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An invitation to experience the profound meaning of community, tearing us away from a life of individualism.


A call to commitment with others, keeping us alert to the risk of becoming indifferent.


Our activities with the young take place using methods common to educational and communications programs. We help individuals become aware of their personal identity, freedom to look at their future with hope, ability to see themselves playing a leading role in the complex interweaving of their personal and collective existence, being transforming agents in their own circumstances and integrating faith and life.


Like Marcellin Champagnat we are bold and creative in our efforts to enter into the lives and world of the young. We maintain an open and welcoming att itude with them. We want to be brothers and sisters on their journey to human and Christian development. The Marist style of education is based on a truly holistic vision of the person. Promoting human growth is inherent in the process of evangelization. 30

The model of Church in our mission to evangelize 91. 30 M A R IST BROTHERS. In

the Footsteps of Marcellin Champagnat, 1998, n. 169-170 and 70. 31 VATICA N COUNCIL II.

Gaudium et Spes, 1996, n. 1.

We are Church, the people of God, a missionary Church that discovers, contemplates, loves and is grateful for God’s presence and work in each human being and shares with all people, especially the poor, our joys and hopes, sorrows and anxieties 31 . Ours is a dynamic Church that sees itself on a mission so that all men and women can discover the action and ardor of the Spirit, providing mediation in timely ways so that they can encounter God in their

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