Phl 251 week 4 team assignment evaluate creative thinking

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PHL 251 Week 4 Team Assignment Evaluate Creative Thinking

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PHL 251 Week 4 Team Assignment Evaluate Creative Thinking Resources: Individual assignments from Week Two and Ch. 13 of Thinking Write a combined paper from the individual team member notes of week 3 (total word count should be no more than 500 words for the entire paper) in which you evaluate your team member’s metaphors according to the criteria listed in Week Three Learning Team Instructions. o Refer to the questions in Ch. 13: “Testing Against our Thinking Bases,” in order to understand these terms and complete this assignment.

o Perception o Personal Barriers o Language o Feelings o Creative Thinking

Summarize the team’s summaries and compile them into one cohesive paper. Format your paper according to APA standards.

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