Chalkdust, Issue 01

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Editorial Director Rafael Prieto Curiel Communications Director Anna Lambert Communications and social media Maia Miglioranza Pice Preeyakorn Huda Ramli Creative Director Samuel Brown Editorial and contents Sebastián Bahamonde Beltrán Mahew Scroggs Pietro Servini Mahew Wright Image and design Jessie Jing Website Manager Adam Townsend @chalkdustmag

Why a new magazine? The idea for this project emerged one evening, as we were solving maths problems whilst sharing biscuits and coffee (a relaxing evening for any self-respecting mathematician). Discussion turned to how it would be good to have a space to share our ideas, our amazing mathematical tricks and fascinating curiosities with more colleagues, not only in the present but also in generations to come (because we work, ultimately, with our legendary forefathers - Euler, Galois, Cauchy and more - whose presence lives on in their papers). Why chalkdust? Picking the name is always the hardest task! We wanted to name our project in such a way that people would associate it with maths, but that at the same time would let the audience know that we were not creating a journal but a magazine for those who enjoy maths. Along with our website, Facebook and Twier pages, we hope to provide you, the reader, with information about the latest news, events and research in the world of maths that we so love. We aim to ensure that you discover something interesting inside, regardless of whether you are somebody who has always thought that maths was too hard or a professor who has dedicated their whole life to this most beautiful of sciences. Rafael Prieto Curiel Editorial Director

Acknowledgements: Producing this magazine would not have been possible without the help of many different people. Particular thanks go to the academic staff at UCL, especially Professors Robb McDonald and Steven Bishop and Dr Luciano Rila, for their enthusiasm, encouragement and helpful suggestions; to Erica Tyson from the IMA and Fiona Nixon and Stephen Hugge from the LMS for their valuable support; to Mariana Ceccoi from UCLU for her time; and to the team at Free Hype, particularly Archy de Berker and Rain Soo, for their creative assistance.


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