How to profit from Online Reputation Management

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How to profit from Online Reputation Management fixing bad online reviewsHow to profit from Online Reputation Management Your company spends money each month to have your business show up under a variety of search terms. You pay someone to painstakingly submit your content to a variety of high page rank sites and you have been making some headway. However even though your listing is coming up prominently on Google, you notice that Google is now displaying your online customer reviews on your Google Plus or Google Local listings. You don’t get many reviews from your customers, but you notice that 2 of the 5 reviews that Google is displaying are negative. How can this be? You ask yourself? I constantly have satisfied customers that say they benefit from my service! So how can my online reputation look this bad?

This is a scenario that is now affecting the majority of businesses. In many cases business owners are not even aware that these bad reviews exist. The reason for this problem is that most review writers only write a review when they have a bad experience. Even if people have a REALLY good experience it does not normally compel a customer to leave a positive review. Online Reputation Management

This dynamic that now exists in our world has become a significant problem for many business owners, however for a select, savvy few, this shift has created an opportunity to gain new clients and to rise above their competition. Online Reputation Marketing v. Online Reputation Management Merely managing your company’s online reputation is not enough in today’s marketplace. This implies that you are just playing defense instead of using your online reputation to play some serious offense against your competition. A better strategy is to understand how your reputation online can be used to gain more customers, a lot more customers. You see, reviews act as a MAJOR buying trigger because it provides social proof that others like your product or service and give it the thumbs up! Social proof is one of the most powerful buying triggers there are. For example, you drive by two restaurants. One has a line out the door; the other has only a few people seated inside. Automatically you think to yourself, “Wow that place must be good!” If others like it, I might like it too. There are few kinds of advertising that have this kind of powerful social proof. This is why it is vital for companies to now do two things in order to be successful online. They must first create a 5 star online reputation, and they must use that information in their marketing. Reputation marketing converts sales better than any other form of marketing because buyers trust reviews.


In a recent Nielsen survey, it was discovered that 72% of consumers on average trust online reviews second only to a personal recommendation from a close friend or relative. The best thing about using your 5 star reviews in your marketing is that this can deliver presold customers that already feel like your product or service is right for them, because others have been satisfied. The best news for you is that the vast majority of your clients have not even figured this new dynamic out, and you can build your online reputation before they do! If you want more information on how you can create a 5 star reputation online and how you can effectively market that reputation online as well as offline, call Reputation 5 Star Marketing today- (909) 257-8271. Or you can visit our website for more information reputation marketing help.

Online Reputation Management Reputation 5 Star Marketing 226 Esplanade San Clemente Ca 92672 (909) 257-8271 info@reputation5starmarketing.comreputation management reputation marketing How to profit from Online Reputation Management

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