1975 Chacahoula

Page 269

Golf '74

NortheaSl's golf team entered nine tourname nts duro in g the Sf'ason. The rndians won first pla<:e trop hies by capturing lhe Eastwood Fairways Collegiate Golf T our颅 nament and the D e lta Stalf' In vi tat ional in Ba ~ tr ur_ No rtheasl ca me in ~ecu nd in th e ir uw n In vitatio na l T (jur路 nam e nt , losing in a s lJ(lde n dea th phl yoff to Luui~ i ana T ech . Doug Fa rr clai men the b('~ 1 a vf' ragf' ..v iI h a 73.5 ~("o r('. ClO~t , I ,t~ hind \\-'a~ Roher t S hd to n \"'ith a 73_6 <lvt-' ragc. Othc r In em he rs w(' re SCOll El lefl. J a('k Hunni c ull, J(~ Ie .lone" Puts)' Mire, Ke nt Ada m. a nn Mike Brown .

Jack HunniclIll

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Coach Don Ellell ('ongral lila lF.:s opposing



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