4 minute read


by Tracy Bowler

The start of this school year was certainly an unorthodox one. We opened our doors on Thursday, August 19 diving into our second school year in the midst of the pandemic. That first day of school was missing one key component. Our faithful leader, Father Ralph Siefert, was in the hospital and was quite ill. Calls for prayer went out among our faculty, staff, students and larger Chaminade community. Unfortunately, it was just over 24 hours later that we learned that Father Ralph was called to his heavenly home.

We immediately pulled together as a faith community and family to determine how to support one another in this loss. An all-school prayer service was held on the afternoon of Father Ralph’s passing. The reverence portrayed by every single person in attendance was beyond moving. Students who typically talk and joke with one another when in a setting outside of the classroom were silent and still. Even the new students and faculty who had not yet met Father Ralph were aware of the impact his death would have on all of us.

On Saturday, August 21 a group from the Class of 2022 came together to determine how they might honor Fr. Ralph. A very short discussion ensued and the result was a graphic that has become a visual representation of the amazing impact that Father Ralph had on Chaminade. This graphic spread across campus in the form of vinyl stickers on computers, cars and windows, banners on the athletic fields, social media, and even painted on the playing surface of the soccer field.

ESTO VIR, the motto of our school, was very dear to Father Ralph. The students knew that any representation of Father Ralph’s impact on Chaminade and his legacy must include those words. FoReveR, the FRR representing FR. Ralph, was included as the students know that Chaminade is the wonderful place that it is, in large part, to Father Ralph’s 34 years here and his legacy will live on forever.

A special place for prayer was constructed in the Immaculate Conception Chapel. All were invited to come and pray, remember Father Ralph, and even leave a special written memory. It seemed only fitting that this take place in the Marian window in the chapel, one of Father Ralph’s favorite spaces on campus.

A gathering was held on August 26 and the entire Chaminde family, past and present, was invited. We came together to remember Father Ralph and to support one another. The Family Spirit that makes Chaminade so special was alive on this special night.

We were honored to receive a request from Rev. Oscar Vasquez, S.M., the Provincial for the US Marianists, to host the visitation for Father Ralph on campus at Chaminade. The visitation took place on Thursday, September 2 in the Skip Viragh Center for the Arts. The Chaminade family came out in force to honor Father Ralph and support one another. Photos and a video from Father Ralph’s time at Chaminade were visual cues that sparked lively discussion and sharing of memories among those in attendance.

Rev. Ralph A. Siefert, S.M. was laid to rest on Friday, September 3, 2021. His funeral mass was celebrated at the Cathedral Basilica of Saint Louis. Once again, we all witnessed just how beloved he was. The crowd was standing room only. A poignant homily was shared by Father Oscar. Perhaps one of the most touching moments was the honor guard of Chaminade students and alumni that lined the pathway following the ceremony.

While the loss of Father Ralph will be palpable for years to come, the Chaminade community came together just as Father Ralph would have wanted. We were there to support and love one another. Father Ralph was indeed a good and faithful servant who made an immeasurable impact on Chaminade, an impact that we are called to continue for our students and the entire Chaminade family.

God of all mercies and God of consolation, You love us eternally and transform the shadows of death into the dawn of life. Look upon our grief; be our refuge and comfort so that our sadness and sorrow may turn into the light and peace of your presence. Into your hands, O God, we entrust Father Ralph Siefert. In this life, You embraced him with your tender love; deliver him now from every evil and welcome him into eternal life. May the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit be glorified in all places through the Immaculate virgin Mary. Amen.