Ece 353 week 3 discussions 2 theory of mind

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ECE 353 Week 3 Discussions 2 Theory Of Mind Click Here to Buy the Tutorial For more course tutorials visit

Theory of Mind. Theory of Mind is a theory of psychological and developmental roots that is defined by the ability of a child to attribute mental states such as beliefs, feelings, knowledge, thoughts, intents to oneself and others and to understand that others have beliefs and feelings that are different than one’s own. The diagram below represents the five foundational components of theory of mind that emerge between ages 2 and 5 that were shared in Chapter 6 of our course text,Cognitive development of children: Research and application . Understanding this developmental sequence is critical in being able to support children as they grow and develop cognitively. Before responding to this discussion, review the Week Three Instructor Guidance page for additional information, resources, and support. For this discussion, choose one of the scenarios below to create an example for: · Option 1: Provide an example of one conceptual perspective-taking challenge a child faces when interacting with teachers and peers upon entry into preschool or kindergarten. · Option 2: Provide an example of how 3- and 4-year-old children’s gullibility places them at risk. · Option 3: Provide an example of either a drawback or benefit of trying to accelerate preschoolers’ understanding of deception. · Option 4: Provide an example of how you can apply Theory of Mind to understanding symptoms associated with either autism or Asperger’s disorders.

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