July 17, 2013

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Stop Kill’n Start Chill’n Memorial Park & Garden Fundraiser Gospel Festival

Reverend Britt Pledger of Jesus the Christ Church says Rochester's religious community needs to take the message to the streets, "ultimately we need to get outside the church," said Reverend Pledger, "we're not taking a stand we're not saying this is my community I live in, I no longer want to see the drug dealer on the block I don't want to see them in front of the store." He has been taking a stand for quite some time. Reverend Pledger organizes vigils for families of murder victims. He also has a group, "Stop Kill'n, Start Chill'n," which promotes peace. Reverend Pledger says he does it because silence is dangerous, "if we don't say nothing, we're saying it's okay." Reverend Britt Pledger Most recently he announced the upcoming Stop Kill’n Start Chill’n Memorial Park & Garden Fundraiser Gospel Festival to be held on Saturday, July 27 at 6 p.m. at Remington and Bloomingdale Streets, the location of the planned Memorial Park to remember victims of local violence. Evangelist S. Houston will serve as Mistress of Ceremony. Featured artists will include special guest Ashley NicoleBrown, Mehki and Omarion, Little Brothers of Raven Cooper, Laquisha Bridges & Company, Truly Committed, D-Dash Taylor and The New Gospel Travelers. Bring a chair or blanket to the event. The garden will be “a place of refuge, a place of comfort,” for families to visit, said Rev. Pledger. He estimated the cost of the project at around $60,000. “The purpose of the park is to bring serenity, bring the community together,” Pledger said. He is hopeful that the park will be completed by next year. Stop Kill’n Start Chill’n was founded in 2011. The ministry is designed to help families and the community deal with the effects of violence in Rochester and raise awareness of violence in the city. Reverend Pledger and his congregation are promising to do their part to take back the streets, "we come inside to worship, we leave to serve," said Reverend Pledger, "we're going to be servants for the Lord and our job is to go out here and minister to the people of God, and yes we are small in numbers, I must say that, we are small in numbers, but we are great in the heart." For more information or to donate or contribute to the memorial, call (585) 802-3831.


JULY 17, 2013

Around Town Book Signing with Maxine Childress Brown

LL Cool J

“Kings of the Mic!” By Randy Greg

OMG! If you missed the Kings of the Mic Tour at CMac recently, you missed an opportunity to travel back in in time. A time when Hip Hop was authentic, real and just plain DOPE! The lineup attracted one of the most diverse crowds in recent memory, with teens and their parents, old school BBoys and memory, and gangsta’s who gave up the street life. This tour took us back to the 90’s when Addidas dominated Nike, jogging suits were called sweat suits and Kangos were fresh. This night was a high school reunion as fans enjoyed Humpty Hump and Flavor Flav crowd impersonators who came out to have a good time. Opening act De La Soul got things warmed up for West Coast Gangsta, Westside Connection, former N.W.A., member Ice Cube. If you know Ice Cube from movies like “Fridays” and “How Long Before We Get There” you were introduced to what made him famous. Ice upped the intensity with a series of lyrical classics like “Steady Mobbin”, “Natural Born Killaz” and classics like “Steady Mobbin”, and “Check Yo Self”. He also took time to pay homage to the group that started it all for him, N.W.A. He rapped “Straight Outta Compton” alongside Westside Connection Member Dub C. As Cube rapped, the video for “Straight Outta Compton” played with a mix of pictures of the original N.W.A. Ice Cube ended his set with my favorite song “Today Was a Good Day” that had every fan singing every word. Cube set the bar high for the next acts. Cube was the second act on the tour however he was the show stopper. Not to be out done, Public Enemy came out in true old school fashion with Professor Griff, my came out in true old Continued Page 14

*Thursday, July 18, 7:00 pm The Baobab Cultural Center. As an African American woman born in 1943, Maxine Childress Brown possessed a unique vantage point to witness the transformative events in her parents' lives. Both came from the South her father, Herbert Childress, from Nashville, TN, and her mother, Thomasina Brown, from Concord, NC. The oldest of three daughters, Maxine was fascinated by her parents' stories. She marveled at how they raised a well-respected, middle-class family in the midst of segregation with the added challenge of being deaf. *Voter’s Walk Enterprise Honors Congresswoman Louise M. Slaughter, Sat. July 20, 5-7 p.m.; Frederick Douglass Resource Center, 36 King St.; no charge; 585426-2739 to RSVP or by email at voterswalk@ymail. com

challengrcn.com *Saturday July 27 All day free Community wide conference-- sponsored by the Zion Hill Missionary Baptist Church ,8:30am until 4 pm at 250 Dr. Samuel McCree Way, s free and open to the public. Complimentary breakfast and lunch.

Challenger Community News • ChallengerCN.com

*Stop Kill’n Start Chill’n Memorial Park & Garden Fundraiser Gospel Festival, Saturday July 27, Remington & Bloomingdale Streets; (585) 802-3831 for info.


An Evening With R Kelly featuring guest performances by Fantasia and Syleena Johnson will take place on Sunday, July 28 at 7:30 p.m. Blue Cross Arena in Rochester. Tickets are on sale now at the Arena box office and ticketmaster.com

JULY 17, 2013


Challenger Community News •


Ahmed Seleh, proprietor, Mandella Market.

Mandella Market Set to Celebrate Nelson Mandela’s 95th Birthday! Mandella Market, 272 E. Ferry St. at Jefferson, will host its annual celebration of Nelson Mandela’s birthday on Saturday, July 20. There will be free food, drinks and live music as well as a live air broadcast by WBLK. A special sale on gas will take place between 5 and 9 p.m. “Nelson Mandela was a leader who stood for the rights of the Black community worldwide,” stated Mandella Market owner and creator of the annual event, Ahmed Seleh. “His example has led many others to stand up in the fight for truth, justice, equality and the brotherhood of mankind.” In light of Mr. Mandela’s recent illness, Mr. Seleh has called for a moment of silence and prayer for the legendary leader. Mr. Mandela turns 95 on Thursday, July 18.


Former football star O.J. Simpson was allegedly beaten unconscious in prison.
 The beating which occurred several months ago caused him to spend several weeks in the infirmary. The attack has been kept a secret by prison authorities until Simpson’s friend reported it to the National Inquirer.

Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Willie A. Price. Willie A. Price and Summer L. Chapman were married on July 5th, at the Beaver Island Club House in Grand Island, NY. Summer L. Chapman, is a 1st & 2nd grade teacher with the Lew-port school district. She is also a Mentor and tutor in the Niagara Falls, NY community. She is also a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. In 2012, she was selected as “Teacher of the Week” by channel 7 New in Buffalo and “Teacher of the Year” by Niagara University. Willie A. Price, is President of Majadi Enterprises Inc. & Willie A. Price Speaks. He is a Real Estate Inspector, Investor, Consultant and Manager. He is the author of “This Week In Black History”, a “Life” member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity (Eta Rho Lambda: Rochester) and Eureka Lodge 36. He also a board member for F.L.A.R.E. and Vice Chairmen for the Erie County: Citizens Budget Review Commission.

Violent Crime, Homicide Summit Erie County Legislature Chairperson Betty Jean Grant (D-Buffalo) and County Legislator Timothy R. Hogues (DBuffalo) are inviting all stakeholders and county residents to the “Summit on Violent Crime and Homicide in Buffalo, New York,” from 5:307:45 p.m. Wednesday, July 17, at the Frank E. Merriweather Library, 1324 Jefferson Ave.


Harriet Ross Tubman’s Great-Grand Niece, in Intensive Care Unit in Rochester Hospital Ms. Geraldine Copes-Daniels, Great-Grand Niece of Harriet Ross Tubman, is in Intensive Care Unit, at a Strong Memorial Hospital. On, June 4, 2007 Ms. Daniels entered the hospital for surgery and developed serious complications which has lead to her current stable yet extremely serious condition that requires her to be in ICU. Ms. Daniels family, which includes, (9 children, 31 grandchildren, 67+ greatgrandchildren, a sister in Auburn and a cousin in Rochester, NY), has been keeping up a twenty-four hour, seven day vigil in the ICU waiting room. The family has been receiving numerous offers of assistance from concerned supporters of Harriet Ross Tubman & her descendants from around the country and the world. Ms. Daniels family has requested that concerned citizens can send donations in Ms Geraldine Copes-Daniels name, to her daughter, c/o Mavis Daniels, 122 Edgecreek Trail, Rochester, NY 14609. Messages of well wishes are welcome. As Ms. Daniels is on a fixed income, there is a great need for financial assistance to cover Ms. Daniels’ mounting medical bills. Also, local Rochester citizens can donate at the same address, bottled water, juices, fruit and fixings for sandwiches to refresh the family as they keep round the clock vigil... Ms. Daniels has made it her life’s mission to keep her Great-Grand Aunt Harriet Ross Tubman’s historical contributions and memory alive for past, present and future generations. Even in her mid 70’s, Ms. Daniels makes public appearances around the US and as far away as Ghana, Africa to attend programs and presentations that honor her Great-Grand Aunt Harriet. Every year on Memorial Day hundreds of supporters make a pilgrimage to Auburn, New York to visit Harriet R. Tubman’s gravesite and to cel-

George Zimmerman stalked and killed Trayvon Martin in late February of last year It took 45 days for Sanford, Florida police to arrest 17-year-old Trayon Martin’s admitted killer - and only 16 hours for jurors to acquit him of second degree muder and manslaughter. Saturday’s Rally at 6 pm is a Call for Justice! Thousands of demonstrators from across the country, chanting, praying and fighting tears, protested a jury’s decision to clear neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman in the shooting death of an unarmed black teenager, and organizers say they’ll try to maintain the momentum with vigils this weekend.

Buffalo will join The National Action Network’s “Justice for Trayvon” vigil which will take place in 100 cities across the country on Saturday, July 20th to press the federal government to investigate civil rights charges against George Zimmerman. In Buffalo the vigil is planned 6 p.m. downtown in Niagara Square. Organizers are asking youth to bring a bag of Skittles and wear a hoodie if possible. “We will rally to show that the Buffalo-Niagara region stands united with cities across the nation as we express our dissatisfaction with the status quo, while mobilizinzing ourselves to be the change we want to see in the world,” according to a statement released from the local National Action Network. “We urge you to bring signs, wear hoodies, or even carry a pack of Skittles and an Arizona Sweet Tea to show the Department of Justice that Trayvon Martin will not be just another little Black boy lost.” “We invite you to join us as we take a stand against the injustice that has played out in this crucial case, as well as others in very recent history...We would love to see Niagara Square flooded with the masses while we lift up the Martin family, and demand justice for all. For where there is no justice, there will be no peace.” “Trayvon Martin had the civil right to go home. He was not doing anything wrong, ” declared Rev. Al Sharpton, president of the National Action Network. At a recent press conference announcing the 100-city Vigil, Rev. Sharpton also discussed the renewed mobilization for the Saturday, August 24th National Action to Reclaim the Dream March on Washington that he and Martin Luther King, King, III, are leading. Fifty years after the 1963 March on Washington, Voting Rights, and the Justice for Trayvon Martin movement are key civil rights rallying issues and NAN is escalating the call for the Department of Justice to investigate whether George Zimmerman committed civil rights violations against Trayvon Martin on February 26, 2012. The August 24th, 50th Anniversary March on Washington will focus on voting rights and ending state laws like Stand your Ground and Stop and Frisk. It will be the first national march since the acquittal of George Zimmerman. According to Rev. Al Sharpton and NAN, Dr.King’s dream has been undermined by both the Supreme Court Voting Rights decision and the acquittal of George Zimmerman.
Visit www.nationalactionnetwork.net For more information, please contact the Buffalo-Niagara Chapter of the National Action Network at (716) 299-8299, or bflonan@gmail.com. Are you registered to VOTE?

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4 National/International NEWS BlackAgenda Report U.S. Guilty of Air Piracy? The forced landing of Ecuadoran President Evo Morales’ plane by America’s NATO allies in Europe “is air piracy, it’s an attack on the sovereignty of every country in Latin America,” said Sara Flounders, of the United National Anti-War Coalition (UNAC). “It shows the level of panic in Washington” over Edward Snowden’s revelations of massive, worldwide U.S. spying, said Flounders. The U.S. is trying to “impose silence on the world.” Bill of Rights Under Assault “WeW have an executive branch and a Congress, and a kept-court system – the FISA surveillance court – all working in de facto collusion to destroy the Bill of Rights,” said Norman Solomon, co-founder of RootsAction.Org. The web site facilitated 50,000 individual emails to the White House in support of whistleblower Edward Snowden. The U.S., as “the preeminent global surveillance superpower… asserts, with impunity, the prerogative to monitor and to intrude on any semblance of privacy,” said Solomon.

Washington Condones Congo Genocide President Obama, when questioned during his recent Africa trip on what actions the U.S. would take to end its ally’s 17-year destabilization of the Democratic Republic of Congo, refused to even mention the offending nations by name. “It is simply that the United States is not ready to hold Rwanda and Uganda accountable, which means they are condoning the killing of over six million Africans in the heart of the continent,” said Kambale Musavuli, of the Washington-based Friends of Congo. American “Revolution” was a Racist Revolt Dr. Gerald Horne, professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Houston, said the American rebellion against British rule “was basically a successful revolt of racist settlers. It was akin to Rhodesia, in 1965, assuming that Ian Smith and his cabal had triumphed. It was akin to the revolt of the French settlers in Algeria, in the 1950s and 1960s, assuming those French settlers had triumphed.” Dr. Horne is author o f Negroes of the Crown.

JULY 17, 2013

Challenger Community News • ChallengerCN.com

George Zimmerman Once Called Police on a 7 Year Old Black Boy by Yvette Carnell Now that Zimmerman s been found not guilty in the k!lling of Trayvon Martin, we should be careful not to allow a whitewashing of history by those who have a vested interest in portraying Zimmerman as a hero. We should keep in the forefront of our minds that George Zimmerman is a man who has projected irrational fears, as evidenced by his past behavior. In March of 2012, The Daily Beast released Zimmerman’s 911 calls to police. They revealed 46 calls, many of which were to report the “suspicious activity” of Black males. That much we knew. But remember also that Zimmerman once called police to report the suspicious behavior of a black child, approximately 7-9 years of age. To Zimmerman, this child posed a threat great enough to call police.In addition, he also called police to report “trash in the roadway,” and to report on his landlord who Zimmerman said was “trying to take [Zimmerman’s] money for rent .


Coke oven emissions from Bethlehem Steel, Donner Hanna and other Western New York coke oven facilities are a potent cause of lung cancer and other cancers. If you or a family member is suffering from or died as a result of a cancer from work on coke oven batteries, you may be able to file a legal claim against the manufacturers of coke ovens and collect significant financial compensation.



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Buck Dancing for Paula Deen: “Black People for Paula” Plan Rally in Times Square to Show Support Contrary to what some may have assumed, apparently not all African Americans are against Paula Deen after she admitted during a deposition to using the N-word in the past. After losing a number of big time endorsements such as Target, Home Depot and Walmart as well as her deal with Ballantine Books, it seemed that everyone wanted to distance themselves from her. But we’ve learned that a group called Black People For Paula plan to come together in the middle of Times Square to support Deen and chant, “We Forgive You, Paula Deen.” Although most of them still agree her choice in words was poor and offensive they want to send a message to Deen that “the African-American community” forgives her. Check out their press release below: The word Paula used was horrible. S he has admitted that what she said was wrong and hurtful. She gave an extremely heartfelt apology and I forgive her, my family forgives her and the African American community forgives her. We have all made at least one mistake that we wish never happened. Paula Deen should not have to continue to suffer for one mistake. Myself and over 100 of my friends are gathering in New York city on Friday, August 16, 2013 to have a “WE FORGIVE YOU PAULA” rally in Times Square right outside of the Good Morning America studio during the 7AM filming hour. We want everyone to see that that Black people are for Paula and that we accept her apology. Black leaders such as the Rev. Jesse Jackson and the Rev. Al Sharpton have forgiven Paula. The Black community has forgiven Paula, it’s time for us all to open our hearts and give this good woman a second chance. We want to have a huge banner made saying “WE FORGIVE YOU PAULA” and pink T-shirts made saying “BLACK PEOPLE FOR PAULA”. We also want to put together a “WE FORGIVE YOU PAULA” signing book, that’s a book compiled of positive comments about Paula Deen you send us and we are going to send a copy to Paula and to the the companies that have chosen to prematurely brake ties with her. The Black community is with you Paula and we are going to let the world know! Hmm, wonder if they’ll be in blackface and do lil’ buck dancing to show Paula their love for her. Just wondering. Remember, it going down this Friday, August 16 in Times Square, right outside “Good Morning America” in the 7am hour.

Sanford Florida’s Racist History... The city of Sanford, Florida will forever go down in history as the place where Trayvon Martin was shot and killed. But the city is also haunted by racist memories of the past, dating back to the early days of Baseball Hall of Famer, Jackie Robinson. After Robinson joined the Brooklyn Dodgers, he was sent to train with their minor league team, the Montreal Royals, in Sanford, Florida. Upon arrival, Robinson was met by an angry white mob and members of the Ku Klux Klan. They refused to let Robinson practice on the field. It was reported that Robinson had to pry himself through a hole in the fence of the baseball field to join the Royals. It was unknown as to whether or not he actually took the field. Later that night, Robinson was forced out of town to avoid serious injury by racist haters. Sanford, Florida’s nightmare of racial injustice went on for years after the Robinson incident. The story of Black civil rights activists Harry and Harriette Moore plagued the community for years. Harry Moore founded the first branch of the NAACP in Sanford, Florida. The teacher was a known advocate for voter registration and the salary disputes of black teachers. Moore’s involvement led to an approximate 31 percent increase of black registered voters in the mid to late fourties. Unfortunately, hatred stirred in the local KKK, which had widespread presence in the city. On December 25, 1951, the home of Harry and Harriette Moore was firebombed. It was the couples’ wed ding anniversary. They died a few days apart. Even now, decades after Jackie Robinson encountered one of the worst bouts of racism in baseball history and the death of the Moore family, accusations of racist police brutality and wrongful death continue to lie in the courtrooms of Sanford, Florida. The city, which is approximately 30 percent Black, continues the investigation of the recent murders of three Black men. Continued Page xxx

JULY 17, 2013

Challenger Community News • ChallengerCN.com


Pork: Just Say No! Have you ever heard of the old Native American proverb, “you are what you eat”? Well it is actually true! Everything we eat either affects our health negatively or positively. If we eat nutritious vegetables we will naturally be healthier and leaner, yet if we indulge in fatty foods like pork, and other unhealthy foods our health will start to decline over time. 1). Pork is full of nasty parasites. The tapeworms found in pork are some of the most deadly. These tapeworms can travel to the brain and spread disease that could even kill a person. Some people have developed brain seizures and other health problems after eating pork. Check out this video where you can watch worms surface on raw pork after coke is poured on it. www. metacafe.com/watch/447498/ 2). Pork is very fattening. Pork is one of the fattiest meats that you can consume. Eating pork continually will pack on the pounds much faster as compared with eating other lean meats like chicken and turkey. If you like bacon you’re better off switching to turkey bacon as it is a healthier alternative. 3). PIGS are SCAVENGERS and will eat ANY kind of food, INCLUDING dead insects, worms, rotting carcasses, excreta including their own, garbage, and other pigs. God tells us not to eat pork in the bible. In the bible there is a list of unclean meats that you should avoid for health reasons. The passage can be found in (Leviticus 11:7-8). 4). Pig skin is very similar in composition to human skin. It is said that pork even tastes like human flesh because of their similar biology. Back in the Middle Ages there was a time with autopsies on humans were not allowed. Medical students had to use pigs to practice on. This was done because the anatomy of a pig also has many other similarities to humans. 5). Toxins. A pig’s body contains many toxins because they are bottom dwellers meaning they eat food which is devoid of nutrition (pig slop). They eat the left over junk and some pigs eat their own feces. These animals store massive amounts of toxins in their fat, which is then passed on to you if you eat it. 6). Pigs live in filth. Pigs roll


around and live their lives in filth, mud, and feces. Pigs are like garbage disposals eating up every nasty thing they can find. 7). Influenza. There are many diseases carried from swine to man, particularly parasite infestations. Influenza (flu) is one of the most famous illnesses which pigs share with humans. Pigs carry a mutated influenza virus in their lungs which has been passed on to humans through consumption. Sausage contains bits of pigs’ lungs, so those who eat pork sausage tend to suffer more during epidemics of influenza. DID YOU KNOW... Kombucha is loaded with probiotic bacteria and yeast that make their way into the gut and ward off parasites and pathogens....


Tai Chi for Health:

The Taoist Tai Chi Society of New York is offering classes for beginners on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Community Health Center of Buffalo beginning at 6 p.m. The Community Health Center is located off Main Street near Dewey. Pictured above, instructor Daryl Rasuli demonstrates a tai chi move. The Taoist Tai Chi Society of Internal Arts of Health incorporates stretching and turning into a sequence of movements that improve the health of the body, mind, and spirit. It reduces tension, improves circulation and balance, strength and flexibility. Call 876-7218 for further details. Discounts are available from some HMO’s.

Rapha Family Medicine Announces Annual “Let’s Move Buffalo 2013: Walking for the Health of It” On Saturday, July 27 from 9am-2pm, Rapha Family Medicine will celebrate its 6th Anniversary...“Let’s Move Buffalo 2013 – Walking for the Health of it.” There will be tables to provide information to the persons interested in healthcare related careers. Health and wellness information will also be available. For additional information call and speak with Desiree at (716) 200-4122.


eat to live




JULY 17, 2013 Challenger Community News •

Follow Him Ministries “Fishing Expedition”

Metropolitan UMC Men & Women’s Day Committee

Follow Him Ministries presents, ‘A Fishing Expedition’. A full day of Evangelism, 10am until 8pm. This great day will take place in the parking lots of Ephesus Cathedral and ECMC, located at 80 Durham Ave. Saturday July 20. Free hot dogs and drinks will be served. Come out and be blessed!

On Saturday, July 27 Metropolitan United Methodist Church Men and Women’s Day Committee will host an Access to AFreeka program, “Jah Music Celebration,” with Ras Jomo, cultural/spiritual lecture and slide show. Ras Muata, DJ, and Aminata Mitchell, cultural dancer, will perform from 4 to 7 p.m.

at Metropolitan UMC, 657 Best Street. Join us for an evening of enlightenment lecture and slide show, music, dance and dinner that will be about

the spirit of peace and love. Jah music which is the sacred music of Rastafarian culture. Tickets are $7 and include food and beverages; may be purchased at the door or by calling Akua Kamau Harris at 716-715-4828.

JULY 17, 2013


Challenger Community News •

“Won’t God Do It!” Former and present choir members of the Friendship Missionary Baptist Church are invited to join in singing for the Rev. A. Charles Ware Memorial Celebration on Sunday, July 28 at 3 p.m. at the church, located at 402 Clinton Street. Rev. Melvin Smith, pastor of Mt. Moriah East Baptist Church in Memphis, Tenn. will be the guest speaker. Rehearsals will be held on Thursday July 25 at 6 p.m. For more information call 847-1020. www.friendshipmissionarybc.org

Mt. Olive Vacation Bible School Vacation Bible School for youth ages 2-18 years of age will be held at the Mt. Olive Baptist Church, 701 E. Delavan Avenue. Pastor William Gillison will convene on Monday, August 12 through Friday August 16 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Scripture, meals, physical activities and arts and crafts will be offered. For more information call the church at 895-7494.

The Mother of Trayvon Martin Calls on God After the Not Guilty Verdict for George Zimmmerman The nation was stunned when George Zimmerman received a verdict of “Not Guilty” after being accused of killing Trayvon Martin. The case was a racial firestorm, dividing sentiments around the country regarding whether or not Zimmerman had the right to use his firearm against Martin. Zimmerman was not authorized as a police officer, and had a history of violence. Martin had no history of violence, making the case even touchier. Sybrina Fulton, Martin’s mother, turned to God as her outlet during one of the toughest days of her life. Fulton has been a sign of strength for Martin supporters, and has carried herself with dignity throughout the entire ordeal. She says that the announcement of the verdict was her “darkest hour” and called on a higher power to help her through. “Lord during my darkest hour I lean on you. You are all that I have. At the end of the day, GOD is still in control. Thank you all for your prayers and support. I will love you forever Trayvon!!! In the name of Jesus!!!” she tweeted. Fulton is a strong Christian woman, who regularly asks those who follow her on Twitter to recite their favorite bible verses. Now that the case has been concluded against Zimmerman, she is preparing for the next battle, which might include a civil trial or charging Zimmerman with violating Martin’s civil rights. The case appears to be far from over.

42nd Anniversary of The Mt. Calvary Specials The 42nd Anniversary of the Mt. Calvary Specials wlill be held on Sunday, August 4, at 5pm at Greater Praise Tabernacle Church, 704 William Street. Featured will be: The Wondering Five, Buffalo, NY; The Voices of Tomorrow, Rochester NY; and special guest Elder Brian McIntosh of Lillington, NC. The Guest MC will be Bishop-Elect Jeremiah Snell.For ticket information: 716-715-9361.

What would Jesus drive?

VATICAN CITY - Pope Francis said recently it pained him to see priests driving flashy cars, and told them to pick something more "humble". As part of his drive to make the Catholic Church more austere and focus on the poor, Francis told young and trainee priests and nuns from around the world that having the latest smartphone or fashion accessory was not the route to happiness. "A car is necessary to do a lot of work, but please, choose a more humble one. If you like the fancy one, just think about how many children are dying of hunger in the world," he said.





JULY 17, 2013

Stevie Wonder won’t perform in Florida because of George Zimmerman verdict

Challenger Community News • ChallengerCN.com

Party Over Here!

Wonder added: “Wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world.”

Sam’s Productions Inc. Presents Jammin’ On The 37th Floor of HSBC Building Downtown Main Street. Last Two Fridays In July July 19th & 26th 12 Noon to 2 PM “A New Concept to Jump Start Your TGIF!” $25 Per Person * Great Music * Line Dancing * Bag Lunch Provided Tickets Available at Doris Records, 286 E Ferry St. 883-2410, www.www. dorisrecords.net or Gatewey News Stand Lobby, Lobby of the HSC Bldg. 903-2189 Ask for Ahmed 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

The “stand your ground” law allows people to use deadly force if they believe their life is in danger.


Stevie Wonder says he won’t perform in Florida and other states with a “stand your ground” law. In a video posted on YouTube, the 63-year-old singer said at a concert in Quebec City, Canada, on Sunday “that until the ‘stand your ground’ law is abolished in Florida, I will never perform there again.”

Masten Jazz Fest Kicks Off This Sunday July 21: Pappy Martin (left), Christy Smothers (top right) and Curtis Lundy (bottom right) will be joined by Bilal Abdul and terrance Bruce for an awesome Afternoon of jazz!

19th Annual Masten District Jazz Festival

The 19th Annual Masten District Jazz Festival will be held on Saturday, July 21 and again on Saturday, July 28 in Martin Luther King Jr. Park from 3-8 p.m.

July 21: 1st week: Bilal Abdul, Terrance Bruce (Rochester ), Pappy Martin & Love Supreme with Christy Smothers Buffalos Best Kept Secret, and Curtis Lundy from NYC,

July 28: 2nd week: Delvin Payton and “The Lyfe,” Will Holton ,The Buffalo All Star Band w/Rodney Appleby and Wade Hawkins, George Caldwell and Bobby Millitello Tribute to Dave Brubeck, J.D. Allen saxaphonist from Cincinnati backed by Paradigm Shift of Rochester.

Challenger Special!!!!!!!!!


see you at the events

JULY 17, 2013


Challenger Community News • ChallengerCN.com

2013 Drums To Drums Along Buffalo Creek Features Native American, West African, East African And Latin Rhythms Join the African American Cultural Center (AACC) at Canalside this summer for the second annual Drums to Drums Along Buffalo Creek, on Saturday, August 17 from 5:15 to 6:45 p.m. Sponsored by the Erie Canal Harbor Development Corporation, the familyoriented “RhythmSpeak” event celebrates Buffalo’s African American and Native American origins -and contemporary Hispanic and East African communities - and takes place on the boardwalk at the foot of the Whipple Truss Bridge. “Cultural arts have always been a vehicle for unity, change and healing. This event helps to support the multicultural development of Canalside and enriches the community at large. The African American Cultural Center appreciates the opportunity to bring together such a powerful collective,” AACC Dance and Drum Director Linda Barr said. Guaranteed to expand your mind, move your body and lift your spirit, Drums to Drums Along Buffalo Creek 2013 reprises last year’s West African and Native American rhythm and movement performances by the AACC Dance and Drum Performance Company and Neto Hatinakwe Onkwehowe Dancers, respectively. Added for 2013 are performances of Latin music and dance provided by the Puerto Rican and Hispanic Day Parade of WNY Association, and East African music and dance from the Somali-Bantu Community Organization. The August 17 main event ends with an integrated performance by nearly 40 multicultural dancers and drummers - and invitation for audience interaction. Also new this year, Drums to Drums Along Buffalo Creek, featuresincludes a summer long schedule of sunset and full moon drumming sessions, as follows: •Monday July 22 @ 9 pm FULL MOON DRUMMING* AACC Dance & Drum Performance Company www.africancultural.org •Friday August 2 @ 8 pm SUNSET DRUMMING Puerto Rican & Hispanic Day Parade of WNY presents “Amor y Heritage” www.prparadeofwny.org •Friday August 23 @ 8 pm FULL MOON DRUMMING Somali-Bantu Community Organization www.somalibantubuffalo.org •Friday September 6 @ 8 pm SUNSET DRUMMING Friday September 19 @ 8 pm FULL MOON DRUMMING* AACC Dance & Drum Performance Company *Open session; all drummers welcome to participate! “Drums are vital in all cultures. For us they represent the elements of life. And I believe there is something in the rhythms that promotes health and healing,” Neto Hatinakwe Onkwehowe Executive Director Allan Jamieson said. All events are free and take place on the Canalside boardwalk at the foot of the Whipple Truss Bridge. For more information contact the African American Cultural Center at 716-884-2013 or africancultural350@gmail.com


ON STAGE *The 19th Annual Masten District Jazz Festival will be held on Saturday, July 21 and again on Saturday, July 28 in Martin Luther King Jr. Park from 3-8 p.m. July 21: 1st week: Bilal Abdul, Terrance Bruce (Rochester ), Pappy Martin & Love Supreme with Christy Smothers Buffalos Best Kept Secret, and Curtis Lundy from NYC July 28: 2nd week: Delvin Payton and “The Lyfe,” Will Holton ,The Buffalo All Star Band w/Rodney Appleby and Wade Hawkins, George Caldwell and Bobby Millitello Tribute to Dave Brubeck, J.D. Allen saxaphonist from Cincinnati backed by Paradigm Shift of Rochester. *Saturday July 27th, 8th Annual Queen City Jazz Festival to benefit Historic Colored Musicians Club: 145 Broadway, noon to 8 p.m., free and open to the public, featuring sol Y. Sambra, Verse (Mike Disanto), E-life 7 featuring Mike Pernnick, Brotha Perry, Lady’s First Big band Taylor Made Jazz, What Would Mingus Do, Other Side of Main. *Kenny Woo Summer Jam, The Tralf, Sat. July 20, 8 pm

*Saturday Night Live @ The Historic Colored Musicians Club: This week Saturday July 20, Ellicot Birdsong & Friends, 8:30 – 10:30 p.m., R&B and Jazz, followed by open mic. Host Larry Salter. *Gladys Knight and the OJays, Tuesday, August 20, Artpark, 6:30 p.m., true class real soul and timeless Rn’B! *Buddy Guy & Robert Randollph & The Family Band, August 1, Artpark, 754-4375. *Chick Corea & The Vigil, August 2, Artpark; 754-4375. *Buffalo Place Rocks Canalside: Concerts 6 to 11 p.m., July 26, The Wailers, free, Reggae; July 27, Bel Biv Devoe, free; tickets at the Buffalo Place box office, 671 Main St. www.tickets. com or charge by phone at (888)223-6000. *Smokey Robinson, Seneca Niagara Casino, July 26. *An Evening With R Kelly featuring guest performances by Fantasia and Syleena Johnson will take place on Sunday, July 28 at 7:30 p.m. Blue Cross Arena in Rochester. Tickets are on sale now at the Arena box office and ticketmaster.com

Langston Hughes Institute


Friday, July 26, 2013 8pm-Midnight

Metropolitan Entertainment Complex 1670 Main St. - Donation $20 Live Music-Dancing-Food

For more information or tickets call: 598-4389



JULY 17, 2013

Challenger Community News • ChallengerCN.com

Young Miss Buffalo Pageant, Inc. to hold Annual Free Summer Youth Program Fundraiser and Awards Dinner

Buffalo, New York - The Young Miss Buffalo Pageant Scholarship and Enrichment Program, Inc. (YMBP, Inc.) will hold its Sixth Annual Scholarship Fundraiser and Awards Dinner at the Holiday Inn Amherst, 1881 Niagara Fall Blvd - Amherst, New York on Saturday, July 20 at

6:00 p.m. The event will honor this year’s contestants in celebration of their hard work throughout the program and The G.I.R.L.S. Sports Foundation for their commitment to excellence, service and helping young women become their best. There will be a pre-dinner cocktail reception from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm. The event will include a silent auction, raffle, contestant presentation, awards ceremony and dancing. Dinner will begin at 6:45 p.m. The Scholarship Fundraiser and Awards Dinner will benefit the YMBP, Inc. Scholarship Fund, which provides scholarships each year to program participants. For the past

thirteen years, YMBP, Inc. has been impacting the lives of young women in WNY. YMBP, Inc.’s mission is to empower young ladies ages 13-17 to reach beyond their own comfort zones through a process of healthy nurturing from the inside out. Tickets for the event are $50.00 per person. Community Sponsor Tables can be purchased for $600 and Corporate Sponsor Tables can be purchased for $850. The organization is currently soliciting donations for raffle items. If you would like to contribute to the raffle or attend the event, please call 716-510-5892 or email info@ ymbp.org or go www.ymbp. org/Donation.html.

Delavan Grider Center, 877 East Delavan is offering a free summer youth program from ages 8 to 14. The summer program entails a variety of fun, educational and recreational enriching activities for this summer. The youth program will be held at the Center each week day from 2 p.m. until 7 p.m. Parents must register each child in the program in person. Snack and dinner will be served each day and will keep children energized to allow them to fully participate in all that the summer youth program has to offer: daily arts and crafts, sports and games, educational enrichment, weekly field trips and educational workshops.



Buffalo’s own Professional Basketball player and former Traditional High School basketball Star Jason Rowe kicked off his inaugural “Queen City Classic” Pro-Am summer basketball league July 7th. The league runs on Sunday Nights from 3-8pm until Sunday August 16th for adults 18 and over. This is Rowe’s first time headlining a summer league and is expected to be one for the ages. Jason Rowe has team up with Crown Entertainment who is the founder of the annual “Ballin for a Cause” National Basketball tournament that takes place in Buffalo, NY and just wrapped up its 6th annual tournament in June. Mayor Byron Brown was on hand to throw the jump ball in the opening game at Nichols. Queen City Classic will take place on Sunday Nights 3pm-8pm @ Nichols High School. For more information please contact QCC716@gmail.com

JULY 17, 2013

Challenger Community News • ChallengerCN.com

Update: Mr. Paladino’s School Board Debut, and Commisioner King’s Blockbuster Announcement....: On July 10, Carl Paladino participated at the School Board’s first regular meeting since his election. State Education Commissioner John King’s announcement regarding the potential closing of Lafayette and East High Schools appeared in the local daily on July 12. As expected, at Paladino’s “debut,” numerous news cameras were at-the-ready for sensation- SPEAK OUT/ alism. (The news media, significantly, were the propelling wind KAT MASSEY beneath his candidacy wings for governor and the Board.) He stuck to the script (i.e., issues for proposals) that he had broadly promoted. It began with his motion for the Superintendent’s (Dr. Pamela Brown) resignation. Self-centered, for at least an hour, he monopolized the business portion of the meeting with approximately 20 additional motions. Using a photo, he introduced his dog as his “colleague.” He said it keeps him in-line. In light of his preposterous movement against the District’s CEO, it was an insulting, inappropriate and humorless deed. Commendably, many concerned citizens from the community made statements of support for Dr. Brown. Minister Michael Chapman’s letter provided his backing for her. Not surprising, Legislator Betty Jean Grant, representing We Are Women Warriors and Charley Fisher, III (President, BUILD) were also speakers. I stayed for the 5-hour duration. At about 10:45 p.m., the Board emerged from Executive Session with a righteous decision of “no action to be taken” on Paladino’s resignation request. That squashed the matter. -All the King’s MenMoving on to Commissioner King’s bombshell for the two extremely challenged schools . . . His denial of millions in critically needed Federal improvement funds and the brandishing of a threat to have the schools registrations revoked (to shut them down) has a foundation of absurdity! Following are a few snippets of evidence to debunk/frontstage the suspicious nature of his carved out focus on East and Lafayette and his sudden, unwarranted propulsion into the District’s business. Evidence: TWO HUNDRED additional students came to Lafayette, last year. (Most of them are English language learners.) At East, the number of students with disabilities significantly exceeds the 17 percent maximum a school should have. Increasingly, the school has been receiving students with behavioral problems. Obviously, Mr. King disregarded these details in his assessment. Is he orchestrating a bogus case for the State’s takeover of the District? Is this the lift-off of a covert initiative for more charter schools? Evidence:Mr. King has given the District an “unprecedented” directive to enter into an agreement with BOCES to provide career and vocation programs or to serve as the lead administrators at the schools. (John Hopkins University, which is already in motion with the District to implement its proven turnaround model, could provide extensive services and fulfill similar administrative roles.) Why should students have to go outside of the District for career and vocational training – especially since only suburban school districts receive a cost offset subsidy for it?

“We wish to plead our own cause. Too long have others spoken for us.” - John Russwurm, Freedom’s Journal. 1827 America’s 1st Black Newspaper

dear editor... Reflections on the Zimmerman Trial and America’s “Just Us” System Dear Editor: The American just-us system is working like it was planned to Work- that is illogically. Trayvon Martin, murder victim, was found guilty of his own death. His killer, George Zimmerman, was found not guilty. It’s been scientifically proven that when people of African descent are tried in US Courts, and their peers are not part of the proceedings, it’s impossible to have a fair trial. The killing of Trayvon Martin is systemic. It is embedded in institutional racism and national oppression. -Roy St. Clair

HUA HU CHING -Thirty OneThe Tao doesn’t come and go it is always present everywhere, just like the sky. If your mind is clouded, you won’t see it, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t there. All misery is created by the activity of the mind. Can you let go of words and ideas, attitudes and expectations? If so, then the Tao will loom into view. Can you be still and look inside? If so, then you will see that the truth is always available, always responsive. The State should provide funding, system-wide, as part of the multiple pathways to graduation they are supposed to be formulating. Voices need to be raised to redirect the commissioner to the best interests of the students.

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11 Lynch Laws and Skittles: An Honest Reflecion on the Zimmerman Verdict Trayvon Martin was murdered by George Zimmerman on February 26, 2012. The 17-year-old was visiting his father in Sanford, Florida and left his home to buy junk food at a local store. This simple act made him the target of George Zimmerman, a 21st century vigilante of the old slavery era patroller school. The Zimmermans of this country have a very long history. The much debated Second Amendment to the Constitution gave the 18th century vigilante the right to control the enslaved and Native American populations. The “well regulated militia” was nothing more than a means of making sure that the white population had every other group under control with the threat and use of violence. Slavery was a perfect means of doing that. When it ended, Jim Crow and lynch law ruled. As we previously pointed out in Black Agenda Report, lynch law has never been repealed. Trayvon Martin is just the most famous victim of recent times. George Zimmerman has been found not guilty. Yet the case should have been open and shut. Martin was minding his own business and breaking no laws as he returned to his father’s house. The unarmed Martin was attacked by Zimmerman and a physical altercation followed. Trayvon Martin had a right to defend himself from being assaulted and there was no reason for Zimmerman to have ever approached him. Zimmerman ought to be found guilty and pay the heaviest penalty possible under Florida law. Instead he stands a good chance of going free because the deceased and any other black person who speaks for him has been put on trial in the court and in the court of public opinion. The defense claims that the man without a gun threatened the life of the man who did have a gun. Rachel Jeantel, the friend who spoke to Martin before he was at-

By Margaret Kimberley tacked was herself attacked in and out of the court room. It couldn’t be otherwise because her words should be enough to put Zimmerman behind bars for a long time. If not for the courageous persistence of Trayvon’s parents Sabryna Fulton and Tracy Martin, Zimmerman would never have been charged. The local police didn’t arrest Zimmerman who they said acted properly under Florida’s “stand your ground” laws, an updated version of the 18th century militia. Stand your ground laws have been repeated in many venues across the country. At first glance they seem just silly, a solution in search of a problem. They are in fact quite serious, giving white people the right to shoot anyone for almost any reason. There are long standing and universally observed self-defense statutes which made stand your ground unnecessary. But if one group of people is to successfully maintain its power over others, no means of control can be over looked. From the beginning, the victim was made out to be the criminal. Martin’s body was tested for drugs. Zimmerman was not. Martin’s grades in school, his facebook postings and his temporary suspension from school were and are still made an issue. Zimmerman’s history, education and deportment were never issues to law enforcement, or to the media for the simple reason that they don’t think he did anything wrong when he killed Trayvon Martin. In 2012 the Macolm X Grass Roots Movement published a report which detailed the extra judicial killings of black people by the police, security guards and self-appointed law enforcers like Zimmerman. In the first half of that year they reported that 120 Black people were murdered in this manner, one death every 36 hours. That report was report was recently updated to show that modern day lynch law takes place every 28 hours. Now that Zimmerman has

• Published every Wednesday • News Deadline: Friday 5 p.m. • Ad Deadline: Friday 5 p.m. • Classified Deadline: Thursday 5 p.m.

gone free how will black people respond? There will surely be public expressions of anger and anguish, but there is a larger question. As a group, how will we react to the denial of justice for Trayvon Martin and the hundreds of others whose names we don’t even know? It wouldn’t be enough to tell people not to be violent, or to march in silent protest. There must be very public, very outspoken acknowledgement that our system demands that Black people be victimized by those in authority on a regular basis. A volunteer security guard qualifies as an authority if he kills a Black person. The songs, parades and kumbayahs should be kept to a minimum. Anyone who speaks about the case should be unafraid to tell the ugly truth about the many ways in which Black people are targeted in this country. The well paid pundits and black misleaders should be called out if they aren’t willing to speak openly about why Trayvon Martin was killed. If the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement is correct, some 300 black people have died in the same manner since the day Trayvon was killed. Their names need to be known and there should be a frank discussion about why they died. Mealy mouthed platitudes urging us to “talk about race” and silly questions about why black and white people see things differently are an affront to intelligence and to justice. Trayvon Martin is dead because lynch law still lives. If Now that George Zimmerman has been acquitted that simple fact ought to be spoken loudly and often. If it isn’t then the injustice is magnified for Trayvon Martin and the hundreds of other unknown victims. Margaret Kimberley’s Freedom Rider column appears weekly in BAR, and is widely reprinted elsewhere. She maintains a blog as well as at http:// freedomrider.blogspot.com. can be reached via e-Mail at Margaret. Kimberley(at)BlackAgendaReport. com.

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The Corner Store Deli & Grill 1733 Genesee * 895-2009

BARBER SHOPS Klassic Kuts 1471 Kensington 836-3260 Master Touch 1283 E. Delavan 901-5909 Solo Unisex 3081 MainSt. 833-2553

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CHILD CARE Cookieland Day Care 24 Barthel Miss Cookie*893-0590 Dean’s Day Care 61 Montana Ave. 716.896-1751 Debbie’s Little Scholars 484 Hickory St. (716)304-6820 First Impressions Day Care 847 Walden Ave. 716-533-8075 Kim’s Building Blocks Day Care 1479 E. Delavan Ave. 895-8693

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Why We think The Way We Do About Criminal Justice,Crime and Punishment And The Need For Change

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JULY 17, 2013 Challenger Community News •

Black Spending to Pass $1.1 Trillion The Nielsen Company is projecting that the spending power of the Black consumer will reach $1.1 Trillion by the year 2015. That is a lot of money that Black people are putting into the national economy and it’s also eye opening because many people within the Black community do not know the power of their dollar. Vice President of Public Affairs at the Nielsen Company, Cheryl Pearson-McNeil, feels that now is the time for people to become educated on what it means to be a consumer in a capitalist society, “Do I think we’re interested in learning more about it? Absolutely.”

VOTE BIDS NFTA Procurement Invitation to Bid 4296 - ULTRASONIC RAIL TESTING ANALYSIS AND REPORT 4303 - STREET SWEEPER 4328 - AVIATION STRATEGIC PLAN Download Bids from www.nfta.com INVITATION TO BID The NFTA is soliciting bids for Project No. 15BG1302, BNIA – Nolse Compatibility Program-FFY 2013-2, Bid No. E-502 on August 6, 2013. www.nftaengineering.com

INVITATION TO BID The NFTA is soliciting bids for Project No. 15BG1301, BNIA – Nolse Compatibility ProgramFFY 2013-1, Bid No. E-501 on August 6, 2013. www.nftaengineering.com

Part II We have to change the thinking that says those “criminals” are totally responsible for their distorted thinking and reprehensible behavior and that we can write them off never to be seen or heard from again. That fallacious idea of criminality holds that society , ie: familial, educational, and social conditions are not at all causative or determinative of outcome in the development of criminal thinking and behavior, or normal socialization. That thinking basically holds that people grow up, on their own, who are just basically flawed with character deficits and simply chose to become criminals. However, clinical, scientific research in the field of psychology and social development, by experts in those sciences, G. Baba agree that family, educational, and social ENG conditions are, in fact, determinant of psychological development and relational behavior. These are the truths that must be factored into our thinking, as individuals, communities, and society, in terms of how we view and respond to those among us who commit crime(s) Factually, when we are forced to recognize that we share in the responsibility for how people turn out and that these same people who sometimes turn out wrong, are in fact, just people among us who have gone wrong, many of whom are family, or friends, or neighbors who made bad choices and will ultimately some day be returning back to us, to the same communities that they hurt. I submit to you, my family, that how they return is as much our responsibility as how they went away. So, let us not make the same mistake twice by turning our back on them while they are in prison. Let us work together to help them change for the better, so that when they do come back, they come back better than when they went in, and ready to contribute to our collective well being, and not to harm us once again. I submit to you, my family, my community, that it is about money when it comes to the system that imprisons our people and it is never about the people who are most effected; the victims, the families , and the communities. God willing, we’ll talk about this issue more in part two. Until then, peace be still, I’m out!!! Thanks for letting me be a part of this conversation. Next Part III


JULY 17, 2013

Challenger Community News • ChallengerCN.com

B ID S COUNTY OF ERIE NOTICE TO BIDDERS EMERY PARK DAM PARTIAL DECOMMISSION DAMS-1-13 Department of Public Works (DPW), Highways Division, is seeking sealed bids for partial dam removal and related rehab project. Sealed proposals will be received at DPW Conference Room, 95 Franklin Street, 14th floor, Buffalo, NY at 10:00 a.m., July 25, 2013. Bid deposit of $22,500.00 required. Plans available for purchase at $100/set from July 11, 2013. More information at: http://www2.erie.gov/dpw

Request for Proposals NOTICE OF INVITATION TO SUBMIT A PROPOSAL FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING SERVICES Proposals are requested by the Erie County Department of Environment and Planning, Division of Sewerage Management (DEP/DSM) for engineering consultant services to prepare the Southtowns Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facility (AWTF) – Facility Report Update in conformance with SPDES Permit NY0095401. The top rated respondent will be selected to enter into an agreement to develop potential solutions that are cost effective and best serve the long-term function and viability of the Southtowns AWTF.

Core Competencies Training for Community Health Workers The four day training will be offered on July 24, 25, 31 and August 1 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day (you must attend all four days) at the United Way of Buffalo and Erie County, 742 Delaware Avenue. Registration is on a first come/first serve basis and is limited to two participants per organization due to limited space. Training fee is $30 per person. To reserve a spot, please e-mail your name and contact information to: info@ chwbuffalo.org Workers must attend all four days. This training is for persons working in diverse settings in urban Buffalo as health and human services providers, community organizers and outreach workers; CHW’s frontline workers with access to serve pregnant and new parenting mother and who have some interest in promoting strong mother/baby attachment, breastfeeding and maternal/infant health.

In accordance with Local Law No. 6, proposals are hereby invited for the subject project. Proposals are to be submitted in the exact format detailed in the request for proposals (RFP). Proposals will be due August 28, 2013. A pre-proposal meeting will be held in the training room of the Southtowns AWTF, S-3690 Lakeshore Road, Buffalo, NY 14219 at 10:00 A.M. on August 8, 2013 for the purpose of discussing the project with prospective respondents.

Trainers for this session are Jessica Bauer Walker, Sam Radford and Dr. Katie Grimm MD.

The DEP emphasizes that declining to respond at any step of the procurement process prior to selection will not hinder firms from being solicited for future jobs.


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To obtain a copy of the RFP guidelines, please visit the following website on or after July 17, 2013: http:// www2.erie.gov/environment/index.php?q=DEP_RFP. Alternatively, you may call (716) 858-8383 or e-mail mary. sweet@erie.gov if you would like to request a hardcopy. This invitation does not commit Erie County Sewer District No. 3, Erie County, or its DEP to accept any priced proposal, nor does it obligate Erie County for any costs associated with preparing or submitting proposals.



COUNTY OF ERIE OFFICE OF THE DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES EM P LOY M EN T 95 FRANKLIN STREET BUFFALO, NY 14202 ACADEMIC DIRECTOR The Aloma D. Johnson Fruit Belt Community Charter School is seeking applicants for the position of Academic Director. The successful candidate will have a Master’s degree in Education, Administration or a related discipline; a minimum of five years’ experience as an elementary school administrator and a current NYS Administration certification. A PhD and three to five years of successful charter or private school experience preferred. Resumes should be submitted to Search Committee Chair, 833 Michigan Ave, Buffalo, NY 14203 or JLinder@ FruitBeltCharter.Org.

The following positions are available in various departments and locations of Erie Community College: Assistant Project Director RPT – Workforce Development For more information or to apply to the positions above go to: jobs.ecc.edu Erie Community College is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women, members of minority groups, persons with disabilities, and Veterans are encouraged to apply.

Academic Outreach/Engagement Librarian

E. H. Butler Library, SUNY Buffalo State, seeks two (2) full-time Academic Outreach/Engagement Librarians to imbed library awareness and usability across the curriculum, regardless of modality. Required Qualifications: - ALA-accredited Master's degree in library and information studies. - Demonstrated experience with applications that support or enhance online learning environments including learning management systems and screen recording and video editing tools. - Demonstrated ability to adapt to ever-changing technology-rich online library service environment. - Demonstrated experience creating customized online library content. - Demonstrated experience with digital content utilization. - Demonstrated knowledge of social media strategy to further awareness and use of library resources. - Professional experience in the provision of in-person and online reference services in an academic library. - Experience teaching library instruction sessions in an academic institution. - Ability to clearly articulate a vision for a library's role in improving student learning outcomes in a rapidly changing academic environment. - Demonstrated excellence in oral and written communication. - Demonstrated experience in working with diverse populations. - Ability to meet all requirements for achieving continuing appointment as a library faculty member in an academic institution. Preferred Qualifications: - Experience with Blackboard Learn course management system. - Experience with LibGuides. - Experience with Summon Discovery Service. - Online teaching experience. - Experience creating and editing library content in all formats. - Experience creating and editing library marketing content. Review of applications will begin immediately. Deadline for applications is July 19, 2013. Qualified applicants may apply online at https://jobs.buffalostate.edu.

By: Joseph L. Fiegl, P.E. Deputy Commissioner Erie County DEP/DSM



Buffalo State is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and committed to respect for diversity and individual differences.

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JULY 17, 2013 Challenger Community News •


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REVIEW continued

school fashion with Professor Griff, SW1’s and a live band. The group ran through hits like “Shut ‘em Down” “Can’t Trust It,” “Fight The Power” and the Flavor Flav-led “911 Is a Joke.” Flav was acting a fool on stage as usual and I must say the fans loved his “yeahhhh boyee”. Flav also showed off his musical LUCKIE DUCKIE skills by playing the drums and the bass showing he’s more than just a colorful person on a reality show. Chuck D led the 134-431-143 crew with powerful meanings behind every song and paid re648*123*104 spect to the Beastie Boys. Their music rang like sirens from a police car.rens from a police car. 980-422-809 This night, however, was all about Ladies who Love Cool J. LL came up from the stage posing and doing what made him 981-989-970-990-080-800 a household name, licking his lips. The whole house erupted 390-196-102-581-752-319with girls from 8 to 80 screaming with excitement. LL broke 408-378-352-126 into “Mama Said Knock you Out” and strolled across the stage 189-444-886 like “Radio”, “Rock The Bells” and “Doing it Well”. LL didn’t 322-522-412-432-421-423 take his shirt off for the ladies but he did tease them by rolling up his sleeves. He gave roses to the ladies and surprisingly brought a few women on stage with him as he sang “I Need 3-Way Winning Numbers this Time Last Year Love”. Keep in mind, LL was the first rapper to make hip hop ballads cool and respected in the industry. This night, his intenwas to show you why they called him the G.O.A.T (Greatest 07/25/2012 Evening 1-2-8 of All Time). 07/25/2012 Midday 9-7-5 Ice Cube, Public Enemy and LL proved they were and still are 07/24/2012 Evening 2-4-6 07/24/2012 Midday 4-8-5 07/23/2012 Evening 8-2-6 TUBMA N 07/23/2012 Midday 8-0-9 continued 07/22/2012 Evening 5-2-0 07/22/2012 Midday 0-3-0 ebrate her life’s contributions. 07/21/2012 Evening 3-6-0 As recent as June 16, 2007, Ms. Daniels was scheduled to 07/21/2012 Midday 8-4-2 represent the Tubman family, in the Freedom Way Business 07/20/2012 Evening 7-3-7 Association’s “5th Annual Juneteenth Celebration” to honor 07/20/2012 Midday 9-9-6 the courageous spirits of Harriet Ross Tubman and Fredrick 07/19/2012 Evening 6-5-0 Douglass, as well as the unconquerable hearts of the slaves in 07/19/2012 Midday 9-8-8 the south. Ms Daniels was invited there especially to receive a 07/18/2012 Evening 6-0-0 proclamation in honor of her Great-Grand Aunt Harriet R. Tub07/18/2012 Midday 9-2-6 man. Mayor Duffy, of Rochester, New York, issued the procla07/17/2012 Evening 9-0-1 mation on June 16, 2007. 07/17/2012 Midday 7-5-8

JULY 17, 2013


Challenger Community News • ChallengerCN.com


Wednesday July 17

Saturday July 20

Friday July 26

Summit On Violent Crime and Homicide in Buffalo: hosted by Legislators Betty Jean Grant and Timothy R. Hogue, 5:30 pm., Frank E Merriweather Library, 1324 Jefferson Ave.

St. Luke Sole to Soul” Community Day: 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., Woodlawn Park (E. Ferry and Dupont) free services, health info. games, activities for children and more; 8830961 for info. Rev. Cary L. Bechwith , Pastor.

Jamaican and American Assn. of Annual Buffalo Reggae Boat Ride: Dinner @ 7 pm; boat sails at 8:30pm;for tickets Dr. Bird’s Rastarant, Caribbean Experience or call 8971105, 983-9002, 563-7157; in Niagara Falls, 804-1886.

Young Miss Buffalo Pageant fundraiser and Awards Dinner: Holiday Inn, 1881 N.F. Blvd. 6 p.m.; honorees, The GIRLS Sports Foundation; Tickets $50 per person; (716)510-5892 or email info@ymbp.org for info.

Saturday July 27

Family Fun Bowling Day: Every Wed. Kerns Bowling, 163 Kerns, 5-8 p.m. Hosted by Buffalo United Front. National Alliance for the Mentally Ill Family Support Group Meeting: 7 p.m., St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, 4007 Main St., Amherst.226-6264. Durham’s Central City Baby Café: Every Wednesday & Thursday, 5:30-7:30 p.m., free supper; experienced moms and certified counselors available; bring the kids; for info call Doris @ 885-6348. The Buffalo 9:Bruce Beyer will be presenting on his experiences with Vietnam War draft resistance here in Buffalo, highlighting the case of the Buffalo 9. Presented by the Buffalo chapter of the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee. 7pm, Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Street, Buffalo Thursday July 18 Durham’s Central City Baby Café: Every Wednesday & Thursday, 5:30-7:30 p.m., free supper; experienced moms and certified counselors available; bring the kids; for info call Doris @ 885-6348. Friday July19 Chiavetta’s Chicken Dinners: Second Temple Baptist Church, 812 E. Delavan Ave., 11am-4pm; $10; advance tickets call 897-1271; Walk-ins welcome. Annual Grease Poll Fesival, Olivencia Center, 261Swan St; 578-6254. Saturday July 20 Mandella Market’s Celebration of Nelson’s Mandela’s 95th Birthday: 272 E Ferry cor. Jefferson day-long celebration, Special Sale on Gas from 5-9 p.m. Justice for Travon Vigil: 6 pm, Niagara Square; sponsored by National Action Network; (716)299-8299 or bflonan@gmail.com See You at the Events!

Grand Jury Resistance – Support Jerry Koch: Koch, a NYC legal activist, is refusing to testify about his political affiliations to a Federal Grand Jury. His refusal has cost him his freedom: he is currently incarcerated for up to 18 months despite never being charged with, tried for, or convicted of a crime. 7pm, Burning Books, 420 Connecticut Street. Sunday July 21 Masten District Jazz Festival: 3-8 p.m., MLK Park featuring Bilal Abdul, Terrance Bruce (Rochester), Pappy martin & Love Supreme with Christy Smothers, Buffalo’s Best Kept Secret, and Curtis Lundy from NYC. Free. Monday July 22 Drums To Drums Along Buffalo Creek: 9 p.m. Full Moon Drumming, African American Cultural Center Dance & drum Performance Company; Canalside Boardwalk at the foot of the Whipple Truss Bridge; for more info 8842013 or aficancultural3502gmail.com Wednesday July 24 Family Fun Bowling Day: Every Wed. Kerns Bowling, 163 Kerns, 5-8 p.m. Hosted by Buffalo United Front. Durham’s Central City Baby Café: Every Wednesday & Thursday, 5:30-7:30 p.m., free supper; experienced moms and certified counselors available; bring the kids; for info call Doris @ 885-6348. Thursday July 25 Durham’s Central City Baby Café: Every Wednesday & Thursday, 5:30-7:30 p.m., free supper; experienced moms and certified counselors available; bring the kids; for info call Doris @ 885-6348.

Rapha Family Medicine’s “Let’s Move Buffalo 2013” Walking for the Health of It: 2-mile walk, 9 am – 2 p.m., 2200 Main St.; registration begins at 9 a.m.; walk starts at 10a.m. sharp; $5 per person; $30 for groups or organizations; free fun for kids also; to sponsor, register or for more info call (716) 200-4122. Support our Advertisers



JULY 17, 2013 Challenger Community News •


Pictured above are scenes from the Buffalo United Front’s 5th Annual Family Fishing Day event at Broderick Park which drew over 3,500 people. “This was the first year we were able to attract so many men to help with the kids,” observed United Front founder George Johnson. “We had retired police officers, firefighters, several fishing clubs – it was really great to see these men work with the children. ..We gave away over 400 free fishing rods but still had to turn away 300-400 kids because we didn’t have enough equipment.” Overall, he said, it was a fantastic two-day experience. Johnson thanked everyone who turned out and who worked to make this Year’s Family Fishing Day a huge success. Planning for next year has already begun! To find out how you can help call 818-3410. Challenger Photos (The little guy on the cover is 7-year-old Zion Jones who caught a “big one!” Zion is the son of Jeanette Priester and the late Michael M. Jones.)

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