4 minute read

The Family Picture – DEI


The Characteristics of Marianist Education give Marianist educators common language to use when discussing our mission, and, from among the five CME’s, Mr. Matt Dailey, Director of Campus Ministry “to educate for family spirit” is probably the most cited when it comes to how we distinguish our philosophy of education from those of other Catholic orders. Forming individuals to follow Christ through the loving, faith-filled communities that they participate in has been the Marianist way since Blessed Chaminade first formed his faith sharing groups, or sodalities, in France two centuries ago. At Chaminade College Prep we continue that work through the intentionally fraternal formation of our classes, teams, faith sharing groups, clubs, houses, bands, troupes, and all of our other group offerings. “Our Family Picture: Chaminade’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative” is another example of how we are always attempting to create welcoming, loving communities to support our students as they grow in their faith and learn to love Christ’s mission. To achieve that goal, “Our Family Picture” is preparing to carry out our first major task: a climate survey. To make our diversity initiative a data-driven program, the seven DEI committees want to learn from the students’ insights where our efforts are most required to meet their social and emotional needs. The DEI steering committee has chosen to partner with Panorama to support us in this process. Panorama is a company dedicated to improving school climate and culture, teaching and learning, family and community engagement, and students’ social and emotional learning by gathering data and helping schools to come up with improvement plans. Panorama has been administering social-emotional surveys for several years, and we think that they will provide us with valuable resources to evaluate how we are meeting our goals of maintaining a diverse, equitable, and inclusive culture. They will also partner with us as we formulate and implement our self-improvement strategies. We expect to administer our first climate survey in February, and we hope that it will continue to affirm that each Chaminade student is a valued and loved member of the family.

Educating for family spirit intersected with another Characteristic of Marianist Education “educating for formation in faith” at “The Balms in Gilead: Deepening our Understanding and Conversation about Race through the Eyes of Faith” a workshop in Dayton sponsored by the Society of Mary and the Daughters of Mary Immaculate, or the Marianist brothers and sisters. Dr. Brett Desnoyer, Associate Principal for Instruction and Mission, and Mr. Matt Dailey, Director of Campus Ministry, both attended “The Balms of Gilead” in September. All of the national Marianist sponsored schools and retreat centers were invited to send representatives to discuss how promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion is paramount to living the Marianist mission. Indeed, the Marianist mission statement in part reads that “wherever we are sent, we invite others to share in Mary’s mission of making Christ present in every age and culture by forming persons and communities of apostolic faith that advance justice and reconciliation.” Desnoyer and Dailey both found the conversation, facilitated by St. Louisan Danielle Harrison, to be very affirming of the work that we already do at Chaminade. Chaminade’s administration is excited to continue the task of “reading the signs of the times”, as Blessed Chaminade instructed, so that we lay people can employ new methods of education to address the needs of our changing world through the eyes of faith.

The Marianist Family has always recognized the gifts of the laity and their essential role in continuing Christ’s mission. The first faith sharing groups that Blessed Chaminade established after the French Revolution were comprised of lay men and women, and ever since then, well-formed lay people have been leaders in the Marianist mission. Venerable Marie-Therese de Lamourous is one of the co-founders of the Marianist Family because she lent her gifts and talents as a lay woman to keeping Catholicism alive during the revolution and to starting the Marianist Family with Blessed Chaminade. At Chaminade College Prep, the choice of Dr. Guidry as our first lay president affirms our commitment to DEI, because we know that God gives particular talents to different individuals, and by choosing the person who is best suited for leadership, regardless of vocation, we are affirming the Marianist value of the “discipleship of equals”. The discipleship of equals tells us that all members of the Marianist Family, and the Body of Christ, must use their God-given talents to minister as they are best suited, and that all members of the family are regarded equally in stature, regardless of their job, vocation, ethnicity, gender, or physical ability. Dr. Guidry’s talents, experience, and his commitment to his faith make him an excellent leader for our Chaminade Family. Chaminade College Prep is eager to ensure that each family member is celebrated within our inclusive family spirit.