutual consent and for a time, so that you may devote yourselves to prayer. Then come together again so that Satan will not tempt you because of your lack of self-control (1 Cor 7:1-3 NIV). “Without holiness no one will see the Lord,” (Hebrew 12:14 NIV) gives us an eternal warning. >

for they will see God.” Jesus proclaimed this in the Beatitudes at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount (Matt 5:8 NIV). This becomes a worthy spiritual battle cry for the man fighting temptation. V27 "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' V28 “But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart. V29 “If your right eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to be thrown into hell,” Jesus said (Matt 5:27-29 NIV). One half of the human race is female. God designed this so intentionally for the purposes of relationship. Man will enjoy the beauty of women wherever he encounters © 2015 All them. There is a difference between Rights Reserved >

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Back to School 2015

As editor of Changing Times, there are often concerns that both On Eagles Wings and Save the Nations Ministries share. Sometimes, there are articles or advertisements that do not exactly line up with the views of Changing Times. Changing Times continues to be published by advertisement and offerings of the readers. While Changing Times advertises businesses, videos, books, and articles, we attempt to do so without contradiction to scripture. We pray that these are used to build the Church and not lead it astray with doctrines that were not given to the Disciples (Galatians 1:8). It is almost an impossibility to research each advertisement or article to reveal error in enough time before publication. As humans we all make mistakes, but as Christians we must remember that error will always ride in on the back of truth. This is what makes it seem so good. It is with these statements, that we ask the following of our readers. The Bereans were recognized for being good stewards over the word of God (Acts 17:10-11). They studied and checked the things, which were taught to be sure they were true and lined up with the scripture. As such, we are no different. Each of us has the responsibility to do the same. This paper attempts to be conservative in belief and bring the gospel to the readers in a balanced fashion, as scripture demands. The Cross of Christ should always be the center of each and every Christians understanding of the gospel to include salvation, sanctification and glorification. Jesus the Christ is the source and the Cross, is the means. Due to reason of deception, many have begun falling away from the purity of that message. There is little said about sin, repentance, the saving Blood, the completed work of the Cross and the necessity of placing our faith in Jesus, and that completed sacrifice. We not only ask, but also beg our reading audience to also be good Bereans. If we find something we understand to be against scripture, we will remove it as we find it, but there are some things that get by us. The Bible speaks of a last day deception that if it were possible, would deceive the very elect of God (Matthew 24). Help us help you. Please, in these last days — Be good Bereans. We pray that each article and advertisement will serve to bless, encourage and increase knowledge and understanding of a relationship with the King of Kings. These are most assuredly troubling times — hold fast to that which is true. In His Service, Save the Nations Ministries


Changing Times

When Ball Becomes Baal by Jim Elliff It’s rare to see kids playing sports in the neighborhood anymore. We’re now organized and “professionalized”—including uniforms, state-of-the-art facilities, endless trips to the field, competitive coaches, equally competitive parents and the after-season tournaments designed to give parents “bleacher bottom.” In addition, you’ve got to pay to play—and when you’ve paid that much, you’ll be sure to play. It is also fun, and it can be instructive. I love to watch my kids play sports. In fact, they need to play—some. But, it’s not so easy as handing over seventy bucks and saying, “Sign up Johnny and Susie this year.” Making that decision means that you may be out four to five times each week during the season. Soon sports becomes all about calendarization and control of your life—especially if you have more than one kid. Perhaps nothing outside of a change in your job has so much potential to turn the family schedule upside down. “This man understands,” you say. Now comes the part you won’t like: “Behold, I say unto you, you have made sports the household god.” Too strong? OK, not all of you. But the deification of sports is happening to many. How does ball become Baal? Answer: When it controls you, and you give it devoted worship. It is around your god that you order your life—and you can almost never say “no” to it. Like “athlete’s foot” on the hygienically-challenged teenager,

sports has taken over more and more of the life of believers. Almost overnight we have awakened to the sad fact that, in many communities, sports has even usurped the hours believers meet on the Lord’s Day. All too often members are saying to church leaders, “We’ll be gone next Sunday because of the soccer tournament.” In turn, leaders are supposed to acquiesce humbly. After all, we can’t afford to appear “legalistic;” everyone knows that the greatest crime a church can commit is to demand something of someone. You’ll hear, “But the team needs all the players. We can’t let the team down.” It never occurs to them that the church Body is being deprived of a necessary body part, or that God is marginalized and disobeyed. We are not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together, states God in (Hebrews 10:25). Devotion is the operative word. When the team says, “We need you,” we sacrifice to do it. But when it crosses the time allotted to spiritual edification and worship, the Ruler of the universe is often sent to the bench. In the process, we teach our children that devotion to sports is more important than both devotion to God and loyalty to our spiritual family. Have you considered that you may be teaching your kids to worship sports? Here are some ways to put sports


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Back to School 2015



Changing Times

Affair-Proof Your Mind by Lysa TerKeurst friend get tangled up in an emotional affair. She was a strong Christian woman who loved her family but the attraction to this other man seemed unavoidable. She tried to talk herself out of it but her heart played tricks on her mind and the justifications for letting things go just a little further soon led her to a very dangerous place. She was becoming emotionally attached to this other man. In a moment of desperation and Watch and pray so that you will fear, she confided in me what was not fall into temptation. The spirit is going on. willing, but the body is weak." As she described how she got Matthew 26:41 (NIV) pulled into this place, I found As a woman she even- myself being challenged by the tually acts. realization of how subtly this had A few years ago I watched a happened. She hadn't planned on


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being emotionally attracted to this other man. As a matter of fact, she'd always prided herself on being a woman of strong conviction and had scoffed at the idea of ever being tempted to have an affair. It starts off simple enough - a comment made that you mull over one too many times, a conversation in which you find a surprising connection, a glance that lingers just a second too long, or one of a thousand other interactions that seem innocent yet aren't. These are the dangerous seeds that can easily sprout into an emotional affair. Some think it is a safe way to enjoy the lure of being attracted to someone other than your spouse without crossing any lines. But God boldly and plainly says in 1 (Corinthians 6:18), "Flee from sexual immorality." God doesn't say walk away from sexual immorality. No, He says to flee as if your very life is at stake! Our thoughts are so powerful. If we want to affair proof our marriages, we must make our thoughts work for us instead of against us. The time to prevent an emotional affair is before it ever starts. We must never assume it could never happen to me. We are all just a few poor choices away from doing things we never thought we would. Jesus warned his disciples in (Matthew 26: 41),"Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak." The Life Application NIV Bible commentary says, "Jesus used Peter's drowsiness to warn him about the kinds of temptation he would soon face. The way to overcome temptation is to keep watch and pray. Watching means being aware of the possibilities of temptation, sensitive to the subtleties, and spiritually equipped to fight it." Watching: I now realize that I need to be aware that I am just as prone to this temptation as anyone. One of the best

ways to be watchful is to be praying with and for my husband. We need to be open and honest about meeting each other's needs and investing wisely in our marriage. Sensitive to the Subtleties: I will have to be honest with myself that temptations do exist. When another man says or does something I wish my husband would say or do and doesn't, it can make me lessen my husband in my heart and build up this other man. This is a seed of poison. Spiritually Equipped: I must park my mind with the truth and the truth is I am married to an amazing man. He is not perfect and sometimes our marriage can be hard, but I made a commitment to him in a covenant before God and there are no biblical reasons in our marriage why we should ever part. My friend did the hardest but wisest thing she could have done in telling me about her emotional affair. It helped her to see she needed to flee and have someone else hold her accountable. But it also helped me. Her admission made me aware and alert to the dangers lurking in any kind of unhealthy emotional connection with another man. Dear Lord, may I forever treasure my marriage and see it worthy to be protected. Help me to be a courageous woman who absolutely flees from any and every situation where there is even a hint of danger. In Jesus' Name, Amen. Related Resources: For a creative idea to improve the communication and connection in your marriage, look up Lysa's blog online.. If you want simple tips to improve your marriage, you'll want to read the marriage books Lysa has written - Capture His Heart (for wives to read) and Capture Her Heart (for husbands to read). See AFFAIR-PROOF on Page 9

Women AFFAIR-PROOF Continued from Page 8 Come see the downloadable Freebies on Lysa's website! Encouraging articles for lots of situations to print and share with a friend! Your purchase through Proverbs 31 Ministries supports the many areas of hope-giving ministry we provide at no cost. We wish we could, but we simply can't compete with prices offered by huge online warehouses. Therefore, we're so grateful for every purchase you make with us. Thank you! Application Steps: The time to prevent an emotional baal Continued from Page 7 in the proper place: First, decide beforehand that there will be no contest between the church’s essential activities designed for your family’s spiritual growth and what the team plans for your lives. If you will talk this over ahead of time with your child and then the coach, there will be no confusion. Through the years I’ve found that many coaches respect that decision. But, it must be a prior decision, not one made on a case by case basis. When sports conflicts with Sunday worship or youth camp or a special spiritual activity, the decision has already been made. Secondly, determine that your children cannot play every sport. There is a sanctity to the home life that must be protected. You need quiet evenings at home. You need meals together. Just let your children know that you are excited about sports, but there are limits. You then determine what those limits are. For us, we attempt to have only one sport per year for each child.

affair is before it ever starts. Confide in a friend or mentor to help hold you accountable in this area. Reflections: Our thoughts are so powerful. If we want to affair proof our marriages, we must make our thoughts work for us instead of against us. Power Verses: (Proverbs 31:10), "A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies." (NIV) © 2015 by Lysa TerKeurst. All rights reserved. Proverbs 31 Ministries 616-G Matthews-Mint Hill Road Matthews, NC 28105 > Finally, think about some creative choices. One of my sons played basketball, but the season was interminably long. I was also traveling. So, I would be gone speaking over the weekend, then, when I was home, I was out two or more nights sitting on the sidelines watching my son practice. It was not really “time together.” This wasn’t going to work. The solution came to me after prayer. I asked him if he would be willing to learn golf in the place of basketball. We could play together, along with his brother, and we could do it whenever we wanted. We could enjoy this for the rest of our lives. I’ve paid some extra money, but I’ve bought back some time with my sons and some good exercise for me also. It’s a bargain. God Himself uses sports language in the New Testament. He’s not against it, unless it steals the devotion belonging to Him. All other gods have to go! Copyright © 2015 Jim Elliff Christian Communicators Worldwide, Inc. >

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But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation. – Mark 3:29

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Children The Child Who Was A King The Story of Joash by Linda Sue Pochodzay Edwards Matthew climbed to the top of the highest slide on the playground. “I’m the KING,” he squealed with glee. As he sat on the top laughing, Rachel gave him a gentle shove, sending him flying down the slide. “Now I’m the QUEEN!” Then it was Billy’s turn. He climbed the steps one by one, looking down occasionally to see how far he had come. Slowly he reached the top and proudly proclaimed, “I’M the king!” “YOU can’t be the king,” Matthew taunted. “You’re too SCARED, and, besides that, you’re too SMALL. You have to be BIG to be the king.” Matthew gave

Billy a mean push and sent him swooshing down the slide before he was ready. Billy landed with a thump in the dirt at the bottom of the slide. Rachel saw a tear in his eye and went to help him up. “It’s just not fair. I’m too little to be the king. I’m too little to do anything,” Billy whimpered. “Well, I don’t think you are too little!” Rachel exclaimed. “Sometimes it’s GOOD to be small. You are the only one that can crawl under the porch to get the ball when it goes under there. Matthew and I are both too big. I am glad that you are still small enough to

help us when we need you.” “HELP ME! PLEASE help me! I need to see Jehoida the priest right away! King Ahaziah has died and his mother is trying to kill everyone in the family so that she will be made the queen. I was able to grab the baby and escape, but they are following me. You MUST help me save Joash! You MUST help me save the King!” The priests and Levites working

in the temple were astonished to hear the horrible news and summoned Jehoida to come listen to what the distressed woman was saying. Jehoida quickly had a room prepared in the temple for baby Joash and his nurse, Jehosheba. For six years they had to stay hidden in order to be safe from the wicked See child who was king on Page 13

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is owned by Save The Nations Ministries, Inc. and is Published every other month by On Eagles Wings Unlimited, Inc.

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Changing Times

A Day in the Life of Building Character by Dian Moore Five-year old Arianna feels beautiful and grown-up in her new purple dress. She picked it out herself. She loves wearing new clothes and being a big girl who is starting to school. She also feels sick to her stomach. She thinks she's probably just nervous. She already misses her Mom and hasn't even left the house. She runs her hand over her new backpack, worried it will get lost. She skips breakfast at home because she will eat breakfast at school. She waits anxiously by the door of her home. "Hurry, Mom!" she says. Arianna's mother, Connie, appears, also anxious. They are poor, and she is worried Arianna will be made fun of. She forces a smile on her face and exclaims, "You look so pretty. Are you ready to go to school." She turns her head as tears threaten to fall. Connie will miss her daughter—it's too soon to pass this milestone. Arianna's angels hover anxiously, waiting for prayer. Holding hands, mother and daughter wait for the bus to come. Connie prays desperately, but

silently, "God, please take care of my little girl. And please don't let me cry." Arianna also speaks silently to God, "I'm scared." The angels receive word from their Boss and go to work. The bus driver is suddenly filled with excitement and eagerness to greet his new passenger. She is his first stop, and his list says her name is Arianna. "Good morning, Arianna! I'm glad to meet ya'. I'm Mr. Redd." Arianna is suddenly shy, but pleased. How does this man know her name? "Come on, I'll show you where to sit. Don't worry, Mom, your little girl is safe on my bus." Connie feels peace drive away her fears. She smiles and watches the bus drive away. Tears still fall, but it's okay, somehow. The angels are full of glee and slap each other's backs. One reels away towards the school building. Another heads to the fourth stop on the bus route. Mr. Redd knows just the right kid to sit with Arianna. He smiles as he

watches first-grader Ryan fill Arianna's ears with advice. The bus driver remembers Ryan from last year. Ryan was friends with everyone—even the older kids. Ryan shows Arianna to her new classroom. He waves goodbye, and Arianna stands in the doorway. Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Rine, feels compelled to turn to the doorway of her classroom. Her heart leaps in excitement as she sees her first student. This is Mrs. Rine's first day of teaching, and she will remember this child until she dies. Arianna speaks up, but her voice trembles and tears threaten to fall, "Are you my teacher?" Mrs. Rine is compelled to comfort this child. She realizes her classroom and demeanor must always be welcoming to children. Arianna leads the line of kindergarten students to the cafeteria where they will eat breakfast. The head cook is eager to feed these youngsters who didn't have breakfast at home. The first little girl wins her heart when she smiles at the cook and says, "Thank you." The cook is reminded to pray for all





the children. She is determined to feed them well. Mr. Jack, the day custodian, finds a backpack in the hall. It has somehow fallen from its hook. The name on the pack reads Arianna Cole, Kindergarten. He carefully hangs it back up. He imagines how panicked a five-year old would be to find her belongings missing. . .and how heartbroken if things were damaged. He vows to guard the children's possessions. Miss Grace, the afternoon custodian, is called to clean up a mess in kindergarten. She is tempted to wrinkle her nose in disgust at the smell of vomit. Her desire to speak her disgust is suddenly quenched when a little girl's eyes meets hers. Miss Grace sees the child's humiliation. Her attitude suddenly shifts. Miss Grace acts like it's no big deal and winks at the child. The child's face clears in relief and she tentatively smiles back. Today is not one of the days the







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Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives birth to spiritual life. – John 3:6

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everyday. The secretary has a special love for children who are frightened, ill, poor and bad. She is 4710 Canal St., 70119 nurse is available, so Arianna is reminded to get out her laminated (near City Park Ave./Metairie Rd.) sent to the principal's office to be copy of "What Would Jesus Do if MASSAge TheRAPy taken care of. Principal Duffy He Was the School Secretary," a list Acupressure • Joint Liberation comes out of her office and kneels God had prompted her to make sevTherApeuTic-grAde essenTiAL OiLs by Arianna to discover what is eral years ago. including: frankincense • myrrh wrong. Connie answers the phone, her hyssop • nard • cassia • lavender She introduces Arianna to Mrs. heart beating madly when she recpeppermint • rose of sharon/cistus Gorby, the school secretary, who ognizes the number on her Caller and other oils of the Bible often fills in for the nurse. ID. She closes her eyes in relief Mrs. Gorby invites Arianna to sit when a soothing voice relates that norman nail, LMT#0458 in the child-sized rocker by her Arianna is ill, but it's nothing seri504-214-2314 desk, an area she has prepared for ous, and could she come and pick the children she comes into contact up Arianna. But Connie doesn't have a car, and she panics. She has failed her Camps and Birthday parties daughter on her first day of school. She prays again, "Oh God, what do I do?" Mrs. Duffy looks at the child rocking in the small chair and back to the plea on her secretary's face. Voted Best Birthday Parties! She smiles and takes the phone and Kid and adult Parties offers to ride Arianna home. Corporate Teambuilding One small life, covered by prayer. Scouts What would have happened: Special needs • if Arianna was ignored by an (985) 727-5553 Custom Events For all ages! 3441 East Causeway Approach, Suite G unconcerned bus driver who's apaParents night Out! thy caused her to sit with a bully New Facebook Page! Like Us for coupons and contest Culinary Kids Mandeville • if that teacher, in fear, respond-

AdvAnced HeAling

BUILDING CHARACTER Continued from Page 11

ed to Arianna with a brusque "sit over there" • if the cook was impatient and slopped cold food on a tray • if the custodian ignored the pack on the floor and it was stolen or its contents damaged, especially when money is scarce • if a snide comment was heard by Arianna about the sickness that fell from her mouth • if the child was sent to the principal's office and greeted by a towering figure with unkind words and made to sit all alone in despair What would have happened if Arianna couldn't get home. As one event leads to another, remember each word, every look, each action and every prayer can change the course of someone's life. September is the time to make new-year's resolutions. As people of all ages come together in a building called a school, they are changed in some way. Those changes build character. The choice is ours. Will we build up? Or will we tear down? © 2015 All Rights Reserved >

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Back to School 2015 CHILD WHO WAS KING Continued from Page 10 Queen Athaliah. After Joash’s seventh birthday, Jehoida decided it was time for Joash to come out of hiding. ”Bring the rulers!” he shouted. “Call for the captains and the guard!” When all the rulers, the captains, and the guard stood before him in the temple, he introduced Joash as the King of Judah. THEY COULDN’T BELIEVE THEIR EARS! They were puzzled and all began asking questions at the same time. “WHAT? How can THIS be the King of Judah? He is just a boy!” “He CAN’T be the King of Judah! Athaliah made sure that the whole family was destroyed so that SHE could be Queen.” “This is absolutely IMPOSSIBLE!” Jehoida listened to their questions and comments, told them the story about how Joash was saved, and assured them that he really was the true King of Judah. Then . . . he told them his plan. “One third of you will guard the King’s house. One third of you will guard the gate. Some of you will stand watch at the temple, and some of you will surround the King,” he ordered. “On the Sabbath day when all the people come to worship, I will bring out Joash, anoint him, put a crown on his head, and declare that he is the King.” The rulers, the captains, the guards, the priests, and the Levites waited in anticipation for the Sabbath. Finally the day arrived. People went to the temple to worship, unaware of the great event which was going to take place right before their eyes. Jehoida waited for just the right moment. Then he stood before the

Children people and waited for silence. “I have a very important announcement to make,” he said. At that very moment the captains and the guard escorted Joash to the front of the group. The people were eagerly waiting to see what was going to happen next. They watched as Jehoida anointed him and placed the crown on his head. “THIS IS JOASH! THIS IS YOUR NEW KING!” they heard him exclaim triumphantly. Immediately there was a rumble of excitement among the crowd. The noise grew louder and louder. The people were thrilled to see the real King crowned. “GOD SAVE THE KING! GOD SAVE THE KING!” they cried at the top of their voices. They clapped their hands and shouted for joy. The air was filled with exuberance as they sang in celebration. When Athaliah heard the noise of the people she went to the temple to investigate. She was angry to see the people rejoicing. She was angry to hear the trumpeters. And she was even FURIOUS when she saw the boy who had been crowned King. “TREASON! TREASON!” she shouted in rage. But Jehoida commanded the captains and officers to capture the wicked queen so she could be punished. King Joash loved and respected Jehoida the priest. He wanted to do what was right in the eyes of God and allowed Jehoida to help him make wise decisions. One day he noticed that the temple was in very bad shape. The walls and the gates were crumbling and were in need of repair. “This is not right,” he thought. “The temple of the Lord should be a place of beauty. It should not be falling apart. SOMETHING must

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be done about this.” King Joash commanded that the money the people brought for an offering be used for repairing the temple. Jehoida took a chest and drilled a hole in the top. He placed the chest in the temple near the altar so the people could place their offering in it when they came to worship. The people, glad to give their offerings to the Lord, gave generously and soon the chest was full. Jehoida was instructed to open the chest. He took out the money and hired many workmen to begin the repairs. The woodcutters, carpenters, stonecutters, and masons worked together diligently day after day to make the temple a beautiful place for people to worship the Lord. REMEMBER: You are never too young to serve God. THINK! How old was Joash when he became King? What was the most important thing King Joash did? A VERSE TO LEARN “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers” (1 Timothy 4:12a) LET’S PRAY Dear God, thank You for giving us the Bible and the lessons we can learn from it. Help me to remember that You have a purpose for my life, and even though I am young, I can still love You and serve You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. CAN YOU FIND THIS STORY IN THE BIBLE? (2 Kings 11 - 12 and 2 Chronicles 24) Copyright © 2015- The Lorain County Free-Net Chapel North Central Ohio, U.S.A. >

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Seniors GRAMPA’S PRAYERS OF EASE by Gary James Smith

When Grandpa prays, his prayers of ease, They’re not so often on his knees; But, at his pillow on the bed His prayers for others there are said. It may be the late or early hour, But God still moves in wondrous power; To bring to fruition prayers of faith Grandpa believes the Lord’s “Thus saith”. That moment of awakening within the soul, Burdens of prayer begin to unroll; And hastens such to include them in All those living in bondage of sin. Little ones who have not heard of such Grandpa's prayers surround them much. I call it dear ones “prayers of ease”, They happen before I get on my knees. Tis joyous labor, this work I do, Such has God called Grandpa to. I pray as tears come down my face That to me is never a disgrace. For Savior, Jesus, He wept too Over such as me and you. Our prayers a Just Fragrance to His name, Glory be the Lamb that's slain. No light matter or humor there, These moments spent with God in prayer; But in brokenness and deep contrition Grandpa brings to his God petitions. His Spirit works within to move Us to pray so God can prove. Surely fitting when in every prayer we bring We pay homage to the King of Kings. Our God is swift to recompense, Those whose mind and heart are bent; To do the task He bids us do Unceasing prayer, He’s called us to. That dying world that’s lost in sin, We still may have a chance to win; A brother or a sister there May come to know Him by our prayers. Take your mind off ease and plea14

Back to School 2015

sure, Put your heart in position of treasure; You’ll see how swiftly time doth fly When interceding for a passer by. Wrench out prayer as much as you can, It will make you into a Spirit filled

man. Jesus is soon coming, it may be today, Have you yet taken, the time to pray? I must close now as I’m off to bed Upon my pillow I’ll rest my head; But trust me dear ones when I say

It’s there again I’ll begin to pray. I love to pray myself to sleep, I know my Lord, my Shepherd keeps. He delighteth when I retire so Yes, Jesus loves me, this I know! © Copyright Gary James Smith >


Changing Times

Mom's Joy By Demetria Zinga “Mom, what am I going to do?” I moaned as I shared with my mother my woes of the hour. I was working a full time job and my heart was aching to be home with my daughter instead. This was a pretty difficult decision for me, especially since my job was providing a source of financial security for me and my family. Without it, we would definitely be in a rut to make ends meet. Very calmly she replied “Did you seek the Lord about it?” “Yes!” I cried, “and, well… I’m just not sure that He’d have me leave my family in a financial rut just so I could stay home with my daughter. What do you think?” The smile in her voice when she spoke eased my mind, and I knew immediately what I should do. Months later I had quit my job and was home with my daughter, raising her and being there to see her most precious moments and milestones. The Lord had protected our financial well being and had blessed my husband with a raise at his job. But before long, I was calling Mom again. “Mom?” I began slowly. Mom waited. “Well…” I hesitated, “I love being in school right now and everything, but…” and there I continued my woes of the hour as Mom patiently and attentively listened to every word I spoke. And once again, she not only listened, but spoke words of truth to me that I knew only God could have given her to share with me for that very moment. I have never seen her falter. In the face of adversity and moments of desperation, I have seen her call out to our Heavenly Father, and with such faith and trust in Him that it literally moves me. In the midst of her troubled situations I have observed the peace of God which resides upon her life and


the joy of the Lord that radiantly shines from within. Oh, and although joy is something each individual has to receive on her own, I believe my Mother’s joy is contagious, because I feel quite joyful around her! “The joy of the Lord is your strength” the psalmist David says. And it’s true. Mom is a strong and determined virtuous woman who would go the extra mile just to have the assurance that our Savior is pleased with her. Because Mom never gives up on God, she is always joyful. And the joy of the Lord will cause one to smile even if she feels unhappy. So, although I’ve done my share of crying, when I go to visit Mom and tell her all about my woes of the hour, I can’t help but to leave with a bright smile on my face. She leaves with me a kindled fire within my soul and continually reveals to me with her quiet smile and patient words how I can attain the same joy. As a treasure of jewels found in the desert sand, is the joy of the Lord I have found in my mother. My prayer is that I will reflect her image of extreme joy in Christ, now and in the years to come. © 2015 All Rights Reserved > Best kept secret in Metairie for quality rehabilitation and skilled nursing care.


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But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation. – Mark 3:29

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Back to School 2015

Cellphones and Grandfathers by Jan Ross A very special bond often exists between a grandson and his grandfather. As grandparents, we may go through life and not realize how profoundly we impact our grandchildren until one day a word is spoken and that which has been held captive in the heart is revealed. One such moment recently brought a proud smile to my husband’s face and wrapped his heart in the bonds of a very special love. Our grandson was going through some challenging times at school. He got caught up with the wrong crowd and began to emulate some of these unfortunate kids’ vocabulary. A word here and there soon grew to a flurry of text messages with, well you know how kids try to outdo each other. But, soon his secret was out. Mom learned all about it and confronted him as well as the parents of these so-called friends. You can imagine the look on the other parents’ faces as they, too, checked their son’s phones, revealing the truth. The boys were in trouble. After taking away the phone and having some deep discussions, our grandson broke down. Not because he had disgraced his mom or dad, but because he suddenly learned he had hurt his grandfather. Once he realized his behavior wounded his grandfather’s heart and deeply grieved him, the tears began to flow and repentance soon followed, complete with verbal and written apologies and distance from his undesirable friends. Sin must evoke some form of sorrow in order for true repentance. Paul spoke of this specifically in (2 Corinthians 7:10) when he was bringing correction to the church at Corinth. He didn’t want to hurt them or to alienate them, but he knew the need for true godly sorrow. “Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and

leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.” Where there is no sorrow, there can be no repentance. When our grandson realized how he had let his grandfather down, the deep love between them became the motivating factor in his true repentance. This begs the question for us today? How deep is our love relationship with our Father? When we sin and wound His heart, are we truly sorrowful for offending Him and bringing hurt to Him? Are we so moved with sorrow that we repent and work to change our ways? How much do we value the love relationship with our God? The Holy Spirit continually leads us to examine our hearts much like our daughter examines the children’s cell phones, looking for things that might challenge their well-being, their safety, and their opportunity to grow to be strong in character. Do we resist the Lord’s correction with our attempts to justify our actions? Or do we respond with godly sorrow leading to true repentance? “Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty” (Job 5:17 KJV). Father, so many times I do wrong and fail to stop and thoroughly contemplate how my actions, or lack thereof, grieve You. You desire good for me. You desire that I be strong and of good character so Your image can readily be seen in me. Forgive me, Father, as I learn to yield to Your correction more readily with the assurance that it is because of Your love that You discipline me. I surrender to Your love. In Jesus’ name, amen. © Jan Ross All Rights Reserved >

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Changing Times

Cherished Memories by Renee Root I can remember as a child thinking my grandparents were old at 50. Now, I am approaching 50 and I don’t feel old on the inside –but I do have aches and pains that I did not have at a younger age. I guess, what I am saying is that my spirit is still young. I will always remember my grandmother in her 90’s cooking family dinners for us. She wouldn’t let anyone help her because that is how she showed her love for her family. She was raised in the generation where it was a disgrace if you were not married and did not have a man to care for you. I don’t think she ever understood my choice to remain single and follow the Lord. My grandmother lost her first husband when she was in her 50’s. She lived alone and I stayed with her at night for about four years. Then, she was married to a man who took care of her and they had a good life together. He was a good man-I would spend weeks at a time with them during the summer. Then, the Lord called him home. My grandmother then eventually was married again – but I know in my heart this man was verbally and physically abusive to her. I didn’t realize what was going on until my grandmother was hospitalized and she had marks on her neck from where he tried to choke her. I reported it to the authorities – but since my grandmother didn’t want to leave him nothing was done. She came from a generation that you didn’t leave your man under any circumstances. I tried to convince her that we could get a place together – but she wouldn’t do it. I believe another reason she refused was they were in a couples club and without a husband she wouldn’t have been included. My grandmother is with the Lord – but the only regret I have is the wonderful times that we could have spent together and didn’t get the chance. I have many wonderful memories of childhood and I will share a few of them with you. One of my most favorite

memories was going to the local “Dime Store” and getting a hot dog with a bun. I can still remember the wonderful smells of the fresh popcorn in the store. My grandmother and mom would then continue shopping after I had the snack. Unfortunately, what usually happened was on the way to the next store I would trip and skin my knee. I remember crying and they would go to a local drugstore and purchase some medication that helped the pain and probably prevented infection. I just enjoyed being with my mother and grandmother. The reason this was such a great adventure was that we lived in the country and so going to town and buying a hot dog was a very special occasion. The last two memories involve a train. I would go to my grandmother’s farm house to spend the day while my dad worked the farm with my grandfather. So, my day was usually spent with my grandmother playing with me. She lived in 2 story farm house with a long stairway that led upstairs. Grandma and I would spend hours sitting on the steps playing train. She was the conductor and I was the passenger – she would pretend to stop the train and then give me a list of possible destinations and I would choose one. Then, we would pretend the train was moving and then the train would stop and I would get off. Then, it would start all over again. This would go on for hours and only a loving grandmother would have taken the time to play with a child like this. The next memory I have is that of riding a train in Flora, IL. I think it was located near a park and (I believe) the train was called: “Little Toot”. The train was going to be moved to another location – so one day my grandmother took me to Flora and we rode the train all afternoon. My grandmother told me as we rode the train the last time that day – she wanted me to remember this day forever because someday I

would only have my memories to reflect on. She was very correct because at this point in my life – I have no family that I am close too and since my mom and grandmother are with the Lord – I am so blessed to have memories to get me through the tough times. So, if I can leave you with one hought – that would be enjoy today and make memories that will last forever. > © 2015 All Rights Reserved >

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Changing Times

How To Have Happiness and Abundance in Marriage by Angie Lewis Many couples don't realize how they are slowly pulling themselves away from each other mentally, emotionally, and physically because of the separate lives they lead. The husband is doing his own thing, and not thinking about his wife's feelings, and the wife is doing her own thing, not thinking about her husband's feelings. This kind of marriage has its priorities confused. Priorities in many marriages are backwards. What should be priority number one is on the bottom of the list and what's on the top of the list should be on the bottom. This is exactly why infidelities and other marriage issues happen. Couples don't realize where they are taking their marriage when priorities are not aligned properly. In a typical marriage husband puts himself

above God. He doesn't mean to do this, but he does not have a firm grasp or understanding of how to direct his marriage. If a husband thinks he is at the top of the priority list then who is he accountable to? Himself? Who is he responsible to? If a man lives his life as a "one man show", without responsibility to his wife, family, or marriage, there will be problems! This man will never be fulfilled and happy in life because he has no purpose. He does not understand the importance of marriage. He does not understand that he could be the king in his own home by making his wife his queen. The wife's priorities are backwards too. She is not putting God first in her life, and therefore she lives her own life under her own

understanding. Who is she accountable to? Who is she responsible to? If a wife lives her life as a "one woman show", without responsibilities to husband, and family she will never be happy in her relationships or fulfilled as a woman, no matter who she is married to. How can I say these things with such conviction? At one time in my life I did not put God first in my life and everything around me deteriorated. You see, God has a plan for you. His plan is for you to succeed in everything that you do. Yes, in everything that you do! But there is a stipulation you must put God first in your life then He will give you happiness and abundance. The fact is God created marriage to be a partnership between a man and a woman they are team players

working together for the benefit of the marriage and family. Is this how your marriage is? Who are you accountable to? Some couples don't think they are accountable to anyone, not even their spouse. Is that why some spouses have affairs? In the marriage that God designed, a husband is to be accountable to God first and then to his wife. That means a husband has responsibilities to his wife to take care of her, and to love her, even when he doesn't feel like it. This is the most important purpose you will ever have in life. God wants you to take care of your responsibilities wisely, and then there will be blessings. See ABUNDANCE on Page 26

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Back to School 2015


Changing Times

How to Cope With a Christian Cheating Spouse by Angie Lewis The Christian community needs to reflect are married to an unbeliever and God tells us much sense. upon this article and put it into practice if they what to do about that. "But to the rest I, not the I want my spouse to forgive me when I sin want to see change happening in the home. It is Lord: If any brother hath a wife that believeth I want God to forgive me when I sin up to the Christian community to bring back not, and she be pleased to dwell with him, let I am to forgive others as Jesus Christ has formarriage and family values. I am sorry to say him not put her away. And the woman, which given me? (Colossians 3:13) that many Christ Ones have lost their way and hath an husband that believeth not, and if he be I am to treat my neighbors (spouse, family are not heeding God's message on marriage. pleased to dwell with her, let her not leave him" friends, acquaintances, strangers) in the way I What do most Christian people do when they (1 Corinthians 7:12-14) would like to be treated? discover their spouse had or is having an affair? If I hold a grudge against another I will not be God's ideal would be for the believing spouse They ultimately go to their friends, family and to be the shining light of Christ and help the forgiven? (Mark 11:25) or pastor of their church and publicly expose unbeliever in their wayward ways. It is God's Forgiveness is one of the keys that open our their spouse's sin. This would be ok if any of will that couples do all they can to work on hearts to God where true freedom from being a these people could actually do something to restoring the marriage. "For the unbelieving hus- slave to sin can be found. Did you know NOT help. Going to these venues does nothing to heal band is sanctified by the wife, and the unbeliev- forgiving is a sin and it brings sin into our lives the relationship and in some instances can be ing wife is sanctified by her husband, else were See CHEATING SPOUSE more detrimental to the marriage. Let me explain. your children unclean, but now are they holy." (1 on Page 41 If you go to your church and publicly expose Corinthians 7:14) your spouse's infidelity, the church will most Yet, no wife or husband should continue to likely tell you to divorce your spouse because of serve an unbeliever, who is not willing to this scripture. "And I say unto you, whosoever repent and come into the Lord Jesus Christ. shall put away his wife, except it be for fornica- If you have prayed about reconciliation and tion, and shall marry another, committeth adul- have remained patient in the Lord and asked tery" (Matthew 19:8) for healing and restoration of your marriage Except it be for fornication is not talking and the unbelieving spouse still remains in about married couples but betrothed couples. adultery or committing adultery then let them Betrothed couples were also considered husband leave the marriage, so as to not weaken your and wife. Betrothal is the commitment leading own faith in Christ. "But if the unbeliever up to the actual marriage. It was Jewish custom depart let him depart. A brother or sister is for young couples to be betrothed before being not under bondage in such cases. (1Corinthimarriage because of age, maturity, and or finan- ans 7:15) cial reasons. The father arranged the marriage The above scripture does not mean to "get and if the father saw a good match for his daugh- a divorce" but means you are not under bondter they were betrothed. age to serve the unbeliever in the marriagelet In the scripture above Jesus was talking with them go. If God meant to get a divorce, it the Jewish community about betrothed couples, would say that. Nowhere in the bible does it which were known as husband and wife. If one talk about remarriage. This is why it is so of the betrothed couples committed fornication important for Christians to marry equally it was allowed to get a divorce and not peruse yoked Christians and not to rush into marthe actual marriage. In other words, this scrip- riage! Marrying unbelievers causes numerp l a n t a t i o n ture is NOT a loophole for divorce. Many good ous marital problems and suffering. 504.245.8221 Christian people have been mislead to believe We are called to forgive our enemies. For that this scripture (Matthew 19:8) gives justifi- some this is hard to grasp, but it makes so cation for divorce. Marriage according to God, the One who created and established marriage gives no F escape from marriage, and that is because OFAY Open for Lunch & Dinner marriage is a lifetime commitment. Once % 15 SUNDYOUR we are married we are married until our Monday - Sunday ON G IN CH spouse dies, then we are free to remarry, IN R but we must marry in the Lord. "The wife BR CHU ETIN! L is bound by the law as long as her husband UL B liveth; but if her husband be dead, she is at liberty to be married to whom she will, only in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 7:39) Now if you go to your friends and family they will be biased towards you and 137 Taos St. · Slidell, LA your happiness because well-meaning friends and family love you and want what is best for you and they will tell you to divorce your spouse. But we just learned Also Visit Us at: that adultery does not give justification 70380 Hwy 21, Covington, LA · 985-871-6674 2320 Veterans Blvd. · Metairie, LA · 504-837-6696 for divorce and that marriage is for a life1821 Hickory Ave., Harahan, LA · 504-305-4833 time. I realize that some of you are married to ongoing adulterers. What can you do? You He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people were added to the Lord. – Acts 11:24 Back to School 2015 19

I Do.

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Changing Times

Education WAS AMERICA FOUNDED as a CHRISTIAN NATION? The question of our Biblical origins has been banded around in intellectual circles for many years, especially now that there is a renewed Christian involvement in the culture of America. The major hurdle in answering the question is to define terms properly. The concept of a Christian nation is often written off because of misconceptions as to what this means. A Christian nation is not one in which all people in a society are all Christians, just as in an Islamic country, not all people are necessarily Muslims. But in a Christian nation, as our Founders would have defined it, the principles and institutional foundations are Biblically based and the people in general share a Biblical worldview. Nor should we confuse the term "Christian Nation" with a "Christian state." since the word state refers to a political body or the body politic of the nation, the term "Christian state" would mean one in which the government ruled in religious matters through a state church. This would, of course, preclude religious liberty.

All Laws are a set of laws of a Religious System "The highest glory of the American Revolution, said John Quincy Adams, was this: it connected in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the PRINCIPLES OF CHRISTIANITY." Is it not that the Declaration of Independence first organized the social compact on the foundation of the Redeemers’ mission? That it laid the cornerstone of human government upon the first precepts of Christianity and gave to the world the first irrevocable pledge of the fulfillment of the prophecies announced directly from Heaven at the birth of the Savior and predicted by the greatest of the Hebrew prophets 600 years before?" Such convictions as these concerning the Christian foundations of our government persisted into comparatively recent times. John W. Whitehead analyzes the Supreme Court's historic understanding of the relationship between Christianity and government in the United States: "In 1892 the United States Supreme Court made an exhaustive study of the supposed connection

between Christianity and the government of the United States. After researching hundreds of volumes of historical documents, the Court asserted 'these references add a volume of unofficial declarations to the mass of organic utterances that this is a religious people...a Christian nation.' Likewise in 1931, Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland reversed the 1892 decision in relation to another case and reiterated that Americans are a 'Christian people' and in 1952 Justice William O. Douglas affirmed 'we are a religious people and our institutions presuppose a Supreme Being.'"

Christian Nation in Apostasy It must be admitted that today, Christianity the Dominant Influ- although we are still essentially a Christian nation in form (i.e., the ence in America America was under the dominant Constitutional, legal structure, influence of Biblical Christianity church affiliation), we are not one from 1620 until well into the nine- in conduct. For the first 250 years teenth century. There are many of our existence, Christian characwho, in their desire to lay claim to ter determined the conduct of selfgovernment in homes, churches, the great accomplishments of that and civil society. But today we have era, have tried to minimize the forgotten our heritage and only the Christian influence and take the skeleton remains. Even so, deep credit for themselves. But only God within the American character there deserves the glory for what He did in the founding of this great nation. See CHRISTIAN NATION on Page 25 People from many denomina-

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tions came to America in the early years, but the vast majority of them shared a common faith in the basic tenets of Christianity. Whitehead's research reveals that "when the Constitution was adopted and sent to the States for ratification, the population of America numbered only about 3 1/4 million. The Christian population numbered at least 2 million. James C. Hefley has commented that about 900,000 were Scotch or Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, with another million also holding to basic Calvinistic beliefs."


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Back to School 2015


Changing Times

Do You Need Some Conversation Peace? Ask Yourself These 20 Questions by Mary A Kassian occasionally How healthy is your speech? Take this quiz to 8.Do you respond in anger? Are you hot-temdiscover areas in which your words fall short of peredor defensive? Are you easily provoked? ❑often ❑ habitually the golden standard. (See Prov. 15:1; 29:11,22; Eph. 4:26-27). 14.Do you make assumptions and assume the ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally worst about other people’s motives and inten1.Do you gossip? Do you enjoy repeating the ❑often ❑ habitually tions? (See 1 Tim. 6:3-4; Prov. 29:20). latest news or rumor you heard about another 9.Do you talk too much? Do you babble? Do ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally person? (See Prov. 11:13; 20:19; 26:20). you spend a lot of time on the phone or in chat ❑often ❑ habitually ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally rooms? Do you monopolize conversations with 15.Do you hold grudges? Do you bring up or ❑often ❑ habitually your opinions? Do you interrupt? See CONVERSATION PEACE 2.Do you slander? Do you say things about (See Eccl. 10:11; Prov. 15:28; 29:20; Jas. on Page 34 others behind their backs that you would not 1:19). say to their faces? Do your words cast others in ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally a less than positive light? (See Ps. 50:20; 52:4; ❑often ❑ habitually Prov. 11:9). 10.Are you reluctant to admit you ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally are wrong? Do you fail to ask for❑often ❑ habitually giveness? Do you refuse to admit 3.Do you nag? Do you repeat your desires and your error when you feel the other opinions to others until you get what you want? person’s error is greater? (See (See Prov. 21:19; 26:21). Prov. 29:23; Jas. 5:16). ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally ❑often ❑ habitually ❑often ❑ habitually 4.Do you meddle? Do you make the interaction 11.Do you betray a confidence? Do between other people your concern? Do you try you repeat matters that you should to referee arguments or act as ago-between? keep private? If someone has failed Apply Now At… (See Prov. 26:17). or injured you, do you feel ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally pelled to tell someone else about New Students Click Apply Here ❑often ❑ habitually it? (See Prov. 6:19; 17:19; 19:11; Returning Students Click LOLA 5.Do you brag? Do you seek to present your 25:9-10) 985-732-6640 or 1-800-732-6640 skills, your experiences or your accomplish❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally Financial Assistance Available ments as greater than they really are? (See ❑often ❑ habitually for Qualified Applicants Prov. 14:23; 25:27; 27:2) 12.Do you criticize? Do you find ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally fault? Do you focus on the bad ❑often ❑ habitually instead of the good? Do you see people’s shortcomings more than 6.Do you lie? Are you ever less than truthful? their strengths? (See Ps. 41:5; Are you less than totally honest? Do you misRom. 1:30). represent yourself, others, or events? (See Ps. ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally 120:3; 34:13; Prov. 12:19,22; 26:18-19; Eph. ❑often ❑ habitually 4:15,25). 13.Do you complain? Do you ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally Now Offering Industrial Electrician Program in Bogalusa! bewail the circumstances you find ❑often ❑ habitually yourself in? Do you let 7.Are you quarrelsome? Do you feel a need to others know that you be proved right or to have the last word? Do Healing Waters Montessori School resent being inconveyou argue? (See Prov. 17:14; 20:3; 26:21; Louisiana State Certified School nienced? (See Phil. 27:15; Phil. 2:14). 2:14). ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ ❑often ❑ habitually Full Academic Program Ages 3 through Kindergarten Mission: “Allowing God’s healing waters to flow into our lives”

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So God, who knows the heart, acknowledged them by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as He did to us, - Acts 15:8

Back to School 2015


Health Health

Changing Times


Back to School Cold Prevention Tips Dr. Don Colbert Any people dread dealing with a sick household that can come with the beginning of the school year. Germs may be everywhere but the difference between catching a cold and staying healthy is the strength of your immune system. Immune cells

live primarily in the digestive tract, so what you eat directly controls how frequently you become ill. When the gastrointestinal tract is not healthy, you will get sick more often. If you want to stay healthy while kids start a new academic year, fol-

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low these steps: 1. Eat Well Eliminate sugar from your diet. A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that eating or drinking eight tablespoons of sugar (about the amount in two 12-ounce soft drinks) can reduce the ability of white blood cells to fight off infection by 40 percent. It can also lower immune function for up to five hours and make cells more permeable to bacteria and viruses. Any food high in vitamin C is great for building the immune system. Increase your intake of citrus fruits, broccoli and dark green, leafy vegetables. 2. Exercise Exercise is an important component of any health regimen. Exercise increases the rate at which your body eliminates waste materials and consequently, germs and bacteria. Sweating in itself helps detoxify the body. If you take a brisk walk for half an hour or for 10 minutes a few times each day, you will help your immune system, drop excess weight, and improve your overall health. 3. Manage Stress Stress is one of the biggest challenges to our immune system. Prolonged stress can damage your physical and mental health. Stress of any duration, on the other hand, is long-acknowledged to compromise immunity. There are several

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ways you can help to alleviate stress and exercise is one of the best. Deep abdominal breathing exercises are also a simple way to help manage stress. The best stress reliever is to pray and cast your cares onto Jesus. Begin to meditate on the Bible; when your heart is filled with Scripture, there is not much room for stress. 4. Take Supplements There are many supplements on the market that claim to increase our body's ability to fight off germs and viruses. For maximum immunity, antioxidants such as vitamin C, vitamin E, CoQ10 and glutathione (which is often called food for the immune system) are all very helpful. Probiotics are important for keeping the immune system strong. For some, eating yogurt may sometimes be enough but for others, probiotic supplements may be necessary. Elderberry extract has shown to improve symptoms of the flu, helping patients who took it recover up to four days faster than those who did not. Results show that taking elderberry may benefit your immune system and protect you against multiple strains of the flu. The best defense against germs is a healthy diet but adding these supplements may give you the extra boost you need during the start of cold and flu season. This entry was posted in Health Tips by Dr. Don Colbert. > Driver's License renewaLs (HaraHan, Kenner, Houma, metairie, & marrero Locations)

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Back to School 2015


Changing Times

Alzheimer's - 7 Ways to Lower Your Risk Dr. Don Colbert ing research associates a lower risk of Alzheimer’s with various short term brain training activities. Other research identifies a link between lower Alzheimer’s risk and long term learning activities, such as college. Stress Management – Several studies associate stress with cognitive decline, including poor memory and smaller brain size. Other studies strongly suggest chronic stress leads to an increased risk for dementia, Alzheimer’s and depression. , , In a recent meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, data was presented showing that, in addition to encouraging relaxation, stress reducing meditation also affects biomarkers of inflammation and telomerase activity – both associated with Alzheimer’s. Diet - Weight management and nutrition also play major roles in brain health. Several studies show an association between obesity and dementia, including a recent twin study. Other research shows that cognitive function improves significantly in obese patients who undergo bariatric surgery. Along with numerous other benefits: -A Mediterranean diet high in omega-3 fatty acids reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s. -Numerous studies link fruits and vegetables to improved brain health, while also showing the harmful effects of refined sugars and trans fats. -Other studies suggest that turmeric and pomegranate may lower the risk of Alzheimer’s.

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Simple Pleasures Alzheimer's disease affects almost 40 million people worldwide, including over 5 million Americans. One in 8 people over age 65 are afflicted with this devastating brain disease. The number increases to nearly half for those delivering the magic of flowerS over age 85. The primary reason celebrations Bouquet for the increase is people are living longer. In 1900, the average life Orders accepted 24 hours a day expectancy in the US was 47 years. Delivery 7 days a week Today, it's almost 80 years. covington metairie The good news is your genes 1415 n. hwy 190 750 martin Behrman may account for only a third of 985.809.9101 504.833.3716 your risk. The other two thirds are related to lifestyle factors which you have control over. Prevention is possible. While some drugs may Precious love temporarily slow the progression of the disease, the main focus today is on prevention. When researchers study groups of people who tend to maintain good mental health well into their nineties, certain common factors show up over and over again. They This entry was posted in Health include the following. Tips by Dr. Don Colbert > Exercise - Of all the habits that might help prevent Alzheimer disease, exercise has the most research 1101 Robert Blvd., Ste A supporting it. Older adults who Slidell, La 70458 walk regularly are at lower risk for Alzheimer's. People who exercise regularly seem to display better We help people move • places a high value on your oral health, cognitive abilities and even have toward wellness. • believes that the health of the mouth is intimately related to larger brains. According to one the health of the whole body, study, people who exercise reguWe are aggressively • is looking for a dental practice that listens to you without conservative and practice larly display lower levels of chemminimally-invasive dentistry. judgment and will help you get what is important to you, ical markers associated with • understands that excellence is a choice that is made each day, Alzheimer’s disease. Mike Robichaux, DDS Mental Stimulation – This includes reading, writing and working crossword puzzles. Ongo-

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And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. – Acts 2:4

Back to School 2015



Changing Times

on the road a lot and needs some- $18,000 machine. Take out a small thing dependable. Before this we were debt-free except for our house. How can we get back there and Dear Dave, keep him safe? My husband recently had his Donna commissions cut in half at work. This has reduced our annual income Dear Donna, from $100,000 to $50,000. Just Financial Straight-Talk Are you trying to tell me the before this happened, we bought a cheapest dependable car out there by Dave Ramsey new car for $18,000 because he’s costs $18,000? I don’t think so.

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I’ll agree that he needs a reliable car – every road warrior does. With the miles he’s racking up that $18,000 car is going to turn into a $4,000 car before you know it! But I wouldn’t recommend he wear out an $18,000 car, even if you guys had a million dollars in the bank. I’d suggest he wear out a $7,000 car. And there are lots of solid cars with plenty of life left in them in this price range. You’re not looking for a vehicle to make a statement, Donna. You’re looking for dependable transportation – period. If I were you guys, I’d sell that

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loan to cover the difference and buy a good get-around car. Then, pay the loan off as quickly as possible so that you can re-focus on knocking out your house and becoming debt-free! Dave

Take Care of Your Own Dear Dave, My husband and I have made a commitment to get out of debt. We’re living on a budget, and we’ve both taken part-time jobs. This is my second marriage, and I have two kids. Unfortunately, my exhusband has stopped paying child support. It’s always been an onagain, off-again thing with him. Do you think we should take him to court over this? Jennifer Dear Jennifer, It’s your ex’s job to take care of his kids. If there’s a pattern of irresponsibility at work when it comes to that duty, then you need to thump him! Now, it’s not his responsibility to take care of YOUR stuff. Keep this in mind. There’s a reason they call it child support. But a stand-up guy is going to take care of his kids if he’s got the money. Sometimes bad things happen to decent people, and anyone can have trouble financially from time to time. But if those kids were under his roof, they’d eat before he paid bills – assuming he’s a stand-up guy. In this kind of situation, child support should be the first thing you do as a dad. And if he’s just not paying, then you need to get a judge to help him re-prioritize his life! Dave

Ludicrous Advice Dear Dave, My dad has been reading a book, and the author says the stock market is about to crash. He’s scared my dad to death, and now he wants to pull out all the money from his 401(k) and other investments and buy gold overseas. What can I say to talk some sense into him? Amanda Dear Amanda, I’ve seen books like this every year since I was old enough to read. This is ridiculous! COULD the stock market crash? Sure, but there is absolutely no realistic indication of that happening. In order for the stock market to crash all the giant companies like Microsoft, Ford, GM and GE would have to blink out of existence. I’m not talking about lower earnings and economic slow downs, I’m talking about closing their doors and going out of business completely. Can you honestly imagine this happening? Our stock market and banking systems are structured and operate much differently than they did before the Great Depression. There are many more safeguards in place. When President Nixon resigned the stock market dropped almost the same exact percentage it did back in 1929. There was no depression. Fifty-six days after the attacks on 9/11 the market was back up to the level it was on September 10. Did it drop for a while? Of course, it did. But the people who run around spouting this end of the world kind of stuff are doomsayers trying to make a buck off people’s fear. I don’t own any gold, and I’m not buying any gold. The returns are horrible – only about four percent over the last 50 years – and the volatility is all over the place. Next to gold, the stock market looks like a cake walk! Dave


Changing Times

CHRISTIAN NATION Continued from Page 25 54296 Hwy. 445 • Loranger, LA 70446 • 985-748-6634

lingers a Christian conscience ready nations because "to whom

to be revived by the spirit of God through awakened American Christian patriots. It should be noted that by stating that America was a Christian nation we are not saying that we were the "New Israel" or a special race that God must bless. Quite the contrary, God Blessed America because our forefathers built their nation with reliance on Him and His Word, and because God had a Gospel purpose for our nation. If we turn from His purpose we can expect His judgment, perhaps greater judgment than other

much is given, much is required." Every nation can be a nation under God if it chooses to follow Jesus Christ. Our history is unique in that we were allowed to express the full flower of Christian civilization and government. This fact should give us cause to ponder the price we have paid for the maintenance of our Christian liberty. Will we be the generation that presides over its death?

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And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. – Ephesians 4:30

Back to School 2015



Changing Times

Payroll Rx, LLC

ABUNDANCE Continued from Page 18

Payroll Rx launched their local payroll service in December 2005, right in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. David Scheuermann, a Certified Public Accountant, gathered his team of experts hoping to fill a niche with the need of reliable and cost-effective solutions for payroll services. “I knew that both existing businesses and new businesses could use a good local payroll service,” said Scheuermann.” “In this Southern Louisiana culture, good customer service is the key. We see this as our competitive edge. We make sure our calls and emails are answered quickly and we can provide answers to any concerned client about taxes or reporting changes,” stated Holly Wingerter”, Sales Director and Partner with Payroll Rx. For almost 10 years Payroll Rx has been meeting the payroll needs of Louisiana businesses and the Gulf Coast as they have been able to expand their services.

Wife, you are accountable to God and to your husband also. You have a responsibility to support and to respect you husband. This is what God created you for. God created the union of marriage to work best when both husband and wife KNOW what their duties and responsibilities are to each other. Marriage is not about going your separate ways like marriages do today. Wife has her career and friends and husband has his career and friends. Wife has her endeavors that she embarks on and husband has his. Is this a marriage of one flesh or is this two people living separate lives? Marriage is about building each other up in the Lord and creating abundance and happiness for yourselves and family. It is about happiness, love, and abundance. Do you have that in your marriage? Why or why not? What can you do to bring abundance into your marriage? Society has taken marriage and turned it upside down. The intention of "loving each other for life" is a nice thought, but if couples

Today Payroll Rx provides more than 18,000 employee paychecks for weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly payroll schedules. “It is an ongoing and time consuming process if a business handles this task alone. We’re here to take that burden off their plate, so that they can concentrate on growing their business. They can rest assure their payroll and payroll taxes will be accurate,” said Wingerter. “We have a great team that enjoys getting to know each client to make the payroll and timekeeping processes flow more smoothly.” Payroll Rx also serves local non-profits by providing discounted services and has volunteered as a team for school yard work projects. Holly believes the success of their business is because they do their best to practice the following biblical principle. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you”. Matthew 6:33 >

aren't really committed to working together and helping each other be all that they can be, then they are probably going to have an unhappy marriage. It's all about priorities, priorities, priorities. If a husband is putting himself above his wife then that is being selfish. If a wife is putting herself above her husband then that is being selfish. What does all this mean? Well, next time you feel like doing something outside the bounds of your marriage, as a separate individual from the marriage, remember you are married and have responsibilities in your marriage. Check your priority list and see if your behavior is the proper thing to do. Will your actions be beneficial to the marriage or harmful to the marriage? We should be accountable and responsible to God first and then to our marriage. My Spouse is Having an Affair: What is God's Will For Me Now? Heaven Ministries ~ http://www. Article Source: CHRISTIAN WRITERS >

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Feature Articles Articles Feature

Changing Times

How To Live By The Power Of The Holy Spirit you obey, and begin to obey. This 25-32 for some specific 3:20-21). is what it means to be filled with Because the Holy Spirit is at examples). As you learn to the Spirit. His power will be practice the truth, you gradually work in you, you need to But the Counselor, the Holy become more and more godly-like displayed in your life as you trust Spirit, whom the Father will send in understand... Him and begin to obey His Word. Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 4:7). my name, will teach you all things The word ”train” in (1 Timothy How You Can Cooperate With and will remind you of everything I 4:7) is an athletic term. It means: Study His Daily Work In Your Life have said to you. daily sustained effort. Just as it (Ephesians 4:25-6:9). It is an As Christians, we understand that Cooperating with the Holy Spirit salvation is not a matter of earning means dependence on Him and His takes practice to be skilled in a extended discussion of how to put God’s favor by our own effort. divine resources. We must keep in particular sport, so it takes practice off old habits and replace them to be skilled in living the Christian with godly habits in obedience to Rather it is transferring our trust step with the Spirit (Galatians life. God does not expect you to be God’s Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). from what we can do to get ourselves 5:25). Keeping in step with the perfect; He expects you to be Below are a list of put offs and put to heaven to what Jesus Christ has Spirit sounds very mysterious. growing. Your part in growing is ons from this passage: Actually it means that we submit already done. Yet, the same Scripture exerting daily sustained effort to Note an area from above where you to and rely on the Spirit. We look that tells us that we are not saved by need to change. apply His Word to your life. good works tells us that we are to Him for help--daily trusting List some steps that would begin to saved to do good works (Ephesians Him and praying to Him for move you toward that goal. Life Application understanding and strength 2:8-10). To put it another way, the Read (Ephesians 3:16-17). It is a (Ephesians 1:17-18). We must be God who has saved us from the model for how you should pray © New Testament Christian penalty of sin now intends to change filled with (or controlled by) the daily for yourself: Study God’s Website: new-testament-christian. us--to remove the sinful habits and Spirit (Ephesians 5:18); being Word. (See passages below). filled by the Spirit has the idea of com. > selfish attitudes in our lives so that Depend on the Holy Spirit to help control by (Note the contrast with we can become more like His Son, Jesus Christ (Romans 8:28-29). To drunkenness). It has the idea of accomplish this goal, God has not being totally saturated with left us alone to live the Christian life (Colossians 3:16). in our own strength. Actually that To be filled with the Holy Spirit D D S LLC would be impossible. But God’s and to have Christ’s Word dwell in Steven E. Pfingsten D.D.S. power can do the impossible--that you mean the same thing. God’s is, enable us to live the Christian Spirit always works in and through life. The following study is designed His Word. Family Dentistry for All Ages to help you understand the work of Cooperating with the Holy Spirit RestoRative, CRown & BRidge, dentuRes, PaRtials & whitening God’s Holy Spirit (the third member means the disciplined use of His divine resources. Change occurs as of the Godhead) and how you can Caring Christian Atmosphere • New Patients Welcome cooperate with His daily work in you learn to put off the old ways Saturday Appointments Available of thinking and responding and put your life. We Accept Medicaid & Most Insurances on God’s new ways of thinking What The Holy Spirit Does and responding. This begins by He united you to Christ at the 985-892-3250 moment of conversion; He caused daily renewing your mind with the 71623 Hickory Street, Abita Springs, LA 70420 life-changing truth of God’s Word you to believe (2 Thessalonians (on the St. Tammany Trace in Historic Abita Springs) (Ephesians 4:22-24; See verses 2:13). He placed you into Christ’s body (1 Corinthians 12:13), and He is the bond that makes you belong to Jesus (Romans 8:9). He assures you that you belong to God. He teaches you to call God, “Father” (Romans 8:15-16). He is God’s seal of ownership and your guarantee of complete salvation (Ephesians 1:13-14). He is making you to be more like Jesus Christ. By progressively freeing you from sinful habits and transforming you into the likeness of Christ (2 Corinthians 3:17-18). By empowering you to replace ungodly habits with godly fruit such as love, patience, and selfcontrol (Galatians 5:18-23). You can do what pleases God because His Spirit gives you power. He is your life and strength. That is why you must not ignore Him or try to live the Christian life without depending on Him. His work will not cease until it is completed at Christ’s second coming when our bodies will be transformed to be like Christ’s body (Philippians And He has filled him with the Spirit of God, in wisdom and understanding, in knowledge and all manner of workmanship, - Exodus 35:31 Back to School 2015 27 John 14:26:

Abita Dental Care

Feature Articles

Changing Times

Plugging In ... to the Right Power Source! by David Jeremiah In the early computer days, if the power failed and we hadn't hit "save," all our work was lost. Today the key to remaining productive in the world of computing is to have a "UPS" -an "uninterruptible power supply." A permanent and consistent source of power is also needed in the daily Christian life. Spiritual Crash and Burn Too many Christians today lack power to meet the challenges of life and burn out, or try to sustain themselves on the wrong power source. Christians were not made to operate on the world's power sources: creating a sharper image, self-talk, believe and achieve strategies, self-actualization therapy. Our personal power source is the Holy Spirit, which is adequate to meet every need.

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Smooth Transition of Power But the Holy Spirit is not a power. He is a person who empowers. In the Old Testament, power is most often mentioned as an attribute of God: "Be exalted, O Lord, in Your own strength! We will sing and praise Your power" (Psalm 21:13). On occasion, references are made to God's power being available to the faithful: "God is my strength and power" (2 Samuel 22:33). Even Jesus Christ's words are consistent with the Old Testament as seen in the Lord's Prayer: "For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever" (Matthew 6:13b). But an amazing thing began to happen during Christ's ministry. A little at a time, Jesus transferred God's power, which He himself clearly possessed (Matthew 9:8), to His disciples: "He gave them power..." (Matthew 10:1). By the end of Christ's ministry on earth, the power transition was even more radical. Instead of temporary power related to specific tasks (casting out demons, healing the sick), permanent power was promised: "But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you..." (Acts 1:8). When the Holy Spirit has come-the Christian's power for living is directly related to the presence of the Holy Spirit. Nowhere was that more immediately obvious than in the transformation of Peter from a disciple who denied his Lord to an apostle who preached so powerfully that 3,000 souls responded to the invitation to be saved! He knew he had no power of his own-it was all of the Spirit (Acts 3:12). Power to the People Peter was empowered to preach and heal because he was an apostle. But the Holy Spirit has empowered every Christian in numerous ways. • Power to choose. At times, choosing to stand steadfastly for God goes against the desires of our flesh. Only God can provide "power over [our] own will" (1 Corinthians 7:37). • Power to prove. When you face difficult situations in life with grace and supernatural power, you become living proof of the reality of a loving and powerful God (2 Corinthians 4:7). • Power to boast. Human weakness is overcome by divine power. You are no longer ashamed of your weaknesses; rather, you boast in them because they point to Christ's power in you (2 Corinthians 12:9). • Power to live. Let's face it: Life is difficult. Paul says that we "shall live with Him by the power of God"-the same power by which Christ now lives, raised from the dead (2 Corinthians 13:4). • Power to minister. You have a ministry aptitude from God according to the grace (spiritual gift) of God working in you. And that grace works only according to God's power (Ephesians 3:7). • Power to witness. The Christian living in God's power becomes a witness not "in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit." A powerful life is a powerful witness for Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:5). Power: The Kingdom Way First Corinthians 4:20 summarizes it best: "For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power." And that empowerment comes from an eternal source that never fails or short-circuits: the Holy Spirit of God. Never short-circuit His power. Confess your sins, ask to be filled with the Spirit, and depend on Him moment by moment for His power. You will be plugged in to an uninterruptible power supply like none other on earth. This article was excerpted from Turning Points. , Dr. David Jeremiah's devotional magazine. Call Turning Point at 1-800-947-1993 for your complimentary copy of Turning Points >


Back to School 2015

The Christian Journey

Changing Times

Responding to His Call

THE “EDEN” of THE NEW TESTAMENT by Andrew Strom There is hunger inside man for the lost paradise of Eden which we were cut-off from through the fall. It was a place of harmony, purity, sharing, love and communion with our Creator. A place where sin has been purged and selfishness overcome - where people live together in true unity and love. It’s a place that has a touch of ‘heaven’ about it. But few of us seem to realize that the CHURCH is supposed to be something of an “Eden” like this. Please read the below passage carefully - even if you know it well. It is describing the early church as it was in the beginning. (Acts 2:42-47) “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles´ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.” Do you see the touch of “heaven” going on in the above passage, my friends? Can you see why I refer to it as being “Eden”like? There are a lot of people who say we can “ignore” the description of the early church in Jerusalem - as though it is not any kind of ‘ideal’ to emulate. “Just put it out of your mind,” they say. We live in “modern” times, after all.

But I beg to differ. When there is chapter after chapter of Acts devoted to the way this church lived, I have to believe it is there for a reason. And it is not so we can simply “ignore” or cast it aside. After all, this was the church literally founded by Jesus and the apostles. In many ways it is the best biblical pattern of “normal” Christianity that we have. Surely we ignore it at our peril. So what are we to make of this hint of “Eden” today? Simply that there is supposed to exist on earth a fully “redeemed” people - a people of purity, love, sharing and harmony - a true touch of “heaven” on earth. Not perfect - but truly and deeply redeemed. A body of people who have been made so “clean” by the preaching of the Apostolic gospel that the Spirit of God is pleased to dwell among them in power. And that is the key to it right there. You notice that at the founding of the Jerusalem church, Peter preached to them a piercing gospel that “cut them to the heart”. They were deeply convicted and deeply repentant. They then had a powerful encounter with God’s Spirit of Holiness - His Holy Spirit. This purifying and cleansing is the secret to so much of what followed. The old “apostolic” gospel preached under an ‘apostolic’-type anointing is what brings this kind of transformation to people. And it is the key to the “Eden”-like atmosphere that imbued the Jerusalem church. Combine a truly “cleansed” people with the POWER of the Holy Spirit, and that is the type of result you get - as so many Revivals down the ages show us. This is precisely the kind of thing Jonathan Edwards was referring to

when he wrote: “This work of God... soon made a glorious alteration in the town: so that in the spring and summer of 1735, the town (Northampton, Massachusetts) seemed to be full of the presence of God: it never was so full of love, nor of joy, and yet so full of distress, as it was then.” This “Eden” experience occurs first in individuals, then in groups, and can even occur across entire towns. I wonder what is standing in the way of such an

“Eden” occurring friends?



If you would like to attend a class that teaches about this kind of personal revival, We would love to hear from you. You can reach us by email at >




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He, who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. – Revelation 3:6

Back to School 2015


TheChristian ChristianJourney Journey The

Changing Times


The Bible repeatedly teaches us that God has a divine plan for each of us and that His desire is for us to passionately pursue His will for our lives. In the last issue we learned that God’s plan for you is first of all UNIQUE. Forget about comparing yourself to others or competing with them in life. God’s plan for you is for you. God’s plan for them is for them. Leave it right there. Secondly, we learned that God’s plan for you is GOOD. You don’t have to wonder if God wants you to

be a missionary to an obscure jungle or to marry some boring Biblethumper. God’s will for you is exactly what you would choose for yourself if you knew what God knows. This week I want to share two more things that will help you fulfill your purpose in life. 3. God’s Plan for You is Important. Everyone wants to feel important. I’m not talking about pride or arrogance. I’m simply referring to a sense of validation and contribution to society. One young student needed to bring a copy of her birth certificate to school for something but she forgot it. When she called her mother to bring it to her she tearfully said, “I forgot my excuse for being born.” Bless her little heart. I’ll bet we’ve all wondered the same thing at one time or another, “What’s my excuse for being born?” You have a very good reason for being born. Ephesians 2:10, (NLT) “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned

for us long ago.” God’s plan for you is not only important now, but also in eternity. Jesus promised to reward us in accordance with how well we did. Matthew 16:28 (NIV), "For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father’s glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what they have done." Jesus was not joking when he told you to lay up treasures in heaven. You see, even though everyone who is saved will live forever in God’s kingdom, we will not all be rewarded the same. You have an important purpose in life. And God wants you to search it out and fulfill it. 4. God’s Plan for You is Urgent. Have you noticed that society is obsessed with coming up with new ways to waste time? Of course it’s all in the name of fun and enjoyment and the quality of life. But when you peek behind the curtain, the truth is that people are often just trying to distract themselves so they don’t have to face the emptiness of a life without direction.

You see, when people don’t have a purpose for living, they don’t see a problem with wasting their life. There are things that God has planned for you that require immediate action. Being patient is a good thing, but please don’t confuse that with the idea that you have an infinite amount of time to find God’s will and follow it. King David understood this. He knew the value of every day of our lives. He prayed, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12) I don’t think he was asking to count our days as much as he was praying, “Teach us to make our days count.” Like sands flowing through an hourglass, our days are slipping past never to return. We need to do our best to make every day count. Sometimes windows of opportunity open for only a short time and then close up again. (Ephesians 5:15-17 (NLT)), “15 So be careful how you live. Don’t live See my purpose on Page 40



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Back to School 2015

The Christian Journey

Changing Times

Witnessing At Work by Dr. Adrian Rogers

In all labour there is profit: but the talk of men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the the lips tendeth only to penury. (Proverbs inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.” Don’t see if the boss is looking before you work hard. I don’t care how 14:23). dull or boring, it may seem. It’s not that way ... if you’re working to the I’ve heard people say, I sure would like to glory of God. Do your job to the best of your ability. be in a Christian company and be Don’t Sag surrounded by Christians. The only time I I want to tell you something about those people with whom you work. hear God’s name mentioned where I work Most of them are not all that interested in going to heaven or hell. They now is when people are cursing. And you just want to know how to hack it on Monday. And when they see you just cannot believe the obscene jokes, come in the office without a hangover and with the joy of the Lord Jesus gossip, greed, back-stabbing, throatcutting, and all of the materialism! Oh if on your face, they’re going to ask you, “What makes you so happy?” And at that moment, you’re going to be able to share the Lord Jesus God would only get me out of this place so with him because you will have sanctified the Lord God in your heart. I could serve Him! (First Peter 3:15) says, Do you know how I would respond? I “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give would tell them, God put you in that place an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you so you could serve Him. We are to let our with meekness and fear.” > light shine in every place where God has Copyright© 2015 Love Worth Finding Ministries places us! (Matthew 5:14-16) says, “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Your job is the lampstand that God has ordained where you let your light shine!” You have been saved out of the world and then sent back into the world to witness to the world, and that’s the only business in the world you have in the world, till you’re taken out of the world! Now, let me give you four rules for witnessing to those with whom you work. Don’t Brag The Bible says let your light shine. It doesn’t say make it shine. Your light is to glow, not glare. Also, people are to see the light, not the source of the light. If you go to work with an air of self-righteousness, you’re going to make your coworkers sick and not want to even be around you. (First Corinthians 1:30-31) says, “It is because of Him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God - that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. Therefore, as it is written: “Let him who boasts boast in the Lord.” Don’t Nag If you’re always thumping a Bible or nagging somebody when he gambles, smokes, or curses, you’re not going to win that person to Christ. You may think that you’re doing a good job, but that person is not going to take a step closer to Jesus Christ through that kind of witness. You see, his behavior is not his problem. You would be just like that person if you didn’t know the Lord Jesus Christ. He needs Jesus Christ. So let’s see how we are to respond from (Colossians 4:5-6): 3010 lausat street, metairie, la 70001 “Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time. Let your speech be always with grace, • Cold Web Press seasoned with salt, that ye may know • Prepress Service how ye ought to answer every man.” Don’t Lag If you’re a lazy Christian - not getting to work on time, doing personal stuff on company time, procrastinating on work that you ought to do, then you’re a disgrace to grace. It is a sin for a Christian to do less than his best. Let’s revisit (Colossians 3:23-24) says, “And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto

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Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead,be filled with the Holy Spirit, - Ephesians 5:18

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Changing Times

Guiding Light

A Deeper Study Into The Word of God Grieving the Spirit of Revival By G.D. Watson A true revival is preeminently the work of the Holy Spirit, and the depth and magnitude of the work depends largely on the number of people who are in perfect union with the Holy Spirit. In times of revival all spiritual forces come to a crisis, both good and bad. Satan is on hand to muster all his children against a thorough work of grace. He will also be busy in society, devising all sorts of social matters against revival. He will influence all weak, half-hearted believers in every way against a thorough work. He will do everything to discourage workers. He will make them sick or cripple their zeal, or tempt them in some way to grieve the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is more frequently grieved by hidden things than by things which are outward and visi-


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ble. In times of revival it is almost impossible to get six persons out of a large community, who in heart perfectly agree. There may be an outward profession of unity, and no one may detect any definite sign of disharmony, yet the human heart is so deceitful, and the interior conditions of perfect harmony require such utter unselfishness and transparency of spirit that very few persons ever comply with them in the sight of God. The following are some of the things that grieve the Holy Spirit and hinder Him in revivals: 1. A CRITICAL SPIRIT. I do not mean the open rebuke of sin, for this is commanded in God's Word. Neither do I mean the just rebuke of ill-behaved persons in a meeting, for this is a necessity, and

no company of worshipers should be disturbed by misconduct. But I mean those who claim to be in sympathy with God's work, yet they have a critical spirit against the leaders of the meeting, or the methods of work that may be adopted. Even though this criticism is not outspoken, it greatly hinders the Holy Ghost. There is often in the church a whimsical stubborn fault-finding disposition. A watching for defects among God's children, a picking out of blemishes in the singing, or the praying, or the preaching. All this forms an enormous barrier to the flow of the Holy Spirit. Such persons are deceitful, hard to please, and whatever excellencies they may have they are a definite hindrance to God's work. There is always a company of evil spirits that cluster around such

persons to neutralize all the good they attempt to do. 2. THE SPIRIT OF FEAR. Timidity, moral cowardice, the fear of public opinion, the fear of relatives and friends, which prevents persons from taking a bold, decisive part in the church. Which prevents them from leading in prayer, or giving public testimony, or speaking to souls on personal salvation, all this fearfulness of spirit greatly grieves the Holy Ghost. Some are afraid that God will overburden them with work, or make demands of consecration beyond their strength, and so they fail to yield themselves fully to the Lord. While they may try to busy themselves in the church and think they are helping See SPIRIT OF REVIVAL on Page 40

Guiding Light Light Guiding

Changing Times

What’s in It for Me? by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

One of the major reasons people experience a sense of frustration and failure in their devotional life is because they don’t understand why such a habit is important. As a result, there are sincere believers who have (or try to have) daily devotions for all the wrong reasons. Then what is the purpose of devotions? What makes it worth making the effort to get up earlier in the morning, to find time in an already hectic schedule, and to prioritize a daily quiet time? What are we hoping to see accomplished through that time? And why is this habit such a crucial one in the life of a believer? I’d like to suggest eight purposes I have discovered. The first four relate primarily to our inner life with God, and the other four affect not only our inner life but flow out into our lifestyle and our relationships with others. Communion. The ultimate purpose of spending time in God’s Word is to get to know God! What an awesome privilege it is to be invited to be a friend of the God of the universe and to walk with Him in a close, personal relationship. The goal is not to check one more thing off our to do list, but to meet with Him; it is not to “have devotions,” but to experience true “devotion.” (Ex. 33:13) Purification. As I spend time alone with God in the morning, I ask Him who sees and knows all to

expose anything in my become a source of grace and that if you and I would spend a heart that is not holy. He encouragement to others who are fraction of the time praying about knows me better than I hurting. (Ps. 40:8) our concerns for others that we do know myself. My natural Direction. God wants us to worrying about them, talking about tendency would be to seek His counsel and direction in them to others, and trying to fix cover my sin, so I ask relation to the matters that con- them ourselves, we would see a Him to shine the light of cern us. During our quiet time, we whole lot more results. (Mark 2:1His holiness into my enter into His presence and lay 5) heart and to show me our lives before Him—our schedTransformation. God doesn’t what He sees there. ules, our questions, and the cir- want us to masquerade as “good Through worship, prayer, cumstances and decisions we are Christians.” He wants us to be and the Word, I step out facing. Then with His Word open metamorphosed—to be transof the darkness into His before us and our hearts open formed from the inside out into the light. (Ps. 19:12; 139:23- before Him, we seek to discover likeness of the Lord Jesus. We can 24) His heart on the matter. We trust masquerade in the energy of our Restoration. As we Him to shine His light on our own flesh but are likely to end up walk through each day, path. (James 1:5) frazzled and frustrated. Only the responding to the needs Intercession. Most of us are born Spirit of God can metamorphose of those around us, we “fixers.” Our natural tendency is to (transform) us into the image of can become physically, take matters into our own hands, to Jesus. (2 Cor. 3:18) emotionally, and spiritu- fret and worry, and to demand solually depleted. God has a tions. In the process, we often © Used with permission. Adapted never-ending supply of bypass the one truly effective means from A Place of Quiet Rest by grace, strength, and wis- we have of impacting the lives of Nancy Leigh DeMoss. http://www. dom available that He those around us. I am convinced > wants to flow through us to others. And we need to keep coming back into His presence to get our supply replenished. (Ps. 23:1-3) Instruction. Wouldn’t it be School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine great if there were a class you a global commitment to public health could take that would teach you everything you needed to know Louisiana Osteoporosis Study (LOS) and provide answers for all your Department of Biostatistics is conducting a research project on problems? The fact is, there is a osteoporosis. If you are eligible to participate you would receive a “course” that addresses every issue we will ever face. The Teacher Free Bone Health Assessment loves to meet one-on-one with His which includes a bone density test and a fat mass and lean mass measurement students, so that He can tailor the Call today to make an appointment! course to our needs. He is willing to hold class every day that we are 504-988-1016 willing to meet. We already have the Textbook, which was written by the Teacher Himself. Parts of it Compensation for your time and travel is can be difficult to grasp. But the provided for the one-time, 2 hour visit. Contact Teacher is always available— our study coordinator for more information. twenty-four hours a day—to help us understand. (Ps. 25:4-5, 9, 12, Eligible subjects must meet the following criteria: 14) • Be at least 18 years of age. Submission. • Female has at least one intact ovary. Over the years, I have learned a • No severe uncontrolled chronic diseases. foundational truth. Whether the • Be willing to attend the scheduled exam and to have problem is earth-shattering or a a small amount of blood drawn. mere blip on the radar screen of our • Body weight less than 300 lb. lives, ultimately the real issue is this: “Will I surrender to God’s hand and purposes in my life?” Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine Those who refuse to relinquish con1440 Canal St., New Orleans, LA 70112 trol become emotionally and spiriOffice Phone: (504) 988-1016 tually bankrupt—bitter, demandE-mail: Free Parking: LaSalle Parking Garage ing, impossible to live with. Those (on LaSalle St. in between Cleveland & Tulane who say in simple surrender, “Yes, Avenues) Lord,” emerge from the experience spiritually rich, and their lives And when Paul had laid hands on them, the Holy Spirit came upon Back to School 2015 33 them,and they spoke with tongues and prophesied. – Acts 19:6

Guiding Light

Changing Times

God’s Purpose for Intimacy By Charles F. Stanley her quiet time on a kitchen stool with her apron pulled over her head. When was the last time you got alone with the Lord and asked Him to speak to your heart? Second, intimacy with God depends on our ability to listen. Most of the time, He will speak need to give rea through Scripture. That’s why we ding and meditation high priority. Third, we must speak to God transparently and hold nothing back. A loving relationship is built upon honesty. Each person should feel comfortable expressing both positive and negative emotions while still trusting the other’s love. Of course, God already knows what For most of my life, I believed is in our heart. But we must learn to that the heavenly Father and I trust Him with our deepest secrets. shared a relationship for my beneOur Father wants His children to fit. However, His primary purpose understand how He operates. The for creating intimacy with believers only way to gain that knowledge is is to reveal Himself. The greatest by allowing God to unveil Himself tragedy for anyone, but especially in our life experiences. That means for a churchgoer, is to die without we must be willing to go through knowing the Lord personally. But difficulty and pain as well as happilike any friendship, intimacy with ness and peace. A man can read that God requires effort. the Holy Spirit is the believer’s In a genuinely loving relationComforter, but he does not know this truth until he has need of solace. New LocatioN Manufacturers Since 1867 None of us would dare say that the God who saved us is not worthy of our attention. Yet many Chris525-2128 tians act as if this were true. Inti4315 Bienville St., New Orleans, LA 70119 • macy with the Lord is a privilege. RUBBER STAMPS - SIGNS - MEMORIALS - BADGES - SEALS - FLAGS Do not waste the opportunity to be Cast Bronze & Aluminum Plaques • Engraved Metal & Plastic Plates close to Him. The Christian life is not about feeling good and deriving the greatest personal benefit from our connection to God. Rather, the Lord builds an intimate relationship with each of His followers. In that way, He can reveal more about Himself— truth by truth—as a believer needs that knowledge. What a privilege! > WHERE LOCALS HAVE BEEN SHOPPING SINCE 1791! ship, each person wants to know more about the other. As believers, we’re sometimes guilty of taking a more self-interested approach and forget that God is the rightful center of attention. Instead, we head to church or into quiet time looking for something to inspire us, motivate us, or help us. Part of the problem is that we would like to practice our faith in the safest way possible. Bible study, prayer, and church are relatively easy, compared to stepping out in faith or enduring persecution. But to know God intimately is not a purely intellectual pursuit. A truth about the Lord is not truly ours until He works it into our daily life. First, we must spend time with Him. Bible studies and church are good, but they don’t count toward this requirement. We need to be alone with God, away from distractions and anything that might interfere with our communion. Susanna Wesley was mother to 18th-century evangelist John, hymn-writer Charles, and seven other children who survived to adulthood. She had

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CONVERSATION PEACE Continued from Page 21 focus on past wrongs? Do you accuse others? (See Prov. 11:12). ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally ❑often ❑ habitually 16.Are you sarcastic? Do you mock others? Do you use negative humor to put others down? (See Prov. 21:24; 9:7; 26:18-19). ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally ❑often ❑ habitually 17.Are you malicious? Are your words intended to cut and wound? Are your words harsh? (See Prov. 11:12; 17:4; 15:1; 16:27). ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally ❑often ❑ habitually 18.Are you insincere in your compliments? Do you flatter others for your own advantage? (See Prov. 26:28; 29:5). ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally ❑often ❑ habitually 19.Is your speech filthy? Do you swear or use foul language? Do you use the latest slang or crass expressions? (See Prov. 4:24; 10:31-32; Col. 3:8). ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally ❑often ❑ habitually 20.Do you fail to listen? Do you jump to conclusions before you are sure that you have heard and understood? (See Prov. 18:13; 19:20; Jas. 1:19). ❑never ❑ seldom ❑ occasionally ❑often ❑ habitually Look back over your answers. Can you identify the three main areas in which your speech needs improvement? The 20 Questions are taken from Conversation Peace: The Power of Transformed Speech. LifeWay Press © 2015 Mary A. Kassian. >

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The Transformed Life

Changing Times

How To Grow Into Christ-Like Maturity The Transforming Power of Feeling Mercy by John Piper gnashing of teeth” (Matthew 8:12; 25:30). If something doesn’t intervene, our lot will be in the lake of fire where “the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever, and they have no rest” (Revelation 14:11). Therefore, all you Christians - all you believers rescuedSept by the2013 blood of Christ, who has become a curse for us - add to the relief and happiness of your rescue the bewildering wonder and the brokenhearted joy that you deserve none of this, but are lavished with unceasing mercy. Then lookA/SS/1/4 upon your afflictions in this light. Think with Jonathan Edwards on your condition: PLEASE CHECK YOUR How far [are] theFOR greatest afflictions that ADless CAREFULLY SPELLING AS we meet with &inGRAMMAR, this world...than we have WELL AS ACCURACY OF ADdeserved.... The greatest outward troubles and DRESSES, PHONE & calamities that we NUMBERS meet with...must needs OTHER appear veryVITAL little INFORMATION. things to the misery which we have deserved.... man may meet with Your ad willArun very great losses...his cattle may die, his corn AS-IS unless changes may be blasted, his barn may be burnt down are made and and all the goods with consumed, approved your and he may be broughtAccount from a comfortable Executive byliving to a poor, low, stricken state. This is very hard to bear, but alas, how little reason have such to complain if they do but consider how little this is, compared withNOON that eternal destruction that 7/8 of. (Jonathan Edwards, we have been informed Works [New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997], p.After 321)this deadline, Is it any that Paul said to such the wonder only changes people, “Do all things without grumbling” that may be made (Philippians Ponder how you would are2:14). to correct react to things if youERRORS. lived hour by hour in the PUBLISHER’S heartfelt awareness that you are rescued from This is a low-resolution horrible death and eternal PDF proof of yoursuffering, and that, in spite of deserving no help, you are lavished advertisement with mercy every in the hard (may not be true to day actual (even size). things) andIt will be made perfectly and eteris property of nally happy in the age to come. Renaissance Publishing Then add one more thing to your thinking. (or the original creator) and The one whocannot rescuedbeyou had to die to do it, and he is thereproduced, one Person in the universe who did NOT deserveortoused die. “Christ duplicated in any suffered once for sins, the other righteous for format. the unrighteous, that he might bring us to 2009, God” (1 Peter 3:18). Copyright

O Christian, know your condition - the misery and the mercy. And let the horror from which you have been rescued, and the mercy in which you live, and the price that Christ paid, make you humble and thankful and patient and kind and forgiving. You have never been treated by God worse than you deserve. And in Christ you are treated ten million times better. Feel this. Live this. Tremblingly happy, Pastor John ©2015 Desiring God Foundation. >

What a difference it makes in everything, if we feel like we have just been rescued from torment and death! Picture your attitude on a Navy ship after being plucked from the ocean where you spent weeks adrift on a life raft. Or picture yourself rescued from a deep, collapsing mine in Pennsylvania. Or think of a nine-month battle with malignant cancer, only to hear the doctor say, “I can’t explain it, but it’s gone.” Think about your powers of patience and kindness and forgiveness in those early hours of relief and rejoicing. Now add this to your imagination (though it shouldn’t take imagination, only Biblical revelation), that you don’t deserve to be rescued. Let it sink in - pray right now that God would make it sink in - that you and I deserve nothing but trouble and persecution and sickness and death and hell. We are, the Bible says, “by nature children of wrath like the rest of mankind” (Ephesians 2:3). “All . . . are under sin . . . and every mouth [is] stopped, and the whole world . . . accountable to God” (Romans 3:9, 19). The “wages” of our sin is eternal death (Romans 6:23). We are under the curse of God’s law, because “cursed be anyone who does not confirm the words of this law by doing them” (Deuteronomy 27:26). Our natural mind is “hostile to God” (Romans 8:7). We are “strangers to the covenants of promRenaissance Publishing. ise, having no hope Support a locally owned Christian Business and without God in We use APPROVAL the world” (Ephethe most advanced motor oil available sians 2:12). We are Full Service Auto Center ____________________ Discounts available for Churches, Schools and Fleet accounts. destined to be cast Call today for more details. into “outer darkDATE 3247 Chetta Drive • Metairie, LA 70003 • (504) 885-6495 ness” where there is “weeping and ____________________ TM

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Formula for a Burning Heart / Revival A.W.Tozer I have previously said that any Christian who desires to, may experience a radical spiritual renascence, and this altogether independent of the attitude of his fellow Christians. The important question now is how? Well, here are some suggestions which anyone can follow and which, I am convinced, will result in a wonderfully improved Christian life. 1. Get thoroughly dissatisfied with yourself.Complacency is the deadly enemy of spiritual progress. The contented soul is the stagnant soul. When speaking of earthly goods, Paul could say, “ I have learned … to be content”; but when referring to his spiritual life, he testified, “I press toward the mark.” Stir up the gift of God that is in thee. 2. Set your face like a flint toward a sweeping transformation of your life.Timid experimenters are tagged for failure before they start. We must throw our whole soul into our desire for God. “The Kingdom of God suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” 3. Put yourself in the way of the blessing.It is a mistake to look for grace to visit us as a kind of benign magic, or to expect God’s help to come as a windfall apart from conditions known and met. There are plainly marked paths which lead straight to the green pastures; let us walk in them. To desire revival, for instance, and at the same time to neglect prayer and devotion is to wish one way and walk another. 4. Do a thorough job of repenting.Do not hurry to get it over with. Hasty repentance means shallow spiritual experience and lack of certainty in the whole life. Let godly sorrow do her healing work. Until we allow the consciousness of sin to wound us, we will never develop a fear of evil. It is our wretched habit of tolerating sin that keeps us in our half-dead condition. 5. Make restitution wherever possible.If you owe a debt, pay it, or at least have a frank understanding with your creditor about your intentions to pay, so that your honesty will be above question. If you have quarreled with anyone, go as far as you can in an effort to achieve reconciliation. As fully as possible make the crooked things straight. 6. Bring your life into accord

with the Sermon on the Mount and such other New Testament Scriptures as are designed to instruct us in the way of righteousness.An honest man with an open Bible and a pad and pencil is sure to find out what is wrong with him very quickly. I recommend that the self-examination be made on our knees, rising to obey God’s commandments as they are revealed to us from the Word. There is nothing romantic or colorful about this plain downright way of dealing with ourselves, but it gets the work done. Issac’s workmen did not look like heroic figures as they digged in the valley, but they got the wells open, and that was what they had set out to do. 7. Be serious – minded.You can well afford to see fewer comedy shows on TV. Unless you break away from the funny boys, every spiritual impression will continue to be lost to your heart, and that right in your own living room. The people of the world used to go to the movies to escape serious thinking about God and religion. You would not join them there, but you now enjoy spiritual communion with them in your own home.The devils ideals, moral standards, and mental attitudes are being accepted by you without you knowing it. You wonder why you can make no progress in your Christian life. Your interior climate is not favorable to the growth of spiritual graces. There must be a radical change in your habits or there will not be any permanent improvement in your interior life. 8. Deliberately narrow your interests.The Jack-of-all-trades is the master of none. The Christian life requires that we be specialists. Too many projects use up time and energy without bringing us nearer to God. If you will narrow your interests, God will enlarge your heart.“Jesus only” seems to the unconverted man to be the motto of death. But a great company of happy men and women can testify that it became to them a way into a world infinitely wider and richer than anything they had ever known before. Christ is the essence of all wisdom, beauty and virtue. To know Him in growing intimacy is See burning heart on Page 38

The Triumphant Christian

Changing Times

The Christian's Guide To Living a Victorious Life Getting Past Your Past – Part 2 Learning to Forgive Others By Pastor Eddie Swan of New Beginnings Church Today, we’re going to focus on those who hurt me’. Has anybody ‘Getting past my past in forgiving been hurt by somebody? We’ve all been hurt by somebody at some time in our lives. Sometimes to a very small degree and other times to a great degree of hurt and pain that we carry maybe because of a misunderstanding or you were betrayed by someone and you were wounded and maybe even found it difficult to forgive them. I’ve been there once or twice in my life. I just tend to forgive the other person. I may get mad right away and want to take your head off, but it goes away fast and I forgive in seconds whether it was their fault or not. I’m glad I’m wired that way. And I’ve been around people who are not wired that way and watched them hold on to hurts and pain of

the past and I’ve watched how it has destroyed them. That’s what I want you to get free from today, so you can walk in freedom. Maybe someone gossiped about you; said some things about you that weren’t true and you were hurt by it, or maybe your spouse cheated on you and you can’t get over it. Every time I see that face I get so mad, so angry and you just can’t get over it. Or somebody lied to you; maybe your dad abandoned you. I know those things hurt. It’s hard to get over. You might even say things like, “Maybe the bible says to forgive them, but they don’t deserve my forgiveness”. Today we can learn to release those hurts of our past and begin to accept the forgiveness that we have

in Christ. Let me just explain. Unless you understand and have gotten the revelation from God of how much you’re forgiven, it’s going to be very difficult for you to forgive. I find that people that hold on to unforgiveness the most are those who really don’t have a grasp of how much they were forgiven. Today, I want to tell you two things about forgiveness. One is the why we should forgive, and then the second is how we should forgive. You say, Pastor, you better show me how because I don’t really feel like it. And forgiveness is one of those things; let me tell you right now, even by the end of this article See past your past on Page 39

If you’re tired of church life being the same old mundane routine, then we’re the church for you! A place for a fresh start! Service times: Sunday 9AM and 10:30AM Student Service: Wednesday 7PM

985-892-8003 19219 N. 4th St. Covington, La. 70433 But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation. – Mark 3:29

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Changing Times

The Triumphant Christian


Power to bear up and not yield to temptation does not come from stuffing our minds with Scripture verses, or making vows or promises, or spending hours in prayer and fasting, or even in giving ourselves over to a great spiritual cause. These things are all commendable and normal for Christian growth, but that is not where our victory lies. The simple secret of bearing up under any temptation is to break the fear of Satan’s power! Fear is the only power over man Satan has. God does not give us the spirit of


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fear. That is of Satan only! But man is afraid of the devil. Frightened of demons. Afraid of failure. Afraid his appetites and habits can’t be altered. Afraid of inner desires, that they will erupt and control his life. Afraid he is one of a thousand who may be different, full of lust, and beyond help. Man is afraid he can’t quit his sin. He credits Satan with power he doesn’t have. Man cries out, “I’m hooked and can’t stop! I’m spellbound and in the devil’s power. The devil makes me do it!” Fear has torment. As long as you are afraid of the devil, you can never break the power of any temptation. Satan thrives on fear and Christians who are afraid of the devil have little or no power to resist. It’s all based on a lie! The lie is that Satan has power to break down Christians under pressure. Not so! Jesus came to destroy all the power of the devil over blood-washed children of God. I have often wondered why God allows spiritual people to be so tempted. Why doesn’t God remove all temptations

instead of “making a way of escape that we may be able to bear it” (1 Corinthians 10:13)? The answer is simple. Once you learn how powerless Satan is—once you learn he can’t make you do anything—once you learn God has all power to keep you from falling—from then on you can “bear up” under anything Satan throws at you. You can go through it without fearing you will fall! We are not delivered from temptation, but from the fear of the devil to make us yield to it. We will keep on being tempted until we come to the place of “rest” in our faith. That rest is the unshakeable confidence that God has defeated Satan, that Satan has no right or claim on us, and that we will come forth as gold tried in the fire. > COPYRIGHT © 2015 WORLD CHALLENGE ALL RIGHTS RESERVERD PO BOX 260 LINDALE, TX 75771

BURNING HEART Continued from Page 36 to increase in appreciation of all things good and beautiful. The mansions of the heart will become larger when their doors are thrown open to Christ and closed against the world and sin. Try it. 9. Begin to witness.Find something to do for God and your fellow men. Refuse to rust out. Make yourself available to your pastor and do anything you are asked to do. Do not insist upon a place of leadership. Learn to obey. Take the low place until such time as God sees fit to set you in a higher one. Back your new intentions with your money and your gifts, such as they are. 10. Have faith in God.Begin to expect. Look up toward the throne where your Advocate sits at the right hand of God. All heaven is on your side. God will not disappoint you. If you will follow these suggestions, you will most surely experience revival in your own heart. And who can tell how far it may spread? God knows how desperately the church needs a spiritual resurrection. And it can only come through the revived individual. >

The Triumphant Christian

past your past Continued from Page 37

to the other. But neither of them could replay him, so he kindly forgave them both, canceling their debts. Who do you suppose loved him more after that?” Simon answered, “I suppose the one for whom he canceled the larger debt.” “That’s right,” Jesus said. Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Look at this woman kneeling here. When I entered your home, you didn’t offer Me water to wash the dust from My feet, but she has washed them with her tears and wiped them with her hair. You didn’t greet me with a kiss, but from the time I first came in, she has not stopped kissing My feet. You neglected the courtesy of olive oil to anoint My head, but she has anointed My feet with rare perfume. “I tell you, her sins—and they are many—have been forgiven, for she has shown me much love. But a person who is forgiven little shows only little love.” So, here’s why you should forgive: because unforgiveness hurts me. Unforgiveness never hurts the person that you’re holding it against. It only hurts the person that’s holding it! Though the person that you’re holding it against is off and living life, having fun, enjoying themselves, not even thinking about what they did to you. They could probably care less. (Hebrews 12:15), “See to it that

you aren’t going to feel like it, because it goes against everything in us that says they need to pay for what they did. It’s called justice. We’re going to start in (Luke 7:3647) (NLT), this is what happens; Jesus was invited to a home of a Pharisee which is a religious leader of that time. “One of the Pharisees asked Jesus to have dinner with him, so Jesus went to his home and sat down to eat. When a certain immoral woman from that city heard He was eating there, she brought a beautiful alabaster jar filled with expensive perfume. Then she knelt behind Him at His feet, weeping. Her tears fell on His feet, and she wiped them off with her hair. Then she kept kissing His feet and putting perfume on them. When the Pharisee who had invited Him saw this, he said to himself, “If this man were a prophet, he would know what kind of woman is touching Him. She’s a sinner!” Then Jesus answered his thoughts. “Simon,” He said to the Pharisee, “I have something to say to you.” “Go ahead, Teacher,” Simon replied. Then Jesus told him this story: “A man loaned money to two people—500 pieces of silver to one and 50 pieces

no one falls short of the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.” (1 Corinthians 13), everybody knows that chapter, that’s the chapter of love, right? Love is patient and kind. It says love keeps no record of wrong. So if love keeps no record of wrong and God lives in you, the Holy Spirit lives in you and what is God, God is love! And so if love lives in you and it keep no record of wrong than you cannot as a believer in Christ hold a grudge, unforgiveness against somebody else. You can, but you’re going against the spirit that lives in you. Love keeps no record of wrong. Bitterness keeps details. You ever see a bird fly up to a window where he sees is his reflection. And the bird begins to squawk at the window and peck at the window and eventually he’s beating his head against the window and the only thing the birds hurting is himself. That other bird in the window isn’t feeling a thing. Go ahead, knock yourself out! Forgiveness on the other hand makes Jesus the focus. When you learn to forgive or you make the decision to forgive or want to forgive, you’ve taken the focus off of yourself and put it on God. The reason why we should forgive

For the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say. – Luke 12:12

Changing Times

is because we all will need forgiveness again. Now hold on. In (Matthew 18:21-22), Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. In other words Peter, as many times is as necessary. We love God’s mercy for ourselves but we aren’t willing to give it to anybody else. I want new mercy each and every day. So the receiving of total forgiveness from God allows me the proper perspective to forgive others as many times as I need to. We need to always remember the lady with the alabaster jar. When you begin to understand how much you have been forgiven, all you want to do is sit and weep at His feet. Now you know why we should forgive. Now I want to tell you the how to forgive someone who hurts us. Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to think about that person for a second who hurt you. Get that person’s face in your brain. I want you to pray for them like Jesus did on the cross, ‘Father forgive them, for they know See past your past on Page 41

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SPIRIT OF REVIVAL Continued from Page 32 wonderfully, yet by that HIDDEN, miserable fearfulness of heart, which is the very essence of disobedience in the sight of God, they greatly hinder the power of the Spirit! 3. SELF-OPINION GREATLY GRIEVES THE SPIRIT. Many a revival is utterly prevented because prominent ones in the meeting stubbornly hold on to a wrong education, or to old theological notions. Some may have anti-scriptural views concerning inbred sin, or growth into heart purity, or the annihilation of the wicked. Others may be prejudiced against the manifestations of the Spirit, or divine healing. These things are unseen hindrances to the operation of the Spirit. Teachableness of mind, a perfect willingness to have only scriptural views, is a prerequisite condition for the descent of the power of God. 4. A SPIRIT OF RESERVE WITH GOD IS ANOTHER GRIEF TO THE HOLY GHOST. In every revival there are so many whose inner nature is tied up with a cautious conservatism, that persistently holds them back from a full abandonment to God and His work. They will boast of wanting such wonderfully great things. Yet there is an unex-

pressed unwillingness to be and do all that the Lord wants, or to suffer all the Lord wants them to suffer. They are consciously holding themselves back, lest they should slide down some steep place and get drowned in the ocean of God's will. This internal checking of themselves not only prevents their own full salvation, but hinders the Spirit from using them for the blessing of others. 5. SELF-PLANNING AS TO GOD'S WORK. At the beginning of most every revival, it is almost a universal thing for those who are most interested to form some plan in their own mind as to how God ought to come and how the work ought to be done. Each one forms a standard as to who should lead the work or how it ought to be conducted, or what divine demonstrations should occur. So there are a large number of mental schedules which are invisible to mortal eyes, but which bristle like antagonistic bayonets before the all-seeing eye, and the blessed Holy Ghost who reads the thoughts and interests of the mind, finds Himself dictated to, by the very people who outwardly profess that they want God to have His way. 6. THE SPIRIT IS GRIEVED BY OUR HAVING LIMITED VIEWS OF CHRIST'S POWER. Oftentimes God wants to begin

6636 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Metairie, LA 70003



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Victorious Living

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with the leaders of a meeting and lead them into a fresh baptism of fire or into a new depth of self denial. But their rigid and narrow views of God’s saving grace are a definite hindrance to the Spirit's power. As a result, the people under such leadership often suffer with limited views of Christ's saving and sanctifying power. 7. THE SPIRIT IS OFTEN GRIEVED WHEN TESTS OF OBEDIENCE ARE SHUNNED. It may be a question of restitution or reconciliation, or the confession of a backslidden state, or the giving up of some indulgence. There have been meetings where two or three conspicuous persons utterly failed to obey God on some test point, and the work was a failure; the Spirit was grieved away, Satan and his black angels triumphed and the work of God was put back for years. 8. THE SPIRIT IS OFTEN GRIEVED BY OUR UNWILLINGNESS TO GO BEYOND OTHERS. God often wants some of us to go out into His will on lines of prayer and faith and obedience, even beyond what other professors of holiness will consent to. When He calls, if we stop to measure ourselves with others and compare ourselves among ourselves, we may greatly hinder a work of grace. God

2712 Veterans Memorial Blvd. Kenner, LA 70062


can overcome the open and recognized hindrances to His work a great deal easier than He can, the hidden barriers in the hearts of His people. >

MY PURPOSE Continued from Page 30 like fools, but like those who are wise. 16 Make the most of every opportunity in these evil days. 17 Don’t act thoughtlessly, but understand what the Lord wants you to do.” Make the most of your time; Paul doesn’t use the Greek word, “Chronos,” from which we get our word Chronology or Chronograph, meaning clock time or linear time like on a calendar. He uses the word, (Ki-ros) “Kairos,” which means a fixed season or period. It conveys the idea of a specific window of opportunity. I saw a funny Christian T-Shirt. It said, “Jesus is coming. Look busy.” (You can hear Pastor John’s devotions on The Bridge Radio 88.7 FM or by logging on the or >

13150 I-10 Service Road Off Bullard

504-940-0000 past your past Continued from Page 39 not what they do.’ That’s the attitude behind your prayer that we need you to have. (Matthew 5:43, 44), this is Jesus speaking, “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” Pray for those who do you wrong! (Luke 6:27-31), “But I say to you who hear: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who spitefully use you. To him who strikes you on the one cheek, offer the other also. And from him who takes away your cloak, do not withhold your tunic either. Give to everyone who asks of you. And if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you. How many of you love the idea of being forgiven. So now because you love the idea of being forgiven and you’ve been forgiven of your many sins, just like that woman, you need to now learn to begin to

The Triumphant Christian extend to others and pray for those who have persecuted you. Listen to this: action before attitude. Take the action, the feeling will follow. Listen, my prayer for others won’t change them, but it changes me. This is the last point. We need to learn to forgive as we’ve been forgiven. Now I can take you back to the day I gave my life to Christ. I’ll never forget it. I was driving in my pickup truck and I started to weep. I just felt God speaking to me and calling me. I can remember it like this. I was on 1088 and Hwy. 59, I was in the turning lane and I stopped at the light and the Lord spoke to me. I started to just cry and sat there for a minute. And I remember thinking, God you’ve forgive me for everything I’ve ever done, good, bad or indifferent, and all is forgiven. I was overwhelmed by the love of God…overwhelmed. (Colossians 3:13), the apostle Paul said, “Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone, Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” In Christ we are all forgiven. Not all of us have the revelation that we are forgiven. When you begin to understand that you’ve

Changing Times

been forgiven of every thing you’ve ever dreamed, every thought, every action, every bad attitude that you’ve ever had, you are forgiven 100 percent. When Jesus hung on the cross and spoke the words, it is finished, listen to me, He meant it! > CHEATING SPOUSE Continued from Page 39 because of carrying around a bitter heart? Even if your spouse continues to commit sin against the marriage, you need to forgive them it is for your own spiritual enlightenment. Adulterer's need to come back into the faith and repent. Walk your Christian walk and be the Christian that God wants you to be! I'm going to quote from one of my articles here because it is so true: "It is not getting a divorce that will make everything all better but staying married to your first spouse, working through the problems and learning from them. When couples resolve to work on the marriage it involves long-suffering. It involves determination and compromise, and it involves commitment, and doing the right thing, even if husband and wife are suffering for it. He rewards

them with strength and faith in Him and with personal character and spiritual resolve, both of which benefit the marriage considerably." "Consider it a pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking in anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him". (James 1:1-5) My Spouse is Having an Affair: What is God's Will For Me Now? Heaven Ministries ~ http://www. Article Source: -CHRISTIAN WRITERS >

But he who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is subject to eternal condemnation. – Mark 3:29

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God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him Back to School Back 2015 to School 43 2015 as you have helped his people and continue to help them. — Hebrews 6:10

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